Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1105: Joanna's big news

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With Abathur's size, even if he was arched and moved, it was much taller than Tang Fang, but compared to Dags Cerebral, it was much shorter, even if the opponent was lying on the ground.

The brainworm is motionless, because without eyes, it is impossible to know what it is looking at. Tang Fang thought the transparent mucus dripping from its mouth was disgusting, and couldn't help taking a step back. Abathur did not move, shook his hands vacantly, and shook his 6 fingers back and forth. He calmly looked at the big guy in front of him, not knowing whether he was thinking of the past or thinking about other things.

Unlike the arrogant and stubborn Jager Claw, Dags is like a puppet. Tang Fang waved his hand. It shook the row of black pointed feet under his abdomen, crawled along the fungus blanket hill, and finally entered the mutant tree. In the demon's wound, it seemed that the corpse of this huge creature was used as a command post.

Tang Fang released dozens of king worms in the sky and used them as a communication relay station for Dags to contact the worm queen, telling Abathur to continue to pay attention to the aqbd-1 jellyfish body, and then left the protoss transport plane to fly to the fallen angel .

As he knows, Dags Cerebral has only limited independent thinking ability. Artificial intelligence similar to Emma can also be said to be a projection of part of his thinking. Although the degree of humanization is low, it is indeed a good hand for the task of managing the protozoa, guiding them to adapt to Akron's living environment, and expanding the size of the group.

This made him suddenly feel like he was sitting in front of the computer screen and fighting battles.

The Protoss transport plane drove into the hangar of the Fallen Angel, first went to see Soya and Cathy, told them about their arrangement and next steps in the Akron Blanket continent, and then returned to the cabin where they had stayed.

"The original main nest incubates the original Zerg unit, and the necessary conditions for expanding the race have been basically achieved. Now only the strategic task of unlocking the Sarnaga keystone... the energy stone, the last energy stone... you will be in Where...The Phoenix Empire...The Bliss Land...Black K..."

The journey from the Dilar star system to the Akubado star system was exhausted, and it took a lot of effort in Akron to lie down for a short time, and tiredness surged like a tide, engulfing him.


When Tang Fang planted native Zergs in the Akubado star system, Iga Industry made new progress in the case of using the "disciple" combat robot to launch a terrorist attack. Although Sanjiao Machinery was indeed a new type of combat robot developed by Iga Industrial, the joint search team sent by the National Security Agency and the Alliance Investigation Bureau did not find evidence of his direct involvement in the terrorist attack in Greenwich City at his home or inside the company. The old man was released on bail under the operation of a team of lawyers and returned home from the interrogation room of the National Security Agency.

Why did Adam Oliver sue Reis Edinan for accepting bribes and let go of the old guy after Iga Hirohiko’s commander, not because he was worried that the other party was holding his pigtails in his hand, but because the Bahamut Pirates did it? It is a good thing to provide the Star Alliance government with the branch address of "Alice" arranged in the Duma Star System to assist the police department in fighting the criminals.

During the interrogation of "Alice" members, the investigators of the Alliance Bureau of Investigation found that when Tang Fang was in talks with Adam Oliver and others, the sniper ambushing in the Twin Towers was actually "Alice". There is no doubt that this has brought new light to the investigation of terrorist attacks that have fallen into the mud.

Through follow-up investigation and evidence collection, the target was targeted at Komodo Sinan, chairman of the Rover Technology Consortium, and the investigation center was transferred from Iga Industrial to the Rover Technology Consortium.

So Komodo Sinan and the heads of various departments of the company became new visitors to the inquiry room of the Union Investigation Bureau. Hirohiko Iga's suspicion was greatly reduced, and he was finally released on bail with the approval of the prosecution department.

Although new evidence shows that the launch of the terrorist attack has little to do with Iga Industrial, it is likely that Komodo Sinan designed the frame of Iga Hirohiko, but the previous experience still brought a major blow to Iga Industrial.

The company’s stock price plummeted due to government investigations into the company, and Hirohiko Iga’s value has shrunk. The Star Alliance Navy and Charles Federal Navy have cancelled some arms orders for this reason. The development plan for the Protégé combat robot has also been suspended... The final evaluation stage.

In a large villa by the sea on the coast of Greenwich City, Hirohiko Iga dressed in black practice clothes, kneeling on the wooden floor, looking at the two long and one short samurai swords placed in parallel on the knife rack in front, silently .

The electronic display hanging on the side wall is broadcasting a piece of news... Many reporters surrounded the office building of the Rover Technology Consortium in Greenwich, asking managers to explain Komodo? Sinan's current situation.

On the other side of the screen, Iga's stock bar chart fluctuates up and down. Although the decline is narrower than yesterday, the trend is still not optimistic. The stocks representing the rover technology consortium have dropped their limit, and corporate bonds have been largely sold off by their holders.

"That old Komodo..." Hirohiko Iga gritted his teeth. If it weren’t for the Bahamut Pirates who robbed the “Alice” smuggling ship and found that the evil organization was located in the branch of the Duma Star System, it would provide the details to the Star Alliance government, and then dig up the inside story of the terrorist attack. , I am afraid that he is still being kept in the interrogation room of the Union Investigation Bureau, suffering from the cold eyes and bullying of those agents. "What a tactic of killing two birds with one stone!"

If the three-legged machine can kill Tang Fang, Adam Oliver and others, it is equivalent to sprinkling salt on the wounds of the Star Alliance, and it will certainly aggravate the domestic turmoil, regardless of whether the ending is split or a new ruling party comes to power, in order to stabilize society and the economy. , Military situation, the government will give them these military giants reassurance and policy preference, not only can get rid of the enemy of Morningstar Casting, but also get benefits.

Even if Tang Fang and others survived, the government was investigating the terrorist attack, and it was Iga Industry that was brought down instead of the Rover Technology Consortium. For Komodo Sinan, it might still make a bowl of incense. Soup.

We must know that they were fanning the flames behind their backs, which caused the rapid expansion of public opinion tearing the storm. Adam Oliver and others hated them for the act of stabbing them in the back. They will definitely make use of the topic in this matter and bring down Iga Industrial. Revenge can also be used to make war industry giants such as Rover Technology Consortium, Ward Heavy Industries, Blackthorn Shipbuilding, and Eco-Sowopner Group be honest.

Therefore, if it were not for the Bahamut Pirates to step in and break the conspiracy and tricks of the old fox, Komodo Sinan, his fate would be more or less fortunate.

There is a picture behind the two knives, which is the word "wind" written in Japanese. When he was young, he danced his knives like the wind, with unrestrained and free air, but now it is different. He is old and there is no way to dance the two knives into a long wind without fetters.

"Chairman, Mr. Swinburne of Ward Heavy Industries has requested to speak with you."

The secretary's voice awakened him, turned his head and glanced at the opened door, nodded: "Help me take it."

"Yes." The man at the door swiped the PDA on his hand, and the electronic display on the wall flashed, and the face of Ward Heavy Industries Chairman Swinburne appeared in front of him.

The secretary bowed, closed the door, and walked away calmly.

Hirohiko Iga turned around while holding on to the floor, facing the chairman of Ward Heavy Industries on the monitor with a straight face, his behavior was organized and natural, and his loose belt was still regular.

"What do you think of this matter?" Swinburne went straight to the subject without being polite.

Iga Hirohiko said: "It's very simple. Soldiers are not tired of fraud, but I have good luck..."

"But I always feel that things are not that simple, as if I have a pair of eyes staring behind my back."

"The eyes have been locked in an iron cage...unless you are talking about Adam Oliver, and Lu Yuankui and others."

Svenborn didn't get entangled in this matter, and changed the subject: "You have now returned home, what are your plans for the next step? How do you plan to end the accusation against Les Edinan?"

Hirohiko Iga stared straight at the face on the monitor, and said in a deep voice, "Are you inquiring about my tone for someone?"

Swinburne said: "Are you frightened by Komodo's frame, to see who is the enemy?"

"Iga Industry has suffered heavy losses because of this incident. Whether it is to the Adam government or the old **** of Komodo? Sinan, it will never give up. I must make them pay."

When he said this, Iga Hirohiko's old face was distorted and distorted, breaking his seriousness and calmness.

"I sympathize with your experience, but have you ever thought about it. If you really do so, it may bring more losses. Now that Republican and Liberal Party members have formed a united front, there is no need to force it at this time. We all It's a businessman. A businessman aims to make money, and he shouldn't be brave and arrogant."

Hirohiko Iga looked at the face on the monitor for a while, then sneered: "Have you already gotten through with the people in Obadea before you come to me to make peace with you?" He slammed the floor: " It’s a bunch of bastards, and it’s not you who will suffer the loss. Of course, you can stand aside and talk coldly."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, not very regular and a little anxious.

He hated being interrupted while talking on the phone, he couldn't help frowning, his angry face became a little gloomy. However, he knew very well that there must be something urgent, otherwise the secretary would never knock on the door at this time.

He raised his hand, motioned to pause the conversation, and said to the door: "Come in."

With a bang, the door was gently opened, and the secretary went back and forth, took off his shoes and bowed into the room, and handed the PDA in his hand to Iga Hirohiko.

He took the pda and waved his hand to signal the secretary to leave. He looked down at the pda screen until the door was closed again.

The above is a report from the Milo Post in Greenwich with the headline "The King of War in the Dark World". The author of the article is Joanna Oliver, the eldest daughter of the current Star League president.

The length of this article is not short. It was placed on the front page headline by Miluo Post. It is hard to imagine that a girl of 26 or 27 years old could have the opportunity to publish an article in such an important news media and was also placed on the front page headline. , Even if she is not ordinary, she is the eldest daughter of Mr. President.

Since the author does not have advanced qualifications, there is only one possibility-the article is of high quality. In other words, Miss Joanna has created a big news!

Yes, the news was so big that Iga Hirohiko selectively ignored Swinburne who was waiting for him to continue the conversation, so big that he could not maintain seriousness and restraint, and stood up from a kneeling position.

The article is divided into several parts, corresponding to several characters. They are all well-known guys in the Star Alliance military industry. There is the person on the electronic display, including him, as well as Komodo, Obadea and others.

Of course, Joanna could not describe them with complimentary words full of praise, nor was it very aggressive, sword-like offensive language, but neutral documentary text.

However, it is this kind of documentary writing that is sharper than a sword and hurts more than poison.

Obadea, the chief director of the Eco-Sawopner Group, bought five Sauron Empire girls from "Alice" two years ago and illegally detained them to satisfy the special hobbies of him and his friends.

Swinburne, chairman of Ward Heavy Industries, facilitated the money laundering of the former Marquis of Turanx, United Kingdom Serves Guarin, and at the same time has long relied on false trade to defraud state subsidies.

During the confrontation between the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire and the Star Alliance, Iga Industry ignored the prohibition regulations issued by the government and used the Red Martyrs Party to trade arms with the Duke Ivy of the Sulu Empire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and have Suspected of leaking Star Alliance secrets.


There are many other things like this, which are listed in categories, with corresponding data, photos, entry and exit records and other materials that can be used as evidence.

Although these crimes are not serious, when they are listed together, there is no doubt that they are very shocking.

Snapped! The pda fell on the maroon floor, making a muffled trembling sound. Hirohiko Iga's hands began to shake, and his face covered with age spots was even more distorted than before, and he could see the cyan meridians with raised sideburns. "This is Adam? Is Oliver's counterattack?"

The article was written by Joanna. Hirohiko Iga does not think that a 26-year-old girl is capable of collecting such information. The most likely reason is that someone is behind her... Her father Adam Oliver is naturally the most suspected one.

When he was caught by the Union Investigation Bureau for questioning, the following person reported that Les Adinan had accepted bribes, which was considered to be a counterattack by Iga Industrial. Naturally, Joanna's big news was also considered Adam Oliver's counterattack.

"What's the matter?" Swinburne frowned and asked, but before Iga Hirohiko's answer came, that face disappeared on the electronic display. It seemed to be walking in a hurry. It seemed that something very sudden and important had happened. .

Iga Hirohiko knew why Swinburne left the camera's field of vision, and also knew what the unexpected situation was.

Not long after he returned to his foothold in Greenwich from the inquiry room of the Union Bureau of Investigation, it can be said that the **** hadn't become hot, and he was once again facing the situation of being summoned by the police department.

"I hate that room, hate those people, hate that dazzling lamp!" He roared vigorously, like a badly injured and old beast.

………………(To be continued.)

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