Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1181: The beginning of the disaster (middle)

Adam Oliver and others have the intention to reverse this situation, but they cannot find an appropriate entry point and cannot balance the opposition between public opinion, constitutional legal principles, war environment, and selfishness.

At this time, the rumors of Tang Fang’s disappearance became more and more raging, which made the political situation worse. The more impetuous people became, the more negative attitudes became. Everyone was using their own small calculations, and pessimism spread unstoppably within the government, and even appeared. An implacable argument, hoping to reconcile with the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire and restore it to its previous state.

This is true within the ZHI party, not to mention the opposition parties. Because of the relationship between Terry Ferdinand and other political elders, the Republican Party can be said to wear a pair of trousers with the Liberal Party on the foreign war. Naturally, it will not engage in back-stabbing, but other small and medium parties are all gearing up and waiting for the moment of speculation. arrival.

It used to be the people who forced the Liberal Party to step down, but now Adam Oliver is very likely to play with himself.

Politics has always been one of the most exciting social novels.

The Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire on the other side of the no-man’s land are naturally a different story. Officials, nobles, celebrities, merchants... these groups in the upper strata of society are very happy to hear this kind of news. If it can prove that Tang Fang is dead, so much the better.

The people at the bottom of society who have been poisoned by brainwashing propaganda are even more excited than those in the upper class.

"The traitor will not end well."

"It is precisely the retribution of the cycle of heaven and law that is unhappy, that national scum finally paid the price for his past evil deeds.

"His Majesty's words have been fulfilled. Any delusional attempt to subvert Monya and the conspiracy to subvert the empire will not succeed. Long live Monya, long live the emperor, long live the Stewart family..."

"Tang Fang's disappearance... is just the beginning of the collapse. Morningstar Casting has lost the foundation of existence. Traitors will die one by one in remorse and wasting. And the group of stray bandits from Garcia's Resistance Army will also usher in their end. The Messiah of the East? Huh... That's ridiculous, that poor guy can't even save himself."

At such a moment, there will be no opposition, and even if there is, it will only hide in the dark and cold corner. Because telling the truth comes at a price. It is not terrible to die under the gun of a nobleman, but it is shameful to die under the insult of a patriot.

There will be Henrietta in Turanx in the United Kingdom, and there will be no chaos. At most, there will be some discordant sounds on the sites of Edwina, Li Yun and others.

The Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, and the Silver Eagle Corps remained silent and did not express any opinions.

The Sauron Empire also remained silent, but it was rumored that the Special Guard of the Sword of Oath had a new move. No one knew that Jaina Britannia took advantage of the Turanx United Kingdom coup to clean up a group of infidels, and then thought What conspiracy and tricks were used by Tang Fang's missing Dongfeng.

The political situation in Date Republic has become more and more subtle, which can be said to be more complicated than the Star League political situation. After all, it involves the game between Han Jingyun and Pliden Almaty. Related agencies and the media have been very cautious about Tang Fang’s disappearance. And confusion.

Caution is manifested in the wording, while confusion is mostly manifested in the attitude of the pros and cons. Many foreign current political commentators joked that they were "little wives", and they were criticized by their father-in-law in the morning. In short, sandwiched in the middle becomes an air bag.

The above nine countries have different attitudes towards the rumors of Tang Fang’s disappearance, but the most weird one is the Phoenix Empire. While Virginia Alexander’s condition has not yet improved, the Phoenix Empire’s official media did not care about the emperor’s body and the future of the country. Instead, they did not hesitate to attack Tang Fang in the news media and portals. The extinction of the Singh family; the assassination of Sangeville; the funding and arms support of the García rebels; the intervention in the internal affairs of the Republic of Date; the terrorist acts on Melin Star... Literati used different brushstrokes and angles to write different criticism articles to vilify. Of course, they will also lead Black Adam Oliver, Tomlinson Daller and others.

No one knows why the Phoenix Empire is so uplifting as a chicken blood. Only a few political elderly people frowned and keenly caught a trace of danger.

On the other hand, the Liberals headed by Adam Oliver did not have much energy to worry about the abnormal behavior of the Phoenix Empire, because the investigation of the military giants has been deepened and expanded step by step, combined with the impact of Tang Fang’s disappearance. , The chaos within the administrative system continued to intensify, finally triggering a vicious incident.

A senior military official who had close contacts with Iga Hirohiko, in order to evade punishment, gave birth to the idea of ​​defecting before the independent prosecutors had any substantive evidence, but suffered from not having the opportunity to leave the Star Alliance until the White Beard Pirates Find him.

It turned out that Albert and the others escaped from the Talida star system, and after a period of wandering, they changed their gates again and put them under the banner of the Burning Legion.

The Star Alliance government has fallen into internal conflict, and the navy has also been affected. It has relaxed its encirclement and suppression of pirate groups such as Cobra and White Beard. Now Tang Fang has lost news. This development is naturally excellent for Albert and others. They dare not go to the Dilar star system to find Byron, Kylenia and others for revenge, but they can stealthily **** and take advantage of the Covenant government's wool.

Boyle sent an emissary to communicate with the rebellious general. The Burning Legion would help him leave the Hilumbel region and go to the United States of Jupiter, but in exchange, he must pay the same amount, which can be a huge sum of money. , Can also be an important secret about the Star Alliance Navy.

As a senior navy officer who can make friends with Iga Hirohiko, there is naturally a certain business intersection. Although he is only a staff officer in the Star Alliance Naval Equipment Command, he actually manages the daily operations of several military laboratories and holds a lot of valuable confidential information in his hands.

The two sides hit it off, and then finalized an action plan. He performed a hijacking scene midway to the location of a military laboratory. Then, the White Beard Pirates escorted him out of the territory of the Star Alliance and went to the Sokanada Line and the commander of the Burning Legion Bayern. Meet Torres.

Somehow, this incident was learned by the Star Alliance government intelligence department. Defense Secretary Rene Ismail convened a secret meeting to collect opinions on this matter, and finally decided not to seduce the snakes for the time being, and let the White Beard Pirates and the generals do things, and then dispatched the fleet to track them and give them to the Burning Legion. A fatal combat plan.

The Deep Submersible fleet has fallen, but the shadow of the Dortmund Massacre has always been in the hearts of the Star Alliance. If there is no Burning Legion to disrupt the situation, how can those collaborators seize the opportunity to kill the civilians?

This **** incident is a pain that the Star Alliance people can never let go of. From high-ranking officials and politicians to the people of the Li people, they all hate the Burning Legion. If you can defeat it at this time and avenge those who died, there is no doubt that it will Greatly boost morale and reduce the pessimism and negative emotions pervading the military and political circles.

Adam Oliver approved this plan of action. Seven months after the Fallen Angel lost contact, the Star Alliance 12th Fleet, 16th Fleet and 25th Fleet garrisoned by the Sokanada Line, plus secret transfers At the border, the Spartacus Unit 1 quietly followed behind the White Beard Pirates, left the border of the Star League, and entered the deep space of the Sokanada Line.

With the armed forces of a pirate regiment, it is of course impossible to notice the Star Alliance naval fleet. The tracking process went smoothly and was not noticed by the enemy. It was just that the fleet stalled slightly during the last part of its approach to the target. Soon the subspace storm that appeared in the Lost Lands spread to the Sokanada line of defense, slightly affected the space structure, and extended to the space-time bubble of the space battleship structure, showing a phenomenon of decreasing curvature.

The vanguard ship carrying out the tracking mission in the front has also encountered this situation, so it has not attracted much attention and vigilance. The fleet chose to increase the warp speed level for the final sprint.

However, when the battleship arrived at the predetermined location and the fleet left the virtual space to prepare for a revenge operation, the scene in front of them surprised them.

According to the coordinates displayed by the navigator, they had already crossed the location determined by the vanguard and contacted the border of the Phoenix Empire.

Fortunately, it was not intercepted by the Phoenix Imperial Navy. The subspace storm may have interfered with the operation of the Velocity Probe. Unfortunately, there is an imperial navy fleet not far from the point of emergence of the fleet.

The other party didn't expect their appearance, and was very panicked. Without any communication, they directly launched a fierce attack on the Star Alliance naval fleet... even at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

After careful observation, the Star Covenant fleet finally discovered that the Phoenix Imperial Navy was in a disadvantaged position to launch an attack, not to defend national sovereignty, but to protect a wandering asteroid, no, it should be said that it was the Ipsy on the wandering asteroid. Dragon ruins.

Such a discovery shocked the commanders of the Star Alliance fleet at all levels. They did not expect that the Star Alliance Navy had missed the target of action due to the subspace storm.

Although the fleet has been in contact with the border defenses of the Phoenix Empire, the barbarians are always used to occupying the high seas. If confrontation is carried out here, it will at most cause a war of words. You must know that no country will back down when it comes to fighting for the ownership of the Epsilon site. Just like allies such as the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire, they also fought for the relics of Nami Star's Ypsilon.

As the commander-in-chief of the operation, Admiral Wahid Kegman ordered a full-scale offensive, trying to rush to defeat the Phoenix Imperial Naval Fleet on the opposite side before the arrival of enemy reinforcements. Even if the ruins of Ipsyron above were destroyed, they would not fall. In the hands of the Phoenix Empire.

A great battle occurred inevitably. Without any accident, the Star Alliance Navy won the victory. It took away the parts of the Epsilon ruins that could be taken away, and bombed the ones that could not be taken away, and then left the airspace and returned. Go to the Star Alliance Naval Defense Zone.

Although it was regrettable that the Burning Legion could not be wiped out, it was a pleasant surprise to be able to obtain the remains of Ypsilon.

The Adam government was still digesting the benefits of this operation, and did not expect the Phoenix Empire to suddenly launch a retaliatory attack on a weak defense zone. At the same time, the first prince Hegel Alexander, who served as the abbot during the treatment of Virginia Alexander, declared war on the Star Alliance. The reason is that the Star Alliance navy trampled on the territorial sovereignty of the Phoenix Empire and killed the eighth prince David Alexander. For the dignity of the royal family and the country, the imperial cavalry will step on Heisenberg and take Adam Oliver's head to pay tribute. The brother's dead soul.

No one expected that the matter was so serious that the countries were in an uproar.

If the previous frictions can be tolerated, and the defeat in the battle for the remains of Ypsilon can be tolerated, then the death of a prince...of course cannot be tolerated, because it concerns the face of the country and the royal family, and for the Monya Empire For monarchy countries like the Phoenix Empire, the dignity of the royal family cannot be desecrated.

The Burning Legion caused friction between the two countries for the first time. The main combatants led by Lawrence, Sphinkel and others demanded a declaration of war on the Star Covenant. The result was stopped by Virginia, and Prince Sphinkel was fined to face the wall for a month. Now that Virginia is sick and admitted to the hospital, it is a matter of royal dignity, and the leaders and factions can't find an excuse to delay the matter.

With the overwhelming propaganda and agitation of the domestic media, the war against the Star Alliance is already on the line and has to be launched.

Adam Oliver woke up from the joy of obtaining the remains of Epsilon, and suddenly felt a very strange feeling. He calmed down and reviewed the incident, as if an invisible hand was pushing the whole thing forward.

He has no evidence to reveal the cold undercurrent hidden under the calm water. Even if the culprit is found, what can he do? The Jupiter Expeditionary Force led by Ingrid Alexander has left from the side of the defense line near the Silver Eagle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and marched toward the defense line of the Star Alliance. Military forces from the Phoenix Empire are also continuously entering the front line. .

The war between the Star Alliance and the Phoenix Empire is inevitable.

"It happened at this time... It happened at this time!"

There was a serious tear within the Star League. Affected by the investigation of military industry giants such as Hirohiko Iga, everyone at the military command level was in danger, which led to instability of the military and a sharp decline in combat effectiveness.

If you choose to quit the investigation, suspend the investigation, and release Iga Hirohiko and others, then how to explain to the people, how to explain to Morningstar, is just the old stubbornness of the court system.

What is even more troublesome is that rumors of Tang Fang’s disappearance are flying everywhere, which has aggravated the turmoil and pessimism of the Star Alliance society. Although after experiencing many things, he has great confidence in the kid and does not think that Captain Tang is really dead. But what about others... others may not believe it.

It is precisely because of the existence of Captain Tang and Morningstar Casting that the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire had to suspend their military conquests and chose to use another concealed method to attack the Star Alliance, such as creating social unrest in the past, such as now resorting to investigations against military giants The incident intensified conflicts within the government.

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