Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1118: Old and Young (Part 1)

[Title: StarCraft carry the body of 1100th chapter eighteen young and old (on) Author: Sappers of A]

The latest chapter of "Take StarCraft with you"~ The domain name of this site: the shorthand homophony of \"166 Novel\", easy to remember! Good-looking novels strongly recommend: God-level magical doomsday, new world, great age, 1958, stolen and transported into a holy super space-time ring, dragon skeleton, **** of war, rebirth, city, immortal customs clearance base. There is a courtyard between commercial buildings. The place is small, but it is very elegant. , The world inside the wall is full of begonias, the powder is lighter, and the opening is really beautiful.

Bukharin didn't follow, got off the car halfway and went to the gym. In his words, he was afraid that someone in the Prime Minister’s Office would recognize him and cut his head to receive the reward. Aros said that he wandered around like a ghost and was easily cut off for food. The black bang boss didn't take it seriously and didn't take the words of the veteran to heart.

The security guard made a call inside, then carefully observed the crowd, and opened the closed door.

The solemn expression on Zhao Jiali's face faded slightly, a trace of remembrance flashed in his eyes, and then he fell to the end of the team, and walked into this elegant courtyard surrounded by begonia flowers.

The faint fragrance cleared away the lingering smell of the market, but Tang Fang waved his hand a little disgustingly.

What he hates is not the fragrance of flowers, but this pretentious and elegant gesture.

There was a middle-aged man with glasses waiting at the gate of the courtyard. He saw Tang Fang and others walking quickly to meet him. While shaking hands with him, he said politely: "Mr. Prime Minister knew that Captain Tang was coming, so the meeting broke up last night. Come here and wait."

After speaking, the man glanced around, and finally fixed his gaze on Zhao Jiali's face, revealing a smile that he thought was kind.

"If you are courteous, please take me to see Prime Minister Han." He didn't even ask the person's name, which seemed a bit rude.

The middle-aged man gave a dry laugh and said: "Please here," and he took Tang Fang to an ancient living room deep in the garden on the left.

There is a guqin directly under the north wall of the rolling shutter, and a picture of it is hung on it-the goodness is like water, and the virtue is carried. There is a square table in the center of the room. In front of the table is the extinguished censer, and some soothing incense can be smelled. Aftertaste.

Tang Fang felt a little uncomfortable. When shaking hands with Han Jingyun, he sneezed and soiled Mr. Prime Minister's nightgown.

It was an old man in his 70s. He had a relatively open forehead, bright eyes, and dyed black hair, which made him look very energetic, unlike those he encountered on the rail car when he came. The elderly.

After the middle-aged man who received them into the hospital wiped off Tang Fang’s clean tears with a clean tissue, Han Jingyun said "sit" and let Tang Fang, Kleiya, and Aros come across from the square table, and then looked down. At the end, Zhao Jiali looked unnatural.

"Foreign...Grandpa..." The girl glanced at him secretly and stammered, a bit like a child who did not dare to see his parents when he did something wrong, but was mixed with a little resistance in fear.

"Didn't you say you will never come back again?" Han Jingyun looked at her with a very stern look: "In the end, it was not relying on my help to get out of the thieves' den."

"No...it's not..." The girl glanced at Tang Fang, swallowed the words that followed, but was no longer as timid as before, looking at her grandfather with an unconvinced look.

Although her life in the Red Beret was not comfortable, it was definitely not as unbearable as ordinary people imagined. And compared to Premier Han's use of state power to rescue hostages like her, she was obviously more willing to accept Tang Fang's argument that she would escape the golden cage.

In any case, she couldn't accept Han Jingyun's point of view, just because it was his grandfather. From the perspective of human relations and filial piety, she shouldn't go against him.

Tang Fang interrupted the conversation between the old and the young and chose to go straight to the subject: "I came here for another purpose besides sending Miss Zhao home."

The anger that hated iron and steel on Han Jingyun's face disappeared. Not surprisingly, Tang Fang would say this. After receiving the tea from the middle-aged man, he slowly said with a smile: "Thank you for the La Prado matter. It's..."

"It's not a matter of effort." He twisted his plain teacup around and said straightforwardly: "The World Stone System of the Sky City...It should be the remains of Ypsilon."

Han Jingyun thought he would be more reserved, but he was a little surprised to hear this now. Originally thought that Tang Fang was using the rescue of Sky City and Zhao Jiali in exchange for the support of rare resources, but he did not expect that the boy in front of him would have taken a fancy to the World Stone system.

As the prime minister of the Republic of Date, he has his own news channel. He knows that Hirohiko Iga's suing Les Adinan has caused the Star Alliance government to promise to supply the rare minerals of Morningstar Casting not to be in place smoothly. There is no doubt that it will be for the next production. The mission has a negative impact. Judging from the actions of Johnny, Christian and others in the Jakarta Burr star system and the Babylon star system, Tang Fang has a strong desire for some rare minerals.

He thought that he could negotiate a deal with Tang Fang with the resources he had at his disposal, but he didn't expect that the other party's words made him more bargaining chips.

"The world stone system..." He looked at Tang Fang and smiled slightly: "Since Captain Tang is quick to talk, then I can simply give it to you... the world stone system can be handed over to you, but one thing must be done for me."

Tang Fang scraped the tender leaves floating on the water with the lid of the cup, and said, "What's the matter?"

"It's very simple... no matter how it is done by means or force, help me get rid of Pliden? Almaty. Then, I will not only hand over the World Stone system to you, but also send people to send enough rare minerals, how? kind?"

Sure enough, on the way here, he was worried that there would be a scene in front of him, just like what happened in the Turanx United Kingdom, he was involved in the political struggle between the powerful, but what he was really afraid of.

"Ah!" Zhao Jiali exclaimed after realizing it, and looked at her grandfather with an incredible look: "Isn't Uncle Plidden your best friend? How...how could this happen!"

She has never returned since she left the Republic of Date 7 years ago. She was forced by her mother to go home a few days ago, but she was still robbed by members of the Red Martyrs Party and did not know the situation in her hometown. Of course, she did not have the mind to understand the political arena.

Her understanding of the relationship between Pliden Almaty and Han Jingyun remained at the level of 7 years ago. At that time, the two were very good friends, and after investigation, they drank together. But 7 years later, when she returned here, her maternal grandfather had to hire Tang Fang to kill Pliden Almaty, which made her somewhat unacceptable.

Tang Fang also had similar doubts, although he guessed early in the morning that there was a problem with the relationship between the two people: "I remember that the Republic of Date published an article with the title of'Great Friendship' a few days ago." He did not resemble Zhao Jiali. So bluntly, expressing the question in mind in a euphemistic way.

Han Jingyun stood up with the help of the middle-aged man, took out a piece of soothing incense and put it in the stove to light it, looked at the plume of smoke rising up, smiled and said, "Article? Great friendship? Who is the content for? Should I don't need to explain more..."

Lies are always the most handy tool for the ruling class to control stupid civilians.

Tang Fang smiled, did not respond to his words, just scratched the rim of the cup with the lid, ch...ch... a very monotonous tone.

Aros lit a cigar, and the peculiar smell of tobacco destroyed the fragrance overflowing from the incense burner. The middle-aged man on the opposite side was very upset, staring at him with a hostile look.

"Many times, many people... can support each other through hard times and overcome difficulties together, thinking that they have established deep friendships and life-long friendships. However, these lofty ambitions cannot withstand the torture of time after all... Just like the beautiful face There is also a day of dying, no matter how rushing the river, it is hard to resist the changes of the years... Time is the sharpest knife in the world, and no one can escape its sanctions. It can be death, it can be old, it can be the rise and fall of the dynasty, or it can be The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the rivers are exhausted."

"When we were young, we were not worried, fearless, and could work hard for our dreams, but when we had enough power, we had wealth and land, and with it came the fetters of the family, the greed for comfort and wealth... …I have a son, a daughter, and Plettenberg has a son and a daughter."

"Gradually, we no longer live for ourselves, we begin to live for our children, for the family, and for those who take refuge in us. Happiness comes from the gifts of others and also from our own dedication. To repay those who trust me For those who protect me and support me, I can only give back to their power and the benefits that power brings, and we call each other our own people."

"As it grows bigger and stronger, it is enough to support half of the Date Republic. But in the chain of interests, friction, collision, and conflict... In the beginning, neither he nor I would care about these little things. Later, I smiled at each other and chose to restrain my subordinates for one step, but when the wind on the pillow was blowing more and more urgently, those rumors became more and more, the momentary tolerance in exchange for step by step, the mediation became useless, the contradiction was like a snowball The same swells and grows."

"They call me the boss, what is the boss... someone who can stand up for them and dare to be the master of them deserves such a name. If I can't guarantee their interests, who will guarantee the interests of my family, I will use What protects the happiness that my relatives gave me? So, under the ruthless blade of time, the friendship that was once exchanged with blood, sweat, and even life was shattered."

"Frozen three feet is not a day's cold... The conflicts and conflicts that were once have evolved into hatred, eroding through the skin, soaking the bone marrow, and there is no possibility of resolving it unless one party completely wins."

"Rather than sacrificing my family and sacrificing myself, I choose to bury my former friends. This is very sad, isn't it, but people in this world always experience sorrow after another. Ups and downs, joy, anger, sorrow and sadness... But this is life."

The tea cup in front of Han Jingyun had already bottomed out, and the tender leaves were chewed up by him and swallowed into his stomach.

Aros looked for a circle without seeing the ashtray, and threw half of the cigar into the bronze incense burner beside the table. This made the middle-aged man beside him furious, just because Han Jingyun didn't speak, daring to speak.

This was really really very rude. Compared with the scene before him, Tang Fang's rude behavior was nothing short of insignificant.

Only Tang Lin knew that the veteran was not heartless by doing this, but was expressing contempt for Han Jingyun.

Tang Fang still turned the tea cup in front of him carelessly, as if indifferent to everything happening around him.

The dull atmosphere was fermented with the two distinct plumes of smoke, and the words "goodness is like water, morality and virtue" on the wall now look like a joke. That is the realm of sages. Han Jingyun has long gone through the age of ignorance, knowing that he is no more than an ordinary person and can not afford this character, but now the thing hanging on the wall is just a decoration, just like the begonia flowers in the garden...

"I'm ashamed of you." It was Zhao Jiali who was speaking. She raised her head hard, her face flushed, like a flame burning under her skin.

Just like dancing and dancing when excited, and smiling when happy, she is not good at disguising her feelings, especially when she is angry, even if her grandpa is sitting in front of her and her friends are sitting around her.

"You are the prime minister of this country, and your friend is the president of this country. A word of yours can cause countless people to leave their homes. Your instruction may cause thousands of people to fall to the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Power cannot be capricious, power is A kind of responsibility, but look at you... what do you consider power? As personal interest, as private property."

"While standing on the podium, you keep saying that the power is given to you by the people, and you look like an upright and honest gentleman. But... you are just a bunch of liars, a bunch of actors."

"In your hearts, power comes from the armed fleet floating in space, from the interests of the people and the people. You see them as enemies, as slaves, and as fools."

"I really want to know if you have ever thought that you are running the country in peace, not a gangster like the Red Martyrs Party. You can bring the whole country to life for the benefit of a small group of people."

The girl's voice was very loud and emotional, and she changed her way of talking and talking when they met.

Anger is often a source of courage.

She remembers that the last call with Han Jingyun three years ago ended in a similar argument.

"Presumptuous." It was the middle-aged man who spoke out, because the girl's behavior was really annoying. She actually spoke to her own foreigner in front of outsiders, not to mention that Han Jingyun was not just her. Grandpa is still the prime minister of this country.

"You use this method to show filial piety, and use this attitude to return Mr. Prime Minister's favor for you?"

The middle-aged man's expression was serious. After the flattery in his eyes disappeared, he was replaced by a cold murderous intent, which was the aura that he developed after experiencing the test of blood and fire.

In front of him, Zhao Jiali was like a hamster before a tornado, weak and vulnerable.

"Isn't she right." Tang Fang stopped turning the teacup, and continued to fiddle with the young shoots with the lid of the cup, possibly using a little harder, making a crisp and loud rubbing sound. 166 Novel Reading Network

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