Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1214: Gains and Questions (Part 1)

Chapter 1214: Harvest and Questions (Part 1)

With the medium and short-range air force combat units, plus the main battleships such as the Void Glow Ship, the Aircraft Carrier, and the Storm Battleship, the Protoss fleet finally deserves its name. If there is a mothership bonus, he can form a realistic version of gold The fleet is out.

His idea is good, but the population occupation of the main battleship is like an insurmountable mountain lying in front of him. Take the aircraft carrier alone... the occupancy value of 15 population is really unbearable, and the cost of the mothership to increase the population capacity is so high.

Wait... he suddenly thought of a situation, and then moved his attention to the upper right corner of the screen.

2100? 2100 population? Really increased the population limit of 1,000!

Whether it’s the Zerg base or the Terran base, after the StarCraft 1 and StarCraft 2 battle mode buildings are all unlocked, Sister Logic once rewarded him with a population limit of 1000. The Protoss base has been stuck here for a long time in the fleet's beacon, until he is excited. After alleviating, he remembered the fact that all the Protoss buildings had been unlocked, and he realized that Sister Logic had additionally rewarded the 1,000 population cap.

If the extra 1,000 people were used to produce aircraft carriers, that would be 67...the total number of battleships equal to a regular fleet of a sovereign state. The performance of the warship of a sovereign country is of course very different from the Protoss warship, not to mention the advanced cargo of aircraft carriers.

The newly expanded population of 1,000 alleviated his urgent need, thinking that Sister Logic is also an old slicker, knowing that she can give a sweet date with a hammer, she can fool him, so that he will no longer be entangled with the problem of the high population of aircraft carriers and storm ships.

Then I thought about it, now that the population limit of the Protoss base has reached 2100, and the poor human base is only 2,000. It is really speechless to be overtaken, but it can be visualized by the Void Pump at any rate, which is a little better than the Protoss base.

After browsing the new elements, he originally planned to leave the system space, but suddenly remembered one thing and shifted his focus to the control core. Because the combat ability of the Protoss unit has been performing well, he even forgot to perform the final upgrade of the five regular upgrade items.

Control the core of "Protoss Air Unit Weapon Level 3", "Protoss Air Unit Armor Level 3", "Protoss Unit Shield Level 3", plus the "Protoss Ground Unit Weapon Level" that the Forge has already unlocked 3", "Protoss Ground Unit Armor Level 3", have been activated from the gray lock state.

According to LV1-LV2-LV3, the game resource consumption increase of 10 times-50 times-200 times, 5 kinds of LV3 project upgrades, the total resource consumption is as high as 25W crystal 25W gas.

In the past, the resource consumption of 25W crystal and 25W gas was enough to drain him. Now, facing the total system resources of more than 600W crystal and 700W gas... it is just the cost of one or two aircraft carriers.

Also without any hesitation, put 5 kinds of LV3 items into the upgrade sequence and watched them complete one by one.

In this way, the combat capabilities of the Protoss units will be greatly enhanced. Take fanatics alone, the upgrade to the LV3 "Protoss Ground Unit Weapon Level" and "Protoss Ground Unit Armor Level", even the most common fanatics If you want to, you can also confront the statue guards of the Ypsilon civilization head-on...Of course, except for the feminine statue guards that took a lot of hands and feet to defeat.

What amazing performance will the aircraft carrier and the storm warship have... He is looking forward to it. Now let alone against the Abyssal Knight, even if the enemy is a Dragon Whisperer, he has the power to fight.

With this emotion of joy, I turned my attention back to reality, and found that the data transcription process has only reached 30%, and there is still a long way to go, so I sorted out some complicated thoughts and put the hydralisk to the second time. The terrifying creature sits under the **** as a sofa.

He just fell asleep like this, as if he couldn't sleep well, and fell on the bed. Even if the hard skin of a Hydralisk was under his butt, he couldn't stop him from sleeping.

Three hours later, Emma's voice sounded in his mind, awakening his self-consciousness in a slumber state.

"Commander, the data entry work is now over, and probably the content has been uploaded to the central processing system of the harsh environment protective clothing through the star orbit command center, and you can review it on the window interface."

Tang Fang let out a "um", opened his confined eyes, and found a summary report on the window interface. First pat your face to make the misty consciousness clearer, and then click on the document.

The beginning part was about the structural analysis of this space facility. He didn’t have much interest in it. He just confirmed that the facility, as he thought, was an Epsilon shipyard. What is the function of the module... These are not important.

The second part is a part of the screen extracted by Emma from the shipyard monitoring module database, which shows in a general way the fierce battle in the battlefield of the Alpha-7 star system. Although the battle here is far from the scale of the Delta-5 star system, it is just a local war, but it still broadens his horizons and has a more intuitive and profound understanding of the battleships of the Ypsilon civilization and the Ailan civilization. impression.

To his regret, the two sides had no language exchanges before and after the war, and could not have a deeper understanding of the origins, motives and details of the unprecedented battle.

There is nothing to say about air combat, like the Seraph, Angel of Right, Sea Witch-class unmanned combat ship, and Assault-class fast assault boats unique to the Ypsilon civilization. The Star Trident battleship of the Ailante civilization, the DNA model battleship seen in Paradise World, and a battleship similar to a manual eggbeater, which is suspected to be the prototype of the Djinn-class super battleship... He is more or less to a certain extent The understanding of, will not show shock and doubt like when he saw the destroyer civilization warship attacking the paradise world.

Judging from the battle situation, the Ypsilons put most of their forces on the frontline battlefields such as the Delta-5 star system. The Alpha-7 star system did not retain much force. In addition to the inherent patrol fleet, the rest was Naturally, some damaged warships that needed repairs could not withstand the crazy attack of the Alant fleet, and they were ultimately defeated.

Perhaps considering the value of the shipyard, the Ailantes did not inflict a devastating blow on this space facility and chose to implement the landing war, which seemed to be occupying the shipyard.

Emma also provided some war images captured by internal surveillance equipment. What makes him puzzled is that the entire shipyard does not have as many workers as he thought. The ratio of Ipsyrons to statue guards is as high as 1:50, whether it is soldiers responsible for security work or monitoring the operation of machinery and equipment. The mechanics of, are all played by statue guards, and the Ypsilons play the role of managers, and from the physical characteristics, these Ypsilons are very old, according to Liana’s standards and divided according to human living habits , Almost 60-70 years old.

Of course, according to the standard of human division of time, they are definitely a group of old monsters.

These people are labeled as "old people", but their actual combat power far exceeds that of the statue guards. The Ailantes encountered strong resistance. The landing battle did not go smoothly. They could only mobilize more troops and continuously invest in the interior space of the shipyard. There is an aura to seize the shipyard at all costs. This inevitably gave him another question. From a human point of view, this space facility is a rare treasure, but for the Ailantian civilization, the attractiveness is naturally greatly reduced, and it is difficult to get those ypsilons. Can the craftsmanship of the battleship ignore the sacrifices of the people?

They are not afraid that things will develop to the end. The Ypsilon people ruthlessly blow up the shipyard and let the opponent's bamboo basket fetch a lot of lives in vain?

This internal landing battle did not go to the end, an accident interrupted the battle between the two sides. The special monitoring equipment of the Ypsilon Shipyard caught a rapidly spreading subspace storm and spread to the dimensional lock network based on the Ashtorando system, creating a forbidden area, causing most of the ships to be lost. To perform a warp transition within the region, it is only possible to travel faster than light by constructing a subspace continuum by the Ypsilon transition relay station.

What impact will the dimensional storm created at the cost of the collapse of the Ashtorando system have on the battle? As far as the battle of the Alpha-7 star system is concerned, the most direct manifestation is that the Ailantes cannot replenish the forces lost rapidly during the landing battle at the shipyard, and thus the embarrassing situation that the available forces become less and less.

For the cosmic battlefield dominated by battleship duels, this change waits for the ground to block the possibility of warships traveling at speeds of light. Even if the Ailantes have superior forces, they cannot carry out wide-area maneuvers and realize their strategies. intention.

In the cosmic battlefield with light-years as the unit, the Ailante battleship can never cross the vast void between star systems with conventional engines, right?

Tang Fang didn't know if the Ailantes had space facilities similar to the Ypsilon jump relay station that could receive the fleet to leave here. In short, the Ypsilon's strong arm breaking action was shocking and admirable.

Just like in the case of the Delta-5 star system, how about the Elant fleet winning? If they have space facilities similar to the Ypsilon jump relay station, the best option is to abandon the offensive plan and leave the lost land. If they don't have space facilities similar to the Ypsilon jump relay station, they may be reduced to a group of miserable wanderers, drifting slowly in the vast universe.

This is the battlefield where the Ailantes dominate. What about the battlefields where the Ailantes do not dominate?

The landing battle of the Alpha-7 star system against the shipyard was in this situation. The Ypsilons defeated the Ailantes by relying on street fighting and terrain advantages. Of course, it was a victory. In the end, there was only one feminine statue guard left, five masculine statue guards, and all the real Ypsilon were killed.

He could not figure out one thing, why faced with the situation of "unable to perform the rapid transition", the military commander in charge of directing the Ailantes to attack the shipyard showed an extremely stubborn and rigid side. Feng got in touch and discussed a strategy to break the game, instead, he put all his troops into his hands, even set foot on the front line, and finally died with an Ypsilon.

Could it be possible that... the Ailante society is an extremely militaristic society? From the commander of the fleet to the front-line soldiers are a group of extremists?

However, judging from the situation of the sisters Cathy and Soya, this inference seems to be untenable. But it is not ruled out that the special living environment of the alien sisters has shaped their living habits completely different from their tribe.

Looking at the corpses of aliens, the devastated battlefield, and the Alante battleship that sank under the attack of the shipyard's automated unmanned defense system, he sighed heavily.

The civilized struggle between the Ypsilon and the Ailan in the Lost Lands goes far beyond the military confrontation of human society. The Ypsilonian’s act of creating a dimensional storm was a heavy blow to the military strength of the Ailantes, and it was a bitter pain to their civilization, a sad song of the end.

In fact, there is no winner in this war, only losers.

Just like what humans call this place, Old Eden...before it was beautiful Eden, but adding the word "old" in front of Eden reveals an inexplicable miserable and sad feeling.

Seeing this, two more questions appeared in his mind. The Ypsilons created a dimensional storm and prevented the devastating attacks of the Ailantes. After the enemy evacuated, why did they not repair the dimensional lock network and the Ashtorando system? You must know that they can command the Cupid robot to clear it. Dimensional Tunnel ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no reason why the Ypsilon people don't do this.

Judging from the current situation, are the Ailantes finally finding a way to overcome the difficulties and completely destroying the lost land? Or is it that the Ypsilon people know that the foundation of civilization has been destroyed, and there are big enemies watching them, and they can only choose to abandon this place and find another living space?

His doubts only came to him, and the new images captured by the shipyard's external monitoring equipment surprised him. In the eye of the storm area, a very huge neon storm began to form, and eventually turned into a huge vortex, beginning to radiate its influence to the surrounding star system, making this area completely lost.

Of course, this happened only a few years later, after all, it takes a lot of time for light to travel from the eye of the storm to the Alpha-7 star system. What puzzles him is that from the analysis data provided by Emma, ​​the formation speed of neon storms in the eye of the storm far exceeds the speed of light, and many star systems close to the eye of the storm are completely swallowed. Alpha-7 star system, Del Because the tower-5 star system is outside the absolute range of influence of the neon storm, it has escaped the fate of sudden death and embarked on the process of slow death.

What made him especially surprised was that after the Lost Land took shape, the undamaged monitor inside the shipyard caught a weird scene after a long idle period. He originally thought that the corpses of the Ypsilons on the battlefield would be confined by their tribesmen, and at the same time dealt with the corpses of the Ailan soldiers. The truth of the matter is that the corpses of the two sides are converged against the corpses of the Ailantes, not the Ypsilons. people.

PS: I did not say that the aircraft carrier does not have a main gun.

The mob said to A

Special thanks to Emperor Taihuang for his reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Thanks to the Pegasus Meteor Cannon, Moon Wings, Cisser kissing the earth, the wings of the fallen dark angel, the quagmire, don't lower our IQ, withering 彡, wants ~ more rewards.

This book comes from

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