Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1215: Gains and questions (in)

After many years, the Ailantes did not know how to return to the Lost Lands and took away the bodies of the Ypsilons and Ailantes, leaving only the remains of the statue guard.

What is even more strange is that only a few Ailantes did this, and it took a lot of effort to complete the task. And judging from their clothing characteristics, one of them resembles the owner of the alien sister flower.

Because of the shooting angle and clothing, he was unable to determine whether the Ailante was a dead person in the Theta quadrant, that is, the Ailante corpse stored in the Zerg base.

His energy is devoted to thinking about another key issue-logically speaking, the collection of corpses for both sides should be done by the Ypsilons. Why did the Ailantes do it? And after many years? Why don't they continue to attack the shipyard like their predecessors, kill the feminine statue guards and masculine statue guards, and completely occupy this place?

Is the neon vortex that originated in the eye of the storm done by the Ypsilon? If they did it, he could only say "too cruel", but judging from the social culture of the Ypsilon people, it should not be so extreme, even if they choose to abandon this land and find another living space. There is no need to cause a super disaster of this scale and swallow a large star field.

If they didn't do it, was this an accident? For example, did the Ypsilonians think that creating a storm in the subspace would seriously affect the stability of the current universe, and then form a civilized disaster, completely devouring their second homeland that was only destroyed?

Or is it... other reasons?

The male owner of the Alien Sisters Flower said to them that they should seek revenge from the Ypsilons and regain their homeland. Will this... In my opinion, this unparalleled war that destroys the civilization of Ypsilon is a conspiracy?

The Ypsilons were driven away from Serapas by the Ailantes and built their second hometown here. After years of precipitation, they thought of an extinct family plan in order to avenge their second homeland. They swallowed the nest at the cost of destroying the second home. To the Ailantes, and then use the secret fleet to fight back at the enemy's hometown?

Judging from Nami Star’s zero-isotope refinery plant and the Theta quadrant of the Khanos star system, the Ypsilons did indeed build some military and industrial facilities in the outer domain far away from the Lost Lands.

The Ailantes who came here to collect the body many years later; and what the male Ailantes said to Cathy and Soya seemed to indirectly confirm his guess.

But what happened to the Ark World? From the perspective of the timeline, the invasion of the Ark World’s Destroyer civilization took place after the Ypsilon civilization and the Ailan civilization. So what did the Destroyer civilization do to make the Ailantes and Iraqi who have forged **** feuds? How about the Psirrons unite to form an offensive and defensive alliance to deal with foreign enemies?

Either emotionally or historically, this combination is very illogical.

Of course, this is from a human point of view. If the social culture of the two races resembles the greedy tone of human businessmen’s profiteering, then the phrase "there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits" is placed in the Ailante civilization and Ipsy The same applies to the Dragon Civilization.

However, judging from Liana's memoirs and the performance of the male masters of the sisters Cathy and Soya, these two civilized races are not barbaric races with the highest interests, and their spiritual and emotional aspects are more abundant than human beings.

At this moment, he shivered suddenly, thinking of another possibility, could it be... could it be that he was wrong? The war in the Lost Lands is not the ultimate collision between the Ypsilon civilization and the Alante civilization, but a three-way war?

In other words, the Destroyer civilization hides in the shadow zone, waiting for the two sides to fight for both losses, and then with a neon storm sweeping the lost land, driving the Ypsilon and Ailan into desperation?

This kind of speculation can perfectly explain what happened in the Ark World. After the battle of destruction, the Ailantes and the Ypsilons learned the truth of the matter. Faced with the bad situation, they could only choose to place hatred and form an alliance against the destroyers. Civilize, and establish the Ark World in the abyss of Tartaros to avoid the pursuit of powerful enemies, and at the same time jointly develop biological weapons that can multiply quickly (that is, epic creatures) to try to counterattack.

Regrettably, their efforts did not result in a final victory. The Destroyer civilization still discovered the location of the Ark World and launched a war of annihilation across the universe, completely extinguishing the fire of civilizations of the Ypsilons and Ailantes. .

The Ypsilon Space Station at the core of the Ark World launches planets or asteroids full of epic creatures, blocking the space-time tunnel, and causing heavy damage to the Destroyer battleship. At the same time, it also makes the epic creatures live in the physical universe in a disguised form. The experimental body grows together.

Thousands of years later, the Ark World ushered in an exile...

He doesn't know whether his guess is accurate, but it is the only guess that can explain the development of the matter on the basis of existing intelligence. However, there are still many elusive things, such as the structure of the West Tower quadrant. He always feels that the place is very strange, such as why the Destroyer civilization should eradicate the Ypsilon and Ailantes... is to compete for the development of civilization. Resources and space? Or is there a more complicated reason?

In short, there are still many mysteries to be solved.

This concludes the second part, followed by a data list, introducing the battleship production process entries transcribed from the shipyard database by the Star Orbit Command Center.

In fact, this is the core content of the report, and it is also because of the craftsmanship of these warships to unlock the fleet's navigation mark.

From the fact that the Ailantes chose to launch a landing battle instead of directly destroying it, it can be explained how valuable this Ypsilon shipyard is.

There are not only sea witch-class unmanned combat ships, assault-class fast assault boats, small commander-class flagships represented by the Quan Angel, and evil spirit-class special service ships represented by the Seraph...etc. The production process. There are also those that look exactly like keys, scientifically named Brave-class cruisers, look like butterflies, scientifically-named inheritor-class cruisers... etc.

These are all the Ypsilon battleships that he knows well, or seen in the wreckage of the Delta-5 star system battleship, which is fairly complete, and there are some Ypsilon battleships that he has not seen before.

Among them, he was particularly impressed by several battleships. An unmanned deep-space operation ship, translated into human language, should be called the observer class. It is a dual-purpose unmanned operation ship that can perform reconnaissance missions or Used for scientific investigations, such as investigating anomalous space, exploring zero fields, and monitoring deep sky objects.

On the surface, it looks nothing but a little special. In fact, what Tang Fang cares about is not its purpose, but the new type of power furnace mounted on the Observer-class unmanned deep space operation ship by the Epsilon.

There are two sets of energy systems in its body. One is a common zero-element reactor, which is used to provide the main power for ships, and the other is an experimental reactor... It is not appropriate to use "reactor" to describe it. This is a kind of pass A device that absorbs the zero point energy of the vacuum and provides part of the energy for the ship.

Although it is not the main source of power for the deep-space unmanned operation ship, but only a set of auxiliary systems, Tang Fang clearly knows what kind of technological advancement this equipment means...without the help of T energy stone or dark matter power. , Ypsilon people have begun to implement technology equipment using vacuum zero-point energy.

Vacuum zero-point energy...This is an academic term. In layman's terms, it corresponds to infinite clean energy, which can also be described as a perpetual motion machine.

It is not fission nuclear energy, it is not fusion nuclear energy, nor is it efficient zero element catalytic energy, it is vacuum zero point energy.

Just like the energy crisis caused by human beings’ excessive dependence on oil resources during the earth’s civilization, many people worry that the development of industry will one day run out of global oil reserves, which will bring the development of science and technology and social progress to a standstill, leading to the development of solar and nuclear energy Energy revolution.

Of course, the Ypsilon people will also have a similar sense of crisis, because the zero element is a non-renewable resource, which will be mined one day, unable to continue to meet the needs of civilization development, so some Ypsilon scientists began to look for alternatives. Elementary resources.

Human beings live on the earth, bathed in the light of the sun, and think of using solar energy. The Ypsilon people live among the stars, based on the universe, and they think of the "water" in the ocean.

Of course, the "seawater" here is not seawater in the conventional sense. According to Emma, ​​the current cosmic space in which humans live is actually built on an ocean of energy, which is academically called the "Sea of ​​Dirac". Most people think that a vacuum is a space with nothing. This is wrong. There is a kind of zero-point energy in the vacuum, which is similar to the waves on the ocean. This energy can be used by some means. It is more than nuclear energy. Cleaner and wider than solar energy.

The auxiliary power system installed on the Observer-class deep-space unmanned operation ship makes full use of this physical phenomenon. Compared with some warships that absorb solar energy, plasma wind and other space energy to achieve "eternal power", I don’t know how clever. How many times.

Of course, since the technological equipment for vacuum zero-point energy has not been installed soon and is still in the initial stage of utilization, there is still a long way to go before it can replace zero-point energy and become a cheap and efficient extensive energy source.

In Tang Fang’s view, the application of the Epsilon’s combination of zero element reactors, new power furnaces, and artificial intelligence systems is somewhat similar to hybrid locomotives in the earth age.

Because human civilization has developed from the ruins of the Ypsilon civilization, after the initial mining of the fragment resources in the Hirombel region, the large zero plain fields have long since disappeared, leaving only a few stocks. The scarce or low-quality zero plains are regarded as precious treasures that cannot be parted by all countries, like a group of lowly scavengers... at least he thinks so. However, from the perspective of ordinary people, because the field of vision is not broad enough, it is natural that they would not think of Zero Sutian, which is cherished by humans, and it has little development value for the Ypsilon people.

The second type of battleship...If he regards other people's memories as his own experience, he has seen it and it is not unfamiliar.

Strictly speaking, this is a special **** ship with low combat effectiveness.

Yes, it is the carrier of the zero element space effect field generator equipped by the Morningstar, the octopus-shaped battleship that was once witnessed by Cleia during the reception of the Morningstar.

In terms of size, this warship has many specifications, ranging from 500 meters to 1500 meters. If translated into human language, the name is similar to the Lanyue-class tactical **** ship. Its function is to create a huge space-time bubble by cascading multiple elementary particle space effect field generators to help a fleet make an overall transition... No matter whether the ship in the range of action is equipped with a warp engine, it can obtain the ability of interstellar navigation .

He originally thought that this kind of giant ship was a special ship used by the Ypsilons for group jumps to help those warships that did not have a warp engine for tactical and strategic transfer. After all, the warship engine and its related parts could be missing. Place powerful weapons in multiple spaces to enhance the attack power of the fleet.

After obtaining the detailed information of the Lanyue-class tactical **** ship today, he really understood its purpose. My own conjecture is just an additional application ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The real way to open the Lanyue-class tactical **** is-this kind of warship can help the fleet effectively avoid the enemy's interception force from causing a devastating impact on the fleet.

As we all know, in interstellar warfare based on virtual space travel, interceptors play a very important role in a fleet. This is from the fact that human civilization will spend a lot of resources to deploy warp intercepting nets outside the settlement. You can experience it.

If a fleet is intercepted by the enemy, it will fall into a very unfavorable situation. Just like when Tang Fang was in the Mubarak star system, relying on the interception equipment of the Morningstar made the Hell Regiment's recovery fleet suffer a big loss. Knowing that at that time he still only had the lightweight Protoss Air Force like the Phoenix fighter and the Scout fighter. In the recent battle between the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet to attack the Dillard star system, the Unicorn alone blocked the enemy fleet from entering a warp state, and delayed until the wandering planet arrived, allowing the enemy Pay a heavy price. In the battle with the Burning Legion and the Allied Pirates, if it were not for the interception network constructed by the assault-class fast assault boats, he would not be able to completely wipe out the enemy ships.

From these three things alone, we can see how important the interceptor ship is.

In the tactical systems of the Ypsilon civilization and the Ailante civilization, interceptors and interception equipment are also heavily equipped to all levels of fleet and space defense zones.

The Lanyue-class tactical **** ship uses the elementary particle space effect field generator to create a huge space-time cannon and "installs" the entire fleet in it. Once intercepted by the enemy, the energy recoil will only appear in the Moon-class tactics. The transition system constructed by the **** ship and many elementary particle space effect field generators will not affect the warships carried in the space-time bubble. In this way, the entire fleet is prevented from falling into a disadvantageous situation and the fleet can quickly counterattack. Color the enemy.

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