Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1318: Man-machine bucket (6)

What’s even more funny is that above the raised bone spurs held by the Tauren Marines, the Murloc is stepping on its hand unconsciously, concentrating on striking a piece of spar-like chest cavity of the flying mechanical beast with a laser gun in his hand. part.

He didn’t know that this kind of behavior to the flying mechanical beast was like a human being scratched the bottom of his foot, or getting a needle on his butt, or the clingy finger and the chrysanthemum. The trajectory is simply crooked to the sky. In addition, every electric shock of the Murloc will force the cannon to emit intermittent misalignment beams, causing indiscriminate damage regardless of the enemy and us.

Boom! Boom! With two muffled sounds, the tentacles falling on the ground not far away attracted his attention.

The serial bombing of the Phoenix fighters and the scout fighters interrupted the Red Queen’s intention to prepare a fire attack. Because of the damage to the control bus, a tentacle fell from the sky to the ground, smashing and smashing many debris. On the other side, the three Hunyuan Destroyer simultaneously used the gravitational cage, tripping the other tentacle to the ground.

At the place where the force field barrier on the edge of the console was broken, the 3 Annihilators raised the shadow cannons, and launched long-range bombardment on the roots of the tentacles and a small number of flying mechanical beasts through the overhead "skylights". The explosive air masses that are different from the Immortal bloom in the sky. , While one tentacles temporarily lost the ability to move and was drooping in the circular abyss around the light core, another flying mechanical beast’s chest energy core was damaged. The blood-colored flames, with twinkling rays of light, fell from the sky and crashed into the spider robots. Area, shoveling a piece of metal body.

Tang Fang's anger and force changed the battlefield situation and also broadened the battlefield scope.

On the Red Queen’s body, a number of Hunyuan monsters crawled upwards from the back to the battlefield. Every time the red claws fell, a row of holes was cut in the outer wall of the crystal, like a chic climbing ladder, extending from bottom to top. .

Standing on the console, Tang Fang looked up for a while, and felt that the scene in front was a bit familiar...How could it be a bit like Archimonde climbing the tree of life?

This reverie was quickly forgotten, because the tentacles of the elemental creatures in circles resisted the ground and sky fire, and began to spray liquid nitrogen outside, trying to cool down the golden flame that had severely injured the body.

The elemental creatures were quickly covered by the fog area transformed by liquid nitrogen, the rippling fiery energy in the air began to dissipate, and the confrontation between the liquid nitrogen and the sun fragments formed a strange space, which was wiped out with rainbow-colored light.

The drop in ambient temperature made the flame monsters in the core of the fog very painful, and the roar of anger formed a wave of sonic booms that radiated outward, impacting the auditory system of every biological unit below.

Feeling the pain and anger of the elemental creatures, he raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that if the Red Queen thought that this would prevent the flame vortex from harming the Er-shaped device from happening again, he would be disappointed.

This idea just fell. On the battlefield full of zigzags and robot remains, a waterfall of light spread from top to bottom.

It is a waterfall, a big waterfall. Not a curtain of water, not a stream of water, not a curtain of water.

The giant elephant walked out of the system space and appeared in the columnar space. Its size is too big, occupying the ground + sky dual battlefield, slender and narrow 4 mechanical legs slowly swing, adjust the angle of the torso, facing the Red Queen body.

When the interlaced crimson light pierced the smoke and fog of the battlefield in the sky, a flame trace was carved on the outer wall of the optical core facing the console. The two red eye pupils above the Er-shaped facility were distorted and swayed. I wonder if this change is red. The queen used to express pain, or anger.

The Hunyuan Body Heaven Punisher who ended the dominance of the flying mechanical beasts in the sky, the elemental creatures that cannot be ignored like the sun, the Hunyuan Body behemoths that surpass the mountains and the world, the graceful dancers in the war, the Hunyuan Body destroyers, and then Plus the golden giant elephant that just appeared. Faced with their attacks, the Red Queen became exhausted, and now only 13 of the 20 tentacles can move. There are no armed robots in the hangar that can be put on the ground battlefield. The army is losing ground. Floating robots all over the sky are falling into the annular abyss in batches. Even the once invincible flying mechanical beasts have changed from hunters to prey. The passage goes to destruction.

Even a teenager knows that if this continues, the Red Queen has only one way to go.

She is at a disadvantage in the fight with artillery fire, and she is also showing signs of decline in the fight with information.

Emma told him that the cracking process went smoother than expected, especially after the Red Queen body switched the attack posture, a large amount of system resources were transferred to the attack against the console, and the effort invested in software protection was correspondingly reduced, which led to faster cracking .

When Tang Fang was about to ask "she" how long it would take to break through the Red Queen's firewall, a sudden situation interrupted his actions.

The red pupil above the light core-shaped facility directly opposite suddenly disappeared, and the circular cavity above it had a new change.

The upper part of the black cover slides and wanders, just like when the black shuttle body was deformed into a flying mechanical beast, a large-scale modularization appeared, and finally became a cage connecting the outer space. The transparent crystals in the lower half also showed abnormal changes, but instead of turning into a cage like the upper half, many round holes were opened at the smooth bottom.

The detector detects a violent energy fluctuation, originating from the photon core in the middle of the circular cavity.

When he first saw the circular cavity, he guessed that the energy flow sealed in it was the energy storage compartment of the Red Queen. At this time, he received the scan data from the detector, even if he had been mentally prepared, he was still surprised, very surprised Photon The energy level of the core is so high that if it explodes, the entire crystal platform will be affected.

Most of his worries will become reality, and of course it is no exception now.

The photon core in the circular cavity was fairly stable at first. As time went by, a ray of cyan thunder appeared in the wave-like light, which increased at a speed discernible to the naked eye, and the photon core began to expand.

The photon core here is different from the star particles in the light core. The latter is part of the logic calculation performed by the Red Queen, and the former is the energy core. The latter has no lethality, and the former "plays" well, and that is a heavyweight nuclear bomb.

Nova's voice came from the communicator: "It... is not going to explode."

"I don't know." While answering Nova's question, his brows became more frowning, because he couldn't understand why the Red Queen did it.

In terms of the current battle situation, he is indeed dominant, but it will take a lot of time to completely break through the Red Queen’s firewall. "She" can completely delay for a while, wait for Meyer’s reinforcements, and then join forces inside and outside to launch a new fight against herself. Round offensive.

There is also a strange thing. With the computing power of the Red Queen, it is impossible not to know that even if the photon core becomes a heavyweight nuclear bomb and explodes, the energy shock it creates cannot be threatened under the heavy protection of interstellar units. His life is safe... Knowing that it is invalid, why does the Red Queen still do this?

The question in his mind came quickly and went quickly. When the detector placed outside the Atlas space station sent a warning message, he finally understood the Red Queen’s plan.

The content of that warning message was not that Meyer and others perceive the change rate of the Atlas space station fleet to come, but the real-time image of the space station captured by the sensor array.

From a distance, the Atlas Space Station looks like an object connected by many wheels. The outer side is a human creation. The dumbbell structure at the core is the remains of Epsilon, which can also be said to be the remains of the Langkinus system.

What Thomas Angkel didn't know was that the Atlas Space Station was not simply a space facility for carrying the Red Queen. The Dragon Whisperer also restored an original function.

In the video clip sent by the detector, the core dumbbell structure of the Atlas space station is facing the Merida star. A long and narrow probe extends from the internal structure, which lights up in turn as the crystal ring moves from top to bottom. An energy concentration phenomenon appeared in the planet area facing the probe, a huge vortex formed in the atmosphere, and the dazzling cyan thunder was winding and flickering in the eye of the wind.

These cyan thunders were very fragmented at the beginning, but as the vortex grew, they quickly connected and merged, turning into a huge thundernet that communicated with the world, directly piercing the atmosphere, and contacting the probe below the Atlas space station, and the plasma below The body also rotates upwards, forming a tornado through the sky.

No sound can be transmitted in space, and no shock wave can be seen. The picture captured by the camera lens alone cannot feel the power of the whirlpool.

Of course, the Atlas Space Station’s influence on Merida is far less than the vast scene created when the Brionac system absorbed Naruba Aistar energy matter. After all, the Langkinus system has become history. The main function of the Space Station is to carry the body of the Red Queen.

However, Tang Fang's expression was much more ugly than his performance in the Battle of Khanos.

In the Turanx United Kingdom, no matter how strong the offensive power of the Brionac system was, it would be difficult to pose a threat to him entering the space facility, but it is different now. The energy material absorbed by the decentralized probe is prepared after preparation. All are injected into the circular cavity, and fusion reaction occurs with the photon core.

This kind of fusion is not gentle, on the contrary, it is very irritable. The white energy trend and the blue arc are becoming more and more active and more and more dazzling. The energy matter that is wrapped in the black pipe above is constantly bulging and colliding, which will change the entropy value. Push to a critical point.

Emma stopped the cracking process and issued the highest level warning to him. The mixed energy in the circular cavity is rapidly running away under the catalysis of the Red Queen, approaching the collapse threshold. Once they burst out completely, a high-frequency oscillating electromagnetic pulse storm will form in the entire cylindrical space. He, Aros, and Nova , The interstellar units including the ground and sky battlefields will all die in this storm, and the Red Queen relies on the protection of the shell made of epsilon materials. It should be possible to retain most of the key equipment and regenerate with the help of the Dragon Whisperer .

In other words, things have progressed to the point where the Red Queen decided to destroy him by suicide bombing.

With the photon core's own energy, it is not enough to harm him under the heavy protection of interstellar units... The Red Queen has limited energy, but there is Merida behind "her", even if it cannot be described by "endless energy" , Can also be regarded as an adjective such as "Haomiao Guangbo", at least it is easy to crush him.

Now he is not the one who was hiding in the bridge of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress. It is impossible for him to leave the Atlas space station before the photon core erupts.

He was very upset, annoyed that he underestimated the strength and determination of the Red Queen, did not send the Fearless Commander-class fortress to the Silver Eagle regiment, and lost the opportunity to use the teleport beacon to leave this dangerous space.

Just like when his life was hanging by a thread in the past, that annoyance was fleeting. He did not waste time and energy on regretting this matter. What he has to do now is to figure out what to do in order to save his life, and it will be enough to survive this. The high-frequency oscillating electromagnetic pulse storm sweeping the entire cylindrical space.

"Commander, I have a way..." Emma didn't sell her as usual, because she didn't have time to hesitate, and directly talked about the contingency plan "she" thought of.

After listening to Emma's words, he looked up at the fast-running photon core and clenched his fists.

When the dazzling cyan thunderstorm expands outward from the core of the circular cavity like a shock wave, a dazzling brilliance suddenly appears in the buffer zone between the ground battlefield and the space battlefield.

With circulating fluorescence, the Sarnaga keystone appeared in the cylindrical space.

At the beginning of the Ark World, by releasing the T energy of the crystal mountain peak, the new star shock wave that erupted from the Sarnagar Keystone wiped out all the hybrid warships including the sixth seat of the Supreme Council.

The results are dazzling, and the price is also expensive. As a result, the Crystal Mountain collapsed, and the foundation of the Ark World was completely destroyed. Even the remaining energy in the Sarnaga Keystone was consumed. www.wuxiaspot.com~ After returning from the time tunnel, he tried to become the Sarnaga Keystone. Charging, but with the high-energy electronic inventory of its own electronic ocean, it is just a drop in the bucket, and after many operations, it only recovers about 10%, and there is still a big gap to be supplemented.

He wasted a lot of thoughts on this matter, and then the battle for the Montesque star system broke out, and his attention turned to the Dragon Whisperer. He temporarily put aside and forgot about the charging of the Sarnaga keystone, if it weren’t for Ai Ma suggested that he do this, maybe he is still thinking about how to deal with the high-frequency shock electromagnetic pulse storm.

Elemental creatures, mixed-element celestial punishment, phoenix fighters, scout fighters...and so on, the flying units began to overload, dragging the flying mechanical beasts and the still movable tentacles to win time and space for his next actions.

After Sarnaga's keystone appeared, it slowly rotated in the air, and the mysterious texture surface bounced with slivers of arcs. The Hunyuan body destroyer who had been fighting on the ground battlefield abandoned his original offensive, and his body slowly rose, gradually contacting Sarnaga The key stones stand parallel.

When one after another silver ray hits the Sarnaga keystone, the gravitational cage becomes a power engine. The originally slowly rotating Sarnaga keystone resembles a projectile shot by a railgun. It draws a black light in the air and throws it straight into the circle. The cavity of the photon core is on the verge of collapse.

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