Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1141: Watchdog (Part 1)

The first thousand one hundred and forty-one chapters watchdog (on)

Tang Fang jumped off the platform, said, "Let's go", and walked to the transparent cabin first.

However, before he could walk to Tang Lin and Kleiya, his act just opened the door to the underwater palace, but also awakened the horrible existence that guarded the sacred portal.

A huge splash of water appeared in the lake outside the spiral building, which looked as fierce as a sea storm from a distance.

The sky is clear and sunny, and there is a gentle breeze coming slowly on the water, blowing the mist and rain in the Pinghu Lake, why it becomes thunderous in the blink of an eye. Tang Lin was puzzled, Claire was puzzled, Tang Fang frowned, glanced in the distance with fear, and shouted: "Run," and rushed to the transparent cabin opposite the tarmac with the two of them.

They are not slow, but underwater creatures move faster. The huge blisters on the outside of the spiral building were still tumbling, and the water on the inside suddenly roared. Accompanied by the big waves rising to the sky, a dark green figure jumped out of the lake.

Before Tang Lin and Claire could see it clearly, they were rolled up by the flying snake and pulled back to the edge of the apron. At the same time, the wind was strong, and the sound of air bursting in their ears, the special operations transport ship seemed to be pumped by something. Fly, rolling away from the center of the tarmac, and finally falling into the rough lake on the opposite side, being swallowed by those waves.

The three of them looked in the direction of the strong wind and saw the aquatic creatures that sank the special operations transport ship.

Tang Fang had always been puzzled by something. They had encountered a toad-like epic creature with a body width of more than 50 meters when they killed Yemengade and marched into the basin where the golden water ball was located, which caused them a lot of resistance. After entering the paradise, until the death of Mo Luo triggered a large-scale war, neither the Protoss Detector nor the Zerg Euglena found any traces of the toad monster. Kleiya guessed that this creature lived in the earth's crust, obviously not. Will appear in the paradise world.

Although he did not agree with this view, he could not find any evidence to refute it. When he came to the Great Lakes area and saw the Yipsyron complex below, he even forgot about it.

To his surprise, and very logically, the toad monsters met so unexpectedly and suddenly got out of the water to cast an air cannon, and hit them by surprise. If it is not strange that the lake water is clear and bottomless, the detector has not scanned any fish creatures, which is completely different from the situation in other waters of the paradise world. It makes him a little alert and not relaxed because of the peaceful atmosphere around him. After the toad monster appeared There was a reaction in the first place, maybe the three of them had been swept into the water by the hurricane.

Compared to Claire's toad monsters living in the earth's crust, the discovery that they live in the lake world is obviously more reasonable.

The big toad shot down, only destroying the special operations transport ship. It did not continue to use the air cannon, and fell back to the lake when the three of Tang Fang recovered, and half of its body was immersed in the water, just like what it had done on land before.

Tang Lin and Kleiya didn't see the whole picture clearly, their expressions didn't change much, but the gloom in Tang Fang's eyes was much richer.

The bubbles on the lake outside the spiral building did not increase due to the appearance of the toad, but it did not decrease. It seems that the epic creature on the opposite side has a high level of intelligence, and knows to use the sound strategy to create strange signs in the waters outside the spiral building, and then inside the spiral building The water burst out suddenly.

Judging from the sniper battle on the surface of Paradise Star, the toad monster is not only one head, but a long one. The three people don’t know if there will be more toad monsters on the outside of the spiral building. They must allocate some energy to focus on the situation behind them. It is a situation that the enemy is happy to see. So, it's really smart... at least it's much smarter than Yemengga, who lost his T-energy stone and suffered a severe loss of intelligence.

The Toad fell back on the lake, his mouth was immersed in the shallow water, and bubbles were gurgling, his triangular eyes narrowed into a slit, revealing a vicious light, as if he wanted to use this method to disturb the emotions of the three of Tang Fang.

Tang Lin looked behind him, then looked in front of him, and suddenly thought of a word---Boiled Frog in Warm Water. But the current situation is that the frogs are immersed in the water and they are standing on the edge of the tarmac. The water in the lake is not hot at all, on the contrary it is very cool. It is the hearts of the three people.

The water bubbles on both sides of the spiral building injected more moisture into the air, and a thicker and thicker mist floated on the water.

Kleiya blinked to relieve the nerve fatigue caused by the long-awaited target. No one knew that in this gap, the toad monster launched a second attack.

Accompanied by an unclear surge, a flash of bright red swept across the water, shot out at an angle of 45 degrees, reached the height of the apron very quickly, turned in the air, and swept down to the standing position of the three.

Tang Fang could see clearly that the front part of the bright red shadow was a bifurcated structure, like a snake letter.

From the perspective of its ability to volley and turn, even if the three of them choose to avoid the edge, they still cannot completely get rid of the snake letter chase, and there is no guarantee that it will fall into a lost situation. Once the snake letter forks and stretches, it launches multiple attacks. Will bring more pressure to them.

He didn't choose to escape, the flying snake gut threw up behind him, tied the toad monster's long tongue and pulled it up, and at the same time retreated, disrupting the enemy's offensive and dissolving the long tongue's flogging.

Although the long tongue was hooked away, it turned into a special tug-of-war competition. The purple bowel and the blood-colored long tongue were sawing around the apron where the three of Tang Fang were located. The Flying Snake is a lap smaller than the Toad Monster, and its strength is not as good. The scale of victory quickly tilted towards the latter.

Captain Tang naturally wouldn't talk about chivalry with the enemy. The second flying snake appeared in the sky, shooting out the gut tube, grabbing the toad monster's long tongue, and stopping his own decline.

At this moment, the Hunyuan Destroyer appeared, and the antigravitational field acted on Tang Fang. The Goddess of Storm’s track stretched to the limit, turning into a nearly 1-meter-long metal track with dazzling electric lights, which was drawn under the tongue of the toad monster. Over.

Of course he would not stand quietly as a spectator. What could be better than breaking the body parts of a monster?

Red body fluids drenched on the tarmac like a rain of blood, and the instantaneous gleaming stream of ε rune illuminates the reddish-brown blood stains.

The toad monster's long tongue broke under the cutting of the high-energy particle stream, snapped, and fell to the place where the special operations transport ship originally anchored, struggling endlessly, like a gecko's tail dock.

Tang Fang fell back to the ground with the help of the Hunyuan Destroyer and glanced at his trophy. He thought it would teach the Toad Monster a lesson, knowing that kissing others casually is a disgusting and dangerous perverted hobby.

Tang Lin noticed a detail. It seemed that the tongue of the toad monster could secrete a strong corrosive saliva, and the intestines of the two flying snakes were poisoned to varying degrees. It is conceivable that if you change your body, what will happen.

The Toad Monster swallowed half of his tongue back into his mouth, and the blood spilled from the wound spilled all the way, casting waves of spray on the undulating surface of the water. The strange thing was that they didn't spread out. They gathered together and floated on the water.

The three of them did not hear the Toad Monster growl from the pain, but the narrowed eyes were opened, and the eyeballs protruded seriously. The blood-colored pupils exuded a strong resentment, like the stare of the dead, which made people feel deep in their hearts. terror.

The half of the tongue that fell from the tarmac gradually stopped twisting, the scarlet epidermis secreted a kind of transparent mucus, and the biological tissue began to ablate, turning into a slowly spreading liquid that eroded the surface of the platform.

"That's okay?!" Tang Fang was speechless, looking at the transparent body fluid that diffused toward his feet and chemically reacted with the air to release toxic gases, and then looked at the transparent cabin on the opposite side.

He did not expect that the tongue of the toad monster would melt itself after leaving the body, and at the same time it would become a weapon to attack the enemy. Sure enough, something like the toad is a species "blessed" by the goddess of fate.

It will not take long for the transparent mucus to spread to the feet, and those toxic gases will also submerge the apron, and they will lose their foothold. It is also not a good way to break through the transparent cabin leading to the inside of the spiral building, because facing toad monsters in an underwater environment is more disadvantageous for them.

If it is a simple escape, perhaps you can leave easily, just like breaking through the epic biological blockade on the surface of the paradise before. But they are now going to enter the Ypsilon fortress in the crystal sphere, and this watchdog will obviously not let them easily succeed.

It was not that he had thought of using violence to destroy the outer barriers to achieve the goal of the three people's trip, but he was worried that doing so would destroy the function of the ruins, and make his previous plans die.

The Toad Monster didn't give him much time to think, the chilling whirlpool sarcoma on his back spewed a jet of dark green poisonous gas into the smoky rain layer of the lake. Not only that, the originally crystal clear lake was also polluted by poisonous gas, and a large swath of greenery was blurred on the surface of the water, spreading at a speed several times that of the transparent liquid on the apron.

This change not only occurs in the waters inside the spiral building, but also in the water outside the spiral building, and it spreads faster and has a larger impact.

Tang Lin looked at the broken tongue that had melted for the most part and said, "You know, the first time I saw the lake, the idea that flashed through my mind turned out to be a swimming resort, but now I have changed my mind."

Claire said: "You don't even have the qualifications to stuff it between your teeth."

"You say that...it hurts."

Tang Fang inserted a sentence beside: "It's not'it', it's'them'."

Just to confirm his words, the bubbles in the water outside the spiral building no longer surge, and the waves tend to ease. After about 5 breaths, one after another green mountain packs surfaced, which at first glance looks like a mossy reef, but As the ascent accelerated, the blood-colored eyes that followed made the two men's complexions drastically changed.

"One, two, three, four..." Tang Lin's face became uglier every time the number increased, and finally he didn't count it. He looked at the green head still digging out of the water and said in frustration: "We stabbed a toad nest."

Not only him, but Tang Fang and Kleiya's faces are not good-looking. Although they knew that Toad Monster is not unique, seeing so many green hats popping out all of a sudden, the lake surface is densely covered, which obviously does not bring wonderful feelings. .

"I think we should go to heaven." Tang Lin pointed to the sky: "It's better to be safe there."

The three of them stood on the tarmac, like standing on a reef with less and less footings as the tide rises, surrounded by groups of sharks...No, sharks are no match for those with green hats.

Tang Fang sighed, "I don't think that is a good idea."

At this moment, the scene that took place on the scene explained his words well. Dozens of toads showed their backs, the swirling tumors squirmed, and the hole in the middle was enlarged, which shocked Tanglin and Kleiya. In his eyes, one after another fiery spheres with pattered slurry were thrown into the air. The target was two flying snakes and three people on the tarmac.

The smoke and moisture accumulated in the distant lake quickly evaporated, and the hot bio-plasma fell on the water surface and made a hissing sound. The white water vapor spread out all at once, forming a fog area around the structure of the apron.

The fireball hits the flying snake's body, as if splashing hot oil spreads across the purple epidermis. After contacting the oxygen in the environment, it explodes with a burst of flame covering the flying snake's tens of meters long body. Wearing a coat of flames.

The flying snake can hardly withstand the high fever and sway its body desperately. However, the more so, the more flammable liquid will come into contact with oxygen in a large area, and the more intense it will burn until it suffers excessive damage. It falls from the sky like a shuttle that hits a fire and falls into the lake, splashing a row of green waves and water mist.

The lake water can extinguish the fire, but the lake water is filled with venom. The poisonous mist sprayed by the whirlpool sarcoma behind the toad monster is actually stronger than the poisonous mist of Moluo. Soon after the two wounded flying snakes plunged into the water, the system lost contact with them. A large amount of debris emerged, and many corrosive foams poured out around it.

Some toad monsters set their targets on Tang Fang's three people. Those flame **** that shot into the sky drew arcs and fell on the apron, blooming into a crimson bouquet.

Affected by the transparent mucus, the three people have not much space to move, so naturally it is even worse.

Tang Lin was almost injured by those splashes of flame droplets. Fortunately, the Hunyuan Destroyer used a gravitational cage to drag him to a safe area ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and successfully escaped.

Just like the scene when the flame ball hits the body of the flying snake, the flammable liquid spreads on the ground and turns into a jungle of flames. Even the flammable liquid that fell into the water floated like gasoline on the surface of the lake, blazing flames.

From the lake to the spiral building, the world under the sky is plunged into a sea of ​​fire. The prisms on the surface of the crystal sphere above reflect the brilliance of the water from different angles, creating many ghosts.

The battle has been fierce to such an extent, but what shocked the three of them was that neither the crystalline structure floating in the sky nor the spiral building on the apron were neither corroded by the venom nor destroyed in the flames, and the intensity was far greater than before. Encountered the small lifting facility of Lilith and Mo Luo.

Looking at the small volcanoes on the water, Tang Fang summoned 3 mechanical sentries to set up positions in the nearby sky, temporarily stabilized the situation, and then pulled out 5 high-ranking templars from the system space.

The mob said to A

Thanks to the underworld thorns, the book house, the mysterious and madly rewarding

This year the red envelope will not be sent in the group. The password red envelope will be issued at the end of the chapter. Let me study it first.

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