Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1180: The beginning of the disaster (part 1)

In fact, she really didn’t have a headache for this, not because Aros left without saying goodbye not long after returning to the Dillard star system. This time she didn’t even leave a note, nor was it because the Star Alliance government treated Ward Heavy Industries. The investigation work of military industrial enterprises such as Iga and Iga Industries has expanded, and there is a tendency to be overwhelmed by the boiling public opinion. Even Morningstar Casting, which has not yet officially put into production, has also been affected.

What her headache was that it had been 1 month since the Meilin Star incident, the Fallen Angel never sent a contact request, and the communication link sent by the Dillard Star System was also sinking into the sea without any response.

"Is he... okay? There will be no trouble."

She once secretly sent a search team to the Tartarus Abyss to explore the area where the Fallen Angel stayed, but the results were disappointing, and no relevant clues were found. The Fallen Angel seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Not having any discovery is also a good thing to some extent. At least it is impossible to prove that the Fallen Angel was destroyed and Tang Fang and others were killed—she could only use this method to comfort herself.

In order to stabilize the military's mind and not cause chaos, she concealed the loss of contact with the Fallen Angel, only saying that Tang Fang had other important things to do and could not return for a while.

People who have followed Tang Fang since the Battle of Crotan are very aware of the existence of the Lost Lands. Only a few people such as Byron and Grant knew about the loss of connection between the Fallen Angel and the Delar star system, and even Tang Yun was kept in the dark.

One month later, Tang Fang did not come back.

Two months have passed, and Tang Fang has not yet returned.

Three months later, there is still no sign of the return of the Fallen Angel.

In the fourth month, the focus of public opinion shifted from the marksmanship match between Mei Linxing to the investigation by the Star League Supervisory Agency on Iga Hirohiko, Sven Byrne and other military giants. Adam Oliver and others originally planned to beat the managers of these military industrial enterprises to make Iga Hirohiko and others be more obedient and understand the overall situation. However, they did not expect the intervention of the court to make things worse.

Before the Star Alliance declared war with the Sulu Empire and the Mongolian Empire, when the National Assembly decided a series of important matters, the justices criticized Adam Oliver's move to transition to wartime politics, because once it entered wartime politics , The power of court institutions will be significantly weakened.

Although the old guys made concessions at the last moment, they were always a little unhappy. Adam Oliver believes that the most fundamental reason for the expansion of the investigation is that the old guys used the topic to improve their sense of existence. The Star Alliance is now in wartime politics. Because of the previous abandonment of the alliance, Tang Fang did not excessively pursue the responsibility of the Star Alliance government on the face of Terry Ferdinand, but the reputation of the Liberal Party politicians headed by him has been greatly damaged, regardless of There is a crisis of trust in both civil society and grassroots government institutions.

In this environment, he did not dare to restrain the elderly in the court system as the president of the Star Alliance, so as not to trigger another political storm. So while the Sulu Empire and the Mongolian Empire’s navies were standing still, and there was no external crisis for the time being, the Star Alliance was experiencing an internal turmoil... Actually, it was not a turmoil, perhaps it would be more accurate to describe it as an undercurrent.

Adam Oliver thought so, but as the incident continued to ferment, he gradually realized that things were not as simple as imagined. It is true that the justices have given him a little color, but there are more complicated factors behind it. For example, pressure from public opinion, such as occupational diseases.

In fact, these factors are brought together to create the current situation is an invisible man behind the scenes.

The military operations of the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire in the two no-man’s land ended in failure, and they lost a lot of dark chess in the government storm caused by the previous breach of the covenant. This does not mean that they will accept the lesson and be honest. Hibernate.

As the saying goes, offense is always the best defense. He admired the enemy's think tank very much, and after experiencing such a defeat, he found a new entry point to attack.

Among the charges against Hirohiko Iga, Sven Byrne, and others, one count was treason. This is not groundless, we must know that the military will more or less carry out technical cooperation with some military industry companies to develop new weapon systems. Iga Industrial, Ward Heavy Industries, and the Wanderer Technology Consortium, as commercial organizations pursuing economic interests, cannot guarantee that they will not directly sell related technologies for attractive benefits, or munitions containing related technologies to people of unknown origin.

Many merchants purchasing these weapons negotiate in the name of mercenaries, but only gods know whether they have another identity. Businessmen obviously don’t care about the authenticity of the mercenary status. Anyway, that’s the responsibility of the government. Even if something goes wrong, they can’t blame themselves... Even some military industry companies will help customers get through the government joints and sell a large number of them. Arms make huge profits.

Although most weapons are outdated products compared to naval equipment, it is undeniable that they have a strong Star Alliance style. Falling into the hands of potential enemies such as the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire will undoubtedly bring unforeseen risks.

Before the war, in view of the cooperative relationship between various military industrial enterprises and the government, many people chose to close one eye. Now in the period of war, Iga Hirohiko and others kicked Adam Oliver and others severely in the incident of betraying the covenant, which led to joint sanctions by the Liberal Party and the Republican Party.

Under such circumstances, the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire neither tried any means to rescue their business partners, nor did they stand on the sidelines, but chose to add to the flames and make trouble.

Just like Iga Hirohiko and others kicked the Adam government in the incident of betraying the covenant, they also tasted the knife stabbed behind the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire.

Some evidence of irregular transactions between the pseudo-mercenary groups and the Wanderer Technology Consortium, Iga Industrial and other military industrial enterprises appeared on the desks of some media professionals and independent prosecutors. There were even military industrial enterprises in order to facilitate transactions and help customers avoid Information from government investigations.

More and more scandals between government agencies and military-industrial enterprises have been learned by the public. In this case, it is impossible for case handlers of independent investigative agencies to follow Adam Oliver's will. Because of Tang Fang’s frame-up, Iga Hirohiko, Sven Byrne, and Komodo Sinan lost trust in each other. Faced with the iron evidence that the investigator placed on the table, they chose to betray as much as possible. People who have accepted corporate bribes within the government, ranging from agency clerks to leaders of state authorities, were all shaken out. So the case was like a snowball, involving more and more people, and the scope of influence became larger and larger. The justices did not know how to end the political turmoil that began with the assassination of Captain Tang.

As Chen Jian concluded, "He always makes big news."

The fourth month passed in this turmoil, and there was still no news from Tang Fang.

In the fifth month, Kylenia lost a whole circle and began to fidget. Tang Yun seemed to have noticed something and pestered her to ask her elder brother. This made her more headaches and she didn't know how to explain.

As far as space travel is concerned, five months is just a relatively long time period, not long. However, this is aimed at the warp speed of the self-produced ships of the sovereign state. With the power of Tang Fang and the performance of the Fallen Angel, it did not appear in public for a full five months, even though Kylenia and Grant and others He vowed to say that he was carrying out a secret mission, and it is inevitable that life would be suspicious.

Fortunately, the Star Alliance government’s investigation into the military industry giants has intensified and almost failed to end. This has reduced the world’s attention to Morningstar Casting. At the same time, an incident in the Phoenix Empire has set off another wave of discussions, which once again weakened people’s attention to the Tang ship. Long passion.

The emperor of the Phoenix Empire, Virginia Alexander, suddenly appeared in the Stellar star system where Morrisnus live in large numbers, and offered condolences to some very rare elderly people who had lived over 40 years old, and promised to abolish the prohibition of Morris slaves from joining the army and give them more Broad development space and better working environment.

After leaving the Stellar star system where Morrisnu was heavily populated, he went to the nearby Sandnes star system, visited the largest space plantation in the empire and a top-ranked university, and gave an impromptu speech , Described in detail his concept of reforming GE, including broadening the promotion channels for the people at the bottom; implementing the final elimination system and public opinion evaluation system for officials; restricting and adjusting the privileges of the nobility and the military; establishing new institutions and increasing the enforcement of law enforcement agencies Supervise and restrain; formulate more clear and standardized laws; give more protection and preferential treatment to Morris people...

His actions and speeches unsurprisingly set off a political storm within the Phoenix Empire and also attracted many foreign eyes. No one thought that "His Majesty the Great Sage Emperor", who is known for his domineering and arrogant, would have such an idea, just like suddenly becoming another person, completely subverting the national impression of him.

Although he did not rule out the possibility of acting in this way, unlike the past, these words are not as full of false and empty features as the National Day speeches. They have strong clarity. No matter from any angle, they are an improvement. It's all a kind of change, although the scale is not big, at least he has plans to move forward.

Could it be that His Majesty, the "great" Holy Emperor, suddenly realized that he would come to a vigorous political GAI and reform the face of this country?

Many people drew a big question mark in their hearts, hoping that he could release a more obvious signal to help people determine his true thoughts, and then have a preview of the future.

Surprisingly, this kind of enthusiasm has not yet cooled down, and the sad news of Virginia Alexander's sudden illness on the way home followed one after another... At least until His Majesty the Holy Emperor's body healed, neither domestic nor foreigners Will get any news about the political reform of GE.

The time has come to the sixth month after the Fallen Angel lost contact. Even though Kylenia, Grant and others have made a lot of efforts, the rumor that "Tang Fang has not appeared for six months and is suspected to be missing" is still in the Star League society. It spread and developed into a trend with a wide range of influence sweeping the entire Hilumbel region.

"Captain Tang is missing?" The whole world was in an uproar. This rumor spread at an alarming speed, occupying the pages of small and medium-sized newspapers and online media, occupying the gossip of the streets, and occupying the work and life of many people.

"Did the ship be destroyed by a space storm? For example, a magnetar eruption, or a subspace turbulence..."

"Could it be done by the Supreme Council and Dragon Whisperers?"

"It may also be an assassination. Well, it's easy to dodge an open gun and hard to defend against an arrow..."

"Hey, hello, don't you people be so pessimistic. Didn't you see that the headlines of those news use questions? And they used "missing", not "death". Morningstar Casting even clarified this rumor. Don’t be deceived by the reports that are used by the small media to gain attention."

"Clarification... do you believe in corporate clarification? Sometimes the gossip is far more true than the official media. I am really looking forward to the outcome without Tang Fang’s Morningstar casting. And what about the Garcia Resistance ,very pitiful."

"Hehe, you are resentful because Linda compares you with Captain Tang. If he really died, it would be of no benefit to everyone in the Star Alliance. Who do you think scared the Monya Empire? The navy and the Sulu Imperial Navy, who dare not step into the border, is it the Star Alliance Navy? Don't be kidding me."

"This...just make peace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Make peace...Yes, if it wasn't for that kid to spoil the situation, how would the Star Alliance go to war with the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire, resulting in how many lives and families? Wife ion is scattered."

"I remember that when Mr. President issued the mobilization order, you were more excited than anyone. If it wasn't for physical reasons that you couldn't join the army, you might have been on the battlefield now. Now I say this again, alas, jealousy is terrible!"

In short, this news has brought a huge impact to the Star League society, for those who are depressed, for those who lament, for those who are worried, for those who are excited, and for those who gloat...

Perhaps it was because Tang Fang's life and death were not certain, the government did not fluctuate in its attitude towards Morningstar Casting, and maintained the original situation, giving appropriate convenience and privileges in certain areas.

Only high-level government officials know how terrible the undercurrent hidden under the calm surface is. Unlike the last time it started in civil society, this time it is due to internal tears.

It turned out that the expansion of investigations into military industry giants such as Hirohiko Iga and Sven Byrne caused a series of chain reactions within the government. Many officials developed from the initial sincerity and trepidation to holding groups for warmth, resisting censorship, and showing failure in their daily work. The phenomenon of chaos.

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