Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 986: Price butcher

"Financial fraud?"

Zhuang Jianye was a little surprised. With the current operating status and financial level of Ascendas Group, let alone falsification, even if it is really falsified, it is quite professional, so how could it be seen by the regulatory authorities.

So there must be something strange.

Sure enough, after the two were seated, Cao Jiefang took a sip of tea and then continued: "Speaking of which, it was caused by the large order cancellation of the energy department some time ago..."

In the past few years, Zhuang Jianye actively explored the domestic gas turbine market, especially winning most of the domestic coal chemical industry orders, which made Ascendas Group's gas turbine market share increased from 8% to 22%.

The increase in market share means an increase in the shipments of gas turbine products.

With the rapid popularity of D-40 series gas turbines in the coal chemical industry, the stability and maturity of the gas turbines of Ascendas Group have been greatly improved. When the more powerful D-50 gas turbine series is launched, regardless of the technical level, The fuel efficiency ratio and operating cost are not worse than those of foreign giants such as GE, Siemens and Mitsubishi.

There are even surpasses in some aspects, especially in plateau performance. Thanks to the sufficient domestic test environment, Ascendas' products are far superior to foreign brands.

With technology, products, funds, and more importantly, there are iron plates for coal chemical projects that continue to be launched in other provinces and localities. Zhuang Jianye sees that, let’s just follow Changhong TV to follow the example and initiate prices. War, not to mention sweeping out all foreign brands, at least increase the market share by 10%.

Since the end of 1994, the price of the D series gas turbines under the Ascendas Group has been reduced by more than 10%, which is not to be counted. The purchase of Ascendas’ products has also launched a series of preferential purchase policies at the same time.

For example, to undertake free maintenance services within 10,000 hours.

Any problems will be replaced free of charge for 3000 hours.

Double compensation for one thousand hours of failure.

The down payment is 20% and financial services are paid in installments.

Enjoy a 98% discount on full payment


The introduction of a series of preferential policies instantly ignited the war on domestic gas turbines. International giants such as GE, Siemens, Mitsubishi and others quickly followed up and launched new models at the same time. They also launched their own promotional policies to counter the offensive of Ascendas Group. .

Seeing that the gas turbine market has to return to the balance that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, Zhuang Jianye did not want to directly enlarge the move. In the second quarter of 1995, on the basis of the previous price reduction, the price of D series gas turbines was once again reduced by 30%? A cumulative drop of 40 %.

The entire domestic gas turbine market was instantly cut in half.

Now foreign brands can't bear it.

Their advanced gas turbines are basically produced in their own country? Both materials and labor are expensive to death, and they are imported products when shipped to the country.

Before the rise of Ascendas Group's gas turbines? These foreign manufacturers' gas turbines are important equipment urgently needed in China? They can also enjoy tax-free concessions.

However, when the policy department saw the trend of Ascendas gas turbines replacing foreign brands, the tariff concessions for most foreign gas turbine models were cancelled.

Only heavy-duty and super-heavy gas turbines that cannot be produced in China still retain certain preferential tariff policies.

The cost remains high? He is taxed again. In this price war, foreign brands are immediately hollowed out with the bad old man? That is a person who has more than enough energy.

On the other hand, Ascendas Group? Although the price of gas turbines was cut in half, it seemed to kill a thousand enemies and hurt itself by 800. In fact, Ascendas Group did not suffer a loss? It can also make a lot of profits from it.

The reason is simple? Because the domestic heavy chemical industry ushered in a new construction boom in the 1990s, various localities introduced a series of preferential policies for this purpose, one of which was subsidies for key equipment, thereby encouraging relevant companies to focus on In the construction of heavy chemical industry.

Tengfei Group has not only stepped on the small outlet of coal chemical industry, but also stepped into the big outlet of the country's vigorous development of heavy chemical industry.

Is the so-called standing on the tuyere? That means a pig can fly.

The gas turbine business of Ascendas Group is so light that it is naturally blown into the sky by the wind of strong policies.

National key technology and equipment subsidies.

Subsidies for key construction projects in the province.

Are these two basic subsidies? The rest depends on the specific local economic conditions and the importance of the country in the region.

Ascendas Group received five subsidies for a certain chemical project in Shanghai stock market at most once, and the most once was for a project in the capital of the snow area.

It is precisely these subsidies that exist? Ascendas Group dare to unscrupulously beat the price of gas turbines, let alone cut it in half? It is not a problem to reduce it by 20%.

Even if it is sold at a cost price, will it not affect the Ascendas Group? Because various subsidies can make up for lost profits.

So? In the first half of 1996, Ascendas' gas turbine market share rose rapidly from 22% to 58%, occupying half of the domestic gas turbine market.

GE, Siemens, Mitsubishi and other foreign gas turbine giants saw this situation, just like their wife was asleep by the Ascendas Group, and the green head was about to smoke.

After all, the development of domestic heavy chemical industry and electric power is also a considerable profit growth point for them. As a result, they are holding back their energy here, wanting to grab excess profits from domestic development, but they don’t want to halfway through a take-off group. , Not only robbed their profits, but also smashed their pot.

The so-called multi-person money is like killing parents.

GE, Siemens, Mitsubishi and other foreign gas turbine giants have also started to take active actions while giving Zhuang Jianye a nickname of a price butcher.

They first criticized the domestic trade policy and described the huge domestic subsidies to Ascendas Group as unfair competition and undermined the principles of market economy.

How can Zhuang Jianye be able to bear it and directly respond, Ascendas Group can not subsidize, but can you allow China to join the World Trade Organization, and we are fair in the global market?

Looking at the foreign giants, we can't get you in China, and we still have to compete globally, so we can only do this when our head is kicked by a donkey. Let's strangle your Ascendas Group first.

Since public opinion cannot influence policy, let's fight for strength.

Don’t China impose heavy taxes on imported gas turbines? Then we will set up a factory in China~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Except for a few core components, all of them are produced in China, depending on your lesson.

Isn't the domestic heavy chemical industry built on domestically produced equipment? We are also producing domestically, so in accordance with the rules, should we also enjoy subsidies?

Of course, this is not the cruelest of foreign giants. It is the comprehensive strength of the giants that makes Ascendas a good situation.

Gas turbines cannot beat Ascendas Group, so they are bundled with other important equipment and processing machinery for combined sales.

The gas turbines of Ascendas Group are good, but other supporting equipment and machinery are weak. After such a few tricks, the foreign giants quickly recovered the situation.

The big order that Ascendas Group lost in the energy sector some time ago was taken away by GE's sale of a complete set of oil mining equipment.

After hearing what Cao Jiefang said, Zhuang Jianye frowned. When he was knocking on the table to think about countermeasures, the phone on the table rang suddenly. He picked up the microphone and only heard one sentence. Zhuang Jianye's brows immediately squeezed into Sichuan words: "Bohai Oil The rig order has also been cancelled?"

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