Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1117: Tallola

The wind blowing from the lake was a bit cool, dispelling the sultry heat of early summer. The light from the Torch Lighthouse illuminates the lake beach, and also illuminates the eyes of two people.

The lake waves lightly slapped the fine sand, and light blue splashes appeared, making long and crisp waves, which were different from the sea waves.

Tang Fang took her by the hand and walked onto the trestle. He glanced at the speedboat that was floating and sinking on both sides. He slapped the head of a nearby automatic vending robot, and then opened the iron stake that locked the cable. Activate and enter the standby state.

Tang Fang jumped onto the boat first, and then helped the girl who was a little uncomfortable with high heels into the cabin.

"Are you cheating?" Claire said with a smile at the vending robot behind her.

"I don't have time to exchange Star Alliance coins into Date Republic currency. Besides, I helped them a lot before, so I should be honored?"

Claire smiled bitterly: "Anyway, you can always find some wrong reasons to justify yourself."

Tang Fang said, "You're heavier, let's see that the waterline is pushed down a lot."

"I didn't." Claire flushed, and hurriedly distinguished: "The one who succeeded in gaining weight is obviously you."

"Yes." He squeezed the flesh on his face: "I don't think so."

In the next second, the energy ring in the middle of the hood lights up, the speedboat rushes out of the berth, the water splashes on the left and right, and the white skirt and beautiful face are soaked with moisture.

Claire let out a cry of exclamation, covering the long skirt and flying hair that was swayed by the wind, and said loudly: "You did it on purpose!"

Tang Fang laughed loudly: "I did it on purpose, you can bite me if you have the ability."

The laughter went away in the long wind and waves of Pinghu, very hearty, like a wild horse without rein.

Claire looked at the huge torch that was getting brighter and getting closer and closer, and said, "Is it the thing you are concerned about?"

Tang Fang pressed the autopilot button, sat down beside the girl, and nodded looking at the huge torch radiating blue light.

In the travel guide book of the Republic of Date, the building in the center of the Blue Lake is called the Juguang Lighthouse, which is the symbol of Juguang City and a prestigious tourist attraction. Especially at night, it will radiate the brilliance that illuminates the entire city. , More charming than the bright moonlight.

Many people who travel to the Elamok star system will take a speedboat to the center of the lake at night like them.

In fact, for Claire, how beautiful the Torchlight Lighthouse is not important, but the people who accompany him are important.

The speedboat gradually approached the center of the lake, and you could see the official blockade around the lighthouse.

The lake breeze became more anxious, and the girl's long hair was swung up and kissed her face at once.

"Hey...this lighthouse...how...how..." The girl didn't know what words to use to describe her feelings. Seeing the dazzling scenery spread out like stars, it was not amazing and shocking, but There is a heartbreaking sorrow, somehow wanting to cry.

Tang Fang didn't know how she felt, and thought she was attracted by the scene before her.

From a distance, the Torchlight Lighthouse at night is like a huge crystal overflowing with blue light, standing in the middle of the lake, quietly spreading its own brilliance, and beautiful the life of Torchlight City.

However, when you walk in front of you, you will find that this huge torch crystal is actually made up of many small and weak light sources. They spread out on the surface of the lighthouse, gathering thousands of stars, and turning into something that wipes away the darkness of the world.

Those tiny light sources are a kind of flower, a flower made of crystal.

Kleiya only knows that Torchlight City is famous, but doesn't understand the origin of Torchlight Lighthouse. Tang Fang is different. With Emma's help, he can easily obtain the information he wants.

Why it is said that Juguang City has historical and cultural significance and has a place in the history of human interstellar development. This is because Juguang City was built during the Star Alliance period. The reason for choosing to build a city here is naturally related to the Juguang Lighthouse.

It is not a human creation, nor is it a natural existence. It comes from the Epsilon civilization.

No one knows how it came. When human beings rushed out of the earth, marched into the universe, and the exploration ship came here over thousands of light years, it was already standing in the middle of the lake, giving its light every night without hesitation.

For the humans of that period, the remains of Ypsilon had an unparalleled attraction. Many groups of scientists have been sent here to conduct detailed and comprehensive investigations to help human civilization move forward.

In the early days of the Star Alliance, most of the conflicts and conflicts of interest in human society were eased by the new opportunities brought about by the colonization of the universe. People of different skin colors, people of different beliefs, and people of different cultures are in the spirit of the era of kindness, tolerance and understanding. The process of national integration began.

At that time, the research on the remains of Epsilon was far from today's level. The development cycle of such a giant relic was far from comparable to that of a small spacecraft crashed on the moon. With the passage of time, more and more people have joined the research team of Torchlight Tower, from scientists to engineers, to life assistants, and to accompanying family members... so that it has developed from a scientific research outpost to a scientific research base, and then from a scientific research base. It develops into a residential area, and finally undergoes atmospheric environment renovation projects and living facilities construction projects, and slowly develops into a city.

Scientists from the Star Alliance government originally thought that this small mountain-like object was also a crashed aircraft, which contained valuable aerospace technology, but after years of research, the veracity of this speculation became less and less true, and people gradually realized this daytime There is no movement, the big guy that will glow at night is not the Epsilon aircraft, but a cultivation facility like a botanical garden.

Although this discovery has discouraged many people, it is undoubtedly of very high research value from the perspective of space agriculture and related fields.

At the end of the Star Alliance, the value of this Ypsilon relic was almost drained, from the original precious heritage to the symbol of Juguang City. However, no matter from which point of view, it is a very well-preserved huge relic, and only 10kg of zero element is injected into the energy core every day to maintain the operation of the relic ecosystem and allow the crystal bouquets to grow freely in the sun.

After the founding of the Republic of Date, it was decided to open this relic to the public, and at the same time named the Torchlight Lighthouse, as a tourist project for ordinary people to visit, in order to increase government revenue.

When I was at the top of the cliff on the mountain road, I saw the blue crystals slowly lit up in the night, and learned the allusion of Juguang City from Emma's mouth. He gave birth to a very special sentiment and had some thoughts about this ruin.

Now when he came to its feet, he saw the small crystal flowers emitting silvery white light, and watched them spread over the entire ruins, spreading a faint blue color, and decorating the world. He confirmed his guess.

Yes, this small flower that stores sunlight during the day and disperses darkness at night is exactly the crystal bouquet that I saw in the memoirs of a girl named Ypsilon named Liana-living in Serapas. Tallola on the Great Plains of Purcell.

Why did this ruin used to preserve Tallola fall in Krengel?

The light from the corner of his eye suddenly caught a little sparkle falling, as beautiful as a pearl. It didn't come from the sky, it started with Claire's eyes and ended in a white dress.

"Why are you crying?" He was very puzzled, and held the girl's shoulders to make her face his face.

Tears were like broken beads, falling drop by drop, wet her face and her skirt.

"I...how did I cry...I...I don't know..." She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands, but whoever tried to wipe them more and more, those tears fell like disobedient little elves.

Tang Fang didn't know why she was sad, but this did not prevent him from making the right choice.

Without saying much, he hugged her tightly in his arms and listened to her from weeping slightly to crying loudly, like a little girl who had suffered many, many grievances, and finally saw her mother.

Tears wet his shirt, and it was a bit cold on his chest...

He didn't know what to say, or how to comfort her. The old hippie smiles and silly cheating would not bring any help to the situation in front of him. He could only hug her hard and patted the girl's shoulder awkwardly and naively.

The Torchlight Lighthouse was still shining, and the little flowers smiled at the distant stars.

The travellers who wandered the Blue Lagoon at night heard the girl's cry and cast doubtful glances at the location of the two.

After half a minute, the speedboat returned from time to time, and the lake rose in the wind, and then fell with the wind, splashing boiling waves.

Even if she had returned to the beach, Kleiya still couldn't control her emotions, but she seemed tired from crying, changing from crying loudly to whispering.

Most of the shirt that Elena gave him was wet. He hesitated for a while, and simply picked up the girl, and walked towards the station step by step under the complicated eyes of some newly arrived tourists.

From the blue lake to the hotel, he just carried her back.

He couldn't understand, in any case, why a happy date became like this.

He knew that it was not the time to ask questions, and considering that Zhao Jiali had already fallen asleep, he could only carry the girl back to his room and gently put it on the bed.

Maybe it was because of crying all the way, overdrawing all the strength of the body. Soon after Tang Fang helped her take off her high heels, the choking became inaudible, and she fell asleep deeply.

He sighed, walked to the edge of the balcony, looked at the bright light in the distance and was silent.

On the street downstairs, Bukharin had just returned, drunk like a pile of mud.


In the early morning of the next day, Tang Fang was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. When he opened the door with his wistful eyes, Zhao Jiali stood outside the door with an anxious expression and said in a very exaggerated tone: "It's a serious matter... Lya...she didn't return all night."

Looking at the girl who was at a loss, Tang Fang yawned, then pointed to the inner room: "Hush, don't disturb her to rest."

Zhao Jiali blinked and quickly understood, looking at him with a playful look.

"Go and clean up, and I have to meet your grandpa after breakfast."

She could see that she was very unhappy, and while walking back, she mumbled: "Who wants to have a grandpa like that."

Tang Fang shrugged and closed the door of the room. When he turned back to the living room, the door of the back room opened. Claire helped the door frame and walked out with a red tide on her face. She squatted and said, "I was ……yesterday……"

"You cried for a long time yesterday." Tang Fang looked at her red and swollen eyes and said, "If you mean clothes, um, I did take it off for you."

Her face turned redder, but she didn't waste her tongue on this matter. She said guiltily: "Last night... I really don't know why. When I saw those crystal flowers, a sad mood suddenly poured out, just trying to exert force. I cried... I'm sorry, please forgive my waywardness."

Tang Fang frowned, and did not continue to question. After all, he was a man and could not understand the psychology of girls many times.

"Go wash, and see Han Jingyun later."

"Yeah." She promised, tidying up some messy long skirts, and went into the bathroom.

In the eyes of others, the state of the two people is like a couple who have been married for many years, but only they know it. In fact, the last step has not been taken.

Tang Fang looked at her back with a serious smile on his face. He has long been accustomed to her presence in his life. This is completely different from the feeling Freya gave him. The relationship with Cléya is more like a slowly flowing stream, not intense, not hot, but natural and comfortable. Very delicate, bit by bit, like a thread.

Half an hour later, the group had breakfast, left the hotel where they were staying, and went to the meeting place agreed with Han Jingyun.

Bukharin has been rubbing two suns, and it seems that the hangover is a bit serious. Zhao Jiali put on the newly bought dress, complaining that she slept too dead last night along the way, and should take them to visit the most famous Torchlight Lighthouse in the city.

Juguangcheng woke up from a dream much earlier than Greenwich City~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although a few people woke up early, they still hit the peak of work. Once again on the rail car, the passenger compartment was crowded with tired young people, no longer like the leisurely scene that appeared late at night last night.

Many gray-haired people gazed at the fast-fading street scene outside the window with dull eyes. There was no satisfaction and happiness on the old faces, and it was more of a numb heart. Several teenagers in school uniforms embraced the railing, looked down at the ini tablet held in their palms, and silently read the above article.

Different cities, different landscapes, different lives. This is Juguang City, this is not Greenwich.

Tang Fang's mood became more and more depressed with the slight shaking from under his feet, because the scene before him reminded him of his past life, although the sky is flying steel birds, the cleaning robot cleans the road spotlessly, and the intersection is no longer blocked. There is no way out, but the pressure from life has not changed at all.

Twittering along the way, Zhao Jiali, who looked like a happy bird, seemed to be infected by the surrounding atmosphere, her happy expression was no longer, and there was a feeling of resentment in her eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, the rail car arrived in the city center, a few people left the passenger compartment and took two taxis to the downtown area.

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