Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1397: Fetters and choices

After sitting in his seat, Aros didn't try to repair the damaged equipment. He directly slid the button of the energy distribution system to inject the working propeller, and at the same time fine-tune the angle.

The flightless Stalker was like a high-horsepower locomotive, racing along the cortex of the incubator, approaching the place where Lev Milonovich Bukharin disappeared extremely quickly.

When the fire spread to the rear and the head of the aircraft approached the gestational sac, the second director, whose lower body had been integrated into the biological tissues inside the gestational sac, discovered the situation ahead, with a surprised expression on his face.

This surprise came quickly, and went quickly, because the Stalker just smashed through the relatively thin translucent skin on the surface of the incubation sac and entered the incubator.

The inoculation sac that Lev Milonovich Bukharin incorporated is a biological component used to heal and regenerate the six fire dragons. It can be imagined how spacious the internal space is, and it is more than enough for the hangar of the Stalker.

Through the observation window in the front of the fuselage, you can see Aros sitting in front of the console. There is a trace of blood remaining under the forehead of his right face. I don't know where it was caused by the injury. This didn't increase the murderous aura on him, but instead made him look tragic.

Lev Milonovich Bukharin looked at the Stalker who stumbled in front of him, with a deep sullen expression on his face, and said with hatred: "I have seen that I have spared you my life in the past."

Aros was expressionless at the observation window and said in a very calm tone: "Actually, I don’t need it. The Lev Milonovich Bukharin I know died 20 years ago. He talked to Hellman. Buried together, although the people standing in front of me now have the same face, they are just a ghost enslaved by time and history. I suddenly figured out why I could survive that battle because fate gave me A task is scheduled."

"Now... this task has been almost completed. It only needs the last full stop to complete it. If the enemy standing at the end is you, it would be a comfort."

"Stand at thirty, don't be confused at forty." After Jaeger refused to admit his relatives and betrayed by his best comrades-in-arms, Aros finally understood the sentence that Tang Fang mentioned many times, and he was not confused at forty The statement has a deeper understanding.

Lev Milonovich Bukharin smiled at his words: "Fate? I am destiny, because I always arrange the fate of others... I remember you said when you were young, fate The meaning of existence is to let people fight. How can they change their attitude after 20 years and be willing to be a slave to fate? This is really ironic."

"I think... when you heard this sentence back then, you must have laughed at me fiercely from the bottom of your heart." Aros said contemptuously: "Revolution? Fight against destiny? In essence, it is just based on your script. The dragon set of the era ahead."

Lev Milonovich Bukharin said: "I haven't laughed at you, because too many people have said that. I laughed at the first one in my heart and laughed at the second... When the emotional changes brought about are no longer ups and downs, it will not make me feel tired, and will no longer bring any pleasure. Therefore, people living for a long time are not entirely good."

Aros said with a smile: "You just said that you are like fate, how similar to my expression when I was young when I declared that I would fight fate to the end."

Lev Milonovich Bukharin frowned slightly, and did not compete with Aros on his tongue. With his palm raised lightly, the "ground" in the area in front of the Stalker undulated violently, and a wall-shaped mountain of meat rose. His body retracted quickly, getting further and further away from the body of the Stalker.

"The hunting system of the Stalker has been damaged in the previous impact. What are you going to use to defeat me?"

The veteran knew very well that the words of the second director were very practical, not to mention that the hunting system was severely damaged in the impact just now. Even if it is intact, facing the continuously rising array of flesh walls, there is not much chance to go to the incubator biological organization. The deep target causes devastating damage.

The current Lev Milonovich Bukharin has completed 99% of the assimilation work, and can control the behemoth hundreds of kilometers long before his eyes. Once he succeeds, the wandering planet will inevitably change hands to the Supreme Council. At that time, Tang Fang and Chenxing will be in danger.

"You are right. The hunting system can't hurt you, but there is one thing that can." When he said this, Aros pressed the most corner switch on the console and awakened a certain stalker. Infrequent processes.

The blood-red pyroxene suspended in the space in front of the console began to rotate violently, and rippled waves swayed around the body. The originally erected components were slowly flattened. At the same time, the armor of the central area of ​​the crescent ship's nose opened to the sides, revealing a circle behind Shaped tunnel with a light red brilliance flowing out of it.

Lev Milonovich Bukharin noticed his behavior and said with a cold voice, "What are you going to do?"

Aros said: "Send you to hell."

"Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Aros smiled: "This is what he owes me, just like the years before I came to the Star Alliance. Although it is not the happiest day of my life, it is the most stable time." From escaping from planet 5 to settling in Dila For the current star system, the wars and dangerous scenes that he has experienced along the way, for him now, have become slightly yellowed old photos, full of memories.

Only Jaeger... still pierced like a thorn in the softest part of his heart, aching in his thoughts.

Lev Milonovich Bukharin showed a very rare hysterical expression: "You don't want to see Jaeger again, your biological son?!"

Aros put a cigar into his mouth, lit it with the pure gold lighter that Marion gave him, and looked at the flying eagle with its wings spread out and said: "The love between father and son is different from the love between mother and son. It takes time or death to settle. ...If a choice must be made now, I hope it will be the latter."

The second director still wants to speak. The veteran over there has already pressed the button on the left side of the console... He has said enough today, more than ever.

The pyroxene flew out with a non-glaring halo, and the Roshan made up of biological tissues in front criss-crossed and turned into a shield array to block the pyroxene flight path.

Aros ignored the biological tissue entangled with the Stalker and took a hard sip of his cigar. The fire embers that became brighter and brighter spread backwards, dropping a little smoke and dust onto Ma Runjia.

He squinted slightly and pressed the fire button just before the tentacle twisted the fighter.

The beam of light from the energy core burst out, accurately hitting the red spar ahead far away.

Like this kind of mutant T energy stone, it has extremely powerful suppression and destruction effects on the phagosome polymer. The layers of defense set by Lev Milonovich Bukharin are like being burned by the sun under the influence of pyroxene energy. Bake the snow that melts quickly.

When the beam ray from the Stalker hits the pyroxene that exudes terrifying power in the sky, an invisible energy wave sweeps across the entire area, and then a dazzling red light that makes people unable to look directly across the horizon.

This level of attack is not actually the function of the Stalker. It is a new weapon that Iger Stetman used to modify. In fact, this type of attack originated from the self-detonation system of the Stalker.

In the dispute between the sovereign state and the sovereign state of the Hilumbel region, in order to prevent the enemy from acquiring the most advanced warships of their own, the two opponents often have a built-in destruction program, which is usually achieved by overloading the energy core and triggering a strong implosion. Warships of hidden forces such as the Dragon Whisperer and the Anubis Legion also have similar procedures, but the situation of the Stalker is slightly different. It is not achieved by overloading the energy core, but by applying external pressure to pyroxene.

Although the pyroxene has a deep relationship with the T energy stone, when the energy stone erupts, it will form a neon storm, which looks mad but actually very gentle. Pyroxene is different. After it explodes, there will be no information spillage, but a very violent wave of destruction energy, causing substantial damage to surrounding objects... Tang Fang believes that this is the reason why Pyroxene cannot activate the system expansion process-- ----There is no information leakage, only energy bursts.

In short, pyroxene will become a super bomb when hit by a specially modulated beam ray.

As Kukulkan's vehicle, the Stalker was equipped with a self-destruct function, but it has never been activated, because the Dragon Whisperer has never been forced to the level of the Battle of Tanda in the battle against the Supreme Council. Iger Stetman’s research on pyroxene was fruitless, and in order to prevent Tang Fang from grabbing the handle, he used the word "incompetence" to taunt him, so he did nothing but changed the self-destruction program of the Stalker into a kind Desperate means. At least it has an out-of-group effect against the phagosome polymer of the Supreme Council...Although it has only one blow.

Thralnaga keystone, Void Corruption, self-destructing module of the Stalker. These three things can be called killers against the phagosome polymer group. According to Emma's calculations, among these three things, the Sarnaga Keystone (itself) has the smallest energy, followed by Void Corruption, and the Stalker's self-destructive module has the largest energy.

In any case, Tang Fang would not have thought that the weapon modification that Iger Stetman had made to please him was not used by himself, but instead became a weapon used by Aros to destroy his close comrades.

The Sarnagar Keystone released its full energy to destroy the mixed warships distributed in the wide area of ​​the Tanda Star's atmosphere. The full-scale Void Corruption can construct an absolute defense zone in the outer deep space of the Delar star system. From this, one can imagine how powerful a pyroxene explosion will create a powerful energy impact.

This does not mean that Dragon Whisperer possesses more powerful technology than Sarnagar. After all, pyroxene belongs to the T-energy stone series and is a very precious non-renewable resource. Judging from the information he has now, the T-energy stone is precious The degree is even rarer than the Sarnagar crystal in the StarCraft world... This can be proved by the fact that the two legions of Anubis and the Sword of Krum searched for the T-Power Stone.

The super light burst created by the pyroxene explosion is generated in the incubator body, spreading to the surroundings at an extremely rapid rate, and the inoculation sac bursts for the first time. Small minced meat.

In the area farther away from the gestational sac, the cracks like stretch marks wandered along the raised meridians made by Lev Milonovich Bukharin, and then the red brilliance leaked little by little.

When these brilliance winded into a strip of light, spread out on the surface of the incubator, and with a horizontal explosion, this huge mass of meat that stretched for hundreds of kilometers was like a watermelon that broke on the ground and turned into big and small hard. The pieces of meat were flying around.

The energy impact of pyroxene not only smashed the incubator's body, but also deprived the phagosome material of the activity, turning those pieces of meat into a pile of dead objects.

In fact, after pyroxene destroys the incubator, there is still a certain degree of shock wave remaining. If it is placed in other environments, such as land battlefields, such as inside buildings, it will inevitably destroy the surrounding things in a mess. Fortunately, this is the core space of the wandering planet. It was originally a container built to store the destructive energy of stars, and the energy shock created by pyroxene was not transmitted to the external environment.

Of course, some geological phenomena are inevitable.

In the area where the Bliss Pure Land is located, the gravitational field that is close to failure appears disordered, and the rock masses scattered in space are affected by gravity in different directions and become chaotic. The surface area of ​​the wandering planet was also affected, and the earthquake disaster was wave after wave. Fortunately, the intensity was not strong and did not cause a large-scale collapse.

After Tang Fang left the battlefield of Bliss Pure Land, Nova, Zeratul and others followed the navigation map provided by Emma to the important parts of the battleship to prevent Mei 12 and Hei 5 from destroying key facilities of the battleship, and even activated the destruction device and ruined it. This precious fortress ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To the surprise of Mohandar, Zeratul and others, Mei 12 and Hei 5 did not wreak havoc on the ship’s facilities, and what followed was an impact on the whole The gravitational field in the theater is disordered, and nearby rock masses keep hitting the ship hull.

Affected by this situation, including the battle on the battlefield on the surface of the ship, and the air force units of the system such as the Void Glow Ship, Storm Battleship, and Phoenix Fighter that the Tang side deployed to sweep the array, there is no way to form an all-round encirclement network like before. , You must always beware of the rocks and fish monster corpses flying by your side, while also coping with the ever-changing external gravity.

It was in this situation that the area near the open dock at the bottom of the HMS Bliss Pure Land opened, and a bright silver aircraft shot out from the hangar and flew towards the exit of the ruins.

There are no corners or attachments on the surface of the aircraft. The outline is similar to the head of a flying eagle. The short wings on both sides are slightly turned up, and the tip has a hook structure that curves downward.

If Tang Fang was here, he might not be able to help but complain, "Is its armor made of stainless steel? It can be used as a mirror."

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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