Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1219: Emma C Three PO

Blizzard made the Minotaur-class battlecruisers produced by Starport based on gameplay considerations, but from a realistic perspective, the main battlefields of battlecruisers are high-altitude orbits and deep-space areas, similar to tanks and marines. What is a completely different combat system? Only small and medium flying units such as Viking fighters, ghost fighters, and medical transport ships can become combat forces that cooperate with the ground arms to fight for inland hegemony.

Thinking about it this way, the Xinggang building is less than 200 meters away, which is naturally a reasonable thing.

I believe that the same is true for human buildings such as heavy factories and command centers, even smaller than Xinggang.

He originally thought that visualizing a starport would make up for the losses caused by the Republic’s security forces and the Nightwind Assault Fleet’s attack on the Dilar star system. Now this idea seems naive. The command center-heavy factory-barracks-starport-fusion core and other buildings are superimposed to be comparable to production institutions such as Sigma Shipyard and Atlantis Space Station... Of course, the former is small, but it has a much higher technological content.

"Tang Fang... are you okay?" Kylienia was a little worried about his situation after receiving no response for a long time.

"No...I'm fine." He smiled and said, "Yes, this is one of the gifts I prepared for you..."

She was confused by him: "Gift...one of them?"

Tang Fang did not respond to her question and answer, and issued several instructions to the Void Pump.

The energy response that dropped after the appearance of Star Harbor immediately returned to its peak. The neon circulation of the halo tunnel, heavy factories, barracks, planetary command centers... these buildings capable of flying between stars appeared one after another around Star Harbor.

This is not the end. He turned his attention to the human base again, and successively put down several star ports, heavy factories, and barracks, and transmitted them to the real environment.

Just as he guessed, the nearly 200 meters of Star Harbor is quite long. The heavy factories, barracks, and planetary command centers are all more than 100 meters long, but the resources consumed to extract them are also reduced, ranging from 5W to 8W.

Kylenia blinked bright eyes, pointed to the pile of space facilities at the end of the big screen and said, "This...what's the situation?"

Tang Fang said: "My gift to you... Didn't the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet destroy the production system of the Dillard Star System? Then make another one, more advanced."

"You mean... which facilities can be used to produce space battleships?"

"Of course." He said with a smile: "Not only battleships, power armors, tanks, fighters... and even the Minotaur-class battle cruiser you are in can be produced... But the preliminary work must be done to integrate the various Kind of resource."

After saying this, he did not give a more detailed explanation to eliminate the doubts in Miss Kylenia's mind. He drove the special operations transport ship to the human building gathering area, and then entered the star track command center lightly.

In fact, the remaining resources of the Void Pump are enough to transmit all the buildings in the human base battle mode to the real environment, but considering that the engineering bay, the ghost military school, and the fusion core and other technological buildings do not have the flying ability similar to the command center and the starport, it is somewhat dealt with. It’s troublesome, so I decided to postpone the transmission, and it’s not too late to plan for the use of production buildings and find a reasonable resource integration plan.

In addition to game-related data, he doesn’t know much about human buildings such as the Star Trails Command Center and Star Harbor. He drove a special operations transport ship to the command center as soon as possible. First, he wanted to experience the internal environment of human buildings. , Secondly, it is also to escape Kylinia's various problems.

After leaving the decompression chamber, Emma introduced him the structure of the facility very carefully while walking forward. This 50-meter-high, 160-meter-long human building is divided into several modules, such as a gas storage warehouse, a crystal mine smelter, an engineering vehicle hangar, a satellite control unit, a combat command center, and a living area.

He did not go to the crystal mine smelter, engineering vehicle hangar and other areas, went straight to the traffic center, and then took the elevator up to the combat command center located in the upper space of the planetary command center, and finally saw the robot adjutant who is very familiar in the game, that is, always Miss Emma who plays the role of system steward.

Compared with the image of the robot in the game, the "she" in the real environment looks more shabby, with a sense of blunt metal, especially the thick cables and processing units in the back of the head.

Sure enough, the game experience is one thing, but the reality is another.

"Those infidels who fantasize about falling in love with robots after playing Halo should be burned to death!" Silently complained, he walked up to Emma "Miss", looked up and down, and said: "Beautiful Miss Emma , I am honored to be able to communicate with you face to face."

The robot adjutant turned the **** behind his head, lowered his head, looked at his face, and replied with a very strong metallic voice: "Thank you for your compliment, Robot Adjutant Emma C3PO serves you."

Captain Tang felt that 10 of them couldn't compare to Emma's "Miss" because of the thickness of their skin. Doesn't she know that she is sarcastic... But think about it, it is a bit difficult for a robot to learn human language with emotional expression, just like she never realized that her long-windedness is a kind of harm to him Like that.

"Emma C3PO?"

"Emma C3PO is the code name for mass-produced intelligent robots."

"Is there still R2D2?"

"I'm sorry, Commander, there is no factory record for this code."

"Hey, you don't understand humor too much."

"Miss" Emma said seriously: "A language full of humor may have an unpredictable impact on work. Intelligent robots use declarative words as expression language to help individual humans understand."

Tang Fang rolled his eyes, thinking that no matter what he said, Miss Emma could always draw a lot of truth.

He closed his mouth and stopped talking, walked around behind the robot, and stretched out his hands to unplug the live or uncharged cables.

"Commander, what are you doing?"

He arrogantly said: "Finally let me wait until this day... You know I am a person who loves to hold a grudge."

The cable connected to the energy system was disconnected from the rear interface with a smashing arc, the original shiny eyes of the robot adjutant dimmed, the streamer wandering through the gap in the body disappeared, and it entered a deep sleep.

Tang Fang went to the front and stretched out his **** to "her": "If you have the ability, you can bother me again, and you can be verbose. What is going on now, dumb?"

"Could you know that there is a word in our Chinese culture called'A gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years'? I have tolerated you for a long time!"

With a flamboyant expression on his face, he felt that he finally raised his eyebrows, and stomped Emma "Miss" under her feet, and slammed back her arrogance.

However, the excitement came and went quickly, and was interrupted by a sudden sound in my mind: "Commander, your behavior has no meaning. If you use a word to describe it, it should be ‘childish’."

Tang Fang was frightened by her sudden voice: "I obviously unplugged your transmission line, why can you still talk?"

Emma said: "Commander, to put it simply, you can think of Emma C3PO as my smart projection."

"Smart projection? You mean... all the robot lieutenants... are your clones?"

"This is not accurate. The system can only perform data interaction with the auxiliary robot within a certain range."

"In this way, your relationship with the robot lieutenant deployed inside a human building is similar to the system's control over the unit. After a certain range, you will lose contact?"

"It can also be explained like this. However, the relationship between superiors and subordinates alone cannot accurately express our relationship. There are more shared characteristics and less subordination."

"Okay, just mess up... I'm a self-propelled one-person antenna." He murmured in his heart, and said in general: "Emma, ​​what the **** are you?"

"Commander, you can think of me as a special unit that performs system resource integration."

"It's like... a central control system that can manage clients?"

"Strictly speaking, it is a flow of information attached to the human spiritual network, or embedded quantum computer."

"OK, OK, the scientific name is not important." Seeing that Miss Emma showed her intention to popularize science again, he hurriedly stopped, not to bother with this issue. The principle is not important, anyway, he only needs to know that Miss Emma's so-called special unit is actually an intelligent steward of system resources, just like Kylienia is a steward of Morningstar Casting.

Of course, Emma's position is a bit embarrassing. The focus of her work is on the Terran base. Protoss and Zerg are mostly soy saucers, a bit like a coordinator.

"I have been thinking about a problem. The energy source for the development of the StarCraft tribe is gas spring, and the basic material is crystal mine. When there is no visualization, the gas value can be realized by the refinery effect, and the crystal can absorb life. Energy is realized. Now Terran architecture has become concrete, and there are no crystal mines and gas springs in this world. Does this mean that the crystal mine processing system of the command center loses its meaning?"

While questioning, he plugged the cable back in, Emma C3PO's eyes lit up again, and said in a metallic-magnetic voice: "Commander, the zero-number source element unique to this world is a universal material and can be used. To drive the spacecraft for interstellar travel, it can also be prepared into basic materials through refining facilities. Based on the valuable data obtained from previous explorations of the Epsilon site, a set of modification plans can be designed to replace the refining process for crystal ore with a new refining process , To meet the raw materials required for production buildings such as Xinggang and heavy factories."

In this way... the many technologies acquired at the Nami Star Isotope Refining Factory helped him a lot at the critical moment, and it was not unavailable for a short time as previously thought.

"Work out a feasible plan for me as soon as possible."

Then he thought of another question-the production buildings such as Xinggang and Heavy Factory have now entered the real universe, so they can't just leave them in the deep space environment. Either land on the ground to form a planet-based military industrial park, or contact construction companies to build a space-based platform such as the Skyshield Space Station or Skyspear Space Station in the high-altitude orbit of the Christier Star System to directly build the battleship production line.

At this moment, Emma told him a compromise solution-Valenrian's space station.

He then remembered that there is still a complete space station in the system space. However, according to Emma’s calculations, the actualization of Valenrian’s space station needs to consume at least 300W of zero isotopic crystals of gas, and this space station is not a Tiandun space station. A large space station like the Spear Space Station is a medium-sized space station with only more than 30 kilometers.

Think about it carefully, a medium-sized space station of more than 30 km...should be able to install a Terran base, not to mention a few more concrete ones, and a chain line Hengjiang in the high-altitude orbit of Christie.

What makes him painful is that 300W gas is equivalent to 300W kilograms of vanilla. In the current situation of continuous war in the Hillenberg region, the private market has soared to 170,000 stars/kg~www.wuxiaspot.com~kg of vanilla. Converted into star coins, there are almost 500 billion... You must know that when Morningstar Foundry was established, military technology was obtained through sales from the Monya Empire and fraud at the Somar auction. The total amount of funds on the book was only 0 billion. .

Valenrian's space station is not a poetic unit like Behemoth that can expand the system's population limit, nor is it a powerful hero like Queen of Blades. It is just a functional space station. How could he not hurt.

To build an industrial space station with the same specifications as the Sigma shipyard from scratch, even if you hire the most experienced construction company and the most efficient engineering team, you will not want to complete it in a few years, let alone the Atlantis space station. Military aircraft carrier. This may save money, but it takes a lot of time, and what he lacks most is time.

Therefore, if you want to quickly improve the industrial foundation of the Dilar star system and build a new battleship production line, only money can be exchanged for time.

I thought that with the Theta Quadrant and the Wandering Planet, as well as the microfiltration system technology, I can now be rich and willful, buy two cars, drive one and smash one, make two bowls of soy milk, drink one bowl and pour one bowl. , But in the end only discovered that with the amount of technology he mastered, he was still a poor man.

Quantitative mothership requires a large amount of elemental resources, the localization of human technology requires a large amount of elemental resources, the complete Ypsilon ship manufacturing system requires a large amount of elemental resources, and the later production requires a large amount of elemental resources, which will be required for the concreteization of Protoss buildings in the future. I am afraid that the elementary resources are even more amazing...This is not yet considered the cost of the Hunyuan body base.

"No wonder that the current universe has a universal resource like zero element. The Destroyer civilization also has to create a void pump to extract the energy and material needed for its own development from the multiverse. The ancestors' words are very appropriate. I don't know if you are not a master..."

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