Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1222: Vicissitudes of life

"Until you returned from the sea of ​​dead silence, Nehemiah drove the constellation Angel to the Akubado star system, only then did you discover that earthshaking changes have taken place below in more than a year."

Tang Fang nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Valentin pointed to the tree-shaped body in the glass container: "Today's fungus blanket continent is almost covered with this kind of jellyfish-like derivative between plants and animals, forming a ‘primitive jungle’."

"Pristine jungle?" Tang Fang was startled when he heard the words. He thought the contents in the glass container were special creatures that Abathur found on Akron Star. Under curiosity, he brought them to the Zodiac for biological research, but according to Valentin's statement , This thing is not a rare species, the fungus blanket is everywhere in the mainland.

"Could it be the influence of the remains of the tree demon?"

He suddenly remembered that a year ago, sisters Cathy and Soya turned into space-based electromagnetic cannons and used elemental creatures to explode the mutant dryad. Later, after the establishment of the fungus blanket continent, Dags the Cerebral worm regarded it as his own nest.

The order he gave it was to graze Akron and guide the primitive Zerg to multiply quickly. As an existence with the same abilities as Abathur, if it combines the genes of the Dryad with the genes of the AQBD-1 jellyfish body, it concocts the tree-shaped creature in front of it to improve the survival and The competitive environment is naturally a normal thing.

However, Valentine quickly denied his conjecture: "I also thought the same at the beginning, but after communicating with Dags, I found that it was not what it did, and the tree-shaped creature did not inherit too much DNA from the tree fairy. Matter, only a very small part."

As a Zerg creature pursuing efficiency, Abathur always talked about humans at every turn. He was disgusted with the habit of starting from the beginning. He couldn't help but interject: "The gene source of the tree is... doubtful... or is related to meteorite impact... "

Its words were concise, but Tang Fang looked blank: "External...meteorite impact?"

Valentin said furiously: "Abathur, you shut up." After finishing speaking, he explained to Tang Fang in detail: "According to the description of Dags and Yageclaw, the great development of Akron's local biological derivatives appeared. More than half a year ago. Just half a month before this happened, the Protoss satellite monitored meteorite rain from outer space to land in the Arctic waters of Akron Star."

"For this reason, I specially read the scanning records saved by the Protoss satellite base station. After the meteorite rain fell, the organic matter composition of the Akron Ocean changed slightly, and the acid concentration decreased. Now the scientific research drone sent by the Zangang is checking Sampling and analysis of seawater in various regions of Akron Star will produce more detailed results in a while."

"Also... Walton has already driven the Mondre to the Arctic waters of Akron to search for meteorite fragments."

Through Valentin's account, he roughly understood the changes in Akron's star after his disappearance. If Abathur and Valentine’s speculation is correct, and the cause of the explosion of Akron’s epic bio-derived body is the meteorite shower that appeared half a year ago, then the question is...whether there is enough to catalyze the evolution of epic organisms in the meteorite Organic matter?

Indeed, many studies have shown that some meteorites are rich in organic matter. Some human scientists have guessed that the origin of life on the earth began with meteorite showers flying out of the sky. However, epic creatures are not BUG-level mysterious objects like phagosomes, and there is no way to absorb huge energy or evolve at high speed through biological genes.

They are derived from the Ark World and are artificially modulated products. Like Nami Star’s Evil Eye and the Giant Snake at the Ending Star Ipsyron Relay Station, they all grew up after a long period of time under the appropriate “soil” environment. .

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the organic matter contained in meteorites to cause this degree of change. Is there any deeper reason behind this incident?

He didn't know... he could only wait for Walton to find the meteorite fragments. After careful analysis, he might find the answer to the question.

"I went to the ground to take a look, maybe I can get more clues from Dags and Jager's Claw." After saying this, he took the T-energy stone from his pocket and handed it to Valentine: " This is what I found in the Lost Lands."

The old man said, "Is there only one... I hope it works."

He couldn't help but roll his eyes, wondering if this old guy used the T power stone as a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road...This one was taken from the guard of the female statue with all his hard work.

At this moment, the door of the medical laboratory suddenly opened. Roy walked into the room from the outside, looked around, and finally fell on Tang Fang’s face: "Brother Tang, the Starling Satellite discovered that the primitive Zerg unit of Akron has For mass gatherings, Captain Nehemiah asked me to come over and let you know."

He frowned upon hearing this, turned and walked outside.

It just so happened that he was going to the Fungus Carpet Continent to see what happened.

Roy hesitated, caught up from behind, and said: "Brother Tang, I will go with you."

Tang Fang didn't speak, but just nodded and walked to the nearest hangar.

About 5 minutes later, the special operations transport ship departed from the Zodiac Angel and flew to the location of the Acron's Carpet mainland.

When the aircraft pierced the clouds and entered the interior of the planet, through the front window, the situation of the bacteria blanket continent was finally seen.

The mountain peak formed by the corpse of the mutant tree demon is still inserted in the center of the mainland, but it has changed its former appearance, like a light silk yarn, turned into a beautiful snow mountain. The purple continent made up of countless mushroom blankets changed its color, and the ground was covered by dense trees, looking like a snowfield from a distance.

According to the information provided by Valentin, the tree-shaped creatures on the ground of the fungus carpet will emit green fluorescence of different brightness at night, dyeing the entire continent into a dream kingdom.

In fact, there are many types of tree-shaped creatures. The samples in the terrariums of the Zangzi are relatively mild. There are also vine-net individuals that feed on flesh and blood creatures similar to Nepenthes. Fortunately, there are not many.

When the special operations transport ship approached the edge of the mushroom blanket mainland, he also found a strange phenomenon. As the basis for the existence of Zerg, the fungus blanket is very repellent to foreign species. But this cognition was broken by the appearance of Akron's Star. The gaps in the fungus blanket on the edge of the continent were filled with a silver-gray substance, which looked very hard, like a cement shell, enclosing the entire continent.

He didn't know whether this was a special plant similar to seaweed or aquatic creatures such as sea mussels and conch. In short, whether in terms of the overall environment or the local details, the situation here is very different from more than a year ago.

When he first explored the origin of AQBD-1 asexual jellyfish, Roy had been here with him. Now, seeing the situation of the fungus continent, he was a little confused about the status quo, and muttered, "Brother Tang, you hit me. , You hit me..."

"Why should I hit you?"

The big and small said with a simple voice: "I want to know if I'm dreaming."

Tang Fang slapped the back of his head: "If I remember correctly, you are already an adult after your birthday in July, so why are you still like a child."

Roy said solemnly: "I want to save my birthday and wait until Yingluo wakes up."

Captain Tang was speechless, I didn't know whether to call him naive or persistent.

"Well, when Yingluo wakes up, I will hold a grand coming-of-age ceremony for you, or... a wedding?"

Roy smirked very honestly: "Wedding...wedding? I...I...not yet mentally prepared."

Tang Fang laughed and stopped teasing him. Instead, he communicated with Dags and Jager Claw to determine their location and see where the special operations transport ship was parked.

As he expected, the death house of Dags the Cerebral worm stayed in a nest made of the corpse of the mutant tree demon. But Jager Claw’s answer was abnormal: "Don't bother me, nasty human."

This made him very upset. He thought that he hadn't come back for more than a year, and this thoughtless guy had forgotten what he said at the beginning, and he became lawless, and he didn't know how much he had.

The latest intelligence of the Protoss satellite synchronized to the special operations transport ship interrupted his cranky thinking, seeing the azimuth coordinate displayed on the "globe", and suddenly discovered that it was the location of the Jager Claw.

"What the **** is going on?" He hesitated for a moment, choosing to correct the flight route of the special operations transport ship and hurried to the coordinates provided by the Protoss satellite.

15 minutes later, seeing that he was about to arrive at his destination, a cloud of purple liquid suddenly rose in the dense forest below and shot it towards the bottom compartment of the special operations transport ship. Fortunately, Roy reacted in time and rotated the hull for the first time, avoiding the ground. s attack.

He neither praised Roy nor secretly rejoiced. He focused on the monitor in front of him, frowning at the hostile target marked by the system.

It was an object with a height of 10 meters, hidden in a dense forest. If it was only the camera of a special operations transport ship without a detector to follow, there might be no way to see through the camouflage of the target.

The color of its body perfectly matches the surrounding environment. From the scanned images provided by the detector, the creatures attacking the special operations transport ship have very obvious localization characteristics. The first half resembles a caterpillar with many legs and feet, and the second half Partly dragged a huge flower bud, three times the size of the skull.

Perhaps because of the load being too high, the movement speed is very slow. When it attacks, the buttocks will be raised high, and the bud-shaped biological tissues of the lower body will open, which looks like a white lotus.

From the perspective of appreciation, this is beautiful. But from the perspective of the recipient, this is very dangerous.

Because the stigma of the lotus core will squeeze out a purple liquid bubble, from his previous experience, it is obviously not a colored ball to welcome guests and friends.

Akron... When does this thing come?

Roy controlled the special operations transport ship to avoid the second purple cannonball, and said bitterly: "Damn, that guy is using his excretory organs to humiliate us."

Tang Fang did not respond to his call, because the roar of Jager Claw came in his mind: "Ah...I'm so fed up with you humans. At this moment, I have to divide my troops to protect the chaotic guy... Why is my life so bitter? ."

As soon as the voice fell, a soaring flame spewed out from the core area of ​​the valley formed for unknown reasons, and a flock of birds was startled.

No, it is not a flying bird. If you look closely, you will find that they have four membrane-like wings and a sharp bone spur at the end of the serpentine body.

More than a dozen primitive alien dragons circled in the air, climbed to a high altitude, dived down extremely quickly, penetrated into the jungle gap, and launched a siege on the ground creatures that had just attacked the special operations transport ship.

The sharp thorns tore the air, screamed, and pierced deeply into the lower body of the strange insect. The biological tissues like the petals of the white lotus were like a broken vase, and the transparent juice vented out and poured on the surrounding ground like a rain. .

The 10-meter long worm struggled to squirm its body, and its front body plunged into the land of the fungus blanket. The jet no longer attacked the special operations transport ship, changed the target, and launched a counterattack against the primitive Zerg.

A purple liquid bubble flew into the sky and shattered with a bang, and the fine biological acid splashed outwards, forming a damage range like a fragmented missile.

The flesh membranes of the two primitive allosaurus were affected, but fortunately it was not fatal, but it became somewhat inflexible.

To Tang Fang's surprise, the bone spurs inserted into the lower body of the big worm radiated cyan texture ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ especially on the white body, and the transparent body fluids kept flowing.

He did not believe that the ground creatures derived from AQBD-1 asexual jellyfish had no platelet-like substance in their bodies to help wound healing. It seems that not only the local creatures of Akron had a large-scale outbreak, but even the primitive Zerg units were also targeted. Sexual ability.

Using a dozen primitive alien dragons to kill a ground creature with a small size difference is naturally not a difficult task, but to Tang Fang’s surprise, just when the ground creature that attacked the special operations transport ship was about to die, A nearby large branch suddenly flashed white, and it penetrated into the wounds of ground creatures very quickly.

"Woo..." In the low wailing sound, the body of the ground creature twitched violently, and finally stood still. More than a dozen primitive alien dragons hovered in the sky for a while, returned along the original road, and reinvested in the valley ahead.

Tang Fang looked at the shrunken ground creature on the display with an expression of disbelief. I didn’t expect that I haven’t been here for a year and a half, and Akron’s biodiversity has reached this level.

The bryophytes that can co-exist with the fungus blanket...the snow-colored forests of the fungus blanket continent...the giant lotus beast that can spray biological cannonballs...the sinister and cunning parasite...

In a daze, silk beards rippling deep in the jungle, some only about half a meter long, small creatures with gliding feet similar to worms and transparent sarcosa fell from the branches in a gliding posture, and began to eat the corpses of dead creatures.

Roy scratched his scalp and said excitedly: "It's incredible... After Yingluo wakes up, I will definitely take her here to see."

Tang Fang woke up when he heard the words, shook his head and said, "You can't live without Yingluo out of nine out of ten sentences. You are young... so good."

The half-year-old was puzzled and said, "Is there... Haha, I didn't pay attention."

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