Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1142: Watchdog (medium)

He hadn't used a high-level templar for a long time, and since these pesky toad monsters were hiding under the water and doing evil, he didn't mind giving them a lightning bath.

Those green mists can turn lake water into a toxic and corrosive liquid, and not necessarily change the conductivity of water. They let the three of them bear fire and rain, and he let them try the thunderstorm.

The five high-ranking templars ignored the flames and corroding slime under their feet, and raised their right arms to lead downwards. The plasma storm, which affected an area of ​​nearly one kilometer, fell on the lake in a superimposed manner, bursting with dazzling electric light, which was higher than the flame ball. A scene has more visual impact.

The fog on the water completely disappeared, leaving only thunder and fire, and the green mountains.

In the face of the psychic storm of high-ranking templars, even the general frigate and destroyer-level sovereign state warships will be damaged. It should be effective against these toad monsters of about 50 meters. Moreover, Tang Fang has already looked at the epic creatures. , Order 5 high-ranking templars to give 5 bursts to nearby waters.

This is what Klea thinks, Tang Lin thinks, and Tang Fang thinks it should work. But the next scene was very disappointing. The toad monsters who only surfaced half of their bodies did not scorch under the impact of the psychic storm. They only stopped attacking. The blood pupils caught in the greenery blinked, seeming to laugh at Tang Fang's methods.

"It's really unacceptable. How strong are their skins?" Crea said in amazement, "Could it be that every one of them is a rare species comparable to giant snakes and dryads?"

"Brother, get on the battleship." Tang Lin said, "I don't believe that they can block the continuous exposure of the Void Glow Ship."

Claire asked: "What if they use the lake as a shield?"

A brilliance flashed in Tang Lin's eyes: "Then steam this lake to dryness."

His words sounded speechless, but they were definitely not big words. To dry a lake, level a mountain range or something, the Void Glow Ship did have enough skills.

However, Tang Fang didn't follow his suggestion, and summoned the Void Glow Ship cluster to carry out a saturation attack, and returned color to the Toad Monster.

However, the interstellar units that appeared on the battlefield also had the ability to dry the lake.

Yes, it is the elemental creature at the base of the Hunyuan body.

When the light leaked from the solar fragments is reflected on the surface of the crystal, it casts a star-like light. Many solar cocoons shoot toward the water, and the temperature suddenly rises a lot. The lake gurgles like boiling water in a big pot. The dense water vapor expands rapidly, almost covering the entire battlefield.

Tang Lin and Kleiya couldn't see the waters, but could see the huge figure hovering in the sky.

"Big...Brother? This is the black ball?" He remembered the scene of Yemengade's skull being blown into pieces, and he couldn't help but shiver. Although the heat from the surrounding flames from Lin could almost be used for cooking, he still felt that The back spine is somewhat cold.

"Yeah." Tang Fang nodded, "I know this title is a bit frustrating, but it is undeniable that it is very vivid."

Looking at the two people's white eyes, he frankly said: "Okay, okay, its real name is an elemental creature, and there is a sun shard wrapped in its belly."

When he talked about the latter, Claire did not listen carefully, but looked down at her feet.

The water vapor rising into the sky is like a thick smoke dragon. I don't know when dozens of huge vortexes appeared on the surface of the water. The lake water poured down, and the water level under the apron began to fall back quickly.

"What's going on?" She couldn't understand, although she guessed a little vaguely, she couldn't believe it.

When the elemental creatures appeared in the sky, she and Tang Lin only saw a golden light set above them. What can be determined is that the golden light has a very high temperature and evaporates a lot of lake water.

She didn't hear the second half of Tang's words clearly. Tang Lin heard it and muttered to herself: "Sun fragments...Sun fragments."

The expression on his face turned from unbelievable to natural. If those golden lights are all sun fragments, evaporating massive amounts of lake water and causing the water level to drop, what would it be? If the elemental creatures enter the lake and completely detonate the sun's essence in the stomach, I am afraid that the lake will dry up.

The decline of the water level gradually slowed down, the gurgling noise from the lake surface became weaker, and the water vapor rising into the air also had the tendency to dissipate. It seemed that the impact of sun debris on the lake water was coming to an end.

Because of the spread of corrosive slime, the three left the apron and entered a protoss transport ship, looking down on the battlefield from the air.

As the water vapor became thinner and thinner, it was gradually possible to see the scene below. It turned out that the energy consumption of the solar cocoon was not exhausted, it was because the water level was rapidly sinking, and the compressed heat energy bound by the void energy could not contact the lake water in a large area, so the water vapor was reduced, and the power consumption was suspected to be exhausted.

When Tang Lin first saw the toad monster wrapped in solar cocoon in the crystal column, he was very happy and excited. He wanted to say "you also have today", but as time passed, his brows gradually frowned, using a Suspiciously looked at Tang Fang: "Big brother?"

Tang Fang knew what he was trying to say, sighed, and said, "I should have thought of it." In fact, he had this doubt when the toad monster in the water inside the spiral building fired an air cannon on the tarmac.

Claire didn't interrupt, and watched quietly as the toad monsters were wrapped in solar cocoons, their body tissues were destroyed, repaired, destroyed, repaired again, and so on.

Just now the Toad Monster only exposed half of its body to the surface of the water, so neither she nor Tang Lin noticed that there is a biological pipe over 2 meters thick under the Toad Monster’s belly, which extends to the bottom of the lake. Now, thinking about it, they are transported through those biological pipes. Nutrients to repair the damage of own tissue cells.

Of course, that is not only a structure used to transport nutrients, but also shows one thing.

Kleiya did not experience the battle between the wandering planets and sisters Cathy and Soya. Tang Lin didn't know the specific situation, but Tang Fang knew that the details of those battles were vivid.

The solar cocoon is just a mass of compressed energy enveloped by the void energy. When it is exhausted, the circulating fire elements become less and less, and the light begins to weaken. At the beginning of the battle, there is a shadow like a mountain where a large bubble of bubbles emerges. , The green waves that churn into the air crashed together, and the sound of the water shook the sky, breaking into countless green beads.

As if a storm is approaching, the water vapor in the sky converges into dark clouds under the action of an artificial magnetic field, covering the sun transformed by the star core.

At the same time, a majestic mountain rose between the waves, and water vapor and rapids washed away the spiral buildings and the distant array of obelisks.


The roar of thunder from the water broke through the storm and turned into a sound wave spreading, and the roar of the waves and water waves were covered, as if the demon **** awakened from his sleep, and he was king of this world.

In the green shadow of the mountain, Tang Fang saw two huge air sacs that were rapidly expanding and shrinking rapidly, as well as three blood-colored eyes arranged side by side, as well as large and small swirling sarcomas on his back. Unlike the Toad Monster, the core is not a hole, but a purple spar.

There is no doubt that this is a toad larger than the toad monster, or toad.

He has always been surprised that the Toad never inflates the air bag, why can it activate the air cannon, and where does the high-pressure gas come from? Seeing the ontology now, he found the answer to this question.

"Hehe...hehe..." Tang Lin looked at the monster on the water, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and said, "I provoke an old man with a small hit, this time I really stabbed a toad."

Claire frowned and said, "If the small toad monsters are the tissues and organs of the body, how did they leave the lake and appear on the surface of the planet?"

"If I am not mistaken, these small toad monsters are similar to the two-headed basilisk in Yemengade's body. They are a kind of symbiosis." Tang Fang thought for a while and continued: "It's like the two sisters Cathy and Soya have The incubator relationship."

The toad monster with a body length of 50 meters now uses the adjective "small" in the communication between the three of them. From this, one can imagine how huge the body is. According to the rough estimate of its exposed part of the water, its body length is almost 2 kilometers.

Tang Lin rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Just coming out of the elevator, I met Lilith and Mo Luo, known as the guardians of the paradise. Now I came here and encountered a big toad. This difficulty...compared to Tang Sanzang Xitian. Learned."

Tang Fang said: "There are still some similarities and differences. Lilith and Mo Luo should be the product of Noah's biological experiment. The big toad below is not expected to come, it should be similar to the situation of Yemengade."

Claire sorted out her stray long hair and interrupted the conversation between the two: "What are you going to do?"

Tang Fang glanced at the mobile device worn on his wrist and said, "We have wasted a lot of time here. Let's make a quick decision."

Tang Lin remembered the process of Yemengade's defeat, and looked at the elemental creatures roaring at the big toad below with an expectant look. It can be seen that although the size is a lot smaller, Captain Tang's new pet doesn't persuade the opponent at all.

"Brother, are you really going to steam this lake?"

Since Tang Fang said he wanted a quick fight, then the next thing waiting for the big toad was a thunder blow, which naturally reminded him of the "black ball" blasting Yemengade's skull. Since big guys of the 20km class couldn't stand it, a toad monster that was 10 times smaller was naturally less able to resist.

Before Tang Fang could answer, the big toad on the water gave the three people and the elemental creatures a start. The purple crystals at the core of the vortex sarcoma growing on the back light up, and the dazzling brilliance of stars is injected into this gloomy world, and the dazzling brilliance passes by, and a series of lightnings rise from the crystal surface and pierce the distant sky, between the dark clouds and the water surface. Create a violent thunder cell.

Booming...cracking...thunder continued, as if the earth and the sky were torn apart by lightning, and the alternating light and dark bursts of light illuminate the huge buildings with heavy and vicissitudes of life. There are churning waves on the lake, the head of the waves is empty, and the sound of water is continuous.

The protoss transport ship looked like a flat boat under the lightning storm, and the thunder pillar fell like a sword, sparking a dazzling explosion on the surface of the plasma shield.

Lightning also hit the surface of the elemental organisms, shattering on the surface of the black ore, turning into tiny electric snakes to pass around, casting cyan light marks on the core of the sun stone fragments.

The rain came quickly and hurriedly, rushing down, walking through the thunder and lightning, jumping at the top of the wave. The spiral building and the array of obelisks stirred up a layer of mist under the rain. The crystal ball in the sky fell like a waterfall. Only the core of the castle was still quiet, glowing with faint cold light, like a world away.

At this moment, the big toad suddenly opened its mouth, wowing out several terrifying hurricanes, forming a huge tornado on the lake surface, carrying a huge amount of lake water, accompanied by heavy rain, lightning and thunder, to the elemental creatures and special actions The transport ship wrapped up.

If the lightning from amethyst casts a violent thunder cell between the sky and the earth, then these feng shui tornadoes rising to the sky will bring thousands of miles of water into the tearing end.

A faint fluorescent glow appeared on the surface of the Ypsilon building. From a distance, it seemed as if a piece of white smoke was hidden. The storm and lightning fell on it as if entering another world, disappearing without a trace. This made Tang Fang recall that after entering the world of the Ark, the Epsilon Space Station where Noah was located had also released the same kind of particles and transferred the Fallen Angel to the atmosphere of Paradise Star.

Tang Lin and Kleiya didn’t think so much. The only thing they can do now is to hug the things around them firmly, because even the stable Protoss transport ship seems to be unable to withstand the wind and thunder. The light emitted by the central crystal flickered, and the damage control management system sent a rapid buzzer.

Of course, the situation in the cockpit is much better compared to the horrible scene of the sky collapsing outside.

Tang Lin looked at the elemental creatures that were constantly impacting the falling rock and rain in the picture where the crystal emerged, and said loudly, "Brother, whether you plan to make a quick battle or make a slow fire, if you don't do anything, we will all become it. Dim sum."

In the wandering planetary battlefield, Yemeng had a mind to escape, and did not confront them head-on. The incubator is located in a clean and sturdy core space, and the battle between the two sides will not cause celestial phenomena. After arriving at Paradise Star, they were directly swallowed by Yemengade, and Tang Fang used a relatively clever means to kill the giant snake, without a big scene.

It wasn't until he came to the center of Paradise World and encountered this toad monster that was much smaller than the incubator and Yemeng, and he really realized how terrifying the km-level epic creature was. Noah put it in the center of the paradise world, naturally there is a reason.

When the toad monster was attacking in a wide area, the small toad monsters (the larger toad monsters and the smaller ones called toad monsters later) finally recovered from the solar cocoon and joined the attack on elemental creatures. Air cannons and flame **** criss-crossed in the rain, injecting more anxiety into this war zone.

A thick pillar of fire flashed across the sky, and the violent heat evaporated countless water vapor along the way, falling on the toad monster body, scorching a swirling sarcoma, and emitting a wisp of black smoke that was quickly blown away by the wind.

The elemental creatures certainly wouldn't let the toad attack remain indifferent, and the pillar of fire was its reciprocal. At the same time, the surface of the void erupted with dazzling light, and some of the sharp stone edges shot outwards with super-high kinetic energy, hitting the small toad monsters that attacked vigorously around its body, sprinkling large groups of blood.

Several small toad monsters that deliberately jumped over the elemental creatures to attack the Protoss transport ship were held in the air by the solar cocoon that followed, and they were scorched by flames and roared.

Tang Fang looked down at the situation through the central crystal, narrowed his eyes, and sent a command to the pilot.

The Protoss transport plane started to climb upwards against the falling thunder. At the same time, the wind and waves on the lake became more violent, but the rain from the sky stopped.

In fact, there is no scene where the clouds disappear and the rainbow is in the sky. A shadow obscured the sky, so the rainwater could not drench the area around the spiral building, but it turned into a waterfall farther away, colliding with the rising tide of the water, making a huge roar.

Of course it is not the Void Glowship, nor the Minotaur-class battlecruiser, nor Behemoth. Yes, that was the Leviathan that had just been unlocked, the ultimate behemoth that appeared in the Battle of the Heart of the Swarm.

Perhaps because of confidence in Lilith and Mo Luo, Noah did not send clones to the paradise world, so the extraction field set up in the mantle has been intercepting zero isotopes, and the gas value in the system space has increased extremely rapidly, until nearly 1800w Stop when I don't know if the stock was exhausted or was finally discovered by someone armed with God and shut down the entire facility.

In short, he took a big advantage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Presumably Mr. Sage's mood is not beautiful now.

Tang Fang just told Tang Lin and Claire to make a quick battle, he made up his mind to use Leviathan to issue a fatal blow to the toad and open the way to the Ypsilon ruins as soon as possible.

Compared with Behemoth, Leviathan's body length is about 1km smaller. However, it appeared in the airspace of the battlefield and also triggered a tide of terror, which undoubtedly increased the intensity of the water storm.

Thunderstorms, strong winds, heavy rains, sky shadows... The originally peaceful Pinghu is undergoing the devastation of the apocalypse.

The protoss transport plane finally broke through the thunderstorm triggered by the purple spar behind the toad monster when the plasma shield descended to the freezing zone, and flew straight to the black shadow that obscured the sky like a golden swallow rising into the sky.

Roar...like mountains and rivers shaking, and like wind and thunder. The dense rain clouds were scattered, and a ray of light from the star core sun pierced the haze, and landed on the top of the obelisk, and also landed in this stormy water, while illuminating the huge figure that sheltered the rain.

The misty light stretches along the texture of the biological tissues, illuminating the curved teeth of the mouth, and also illuminating the horrible vertical mouth, as if a peerless demon descended from the sky, bringing disaster and killing to this paradise.

Tang Lin and Kleiya stared at the sky demon in the crystal column that gave people a great sense of oppression, not knowing what to say. You don’t need to think about the big guy in front of you to know that it’s Captain Tang’s new pet, but unlike the docile Behemoth, this giant creature ship named after the mythical beast "Leviathan" is not a good thing. It is impossible to describe its wickedness and violence with "extremely exposed".

The usual experience of driving the aircraft into Behemoth’s mouth is completely different from the present one. This soaring journey gives them the feeling that they are more like stepping on the portal of **** than driving to a safe harbor.

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