Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1221: Akron's Vision

Eight hours later, night fell in the airspace where the Minotaur-class battlecruiser was hovering. Laksis reflected the light of Dillard, casting a huge light and shadow on the horizon, which was very spectacular.

After the disaster, Christie was still like this, one can imagine how beautiful it was before the disaster.

Kylenia woke up from her sleep, and couldn't wash up and touch up her makeup, and rushed to the bridge as quickly as possible.

She is a person who recognizes the bed, and it will be difficult to fall asleep once she changes beds. She often prepares sleeping pills to help herself fall asleep when traveling. But I don't know why. Maybe it was because Tang Fang came back and the tense string relaxed. Maybe the body was too tired. In short, I only wanted to take a nap, but when I finally opened my eyes, I found that the outside was a colorful night scene.

She slept comfortably this time, but this was obviously not the thing she cared about most, Tang Fang said the answer was.

When entering the bridge, Captain Tang hadn't woken up yet. She was not surprised by this, because that guy was always a bedrider, let alone taking a nap for 8 hours, he could stay in bed when nothing happened. one day……

I don’t know when, there are several more monitoring robots around the zero pollution area. While swimming in the air, they also upload the detailed pictures taken to the display matrix of the bridge, which can observe the changes in the zero pollution area from all angles. .

The biological tissue that originally spread like a moss has been raised high and turned into a huge cyst of more than 20 meters high. While pacing and peristalizing like a heart, it continues to expand and proliferate. Around it, purple organic matter spread out on the surface full of radioactive materials, like water that wets paper, infecting normal soil little by little.

She has seen biological warships, Zerglings, Hydralisks and other land warfare zombies, and a large man like Behemoth, but she has never seen the sight of the eye.

Fortunately, she observed the changes on the ground through the big screen, knowing that it was Tang Fang’s method. If she felt the visual impact brought by the cyst at close range, she thought...she might scream like most women, and then run wildly. Right.

She didn’t know if Tang Fang had calculated the time to wake up, or if everything was a coincidence. When Captain Tang’s eyes were distraught and he dragged his body that had not recovered from the lazy state into the bridge, the one that had swollen to almost 40 meters high The huge vesicle exploded with a pop, and biological slurry was splashed everywhere. A monitoring robot was tragically bathed, and its lens was also contaminated, and the pictures on several monitors became blurred.

A huge living body composed of many biological pipes and hook thorns appeared on the large screen No. 1, with a mouth-like structure squirming at the top, spraying a grayish-white mist.

Even though I witnessed all this through the big screen, I still couldn't help but shiver, and my body felt like a chill.

Tang Fang didn't pay attention to her situation, sorted out some messy shirts, and said casually: "Let's go, go and take a look below."

Kylienia hesitated for a while before moving, followed behind him without a word, walked out of the bridge, and walked towards the hangar.

She is a woman, although she is not the weak female stream of Zhao Jiali who can be frightened and fainted by a cockroach, but also not the female man of Zhou Ai who dares to stretch out a poisonous hand to epic creatures. I heard Tang Fang say To continue, it is inevitable to be a little uncomfortable from a psychological perspective.

10 minutes later, the shuttle landed in the hatchery area, and the two walked out of the cabin wearing power armor.

What makes Kylenia unbelievable is that the alarm device has been very quiet, and the pointer used to indicate the concentration of the radiation only exceeds the safety mark by a short distance. This shows that as long as the human body is not exposed to the external environment for a long time, it will not be infected with radiation sickness.

"The concentration of radiation has decreased? How... how is this possible!" Although the slimy blanket tissue on the soles of her feet makes her psychologically uncomfortable, her eyes on the hatchery clearly reveal a kind of surprise and admiration.

Tang Fang corrected it: "It's not that the concentration of the radioactive material has been reduced, but that the fungus blanket inhibits the radioactivity of the polluting elements. Most of the energy is absorbed by the organic matter of the zergs and turned into nutrients for the breeding of the insects."

"You mean... they can absorb radiant energy?"

Tang Fang nodded, raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. A huge object was suddenly drilled out of the ground one kilometer away without a blanket of fungus. The hole-filled roof spouted out large strands of biomass, spreading around it. A large blanket of bacteria.

At the same time, the queen also appeared on the fungus blanket, expelling one by one tumor material, allowing the fungus blanket to spread quickly.

Tang Yun regarded this thing as Zagara's stool. When Bai Yue was still sitting on the Angel, he was often scolded for this...In short, no one likes this sticky, sticky thing with a strange smell.

However, today and now, Kylenia found that she had fallen in love with it irresistibly. Thinking about the benefits it brought, it seemed...not that disgusting anymore.

Captain Tang patiently became a teacher today, and explained in detail: "Mushroom blankets can not only grow rapidly in the organic environment, but can also reproduce by absorbing minerals in the soil and rocks. The surface of Christier is diffused. Radioactive materials are the basis for the mutation and strengthening of the insect swarm. As long as a blanket of bacteria is spread on the surface of Christier, the impact of radioactive materials on the human body will be greatly reduced."

Naturally, Emma told him these words, and then relayed them to Kylinia.

You must know that the Zerg can survive in the harsh environment of Char's Star. Krystier's radiation level is naturally nothing. As long as it does not reach the level of the high-energy particle stream radiated by the science ship, the radioactive environment will only benefit the worms without harm.

After listening to this explanation, Kylienia did not show a pleased smile, but frowned: "So, if you want to purify Kristel, you must spread the blanket of bacteria all over the planet?"

Tang Fang said, "If you are struggling with speed issues, you don't need to do that." When speaking, one after another was drilled in the distance, and the number of queens near the hatchery also increased significantly.

"3 months, at most 3 months, I will return you a clean Kristel."

It should be understood that nuclear explosions only destroy the soil environment and fill the air with radioactive energy. However, infrastructure such as the atmosphere and water circulation system and the magnetic field stabilization system are still working. As long as the lower space is purified, vitality will return to the earth.

"No, I didn't mean that." Kylenia explained: "If we rely on the help of the fungus blanket to suppress Christier's nuclear contamination, does it mean that the staff of Morningstar Casting must work and live on the fungus blanket in the future? "

This question is very crucial. If the answer is yes, then this degree of purification is meaningless. Insect swarms can adapt to the current living environment, which does not mean that humans can.

Tang Fang said: "You too underestimate the energy of the fungus blanket. This is not a project of stacking red bricks outside the shantytown to cover the ugly face. The fungus blanket is not only the basis for the survival of Zerg units, but also Very sensitive and can respond to the queen’s commands. With the expansion of the fungus blanket, the radioactive elements originally attached to the surface will be absorbed by the fungus blanket and then transmitted to a certain area. As long as they can be gathered, what to do next... Can I explain it?"

"After the radioactive materials are determined, the bacteria blanket tumors and bacteria towers on the surface are processed. These biological tissues will quickly degrade into nutrients and inject into the soil, which is equivalent to sprinkling a circle of chemical fertilizer on the barren surface of Christie. It is useful for subsequent greening projects. Baili is harmless."

She didn't know what You Neng was, or what a shanty town was, but it didn't prevent her from understanding his meaning.

"I think your proposal is good. If the Green Ark can be acquired, Morningstar Casting is bound to become the leading company in the environmental transformation project of the human world." After saying this, she smiled and smiled very happily. But then I thought of another question. Looking at the hatchery covering tens of thousands of square meters, he said, "Is it necessary to build a lot of these things? Is it to spend a lot of zeros?"

Tang Fang shook his head and said, "You... are about to become a miser. Although the worker bees have some requirements for the level of environmental resources in the hatchery, under normal circumstances, they do not need to provide additional elementary resources. The reason I did that is just that Because I want to do an experiment, because someone told me that investing in zero elements can speed up the formation of the hatchery."

She didn't ask who the "someone" Tang Fang said was. She heard that there was no need to inject additional elementary resources. She was relieved and said, "If there are no other questions, I will go back and issue an evacuation order now."

Tang Fang nodded: "Go, I will figure out how to board the ship."

Kylenia turned around and walked to the shuttle. Before boarding the plane, she suddenly turned her head and looked at him with a bright smile: "Thank you... for the two presents to me."

She has always been serious and serious, but when she heard such a gentle answer, she was at a loss. She didn't know what to say, so she could only choose to laugh.

The shuttle draws an elegant trajectory in the night sky, like a flying swallow returning home, into the bright night sky.


Soon after Kylienia left, Tang Fang returned to the bridge of the Minotaur-class battlecruiser, and ordered the pilot to leave the interior of Christier and go to the space experiment platform where Iger Stetman was located. Give him the armor of the female statue guard to see if he can repair it or find other valuable discoveries.

After doing this, considering that it will take some time for Emma to complete the integration plan, she prepared to go to the location of the Angel and deliver the T Energy Stone to Valentin.

As for the purification mission of the planet Kristel, it will not be too late to start fully after returning.

The hatchery has been abandoned by him. It does not give high hopes like the original main nest. Firstly, as the base of Morningstar casting, Kristel is not suitable for the reproduction of Zergs. Secondly, after the problem of the Queen of Blades has not been solved, Izsha and Zagara With the loss of news and the lack of Zerg heroes to control, it is not a good thing to blindly expand the Zerg population within the Dilar star system.

He thinks that it is better to get the follow-up affairs of the concrete construction of the human race first, and then consider the thing about the Zerg...whether it is out of the will to increase combat power or the idea of ​​seduce the Queen of Blades to come.

However, before he left, Valentin sent a document through quantum communication equipment, hoping that he could rush to the Akubado star system as soon as possible. Something unusual seemed to happen.

He did not hesitate and told Kylenia to proceed as planned, and then took the Minotaur-class battle cruiser to leave the Dillard system and go to the Acubaduo star system where the Angel is located.


Because Nehemiah and others had nothing to do for a long time, the Sokannada defense line was calm recently. After Tang Fang left the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, the Zarzig also left the Sokannada defense line and went to Afghanistan according to Abathur's wishes. The Kubados star system, check the reproduction progress of the primitive Zerg.

Sailing for a day and night, the Minotaur-class battlecruiser appeared in the high-altitude orbit of Akron.

Tang Fang took the special operations transport ship and entered the Zaangang not far away. Instead of going to the bridge to meet Nehemiah, he rushed to the medical laboratory where Valentine was located.

When he entered the door, Abathur was standing outside a glass container looking at the creatures soaked in the solution in a daze.

To be precise, it was something that looked like an animal or a plant. It had a body that resembled a biological organ, but it had branches like trees, but no leaves.

"What's that?" He didn't understand where Abathur found this strange species, and he got it on the seat of the Angel, so that it would not worry that it would eventually be triggered like the movie "Alien". A tragedy?

Of course, from the perspective of a human being, Abathur is a large alien~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Abathur turned his body when he heard his voice, and said blankly, "Akron’s native creature... …A jellyfish-like variant."

"What? Akron's native creature..." He walked to the glass container, frowned and repeated: "A jellyfish-like variant?"

As Abathur said, from the slightly squirming, faintly silky fluorescent tree shape, you can see the shadow of the AQBD-1 asexual jellyfish body, but what makes him unable to understand is the original palm-sized thing. It actually evolved into a three-person tall tree in more than a year. This... is really unacceptable.

Although some of the AQBD-1 jellyfish bodies that left the strong acid marine environment quickly adapted to the bacterial blanket after the formation of the bacterial blanket continent, they also evolved their own unique action and absorption organs. However, it has only been more than a year from the category of marine organisms. The transition to the category of terrestrial organisms, and it is a cross-border evolution, is so fast...Even if they belong to an epic group of organisms, they cannot be long-term theories.

At this time, Valentin’s face slowly formed, replacing Abathur’s unspeakable guy, and introducing in more detail: "Since you disappeared, the Zodiac has stayed inside the wandering planet. Abathur said All the energy was spent on studying the phagosomes and TE colonies, and did not come to the Acumbardo star system to visit the reproduction progress of the primitive Zerg. After all, there are Cerebrates and Jager's claws, and there are still swarms of worms in outer space. Big problem."

Special thanks to Caiji for the 10,000 starting currency reward.

Thank you for fighting against the devil and the girl, I wish I prosper, the quagmire, the amazing magician, just like the narcissus, the legendary Nobita, the good guy Bobo, don’t lower our IQ, nothing good, EveryDay is desolate, Xu 5 brothers, book friends 150703204315000, full moon complaints, zuesd rewards

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