Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1317: Man-machine bucket (5)

At the beginning, because of the fear that the war would affect the Red Queen's body, in case of accidentally destroying key facilities and causing data loss, this mission would fall short. Therefore, he has been cautiously deploying defenses, trying his best to compress the fire within the scope of the crystal platform until the shells fired by the support armed robot exploded on the surface of the core body, causing no real damage to the Red Queen. He finally felt relieved, no longer the battle started. concern.

Now the Red Queen suddenly turned into a large weapon and attacked him. If he keeps his hands, I am afraid that his life will be explained here.

The so-called offense is the best defense method... He raised his head and swept across a pair of **** eyes inside the light core, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Come on, hurt each other."

It’s a pity that the people who accompany him into the cylindrical space are Nova and Aros, both of whom are very cold characters. If you switch to Hausen and Churchill, you might be able to slap a snake on a stick, tease him, or yell at the Red Queen for being a Metal ao.

The flying mechanical beast fell from a high altitude, stirred the unscattered white smoke, and shot a blood-colored beam of light toward the interstellar units gathered together in the buffer zone of the ice and fire world.

These 70-meter-long flying machines were originally a hegemony in the cylindrical space and sky battlefield. Now the tentacles controlled by the Red Queen help to disperse the pressure from the Phoenix fighters and Viking fighters, and the fierce flames skyrocketed.

The babble of the collision of heat waves and air-conditioning is endless.

The two flying mechanical beasts glided at low altitude, and when the energy beams emitted from their mouths continued to output, a soft light appeared in the sky next to them, approaching them extremely quickly.

In fact, those things are not condensed photons, but strips of whiskers that emit phantom energy. Behind these whiskers, there is an unusually hideous and terrifying side face. The long and narrow eyes are completely filled with light, and the insects are brightly colored. On the surface of the carapace, blue silk and streamers flashed, and the bone blade like a large psionic blade suddenly inserted into the wings of the flying mechanical beast.

Yes, what appeared on the sky battlefield was the Hunyuan Body Heaven Punisher, the flying fighter under Amon.

The flying mechanical beast is very cold and has a sense of science fiction. These two giant sky beasts of similar size collided together, like the collision of the liger and the falcon, with the howling wind and ear-piercing screams, falling from a low altitude, pulling long drag marks on the ground.

They didn't stop fighting. In the process, the red light beam from the flying mechanical beast hit the shoulder carapace of the Hunyuan Body Heaven Punisher, exploding a large hole, and spraying green body fluid outward. In return, while the Hunyuan body was roaring like thunder, the bone blade of the left arm pierced from below and hit the head of the flying mechanical beast with an uppercut. It was also the muzzle that stimulated the red light beam to target It broke into pieces and turned into an ink-colored crystal that quickly went away.

When the Hunyuan body was fighting against the flying mechanical beast, another shadow suddenly appeared in the sky battlefield and enveloped the second flying mechanical beast that had just cooperated with the Red Queen's tentacles and smashed the left wing of a Viking fighter. When the sun's rays burst out from the cracks in the rocks, a big mouth with flames bit the right wing of the flying mechanical beast.

In the current war environment, the flying mechanical beast is the largest unit in the sky battlefield. Any interstellar unit that attempts to fight it in hand-to-hand combat cannot shake its dominance, but when the shadow falls, the sun's brilliance falls from the cracks in the stone and swept away from the battlefield. With the coldness of the air, the powerful flying mechanical beast suddenly changed from the sky overlord to a bird in the eagle's beak, not to mention carrying a hostile target away, even if it moved.

The big guy who bit it has a stiff face, which looks like the head of a lizard. Its dark body drags a golden fireball, and the terrifying heat radiates like a wave.

Click! The crisp sound resounded across the sky...The right wing of the flying mechanical beast was completely crushed, and the red light vortex burst into flames, but it felt like a stuffy fart. Other than that, there was no deep impression.

The fine crystals rolled down from the gap between the jagged teeth, hitting the predators paralyzed by the influence of liquid nitrogen on the ground, making a crackling sound.

The flying mechanical beast that lost its right wing did not lose its balance and fell to the ground. It was swallowed by the ensuing river of flames and exploded into a cloud of mist. Its body exploded as it rolled, and the fragments kept shooting outwards, embarking on the process of destruction.

The long river of flames did not stop immediately after killing the target. It crossed a distance of kilometers and hit a tentacle connected to the Er-shaped facility, leaving the nearby area shrouded in a vortex of flames.

Suddenly, a cloud of fire broke through the vortex, expressing its existence outward. It should be that a certain unit of the Er-type facility cannot withstand the high-temperature plasma attack and an explosive reaction occurs.

The flying mechanical beasts directly inflicted heavy damage to the miasma and the liberator when they appeared on the scene, and now the damage caused by the elemental creatures out of the place is even worse. As a big man who can compete with the destroyer's body, if the flying mechanical beast is a goshawk, then it is a golden winged eagle eagle, and if the flying mechanical beast is a sky hunter, then it is the king of the sky.

What's more, there are powerful thugs like the Hunyuan Body Heaven Punisher around the elemental creatures.

The situation in the sky battlefield reversed within a short period of time.

Elemental creatures don’t need to fly like flying mechanical beasts and phoenix fighters. They hang in the sky like the sun. When the stone on the back that shields the sun’s debris is opened to the maximum, the sun’s cocoons fly to different targets with dazzling golden light and terrifying heat waves. Some burned many floating robots into a pile of debris, and some attached to flying mechanical beasts, struggling to the ground with the miserable roaring host, and became a figure of violent struggle in the ocean of debris.

There are also some sun cocoons falling on the ground and bursting, creating an energy release comparable to the Energy Nova of the Disruptor, and forming a range attack on the spider robots and armed robots that are still emerging.

The sky battlefield has elemental creatures and Hunyuan Tianpumen joined, and the ground battlefield also has new characters.

One by one Hunyuan Destroyer appeared on the frozen ruins, flying from the jungle of frozen sculptures and icy corpses of Zerg corpses and metal creations, waving lightly with the rear light belt, and the dazzling white light gathered in the right hand. , Turned into a blue flame and went away, forming a plasma shock wave at the assembly place of the armed robot and spider robot, triggering a wave of paralysis and explosion.

The Hunyuan Destroyer suspended in the middle of the frontline battlefield completed the first wave of attacks. Suddenly, a flying mechanical beast passed by at low altitude... It was not an attack, but was hit by the annihilation beam sprayed by the Hunyuan Tian Punisher. , And affected by the static force field, loses the ability to fly in a short time, and falls from the sky.

When approaching the ground, the flying mechanical beast broke away from the influence created by the Hunyuan Destroyer, and the two wings of the light vortex re-operated, intending to increase the thrust of the tail engine, and when it gained the upward ability, the wave of light behind the Hunyuan Destroyer Suddenly tensed, the left hand lingering psionic energy lifted up, and then quickly fell.

It seemed that something suddenly hit the upper body of the flying mechanical beast, taking its body to accelerate its fall, and fell to the ground with a bang, smashed many frozen units, and splashed a splash of water on the water-filled spar ground.

Because the surface of the platform was too smooth, under the dual action of super gravitational and impulsive force, the flying mechanical beast quickly glided forward, like an out of control bulldozer, carrying metal and biological debris away.

At this time, a low beast roar sounded on the battlefield filled with artillery fire and explosion: "Moo, moo, moo, moo... How many times have I said that, I am a traverser from the world of Azeroth, mighty and mighty. The son of the plane...Oh, no, it's the cow of the plane. I don't know what cow level, let alone White's leg, don't ask me for it."

The Tauren Marines wiped clean the Kadarin crystals contaminated by Zerg fluid, holding the 88mm impala electromagnetic rifle, jumping high from the wreckage of the cyclone fanatic, just falling to the point where they could not control their own actions. On the back of the flying mechanical beast sliding on the ground, he desperately grasped the black crystal raised at the root of the wingspan.

The murloc standing on its back was almost thrown out. Fortunately, at a critical moment, it hugged the photovoltaic energy tower on the left and fixed its figure. However, the tauren marines jumped too far and too fast, and its body was hanging. It looks like a green battle flag on the photovoltaic energy tower.


The tauren marines landed on the body of the flying mechanical beast, and the murloc was shook by the recoil force. Without holding the photovoltaic energy tower, they flew out. Fortunately, the distance is not far, only 1 decimeter as long, and it is thrown on the face of the cattle marines like a cake, and there is a crisp sound, which is very loud and wonderful.

"Okay, okay... There is no White's leg, but there is a big guy hidden. If you are not afraid of death, go find it, I will pray for you... Amen, oh no... Kane."

The tauren marines grabbed the bone spurs of the flying mechanical beasts, and the murlocs grabbed the corners of the tauren marines. After bumping up and down several times, they rose from the ground to the sky.

The flying mechanical beast finally got rid of the gravitational cage of the Hunyuan Destroyer, but what made it unacceptable was that there were two more annoying guys on the back who boarded the ship without buying a ticket.

"Be obedient...obedient...don't force me to kiss your mouth..."

The murloc hugged its horn and continued to sing: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

"Again, I don't know what cow level is, let alone how to milk it... Ah... I'm afraid of heights, I'm still fainted with blood, I'm a chivalrous little warm man... Blindfold my eyes, absolutely... ...Never let go."

The low and high screams of the Tauren Marines went away with the wind.

Captain Tang's face was a bit dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking about just now, how did he let these two guys out for a while.

Bang! The roar from the top of his head interrupted his cranky thinking, raised his face and looked up, and saw the scattered light spots of the force field barrier, and the black tentacles that quickly went away.

With the emergence of elemental creatures, Hunyuan Destroyer, and Hunyuan Nature Punisher, flying mechanical beasts can no longer dominate the sky battlefield, but for the Red Queen's body, the pressure given by an elemental creature is not enough.

Between the sky battlefield and the ground battlefield's buffer zone, transmission prisms turn their bodies one after another, changing from gliding to fixed-point suspension, and starting to switch modes.

The umbrella wing structure expands outwards, rotates gently, and rains light downward, expanding the psychic matrix.

Accompanied by the slender and bloated flowing light waves, phase turrets appeared within the range of the psionic matrix diffused by the transmission prism, spreading out in a circle toward the extended area of ​​the battlefield at the position of the console.

After the transmission prism appeared, the motivator responsible for providing the space-time acceleration force field also entered the extended area, and also expanded the psychic matrix to prevent the Red Queen’s tentacle attack from causing fatal damage to the transmission prism, which caused a large number of phased turrets to be paralyzed and out of operation. occur.

Looking from the sky, a little bit of golden color blooms on the crystal ground like ripples spreading by light rain, countless silver-white energy clusters are like dandelion species leaving the plant, clusters, patches... rise to the sky, hitting and swinging, like driving away flies The same goes after the tentacles of the Phoenix fighter and the Viking fighter.

The light ball collided with the tentacles, and the black and silver formed a sharp contrast. The surging energy surge and shock wave tore the outer wall of the tentacles, and the black matter fell into pieces.

The Red Queen never thought that Tang Fang would summon a bunch of forts on her turf, really taking the area around the console as his base camp and turning it into a defensive position.

The emergence of Hunyuan Tianpumen and elemental creatures suddenly changed the situation of the sky battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which reversed the situation. Now there is a photon cannon on the ground, which brings more and more pressure.

Her mechanical brain, which is different from humans, does not have emotions such as annoyance and regret, but has only logical instructions to persist in fighting and fully operate the weapon system to destroy the enemy.

A tentacle hit the elemental creature hard, but it didn't cause much effect. Her tentacles belong to the level of giants to humans, and they are nothing compared to the size of the elemental creatures.

The flame vortex from the debris of the sun surged out from the mouth of the elemental creatures, swallowing most of the tentacles. The high-temperature plasma of tens of millions of degrees was naturally stronger than the flame airflow that the Red Queen had just sprayed on Tang Fang. The original black changed to red, and there was still liquid dripping below.

Just as the beast was angry when it was attacked, the other tentacles changed their attack targets, and the pipe mouth began to puff out a stream of liquid nitrogen, preparing to lower the fire for the elemental creatures and let it calm down. This is the best response that the Red Queen can "think up".

At this moment, a red light beam swept across the surface of the outermost tentacles, causing a series of explosions. It did not come from the Phoenix fighter and the Phantom fighter, nor was it the mt-50 Lanzel flying thunder from the Viking fighter. The source of the red light is a flying mechanical beast!

Why do the combat units of the Red Queen formation fight back?

If you look closely, you can see a strange thing hanging from the target's neck.

Tang Fang felt that it was inappropriate to describe it with strange things. Because in the close-up shots provided by the detector, the Tauren Marines were holding the protruding bone spurs on the chest of the flying mechanical beast with one hand, pedaling with both feet, seeming to find a place to borrow. With a roar like thunder in the mouth, listen carefully, and you will find that it is "help...help."

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