Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1218: too small

The holographic projection starport module of the battleship three-dimensional model turned red, the hangar door slowly opened, and in the image output from the big screen in front, a black ball was pushed into space by the push device, and the battleship engine reignited, leaving the airspace extremely quickly .

The doubt in her eyes was even more intense, she couldn't guess what medicine was sold in Tang Fang Calabash. She thought he would send her an exclusive battleship, but she didn't expect it to be a black iron ball, and she didn't know the mystery.

"Wait for my return..." After saying this, he turned and left the bridge.

About 10 minutes later, a special operations transport ship sailed out of Xinggang and flew to the airspace where the black ball was located.

She didn't understand what Tang Fang was going to do, what the gift he was talking about, and the only thing she could do now was wait.

After a few breaths, the large screen No. 1 was activated, and real-time images came from the shipboard camera.

In the dark space, only the faint tail flames of the special operations transport ship and the starlight in the distance can be distinguished. Apart from this, there is nothing worthy of attention.

This monotonous image lasted for several minutes. When she squinted her eyes slightly, trying to relieve her tension, the almost still picture showed shocking changes.

In the distant void, a little light bloomed.

It is not the tail flame of a special operation transport ship, but a rapidly expanding ring halo.

Its expansion speed is very fast. When Kylienia reacted and carefully distinguished, the ring halo in the distance had expanded to tens of kilometers, and it changed into several at the same time, forming a ring tunnel in the empty space.

The Minotaur-class battlecruiser became a little bit relative to the ring, she stared at the front halo blankly, showing a shocked expression.

The silver light source is rapidly undulating rectangular particles on the edge of the ring. Under their influence, the ring continues to grow and expand, and eventually becomes a behemoth with a diameter of nearly 100 kilometers, but it stops changing. Different rings begin to change differently. The rate of rotation is clockwise or counterclockwise.

The purple streamer began to dominate the color of the surface of the ring, and the purple light in some areas was rasterized, jumping on the big screen like a lively elf.

Kylienia no longer knows how to describe the scene before her. Tang Fang seldom takes her on adventures, so her knowledge of the Ypsilon is not as profound as that of Clea and Freya and others. She knows less, and now she suddenly sees a hundred-kilometer-level huge space facility appearing in the empty void. Even though she has been prepared, the changes in front of her still make her unacceptable, seemingly dreamy.

At this moment, the light was ignited from far and near, and the special operations transport ship reached the side of the Minotaur-class battle cruise ship, and Tang Fang's face appeared on the No. 2 big screen.

Before he could speak, Kylinia said first: "When did you hide a space facility here?"

Tang Fang said, "It's just now..."

She didn't understand, but after thinking about it for a while, she suddenly realized: "You mean... is... the black ball? No, no, no... how is this possible? It is simply impossible!"

Less than half an hour before and after, she still remembered what happened just now. The black ball was obviously only about 40 meters long. How could it become a giant in front of her in a blink of an eye? This was completely beyond her imagination.

Tang Fang said, "There is nothing impossible. I will tell you the story of the Destroyer civilization when I have time, but now... it's better to finish giving you gifts first."

Kylienia raised her eyebrows and said, "The gift you mentioned... is this space facility. Is it possible that it is a military port?"

From 40M small things to 100KM space facilities, living in this kind of facility will inevitably give people a very strange feeling, which is a bit unacceptable.

"No, it's not like that." Tang Fang explained: "It's not a military port, it's a pump."

"A pump?" She couldn't understand Tang Fang's new definition of a pump. Although the big guy outside was indeed not like a military port and could not see structures like berths and windows, it was a bit far-fetched to say that it was a pump.

"Uh... you can also think of it as a different-dimensional tunnel."

"Different-dimensional tunnel?"

"No matter what it is called, you just wait for a while." He is not Emma. He thinks it is troublesome to explain the fact of the Void Pump theoretically. God knows if the sensitive and studious Miss Kylenia will think of other things. Questions, and then asked without shame, it hurt his brain, so he should put the brakes urgently, don't show that he is knowledgeable in front of her, and give priority to the rest of the work.

Without waiting for the woman's response, she disconnected from the bridge and drove the special operations transport ship to the near zone in front of her.

The Void Pump was slower and slower, and finally stopped.

At the same time, the cargo warehouse of the special operations carrier opened, and a large piece of crystal fell into the ring warehouse.

Kylienia knew exactly what it was, and it felt a bit stuffy, so how much is it worth to replace a large zero-element isotope crystal with ordinary zeroe...

Since learning from Tang Fang that 1 ton of ordinary zero element can be extracted to 1 gram of zero element isotope, she has hoped to like this crystal which looks more beautiful than sapphire. Of course, not because of beauty, but because of value.

Now Tang Fang puts out so many zero-isotope crystals into the ring zone. If it is placed in the earth's civilization period, it is not money, but gold!

On the other side, Captain Tang sneezed twice in a row, as if he felt an inexplicable malice, and looked back at the location of the Minotaur-class battle cruiser.

After hiding the industrial ship into the wandering planet, he went to the West Tower quadrant and produced a lot of zero-isotope crystals from it, in order to activate the void pump and visualize the buildings of the human base.

According to the data given by Emma, ​​if the zero isotopes that need to be consumed to visualize Xinggang are converted into gas resources, 10W gas is needed. Compared with the 150 crystals and 100 gas in the game, it can be called a surge.

However, compared to Tang Fang's psychological price is much lower, which inevitably made him a lot of doubts, why can make the Minotaur-class battle cruiser Xinggang cheaper than the Minotaur-class battle cruiser?

He attributed this situation to the influence of the Void Pump. As a thing made by the Destroyer civilization, if the value of the energy extracted from the multiverse is lower than the value of the energy required to operate the Void Pump, then this device loses its meaning.

He did not emptied the West Tower quadrant, but only brought out zero isotopic crystals equivalent to 300W of gas. According to Emma's calculations, it is enough to support the consumption of functional buildings in the physical battle mode, and there is surplus.

He didn't waste too much thinking time on the issue of resource consumption. After injecting the zero isotope crystal into the ring zone, he immediately issued an enabling command to activate the positioning process and start the visualization task.

The annulus that composes the void pump rotates again from a static state, but the speed and direction of rotation have changed significantly compared with the previous one. The most obvious point is that the speed has become very fast, and the purple streamer on the surface of the annulus becomes very thick, and the surrounding void It radiates pulsed light waves, and finally turns into a rotating halo.

The Void Pump at this time is completely different from the Void Pump just unfolded, emitting shocking energy fluctuations.

Kylinia’s mouth grew bigger and bigger, and his eyes penetrated through those halo arrays, falling in the area behind the facility like thick ink colored clouds.

In fact, it is not a colored cloud, it is a naked singularity that is taking shape. Because of its small size, it did not affect the surrounding space structure and harm the celestial environment of the Dilar star system.

Tang Fang is much calmer. After all, I have seen naked singularities created by the Ark World in the Republic of Date. Perhaps because of the large difference in cosmic energy levels, the singularity tunnel created by the Void Pump for the universe corresponding to the system space is smaller. .

The light escaping from the naked singularity is actually a kind of energy fountain. Fortunately, it does not spread to a large area. It is captured by the Void Pump and bound in the central tunnel of the halo, turning into a long and narrow light vortex like a tornado.

Neon swept across the universe, also occupying the big screens of Minotaur-class battle cruisers and special operations transport ships, falling on the eyes of two people.

Different from Kylienia's focus, Tang Fang's eyes focused on a stream of light in the middle of the halo tunnel.

In a light storm of this level, the brilliance was unremarkable, until it rushed out of the inner ring of the foremost ring, the outer streamer gradually dissipated and turned into a space facility, and he swallowed the saliva stuck in his throat.

In the system space, the starport of the human base has disappeared, and it has really entered the real universe from the sub-universe.

His excitement did not last long before being replaced by surprise, he was sure that it was a star harbor. From a distance, the shape of the star port is not much different from the system space. The front signal light flashes, and the edge injector ejects reverse particles to help the star port change from a high-speed moving state to a static state. Everything seems to be going well... However, this is too small.

The size of Xinggang is completely different from what he expected. It is nearly 200 meters in length and only 70 meters in height. He has seen a 300KM-class industrial ship of the Ypsilon civilization and a shipyard of hundreds of kilometers in a sovereign country. He was speechless and helpless... less than 200 meters from the Star Harbor? Are you kidding me, not even half of the Minotaur-class battle cruiser.

No wonder the price was only 10W gas. He thought he had picked up a big deal, but he didn't expect it to be such a small thing. At the same time, I was ashamed. I originally wanted to create a battleship production line to give Kylinia as a gift to compensate her for the loss of her efforts due to the attack of the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet.

200M-class battleship production line? Don't be kidding, even the small space station built during the time when Venus Pharmaceuticals occupied the Dilar star system.

Kylenia moved from the energy fountain to the unfamiliar facility, then opened the communication channel and asked him a sentence: "Is this the gift you want to give me?" She said that there was no other meaning. She just wanted to determine the answer to the question, because she didn't know the object that the halo tunnel detached. Although there was an injection facility, from the outside, it could not be connected with a battleship.

Tang Fang felt hot on his cheeks, so he couldn't tell her honestly, "Yes, this is the gift I am going to give you, a battleship production line." Even if he has always been cheeky, he can't say such a shame.

"Emma, ​​I need an explanation."

"Commander, I think you have misunderstood the different meanings of the word Xinggang for games and reality. The so-called'Xinggang' in game mode tends to be abstract, just to tell you that this building can produce spacecraft, but in reality Under the circumstances, Xinggang is only equivalent to an automated factory. Its purpose is to deeply develop the crystal ore processed by the command center into one after another mechanical parts, and then perform the final assembly work in the upper assembly workshop."

"In other words, Xinggang can only assemble small and medium-sized aircraft such as Banshee fighters, Viking fighters, and Liberators. As for space battleships of the level of Valkyrie frigates and battlecruisers, separate operating platforms are required."

Tang Fang frowned: "So...Xinggang is just a parts production line and a small and medium aircraft assembly and maintenance unit?"

Emma continued to explain: "Commander~www.wuxiaspot.com~ remember the scene of the battle of Legacy of the Void Skyshield Space Station?"

Tang Fang thought about it for a moment, then nodded.

"To put it simply, the human military industrial system is roughly based on the carrier platform similar to the Tiandun space station, with a large number of starports, heavy factories and barracks as accessory manufacturing workshops, and fusion cores and technology laboratories as R&D institutions. The supply station and the Ghost Military Academy are auxiliary facilities, and the battleship assembly platform is the terminal unit... a comprehensive industrial base constructed."

Combined with Emma's remarks, recalling the civilian or military aircraft, orbital defense systems, stabilizers, and the various laboratories on the Sky Spear Space Station, the heart of the swarm, that parked on the surface of the Tianshi Shield Space Station, he suddenly woke up.

Xinggang in the game can produce Minotaur-class battlecruisers only for game needs. In fact Xinggang is only a spare parts production workshop, which is positioned similar to the container-like lattice facilities of the Ypsilon industrial ship. Only a worker bee in the swarm, a large number of Xinggang and heavy factories can be combined to construct a complete military industry chain. Unlike what he thought at the beginning, Starport is a huge comprehensive space station capable of producing fighter jets and assembling warships.

He remembered seeing a game element in the map editor. The protagonist was a three-headed dog-class pirate battleship, and on both sides were engineering frames for assembling pirate battleships. If the space inside Starport was really big enough to accommodate battle cruises Ship, plus the parts production line, reactor, gravity control system, power module, living area and other modules, how big will it be?

You know that this thing is a modular unit that can be landed on the ground from space. How powerful is the power output needed to get the planetary gravity? And build space battleships on the ground? This is not practical at all.

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