Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1319: Man-machine bucket (final)

An invisible energy radiation spreads from the core of the circular cavity and spreads over the battlefield.

The endless turbulence of energy burst out with dazzling light, and the next second seemed to be a retreating tide, the violent energy stream collapsed into the interior of the Sarnaga Keystone.

When the Hunyuan body behemoth wreaks havoc on the Er-shaped facility, the Hunyuan body destroyer left the ground battlefield and approached the Sarnaga keystone slowly rotating in the middle of the circular cavity with overflowing silver brilliance.

The original churning photon core seems to have not appeared in this world, and the high-frequency oscillating electromagnetic pulse storm is still dead.

But this does not mean that the energy response of the circular cavity is stopped. It is just that it is bound by the Sarnaga Keystone. The huge arcs carved from the mysterious pattern can tell that the internal environment of the Sarnaga Keystone is not peaceful. It is much more intense than it showed when it first appeared.

When the 6 Hunyuan Destroyer reached the edge of the circular cavity, their right hand was raised, and the psionic shock wave twisted into an arc and hit the Sarnaga keystone.

It's like the gate of the demon world that has been confined for countless years is opened by a key, and like a super dam opening the floodgate.

The arc bounced on the surface of the Sarnaga keystone instantly condensed into a grating entity, which descended all the way from the top, and finally expanded into an energy shock wave at the end, radiating laterally around it.

The next energy star is not sweeping the audience, the shock wave just now is just the opening show.

A beam of light like a sharp sword is excited from the end of the Sarnaga keystone, and it pierces the bottom of the circular cavity with an anti-electromagnetic pulse cover made of epsilon material. The solid high-energy photons will penetrate the obstacles along the way and directly open it. A skylight came out.

This sword-shaped beam of light comes fast and goes fast. The eye-catching effort disappears. It is replaced by a directional spreading electromagnetic pulse wave, like a rock flow on the lake surface, creating a big explosion in the inner space of the optical core.

As if the wires are short-circuited, the light cores that originally precipitated numerous stars burst out with different concentrations and intensities. The pulse energy that was difficult to discern with the naked eye spread extremely quickly from the circular cavity to the base of the light core.

Many components of the external structure of the base and the light core are burning, and the pungent smell suppresses the smell of worms and smoke in the air. The brightness of the light core is bright and dark, and it looks like the state of the Red Queen is very bad.

The flying mechanical beasts and floating robots that originally floated in the sky suddenly lost their power, some fell heavily on the crystal platform and fell into a pile of metal tatters, and some fell directly into the annular abyss. After some time, there was an unclear sound.

Armed robots fighting with ground units such as Centurion, Guardian Ghost Agents, Immortals, Zerglings, Cockroaches, and other ground units had their energy grids extinguished. The metal body sank down, and the legs were suspended and lowered.

The spider robot used by the Red Queen as a suicide mechanical bomb was also paralyzed on the ground. The LEd light on the surface of the rectangular battery on the back changed from red to green, returning to a safe level from a critical state.

Not to mention those tentacles, like arms without bones, hanging softly on the crystal ground.

The battle on the battlefield inside the cylindrical space is over. It's unbelievable fast, only the gunpowder from time to time in the air, the occasional arc and sparse explosion in the debris pile, and the dimmed central light core from time to time. Light flow that shines several times.

Zerglings patrolled the ground, the Hydralisk raised its head and scanned left and right, making a hissing sound. The Goliath armed robot stood among the wreckage, with a giant elephant supporting the sky in front, and the immortal and annihilator stepping on the steps of the master below.

In the area where the console is located, Nova put the gun blade away, Aros lit the second cigar, the guardian ghost agent and the ghost appeared from the shadows, the photon ball at the core of the phase turret gradually dissipated, and the motivator closed the end and closed the spirit. Energy matrix...

The war had ended, and Tang did not get out of the console for the first time, feeling about the messy battlefield.

Emma broke into the computer core in one fell swoop when the Red Queen was hit hard by the electromagnetic pulse storm. After obtaining sufficient permissions, Emma started the screening process and copied the database for useful consultation.

In this process, an invisible force rolled up his consciousness and invested in the system space base selection interface.

As the background light diminished, the four ethnic emblems went out in turn, the window changed from bright to dark, and the cursor flashed several times. With a brisk ticking sound, a line of characters flashed.

"System, restart......ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."



"Run, no!"


With a low buzz, the system is back online, the base selection interface appears, and the totem is brightly shiny.

Emma's voice sounded in her mind: "Commander, change the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The number of new elements is 3, which are located in the Human Base and the Protoss Base."

He had no accident that the information sealed in the Red Queen database could activate the system expansion process. Taking advantage of Emma's transfer of data, he devoted his attention to the human base and retrieved new unlocking elements.

Select a ScV, press the basic building menu, and look at the menu bar on the right. Suddenly, there is a new icon behind the sentry machine gun. It is not an important building. It is also a defensive building named Flame Fort.

For this defense facility, the system only has a very simple introduction, without a detailed sample analysis report.

His understanding of this defensive weapon originated from Nova’s Covert Operations Expansion Pack. The Flaming Turret is a unique fort used to eliminate threats in the Human Preservation Facility. It is different from the Doomsday Turret and Swann’s Betty. Flaming Turret has Extremely long range, can cause powerful damage to infantry units and light Zergs in a large area.

The cost of the Fire Turret is not high, only 200 crystals, in his opinion, even if it is stronger than the Doom Turret, it is also very limited.

After determining the first new element of the human base, he continued to search the anomaly column to determine whether the second new element was located in the human base.

Barracks, heavy factories, Xinggang, starry sky base... These production buildings were clicked, but the second new element was not found, and then the focus was switched on functional buildings, wondering if it’s been a long time. See the "data synchronization completed" icon.

Engineering Bay...No, Ghost Academy...No, Star Trails Command Center...No...Until I clicked on the Armory and saw the change in the menu bar on the right, his expression became exaggerated.

There is an extra icon in the lower right corner of the menu bar, a gray lock icon, that is an impressive heavy fighter armor.

That's right, it is the heavy fighter armor that shines in the Freedom Wings battle, and it is also the prototype of the Renault Ranger Thor, the Odin Siege Mech.

This is the second unlock item? Odin? Tang Fang couldn't help rolling his eyes, very upset at the scene before him. Miss Emma sees a locked unit as a new element, and he is also drunk.

However, from the perspective of log analysis, the appearance of Odin did bring about corresponding changes to the data in the memory pool of the human base, and it is natural to be regarded as a new element by that dead brain.

Move the cursor to the Odin icon, and a pop-up note shows that Tykes Finley is required.

Such a prerequisite requirement is very reasonable, but for Captain Tang, this is unreasonable, it is very anti-human.

Tassada’s Gantry Suo has been around for a long time, but it has not been able to be summoned because Tassada hasn’t been unlocked. Now Odin is in the same situation. Where is he going to find Tycus? Some hints are fine!

Emma won't respond to his complaints, let alone Sister Logic. He could only hum a few times, unwillingly pinch his nose to recognize it, return to the base selection interface, throw his consciousness into the Protoss base, and look for the third unlock item in Emma's mouth.

As before, first select the probe, and then press the basic and advanced menu hotkeys. After no new elements are found, I turn my attention to the production building. When the cursor selects the mechanical table, I suddenly find There is a new icon in the menu bar on the right, which is a relatively unfamiliar mechanical image. When the cursor moves, the name is displayed as "Megalis".

It took him a long time to figure out what the so-called McGallis was.

In the Void Legacy expansion, Atanis decides to liberate the Purifier. One level is to open the Silent Field to release the Purifier mothership Sebros, which is bound to the planet. McGallis is used to release Large machinery in a static field.

I still remember that this kind of floating machinery with a strong style of the Purifier camp can shoot out beams similar to the heat rays of giant elephants to strike distant Zerg units.

The system provides a detailed sample analysis report for McGallis, showing that it consists of three major components.

1. Solar rays: Multiple radio frequency crystals are deployed in the body of McGallis. Through multiple focusing and coordinated operations, the condensed solar energy in the body can be converted into laser rays with powerful killing ability, which can cause vector attacks on enemy targets. A large number of conductive crystals are distributed in a network to form an energy matrix pattern, which greatly reduces the waste and loss of solar energy in the conversion process.

2. Psionic floating engine: The main energy of Megalis comes from the solar energy stored in the body. The core equipment is only deployed with a small amount of Kadarin crystals, most of which are used to maintain the anti-gravity field and help this large machine to maintain a suspended posture. Adapt to all kinds of complex terrain operations and operations.

3. Quantum Brain: The central processing system of the Purifier contains the analog consciousness and thinking of the Protoss. They are stored in the metal body in a quantum form. Appropriate logical computing components can help them improve their reaction and thinking ability. It is precisely because of this structure that McGallis can remove the complex and dangerous static field.

After browsing McGallis' sample analysis report, he took a look at the cost, 1,500 crystals, 1,000 gas, and occupied population 4.

Compared with the cost of the giant elephant, McGallis should be a lot smaller, within a hundred meters... after all, it is a floating unit.

In terms of skills, McGallis has the "overload operation" active skill, which can increase McGallis' flight speed within a certain period of time.

If he guessed right, Odin + McGallis corresponds to the technology of the Red Queen. The flame turret corresponds to the technological craftsmanship of a certain attack robot under the Red Queen.

Comparing the gains from the Montesk star system battle, the gains from the capture of the Atlas space station this time are not rich and average. But this is not the key, the key is the various confidential information stored in the Red Queen database.

After finishing the final combing work, he moved his attention from the system space to the real world, and looked up to the sky.

He woke up in a timely manner and had the opportunity to see the Red Queen one last time.

The Sarnaga keystone has stopped emitting electromagnetic pulse waves, the Hunyuan Destroyer is quietly suspended in the sky, and the Hunyuan Giant Beast no longer destroys the Er-shaped facility.

The stardust overflowing inside the optical core has disappeared, and the quantum matter dissipates like evaporated water vapor, leaving only a trace of light inside the thick cylinder, which eventually becomes a little spot of light and dissipates.

The Red Queen... just died out?

The screen at the top of the console went black one after another, and he frowned. Although he had tried to restrain himself, he only released 30% of the energy inside the keystone through the Destroyer of Mixed Element Body, but it still caused fatal injuries to the Red Queen.

Although from standing in front of the console, he decided to hack into the data system. When the Red Queen decided to strangle the incoming enemy, the situation was irreversible. Today, either he died or the Red Queen died. However, when it really got to this point ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ inevitably a lot of worries... the relationship between Morningstar Casting and the Yinying Group, the relationship between Morningstar Casting and the Dragon Whisperer.

Even if they find an intermediary and contact the Dragon Whisperer, will they understand what they did to the Red Queen? Taking a step back, Dragon Whisperers can understand, can Meyer swallow this breath? We must know that the death of the Red Queen represents the end of the selection system of the Silver Eagle regiment. Looking at the issue from the perspective of national sovereignty, this is no longer a provocation, but an infringement of Chi Luo Luo.

The troublesome time didn't last long. He was never a **** person, thinking that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and he would take one step at a time and then turn his attention to the business.

"Emma, ​​how are things going?"

"Commander, all the information in the Red Queen database is very large, limited by the bandwidth of the transmission medium, and there is no way to fully include it in the Star Orbit Command Center."

After listening to this report, Tang Fang's face turned cold, and 10,000* flew in his heart, really wanting to greet the eighteenth generation of Emma's ancestors.

He finally sighed and chose to shut up and admit counsel. After all, the Red Queen's technological level is extremely high, and there is not much difference with the mechanical intelligent brain armed with God. It is very likely that important content in the database will be deleted before the firewall completely collapses. Naga Keystone launched a sudden attack, quickly paralyzed the command unit of the Red Queen, and won a period of free action, which was already a hard-won opportunity.

He didn't know that he had just corrected his attitude, and Emma's words made him jump and scold his mother.

"Commander, although the Star Trails Command Center has not fully entered the confidential information stored in the Red Queen database, the content you care about most has been copied."

"Emma... did you mean it?" he said bitterly.

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