Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1106: Red Martyrs Party

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Delar Star System, attached lounge of the Central Military Port Command Center. Kylenia looked at Captain Tang, who had put two legs on the coffee table, and looked like a slinger. She shook her head and smiled bitterly: "On the sinister and vicious, you really don't lose anyone."

"Where is it?" Captain Tang had a denial expression, but his brilliant eyes revealed his true inner thoughts.

A peanut was thrown into the sky by him, and Freya, like a well-behaved puppy, got out with a swish, and put the peanut in her mouth, provoking a protest: "That's mine..."

The girl leaned her head over with the peanut in his mouth, and said vaguely, "Then I will give it back to you?"

Tang Fang pushed her face to the side, looked at the frowning Kylinia, who seemed to be irritated, smiled and said, "I'm just helping Joanna realize her wish and give her a chance to make a big news. What insidious and vicious, I am doing good deeds? Don’t always wear crooked hats to me."

"I've always been very surprised. How did Tang Yun's character as a troublemaker come from? It turns out...there is a role model."

"Don't mention that stinky girl to me." This reminded him again of the sale of silk stockings.

Kylenia got up from the sofa, took back the pda on the coffee table, walked out the door, and said without looking back: "You advise you to think about contacting the Bahamut Pirates next time. How do you deal with Miss Lilietta? If someone helps you in this way, you must show some sincerity, my master captain..."

He seemed to be stepped on his tail, and his two legs on the coffee table suddenly fell to the ground, and his face became ugly.

Freya swallowed the peanuts in her mouth, got into his arms like a kitten, smiled and said, "Tang Fang...I still like your peanuts, but it's a bit small and not full enough..."

"Not full enough...full..." He shook his head, struggling out of the sea of ​​fantasy, and looked at the girl with a smirk and said, "Do you want to eat full?"

"Yes." Freya said crisply, her expression very similar to a little girl in a kindergarten answering a teacher's question.

At this moment, the ambiguous atmosphere full of the lounge was dissipated by the sudden footsteps.

Alena was taken aback when she saw Freya’s enchanting sitting posture, but fortunately she recovered quickly, waved away the untimely thoughts in her mind, and said seriously: "Lev Milonovich Bukharin is here. I hope to see you."

"Lev Milonovich Bukharin?" Tang Fang thought about it carefully before he remembered the meaning of the name ------ the leader of the Red Martyrs Party, a criminal gang active in the Star League society. There is a silver eagle group background.

"A gang leader came here dignifiedly..." Tang Fang still remembers that he was assassinated when he was in the Babylonian Star System. The killer was from the Red Martyrs Party, and the hirer was a relative of Senator O'Neill. So he had a holiday with the Red Martyrs Party and had no friendship, and now Lev Milonovich Bukharin came here to look for him, a bit of a self-inflicted snare.

"The Red Beret is under the control of Ruskin's patrol fleet. Kylenia wants to know your plan." Seeing him not responding for a long time, Alina raised her voice and asked again.

Tang Fang woke up from thinking and asked, "Is there a warship here?"

"Yes, only Lev Milonovich Bukharin's Red Beret, and no suspicious warships were found in the surrounding airspace."

Before the Deep Submersible fleet created the nuclear blast in Dortmund, the Red Martyrs Party hijacked a spaceship carrying important figures in the Republic of Ida, and Lev Milonovich Bukharin did this. Forcing the Government of the Republic of Date to pay 10 billion stars as a ransom, and at the same time return the Talida star system that has been dominating for many years, or don't blame him for being cruel and killing that important person.

This action seems to be patriotic, but in fact it is more like instigating the relationship between the Star Alliance and the Republic of Date, in order to aggravate the turbulent situation in the Tianchao star area, and create more profit space for the activities of the Red Martyrs Party. It is a standard speculative traitorous behavior.

The headquarters of the Red Martyrs Party is located in the deep space not far from the Talida star system. For so many years, not only has it not been defeated by the armed forces belonging to the stronghold of the Date Republic, but has grown rapidly, and is between the Star League and the Date Republic. Going both ways, get many benefits.

In this situation, I am afraid that no one with a normal mind will think that the Red Martyrs Party has nothing to do with the forces in the Republic of Date, and is a purely hostile relationship. Moreover, after Tang Fang attacked Mubarak's star system, he also learned another piece of information that the Red Martyrs Party had contacts with the Frey consortium controlled by the eldest son of the Sulu Empire. In the information provided by the Bahamut Pirates, Iga Industry was selling arms to the Sulu Empire through an intermediary such as the Red Martyrs Party.

Although on the surface the Red Martyrs Party is only a black bang type of existence, it is much stronger than pirate organizations like the Apollo Pirates in terms of network and influence. As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not crush a snake!

Of course, Tang Fang was very busy, had no time and no interest in dealing with this black bang force, but because of the relationship between the veterans, he had to put up a 12-point spirit to deal with the Red Martyrs Party.

"Tell Ruskin to let go of the restraints and let Lev Milonovich Bukharin come in. I want to see what medicine this man called the Arctic Wolf sells in the gourd."

Before the Red Martyrs Party provoked the stronghold of the Republic of Date, due to the war behavior of the Star Alliance Navy, the Cobra Pirates, Hannibal Pirates, and Whitebeard were originally active in the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man’s Land The Pirates, as well as the Albert forces betrayed by Halifax Stewart, left no man's land one after another, and reportedly switched to the Red Martyrs Party for asylum.

This rumor made the festival between Morningstar Casting and the Red Martyrs Party deeper.

Although the veteran only left a note when leaving the seat of the Angel, without specifying the goal and direction, in Tang Fang's view, it was mostly related to the Red Martyrs Party. Now that Lev Milonovich Bukharin is here to see him, it is inevitable that people think too much.

What's wrong with Aros? Is the other party here to negotiate terms?

Seeing him with a worried look, Alina opened her mouth, as if she wanted to ask something, but in the end she didn’t say a word. She told Ruskin to put the red beret into the port, and then left the lounge with Tang Fang and went to Suitable meeting place.

Twenty minutes later, in the reception room of the Central Military Port closest to the battleship wharf, Tang Fang saw the uninvited guest.

There is a scar on Lev Milonovich Bukharin’s face from his forehead to the base of his ears. If it is a little deeper, his left eye may be lost. There is no doubt that this makes him a bit tough and fierce. breath. If paired with a green military cap, a group of thick and hard scum, full of alcohol, walking on the street will definitely scare many Mr. Sven.

However, those were not there. Tang Fang saw a pair of silver earrings, a black nose ring, and a bead embedded in the tongue coating. It was hard to imagine a man in his 40s who would have such an interest.

In Tang Fang's impression, only those children who pursued alternatives and individuality, and some blacks who have escaped by nature and do not walk in the ordinary way, will make themselves such an honor. And Lev Milonovich Bukharin, as a gang boss, this way is really detrimental to his majesty, how can the people below convince him?

That's fine, but he was still wearing a luxurious suit, which looked awkward and awkward at first glance.

"Mr. Bukharin, hello." Although he didn't wait to see him, Tang Fang still said hello in a calm voice.

"Don... Fang." Lev Milonovich Bukharin walked towards him quickly with excitement.

Tang Lin's face changed slightly, he wanted to stop this rude guy from approaching his eldest brother, but he didn't want Tang Fang to wave his hand and stop him.

The gang leader didn't seem to notice the small movements between the brothers, and strode to Tang Fang and hugged him by the shoulder, and said loudly, "You are my idol!"

"In fact, I wanted to see you a long time ago, but unfortunately I haven't had a chance."

This time it was Kleiya's turn to frown. Her thoughts were roughly similar to Tang Fang. She didn't expect that this guy, known as the Arctic Wolf, and the leader of the famous gang-related Red Martyrs Party, would be such an inauspicious person.

The Arctic wolf is the epitome of Lev Milonovich Bukharin. To survive and develop between the power of the Republic of Date and the Star Alliance is as difficult as searching for food on a cold and desolate ice sheet. However, he walked step by step and led a group of bloodthirsty, vicious, and poisonous beasts. Develop into an organization that no one can underestimate.

To a certain extent, he is a legend, but because of his identity, civil society is infamous.

In the eyes of Kleiya, Tang Lin, and others, he should be more cold, majestic, and cruel, instead of looking like a heartless, unconscious little bastard.

At this moment, Lev Milonovich Bukharin turned sideways, raised the mobile video camera on his wrist, activated the photography function, put his face and Tang Fang's face into the photo frame, and then grinned. : "Come on, money..."

Captain Tang smiled helplessly and embarrassedly. After a lot of effort, he broke away from the other's hug, gave way to the independent sofa on the side of the coffee table, and said, "Please sit down."

"Finally, there are new content to post on Facebook." While speaking, the black bang boss walked to the sofa and sat down, thanked Alina who came to the tea, and then looked at Tang Fang who was sitting opposite: "You Do you have a Facebook account, add a friend."

Tang Lin looked at him with disgust, thinking that this is really the party kui of the Red Martyrs Party? Isn't it a counterfeit?

The security door of the meeting room opened, Kylenia walked into the room, went to Tang Fang and said in an ear: "Ruskin has taken someone to fully inspect the red beret, and no suspicious signs have been found."

Tang Fang nodded, let her go to the sofa next to her, and turned to look at Lev Milonovich Bukharin who posted on Facebook.

The man didn't bring any entourage, so he rushed to meet him behind Tang Lin like this, as if he didn't worry that Morningstar Casting would take this opportunity to avenge his revenge.

Is it because there are veterans in hand, so there is no fear? He didn't know whether to describe Mr. Bukharin as "courageous" or "nervous". Compared with the identity of the leader of the Red Martyrs Party, the guy on the opposite sofa is more like a black gangster who sells his head and makes a living on the street. However, the information that Emma gave him showed that the person in front of him was indeed the Red Martyr Party's kui, not a fake.

It is hard to imagine a man in his 40s who has experienced many winds and waves, but he is not calm and mature at all.

"I don't have a Facebook account." Tang Fang took a sip of tea and said, "The extra polite and gossip will stop here, Dear Bukharin, I want to know the purpose of your visit to the Dillard Star System this time. "

"Well, well... Tang Xiaozi, don't be so serious, okay, we are somewhat close to what we say, if I don't trust you, how dare I come here alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you know someone will let it go Come, I will spend 10 billion stars on my brain."

There was a message from Emma that a wealthy businessman in the Republic of Date had indeed put up a reward on the black market for 10 billion stars to buy the head of Lev Milonovich Bukharin. Although the party kui of the Red Martyrs Party has been sought after by individuals or organizations, the bounty of 10 billion stars is definitely the highest offer ever. This was seen as a counterattack by the Republic of Date against the previous provocation of the Red Martyrs Party, but no one would take it seriously, even Kylinia thought they were singing a double song.

10 billion stars is enough for an ordinary person to spend thousands of years.

Of course, there is a very obvious gap compared with the trillion stars that the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire issued to Tang.

This is not the point, at least it is not the point for Tang Fang. He pays more attention to the previous sentence-"How do we say it is somewhat close."

As the head of Chenxing Casting, when did he get involved with a gang leader?

Tang Lin couldn't help rolling his eyes, and muttered in a low voice, "The feeling is that I have come to recognize you."

Alina stretched out her hand and twisted his waist: "Just you talk a lot."

Tang Lin scratched his head, and whispered, "My words...not much."

I don’t know if I heard Tang Lin and Alina whispering, or saw the puzzled expression on Tang Fang’s face, Lev Milonovich Bukharin smiled, put his hand in his suit pocket, and took it out from it. A thing pushed in front of Tang Fang.

It was a photo, with some slightly whitish photos, and it looked like a young man. It's hard to imagine anyone using such retro methods to preserve memories these days.

Tang Fang didn't think much about it, let alone complain about it. Because his attention is attracted by the two people on the screen. (To be continued.)

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