Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 946: Asia's largest software company

It should be known that once Embraer has obtained the full set of technology for the full power digital electronic control system and successfully applied it to the Spey MK807 turbofan engine, it is equivalent to Brazil completely getting rid of the constraints of Europe and the United States on aero engines, and starting In terms of aero-engines, it is absorbed and absorbed, and the road is independent.

Because before that, Embraer, through the joint development of the AMX trainer attack aircraft with Italy as an opportunity, introduced a full set of Spey MK807 turbofan engine production technology and supporting production lines from the British Rolls-Royce Company, which has been able to Realize localization in China.

Although the Spey MK807 turbofan engine is just an ordinary small bypass aero engine without afterburner, the maximum thrust is only 5.3 tons, which is a medium to weak type, and its performance is not outstanding.

But for Brazil, which has obvious shortcomings in aviation engines, it is a good entry-level learning model.

Therefore, at the beginning of the development of the AMX trainer\'s attack aircraft, Embraer has determined the system path of introducing, digesting, absorbing and re-innovating the independent production of aero engines.

Now Embraer has been able to successfully produce the Spey MK807 turbofan engine with most of the domestic components and a small number of imported components. The next step is to make in-depth improvements on this basis.

It’s just that Embraer’s foundation in aero-engines is still weak, especially in advanced high-temperature alloys, high-performance bearings and other fields. It is obviously impossible to directly increase the engine thrust, so it can only be improved from Sri Lanka. The Bei MK807 turbofan engine started outside the core structure and improved it a little bit.

The replacement of the traditional hydraulic-mechanical control system with a full-power digital electronic control system is obviously the most immediate one. After all, this technology that can reduce the overall structure of aero-engines by 15% has obvious improvements in engine performance.

Because of this, Creedo and others saw the full-power digital electronic control system on the WD-48J turboprop engine. It is not difficult to understand the various lights of their eyes, which can really bring them unimaginable benefits. , Anyone will jump up happily.

Fortunately, Creeldo and others are well-versed executives, not the cute Brazilian people who are full of joy and anger. They want to dance samba when they see something they like, but they still endure it with great endurance. Living.

Especially the principal of Creeldo, after listening to Lin Guanghua’s introduction, the whole person gradually calmed down, and then frowned and asked: "Mr. Lin, did you just say that you are the largest data company in Asia? Have you fully mastered the complete set of technologies for the full power digital electronic control system of aero engines?"

Hearing this, Lin Guanghua was astonished. He said that when he gave up his old face and ridiculed himself, he suddenly overwhelmed his head, and even revealed the old foundation. Unexpectedly, the old guy Creedo would be keenly grasping Up.

If others are expected to be humble, haha, what is the biggest in Asia, what is the world leader, others can praise, how embarrassed to say, that is not humble.

The problem is that Lin Guanghua is not someone else. It was from Yonghong factory that he followed Zhuang Jianye to pinch, were scolded together, and thundered together, and finally got kicked to the 23rd branch and started a boring business. One of the tigers.

They have one characteristic in common with the four soaring Five Tigers, Peng Chuan, Liu Chun, Wang Heping and Zhuang Jianye, that they are shameless.

There is no such thing as humility and implicitness. The company that has worked hard by oneself will have to grow even a little bit of success and it will be regarded as shocking. Therefore, Lin Guanghua sighed in his heart and nodded without hesitation: "No Wrong, we are really the largest software company in Asia, and the core of the full power digital electronic control system is algorithms and software, so for us this system is already very mature..."

When it comes to software and algorithms, Lin Guanghua's chat box is opened again, but this time Lin Guanghua's words are not exaggerated, and they rarely show the truth to foreign friends such as Creedo.

In fact, it is true. Ascendas Group may not be as good as Japan's Mitsubishi, Sumitomo and other large group manufacturing giants in terms of manufacturing, but it far surpasses these Asian manufacturing giants in software and data processing.

Regardless of other things, there are hundreds of control softwares for the digital fly-by-wire flight control system for the No. 10 project alone. If it is matched with the overall operating system, the entire software is simply astounding. The unique advantages in software and data have been overwhelmed by the Chief Engineer of No. 10 for more than one-third of software writing and data processing tasks.

Based on this, Ascendas Group has successively developed TM-9, Yun-15, Yun-15plus, Yun\\ Oil-15, Yun-17, TRJ-500, Z-12, Z-15 and other models. Digital fly-by-wire control system.

Each different type of model needs hundreds of software support, and the data that needs to be processed in this process is even more than millions or even hundreds of millions. If a number is coded by a number, it can be used on the earth and the sun. Make a few back and forth between.

Not only that, the new-generation industrial design core JSNB-Ⅱ system of Ascendas Group is also built with software and data. If it is coupled with the industrial control software on the NB series of aerospace special production equipment, and the control software on various drones , And other miscellaneous dedicated supporting software.

After so many years, Ascendas Group has developed no less than one million in software alone, and behind this million-level software are huge aerospace data.

May I ask if these are the industrial groups such as Mitsubishi and Sumitomo in Japan?

The answer is obvious. In addition to machine tools and special production equipment that have their own software and data processing, they also have no core aspects such as industrial design software, aviation control data, and basic aerospace architecture. They rely entirely on the United States for support.

Even the underlying architecture and basic logic of the industrial control software of the machine tool are provided by the Americans. The Japanese just add in the data they have obtained from years of hard experiments~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s not good to say that Japan is the United States. One of the senior wage earners.

In contrast, American companies that really master core technologies are completely different. Perhaps, in the eyes of outsiders, the largest software and data processing company in the United States should be the newly emerging Microsoft, but in fact the real first is Lockheed in the United States. Martin, the second is Boeing.

Microsoft and other Silicon Valley software companies are tied together, and may not even have a fraction of the software and data in Lockheed Martin's and Boeing's hands.

The same is true for the Ascendas Group. Regardless of his appearance, it is an aerospace manufacturing company that looks like a fake replacement, but without its coat, it is stronger than any high-tech company in software and data processing.

Let alone ordinary people, Creeldo, the industry insiders, is not very clear. There is no way. Ascendas Group usually uses aircraft, rockets, and satellites to speak. Software, which is invisible and intangible, is naturally Those hard-core products are covered up.

Because of this, after listening to Lin Guanghua's introduction, although Creedo had been shocked many times, he was still shocked by the hidden energy of the Ascendas Group.

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