Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 985: Financial fraud

Looking at the fat dangling in front of his eyes, but there is no way to bite, don't mention the depression.

Zhuang Jianye really wants to fight for it. The problem is that the management doesn't give you this opportunity. If that's the case, Zhuang Jianye has no choice but to use his assassin, um~~ close the door, magnify!

Of course, just ran over and cried out about being bullied by holding the big guy's thigh, and the big guy wouldn't pay attention to you. After all, the management followed the rules, so Zhuang Jianye didn't even cry.

Fortunately, the rules are dead, people are alive, and Zhuang Jianye is the kind of human spirit who is more alive than ordinary people. It is too naive to want to use this little routine to make him difficult.

If Ascendas Group is involved in the production of a large number of important core materials and equipment, it is not easy to disclose, then expand into new areas and produce auto parts. Can't it be said that automobiles, such mass consumer goods, are important core equipment?

To say that Ascendas Group has a good performance and does not need to be listed for the time being, then two difficult little brothers will be brought in. Porcelain Capital and Binjiang will not be able to open the pot. It does not matter if others can save Zhuang Jianye. Anyway, Ascendas Group wants to help. How could a colleague in the domestic helicopter manufacturing industry just watch and fall?

After all the arrangements are almost the same, he was holding the big man’s thigh, crying bitterly and said:

I struggled with the death of half of the brain cells and came up with a solution that could solve the current company's lack of funds and the overall predicament of the company without any funding from the superiors and without the burden of the company. As a result, the management bureaucrats ignored it. Is this fulfilling management responsibilities? Obviously, you have to watch our domestic helicopter industry completely die before you are reconciled. Bah~~ The Western comprador of the dog day, the boss wants to make your small business the master...

The leaders of a group of troops around were dumbfounded. What kind of situation is this? How did a good capital knowledge popularization meeting become a complaining meeting of reminiscences?

Also? A Zhuang Jianye who knows the sky and the air? Since he is really like a little wife in front of the head of the headquarters, with tears in his eyes? How much wrongdoing does this have to do?

However, I haven’t waited for several army leaders to recover from Zhuang Jianye’s grievances? An angry voice suddenly blasted in my ears: "Chief, this is no longer a simple question of who is right and who is wrong? Why those joint ventures? Will they be able to go public, and important companies that have been fighting for the core interests of the country for decades will be blocked?

They let the reforms change; let them do it; they didn't work. Do they have to watch our important industrial enterprises all fall one by one before they are reconciled? Chief, we must understand this matter? We have endured it for more than a decade? The company responsible for supporting us has also endured it for more than ten years. No one has said a strange thing, because we are willing to do it for the country.

But doesn't it mean that we won't survive. Our company doesn't need a penny from the country? You can also solve practical problems with a penny? Why do they stop? Do you not want our army to let our country? Let our people live a good life? "

The words not only surprised the leaders of the troops, but even Zhuang Jianye was shocked? I couldn't help but look up and down Meng Qingguo's angry appearance? An angry compliment in his heart? This old man can do it, not only is the timing just right, but even his acting skills are good. Can kill a lot of people in seconds, is worthy of being a senior cadre in the headquarters, there are indeed two brushes.

It's no wonder that Zhuang Jianye praised Meng Qingguo so generously. Apart from other things, just look at the faces of the leaders of the troops present to know that Meng Qingguo's words really resonated.

Even the head of the headquarters doesn't look pretty.

This is no way. It is really a little bit fierce that Zhuang Jianye just instilled. According to him, in fact, two hundred thousand cash is not used. The three helicopter companies randomly took out a few vacant factories and redo fixed assets; Then, the Xiangzhou plant provides financial procedures such as the sales performance report of the transmission gear set, and the preparation for listing and financing can be completed.

These things may be difficult for other companies, but for the three helicopter production plants in Xiangzhou, it is really not a problem. Isn’t it just a vacant factory building? No one has one or two in their hands. As for the old machinery and equipment. Not to mention, the warehouse is almost full.

Financial matters, with the ability of Ascendas Group, to deal with the changes in Wall Street ~ ~ ~ may not be hot, but it is definitely a crushing existence in the country where the capital market has just opened up.

In this way, what kind of money is needed to invest? Direct listing to get the money is the correct answer.

The leaders of the troops are of course unheard of, but one key point they understand is that they don’t have to pay for the funds, and the companies don’t need to go to bank loans anymore. They can obtain huge amounts of financing by relying on capital market financing. Capital, so that companies soar into the sky.

Not for anything else, but it can save the army's money and make the leaders of the army excited. In addition, Meng Qingguo, who has a deep connection with Binjiang and the Porcelain Capital, is contributing to the flames. It's weird not to explode.

"There will be an enlarged meeting of the Military Commission in two days. I will talk about it at the meeting."

Although the head of the headquarters did not explicitly agree, but simply said such a sentence, Zhuang Jianye still clenched his small fists in his heart, and was very excited.

You must know that it was an enlarged meeting of the Military Commission. With the unity of the troops, coupled with Meng Qingguo's agitation, it was bound to pass firmly.

"Oh, by the way, Lao Meng, you should discuss with Xiao Zhuang about the cooperative factory, but I want to remind you two that even if it is listed, you must follow the rules and do not harm the people. The interests of investors, especially the rights and interests of stockholders, will allow you to go up and down."

"Yes!" Meng Qingguo immediately stood at attention after listening to the head of the headquarters.

Zhuang Jianye said with a smile: "Don't worry, Chief, I will keep staring at it to ensure that investors can make a lot of money."

At this time, the head of the headquarters didn't speak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just slightly nodded, and then continued his visit to the Xiangzhou factory.

Since the "Silent" helicopter and the Zhi-2 light helicopter are classified, production and assembly are not carried out at the Xiangzhou plant, but at the new plant of Ascendas Group in the southern foothills.

Therefore, the head of the headquarters and his party did not see the production status of these two helicopters, and they were a little sorry.

Because of this, the follow-up visit was a bit of a whisper. During the visit, it was not the helicopter production itself, but the specific matters of the cooperation between the three helicopter production plants.

So in the afternoon, the head of the headquarters and his party were considered to leave.

Zhuang Jianye sent to the gate and saw the minibus leave before returning to his office. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Gas Turbine Company General Manager Cao Jiefang handing over a copy of the materials to Zhuang Jianye: "The gas turbine company's listing application was beaten came back."

"What's the reason?" Zhuang Jianye asked.

Cao Jiefang's expression was bitter: "They said our finances were fraudulent."

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