Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1153: Library (on)

The zero element unique to this world and the gas gas of StarCraft are completely two substances. It is hard to imagine that the extraction field can be used to collect zero elements to replace crystal and gas resources and become the cornerstone of the development of the insect swarm.

"Commander, this is due to the precious information stored in the library. It is precisely because of them that not only unlocks the concrete application of the Zerg base, but also provides a genetic improvement program for the main nest gene bank, and new DNA fragments will be implanted Newborn larvae are used to improve the structure of the extraction field, so that the extraction field can be rooted in the crust and absorb the zero element that has not been refined."

Tang Fang didn't expect the library to be so important. According to Emma's explanation, the information was really precious.

"Wenku...what is it?" He then turned his attention to the data that Emma had just sent to the computer system of the harsh environment protective clothing.

Even after Emma's screening and generalization, the information is still so much upsetting.

He forcibly endured his discomfort and focused on browsing the contents of the file. As more and more information was obtained from it, the look on his face became more and more serious. Although Emma calls this Epsilon relic by "Library", the library here is not a library in the conventional sense. What is sealed is not historical materials or civilization books, but a large number of DNA models.

Yes, the data recorded in the library are all gene sequences.

Successful gene models, failed gene models, gene models in the human gene bank, gene models not in the human gene bank, gene models he has seen, gene models he has not seen...

He originally thought that these gene models came from biological research armed by God, but those codes were all transcribed from the Ypsilon script. Obviously they could not be the result of Noah and should be the legacy of the Ypsilon.

From the most basic single-celled organisms such as bacteria and viruses to the complex mt-10002 experimental body and toad monsters, Emma even screened out Akron's unique tree monsters and aqbd-1 asexual jellyfish. The combination of gene fragments of giant snakes and mushroom monsters from the Ypsilon space station.

This important discovery made him dumbfounded. Both Valentin and Abathur have told him that the genes of epic creatures seem to be man-made. In short, the epic creatures are man-made, not naturally generated.

Who made the epic creature? Is it Ypsilon?

Previously it was just a guess. The large number of genetic models stored in the library now confirms this guess. It can be determined that the epic creatures came from the Ypsilon civilization...No, it should be the common result of the Ypsilon civilization and the Ailantian civilization, because those The record is not simply written in Ypsilon script, but also in Ailante script.

From the war traces of the Lost Lands to the memories of the two sisters Soya and Cathy, there is no doubt that the Ypsilons and the Ailantes have a hostile relationship. Why did the two hostile races come together and create a strong Epic creature? What happened to make them complete the transformation from enemy to partner?

He can’t understand, how can he not understand... The library does not contain similar monitoring data, historical background information, etc., but only simple or complex genetic models. The Ypsilons and Ailantes treat them. The research is accurate to each compound combination, marking out what kind of dominant or implicit expression these combinations will produce.

It is precisely because of the huge collection of gene combination data that the system will unlock the gene lock and allow the Zerg architecture to establish an information projection in the real world.

In fact, this ruin is not only a library for storing data, but also a breeding ground for epic creatures. Those obelisks constructed with black borders and translucent glass are the petri dishes for cultivating epic creatures, and the red core in the middle of the spiral building below the central fortress is the operating cabin for genetic combination.

The Ypsilons and Ailantes operate here, conduct tissue culture, and create powerful biological weapons... What are they planning or resisting?

He remembered what Noah had said to him when he had just entered the world of Ark. Could it be a so-called civilization catastrophe, from a brand new race? A race that pushed the Ypsilon civilization and the Ailan civilization to a dead end? In this way, the war in the Lost Lands is not necessarily the key factor leading to the withering of the Ypsilon civilization, the unknown existence is.

The library is simply a place to store biological research materials, without historical background, scientific research purpose and other relevant records. Noah has mastered the core of the Ark World and occupies the Ypsilon Space Station. There must be relevant records there. He has explained the enemies of the Ypsilon and the Ailan and the war that led to the desolation of the Ark World, so Noah has With his unique outlook on the world and life, he considers himself to be a person who inherits the heritage of the Yipsyron civilization and the Ailante civilization, and assumes the responsibility of redeeming mankind on his own initiative.

From this information, he also recalled the situation when he killed the Evil Eye at Nami Star and bathed in the blood of monsters to gain high-speed regeneration. He remembered that the epic creature was scattered by a broken planet similar to the one seen when he first entered the world of the Ark. After a long journey to Nameixing, he absorbed the zero element and grew up, occupying the zero element isotope refining factory.

I still remember the name of "Holy Light" when Evil Eye died. What can be called the Holy Light? The light emitted by the golden fluid transformed from dark matter seems to fit this title.

The Ark World is wide enough to have a large star system, but after entering here, according to the data scanned by the detector, including the broken planet, there are only three planets in total. Could there be such an explanation ------ the war that destroyed the Ark world made several other planets leave here for some reason and enter the physical universe, and for some reason they self-destruct and turn into carry The fragments of epic creatures, and then fall into certain planets, or the remains of the Ypsilon with high zero element response, grow into powerful epic creatures, such as Namistar’s evil eyes, such as the giants encountered by the Ypsilon jump relay station. Snake, another example is Yemengade.

In fact, the "certain cause" mentioned above is very easy to explain-just imagine what happens when a planet is launched into a massive projectile? The Ypsilon space station where Noah is located can transmit the Fallen Angel and the Void Seeker. Who can guarantee that it will not be able to use the "Fighting Star Shift" and throw it out through the anti-singularity when it is intact? If even the Ark world faces the fate of destruction, and even the civilization they represent disappears into space, will the Ypsilons and Ailantes still care about the epic creatures on the planet? Obviously not.

According to the information provided by Emma, ​​the library's epic biological gene model far exceeds the epic biological types of the paradise world. Perhaps in the prosperous period of the Ark World, there is not only one paradise, but many.

Thinking about it this way, the origin, development, and results of epic creatures, as well as the war that destroyed the Ark world, gradually formed a rough outline in my mind.

Of course, the epic creatures of the Hirombel region may not only come from Broken Paradise, but also the seeding behavior of the Ypsilon and Ailanites on specific planets.

In short, it is certain that epic creatures are indeed a kind of acquired creation. They come from the library, from the obelisk, and from the cooperation of the Ypsilon and Ailantes.

In fact, there are some research data and sample analysis on phagosomes in the data, but the phagosomes obtained by the Epsilon and Ailan are weaker than the i-type phagosome in terms of aggressiveness, a bit like Cathy, The genetic material of the phagosome in the two sisters Soya shows that the phagosome existed before the Epsilon civilization and the Ailan civilization disappeared, and it has been continuously evolving for so many years.

It has a lower desire to attack than type i phagosome genes, so it is better to call it type 0 phagosome genes.

Some of the epic biological genetic models in the library do not have phagosome genetic material, nor are there any Elant genetic material, only the Epsilon human genetic material and the powerful biological genetic material. Although these models do not have the date of establishment, they are based on the record. The order can be seen, their timeline is very high.

Does this mean that the Ailantes only joined the Ypsilon-led biological research in the later period? And judging from the genetic structure of the wandering planetary incubator, he guessed that the type 0 phagosome gene is part of the entire DNA sequence of female Ailantes. It is also possible that this is a parasitic virus, just like the active lactic acid bacteria in humans. Or some bacteriophages, the difference is that the former acts on the genetic system, while the latter acts on the digestive system or immune system.

Before that, he had a speculation whether the Supreme Council also captured an incubator, which is completely different from the two sisters Cathy and Soya. The phagosome genes in the body have mutated and become aggressive, and then a special breeding machine has evolved. The tube, which is what Bulwell Arnold called the "cradle system", transformed into "Cain" and became the cornerstone of the development of the Supreme Council.

Of course, it is also possible that the biologists of the Supreme Council have artificially induced the type 0 phagosome gene to become aggressive, and then the type 0 phagosome-i phagosome-ii phagosome-iii phagosome-iv phagosome Stepped evolutionary route of body-V phagosome.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with this speculation and it is very logical.

Many people speculate that the Dragon Whisperers acquired the Ypsilon heritage and promoted their technology, eventually becoming the defenders of the social order in the Hirenbel region. If his speculation is not wrong, then the Supreme Council is a secret organization developed by the inheritance of the Ailantes.

In the past, the Ypsilons and the Ailantes were enemies, but they reached a cooperative relationship in the Ark World. Now the human organization that inherits the heritage of the two has once again embarked on opposition. This is really an embarrassing and speechless development.

After a moment of distraction, he continued to browse the data compiled by Emma, ​​and finally found some information about Noah in the second half, although not much, it still has some effect.

Those were several genetic modulation records, but unlike the DNA models of epic creatures in the past, the object of this modulation record is humans. By comparing related gene models, he screened out the targets corresponding to the body tissues of Mr. J, Lilith, Tripatti, and Mo Luo, which shows that many of the high-level God armed forces come from the gene modulation module of the library.

One of the records corresponds to the number of modulations as high as 79 times. If the guess is correct, this record should be left by Noah. To a certain extent, Mr. Sage is really a warrior who dared to reform himself. He has never seen such a bold person. Mr. J is the product of human genetic material + epic biological genetic material + Epsilon genetic material. Lilith and Tripatti are the same in general. Mo Luo is different, it is composed of epic biological genetic material + Ailan gene material + phagosome genetic material.

As for Noah... the previous 30 modulation records show that he has reorganized his own genes, which are entirely composed of a hybrid gene of the Epsilon gene and the Alante gene. The subsequent 49 modulation records show that he has been deleting and updating his DNA, just like pruning and grafting fruit trees~www.wuxiaspot.com~Injecting a small amount of v-00 phagosome genes on an inherent basis, some operations The process is similar to the biochemical human cloning research conducted by Terrow.

Obviously, Noah is turning himself into a super biochemical clone.

Tellow’s research ended in failure. At least when he occupied the Void Ripper, God’s Armed Forces had not yet developed a perfect biochemical clone. It was just a few defective products, stronger than ordinary clones and weaker than clones. , And will be affected by the t-energy stone, Yingluo and Linglong can even control them through the t-energy stone at the center of the eyebrow.

Noah is different. Judging from that record, it is clear that a satisfactory result has been obtained.

Because the system had no modulation records, Noah did not retain more detailed data and video materials. He was not sure what the opponent was now and what abilities he had acquired.

"Since it is the foundation of the biochemical clone... I don't know if the Sarnaga keystone will have a suppressing effect."

"At the beginning, when Mr. J said that the "fusion" of Sange Will and Elizabeth refers to Noah's self-modification, does it refer to the genetic material of the Epsilon, the genetic material of the Ailan, and the type V? The phagosome genetic material is melted into one furnace?"

He has many questions that need to be answered, and there are also many guesses that need to be confirmed. Perhaps only when he arrives at the temple and sees Noah himself can the answers to these questions be found.

The last part of the material that Emma compiled introduced two other functions of the library.

There are four modules in the library: 1. The library itself-a database that records a large number of epic biological gene models; 2. A gene preparation workshop-consisting of a gene operating room + petri dishes, used to breed powerful The epic creature; 3. The biological "mind" control system-composed of the last leaf + dark matter; 4. Paradise world resource scheduling center.

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