Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1154: Library (below)

The third module is the biological "mind" control system, which is the central control system of the consciousness link network that he has been looking for since he came to the paradise world.

In fact, this name is not accurate, but because Emma could not find a suitable short sentence to describe the system, she borrowed the name of the human main nest mental simulator and gave the biological "mental" control system the title. The way the Ypsilon people control and manage epic creatures is completely different from the spiritual network of Zerg.

In Tang Fang's eyes, it was a more advanced thing. Speaking of the third module, the first thing that needs to be understood is the last leaf, an epsilon creation. He does not know its origin, composition, process basis and other related information. There is no detailed introduction in the library, but he knows that the last leaf is the key equipment of the entire system and can accept command input through downstream facilities such as dark matter repeaters and transmitters. , To achieve the purpose of commanding epic creatures.

It seems to have the same structure as the Swarm Chief Brain-King Insect-combat unit, but its mechanism of action is completely different. The Ypsilons used to manipulate epic creatures in order to control them. After all, no one would like to see carefully raised pets biting their owners back.

This kind of "hands and feet" is manifested in that the core gene fragments of epic organisms can be stimulated and mutated, just like the interstellar communication technology based on quantum teleportation technology. The Last Leaf System affects the gene structure of epic organisms by sending dark matter waves of specific frequencies. The will of the Ypsilon was cast into the body of the epic creature as a brand, to achieve real control, rather than the spiritual network of the insect swarm or the spiritual control of the dark archon.

Including human beings, as well as most cosmic creatures, can be regarded as slaves of DNA to some extent, such as reproduction of offspring, such as survival instinct...The Last Leaf system can directly affect the core gene fragments of epic creatures and tamper with their biological instincts And the way of thinking, to achieve the result that the Ypsilon people want.

"How to put it, the person who thought of this method is really a genius." Tang Fang said, shaking his head.

Memorizing the relevant information about the Last Leaf System, his gaze came to the end of the file, where the last core module of the library, the resource scheduling center, was recorded.

There is a row of consoles next to the Last Leaf System, which can manipulate the gravity distribution, climate and astronomical conditions, sun brightness, magnetic environment and other factors in the paradise world through the computer, and then change the entire world.

He has always been skeptical about the fact that the Ypsilon ruins did not have a weapon system. In fact, it did, but it was not in the building or the outer zone, but in the sky.

The star-core sun in the paradise world is not just a simple "sun" attribute, but a multi-purpose functional relic. One of its functions is to transform into a powerful space-based weapon. The Ypsilons cast a system translated as "Spark Furnace", compressing the terrifying core energy to the limit, and sealing it into the system, which can act as the sun to nourish all things. , Can launch deadly bombings containing destructive energy on a patch of areas, can also shoot multiple rays to attack enemies on the ground, and can turn into a powerful suicide bomb like elemental creatures, destroying the entire planet.

What's interesting is that the Spark Furnace System has not had a catalytic fission core since it went online because it has an additional module. This module allows the Spark Furnace system to extract energy materials from outside the Ark World.

The Ark world is constructed by positive matter, but the universe it is in is an anti-matter universe, and the energy extracted by the additional module comes from the anti-matter universe. It is necessary to know that the encounter of positive and negative matter will release a huge amount of energy, and it only takes a small amount to create the effect of destroying the sky and destroying the earth. It is used to maintain the operation of the underground world at close range, as relaxed and comfortable as a seven-foot man wielding a wooden sword. .

It also constructs the protective magnetic field of this world, forming different weather.

It is also the largest dark matter emitter in the Last Leaf System, which has an impact on all epic creatures in the Paradise world.

It naturally has a wide-area monitoring function to record every move of the stocking experiment.


What shocked Tang Fang the most was that the star core sun could provide quantum teleportation services. After entering the paradise world, he was always wondering what method Noah used to send a large group of epic creatures such as pangolin monsters, toad monsters, minotaurs, monkey monsters to the surface. Was it the elevator he took when he came? Obviously impossible.

He originally thought that there was a super elevator in the Ark World, which was used to divert epic creatures to the surface to facilitate experiments or other planning. Now it seems that this kind of guess is very wrong. The functional relic of the star core sun has the same function as Yipu The similar ability of Xilong Space Station may be castrated, but the technological content is not low. The epic biological army that surrounds and intercepts the three people on the planet's surface is relying on the teleport function of the star core and sun to leave the paradise world and settle in the river flowing through the zero river. Barren land.

"The civilization of Ypsilon... is so shocking." He has seen many creations of Ypsilon, but every time he encounters new relics, he still brings different feelings and surprises. Human civilization is like Ypres. Compared with Xilong civilization, there is still a long way to go.

The above is all the contents of the documents sent by Emma. Even if they are very detailed and straightforward, there are not many esoteric scientific principles and professional terms. It still took him more than half an hour to barely understand. At this time, the distance is three. Six hours have passed since people entered the library.

Maybe his voice was too loud, or maybe he had taken enough time to rest. Tang Lin and Claire woke up one after another and saw the expression on his face walking over and saying, "Brother, have you noticed anything?"

Tang Fang nodded: "There are...a lot."

Both of them looked at him expectantly, hoping to learn more about Noah, about the paradise world, and about the remains of the Ypsilon.

"The relic of the Ypsilon under our feet is a library, which records the genetic models of many epic creatures, and has a functional module to cultivate epic creatures. The red cabin seen in the core of the spiral building is actually Ypsilon. The place where dragon people perform genetic mutagenesis, recombination, etc., those huge obelisks are petri dishes, which can help epic creatures mature quickly, and even Mr. J, Lilith, Tripatti and others are born from it... Of course, including..."

Tang Fang didn't say everything, but Tang Lin didn't entangle the part that he omitted to say nothing, with a shocked expression on his face: "You mean...you mean the Ypsilons made epic creatures? This Yi we are in. Is the ruins of Psirron the birthplace of epic creatures?"

"I should have thought of...I should have thought of..."

Claire also showed an expression similar to Tang Lin's face, shocked by Tang Fang's statement. Before, they all thought that the epic creatures in Paradise World were captured by God's armed forces for biological research and formed an army of epic creatures. It is only now that the encounter with Yemengade misled them... The epic creature is a powerful species created by the Ypsilon people, and Noah was just a dove occupying the magpie's nest and by the way enslaved the big pet raised by the Ypsilon people.

Tang Fang didn't pay attention to the expressions of Tang Lin and Claire, and he didn't know what the brothers said. His thoughts were concentrated elsewhere. Judging from the modulation records of the database, Noah has completed the transformation of his body, but this does not mean that the integration process is over. Perhaps Mr. J has another explanation for what Sange Will said.

After he came to the world of Ark, Noah used the power of the crystal peak of the Epsilon space station to transfer to Paradise Star. After that, he encountered strong resistance such as Yemengade, Lilith, and the White Knight. But until the library fell, Noah did not Has appeared, still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, staying in the sanctuary.

If Mr. Sage doesn't care about the library and the epic creature army, why should he lay a blockade at the expense of many key figures? If Mr. Sage cares about Bunku and the Epic Creature Corps, why not come out in person and kill himself with his perfect body?

It seems...only one explanation can answer the above question-Noah can't get out of the church. Contacting Mr. J’s words to Anthem and Elizabeth, perhaps the integration process has not yet been completed, but has reached the most critical step. Tripatti, the White Knight and others set an ambush to prevent him from taking control of the library. One layer of meaning ------ win time for Noah.

According to the information provided by Zeratul, after the Void Seeker was discovered by the armed forces of God, the two sides conducted multiple breakouts and anti-breakout seesaws, and then Noah suddenly stopped and let the Dark Master leave the Ark World. At first, he and Zeratul both thought this was a conspiracy. The other party was to locate the Singularity Channel in the airspace near the Fallen Angel, and then they would fight the Void Seeker endlessly. After the goal was achieved, the door was opened to let the old man go. , To lure the three into a trap.

Now think about it, could it be that he was too conspiracy theorized and misunderstood Noah's motives?

There were not many obstacles behind the breakout and anti-breakout wars. In fact, the reason was very simple. Noah was hesitant about whether to let him enter the Ark World or not. This arrangement is like closing a door and hitting a dog, but not necessarily. Will develop into the introduction of wolves into the room.

"Big Brother...Big Brother..."

Tang Lin's voice awakened him. When they looked up, the two turned their gazes to the command center of the biological mind control system---the green leaf overflowing with delicate brilliance.

Kleiya murmured: "If the library is the place where the Ypsilon people cultivate epic creatures, then there must be a command system to control their behavior. It seems that the consciousness link network is not a unique technological achievement of God’s armed forces, but inherited The legacy of the Ypsilon."

"The Lost Land and the Ark World... No wonder he said those words, hoping to form an alliance with you. In a sense, you and him have a brotherhood."

Tang Fang didn't respond to her joking, and hurried to the front of the biological mind control system, raised his right hand and pointed it at the last leaf floating above, with a faint light radiating from his forehead.

For whatever reason, Noah gained control of the Ark World, but this does not mean that God's Armed Forces completely mastered the Epsilon Technology. Noah can operate the biological mind control system, but cannot set up strict authority levels. In fact, there is no need to do so. Mr. J, Athena and others do not possess the Epsilon rune, and it is impossible to access the core system.

Tang Fang is different. Like Mr. Sage, he has runes of Ypsilon and has auxiliary forces like Emma. The database of the Star Trails Command Center also stores a large amount of data collected in the remains of Ypsilon in the past. Overcoming the authority barrier set by Noah is naturally not a very difficult thing.

Tang Lin and Claire looked at him eagerly. They thought it was an unforeseen situation in the war between the tribal unit and the epic creature army. They didn't know that he guessed a certain possibility from Noah's various reactions.

As the cracking process continues, the resources he can master gradually increase, and the light overflowing from the surface of the last leaf becomes more and more prosperous, and it begins to radiate golden light, forming a spherical projection composed of star clusters in the surrounding area. Look carefully. You will find that the star clusters surrounding the Last Leaf are not simply bright spots ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but dna models shrunk numerous times.

The two did not notice this vision. Only Tang Fang understood that the dna model outside the last leaf was the dna projection of the epic creatures in the paradise world. When the mind was born and died, those commands would be transformed into instincts and implanted in the epic creatures of the paradise world. In the body, even the epic creatures distributed on the barren land on the surface of the planet cannot be avoided, because the dark matter emission end that was crushed before entering the underground world is not the only existence.

After five breaths, the last leaf was filled with light, like a shining silver star, radiating a compelling light, stinging Tang Lin and Kleiya's eyes.

At the same time, on the battlefield on the edge of the Great Lake where the library is located, the jellyfish epic creature that originally mimicked the flow cloud stopped chewing, and suddenly turned its soft body counterclockwise, the spirally arranged teeth opened in sequence, and slowly spit out a blood-stained creature. body.

If you distinguish carefully, you will recognize that it is a 60-meter-long swarm guard. Most of the vesicles used to store ovules and bone bees have been destroyed. The surface of the body is covered with large and small pits, which follow the ups and downs of the body. Swing, shoot out blood like rain.

It can be seen from its up and down movement that the Swarm Guardian may lose control and fall to the ground due to the deepening of the injury. After several hours of fighting, under the attack of the epic creature army, the other 9 swarm guards died one after another. It was the last one that persisted.

At this moment, two crossed shadows flashed in the sky. The eagle-falcon-type epic creature that had helped the pangolin quickly reach the war zone approached the swarm guard. The bird's beak sprayed a green saliva that looked like an acid solution, and it landed on the dense scarred surface.

In a blink of an eye, the **** rain stopped like a spring, and the valgus skin and flesh contracted inwards, giving birth to many new granulation shoots. The wounds healed at an astonishing speed. The swarm guards stabilized the body again, and the new ovules began to transform into vesicle outer membranes. .

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