Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1398: Meteorite

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He was not here, and the system combat units arranged around the Bliss Pure Land were also affected by the sudden gravitational turbulence, unable to build a deep interception network. The two Phoenix fighter planes shot sleek plasma beams at the carving head aircraft, but they only created waves of light ripples on the surface of the aircraft, which quickly penetrated the gap between the two flying rocks.

This small aircraft has an energy shield, and its style is very different from the aircraft of the Anubis Corps. I think it would be the Mei 12 and Mei 6 rides.

After the Phoenix fighter lost its target, it changed its course as soon as possible. At the same time, it connected to the Protoss aircraft carrier formation, requesting the dispatch of a cluster of interceptors to support and double-team the enemy aircraft.

Under the circumstance of the gravitational field disorder inside the tunnel, the rock mass constantly moves its position, which has become unsuitable for the operation of large and medium-sized aircraft. On the contrary, small combat units can deal with the situation more flexibly and freely.

The Protoss aircraft carriers distributed on the periphery of the battlefield began to drop interceptors into the internal area, and the Void Glow Ship and Storm Battleship also gathered towards the position of the carved-head aircraft, preparing to hit the aircraft hard.

To the surprise of the Protoss pilots, the carved-head aircraft rushed out of the fragmented rock distribution area and stopped after arriving in a relatively clean space. The surface of the fuselage brightened with a light spot, overflowing the hull structure into a continuous change of illusory light. The belt rotates extremely fast, and at the same time sway indifferent starlight around, constructing a star map.

Yes, it is the cloud map system used by the Bliss Pure Land when it escaped from the Montesque star system, but the star map constructed by the carve-head vehicle is much smaller.

Before the Protoss aircraft carrier's interceptor passed through the dense pumice area, the star map projected by the carved head aircraft suddenly collapsed, and a flash of light flashed and disappeared, and the carved head aircraft disappeared in this chaotic space.

The aircraft carrier's interceptor group and the Protoss Air Force unit behind rushed into the air, failing to force the Mei 12's exclusive aircraft to escape.

At about the same time, another hangar on the starboard side of the Bliss Pure Land opened, and another small shuttle shot out from it, entered another densely covered area with pumice, and flew towards the tunnel entrance.

Because the departure of the Eagle Head aircraft attracted a large number of Protoss Air Force units, the small shuttle could find a weak defensive area and choose a safer channel to escape.

Unlike the carve-headed aircraft just now, this small shuttle is a carrier-based aircraft of the Bliss Pure Land and is not equipped with an energy shield-level defense system. Although the flight path chosen by the pilot deliberately avoided the attack range of the Protoss aircraft, it did not mean that there was no combat unit arranged by Tang Fang along the way. Whether it is a raven, a ghost fighter, or a Viking fighter, or a Valkyrie frigate, they are all threatening. However, unexpectedly, these human aircrafts did not know who was instructed to intercept this small shuttle. , Let it leave the war zone and gallop towards the tunnel entrance.

The current wandering planets are not the wandering planets that previously constructed a gravitational field to constrain the hybrid asteroid and the Pure Land of Bliss. After Soya left the Amethyst Tower, Chen Jian also left the Amethyst Tower, causing the wandering planet’s gravity field to lose control. Another pyroxene explosion occurred, affecting the surrounding geographical environment, causing the gravity well originating from the ruins to completely collapse.

Tang Fang’s current thoughts are focused on the changes in the core space. He doesn’t have much energy and thought to consider the battlefield of the Bliss Pure Land. He just ensures that important modules such as the bridge and the energy core are under his control. This gave Mei 12 and others. The opportunity to escape, the scene just now happened.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the good sense of smell of Mei 12 and others.


After the small shuttle carrying Black 5 and Black 6 disappeared in the high-altitude orbit of the wandering planet, Zeratul looked at Nova and said, "Why do you ask Tang Fang to let go of Black 5 and Black 6?"

"Because they can't go back to the Anubis Legion... After all, the Abyssal Knights are just a group of poor people who are enslaved. Since they are no longer a threat, it is better to let them live a few more years."

Abathur's follow-up study on the te flora in the Abyssal Knights showed that the removal of this parasitic colony can improve the body's quality, and there are also deadly negative effects. The te flora cannot reproduce by itself, and the life span is about 5-6 years. If the new te flora cannot be injected during this period, the dead te colonies that lose their biological activity will be absorbed, and they will become deadly toxins to the human body. Multiple organ failure.

The festival between Nova and Black 5 was based on the death of Virginia Alexander. It’s not that she wanted the old thing to live, but because Black 5 shaved her face and hit her pride as a ghost agent of the Empire. The encounter on the military shuttle and the confrontation today made her sick.

Seeing what Mei 6 did to Black K and Tang Fang's account of the history of the Abyssal Knight, she believed that to some extent, she was more fortunate than Black 5. Since the woman stood on the opposite side of the Krum Sword members at a critical moment and chose to betray the substitute, it would be better to let them go, perhaps in the near future, she can provide intelligence assistance in the operation of Morningstar casting against the substitute.

She proposed this to Tang Fang, and then he gave an affirmative answer. Only then did the human and Zerg aircraft stand still, allowing the small shuttle to cross the battlefield and escape the wandering planet safely.

She believed that Black 5 must know that they were able to leave here not because they chose the right time to escape and the right escape route, but because of Captain Tang's deliberate indulgence.

The bait has been given enough, so the next step is to see how the Black 5 returns the peach and repays the virtues.

Of course, even if she doesn't have any feedback, it doesn't matter, after all, she has run out of time with Black 6.

"I think you are being changed little by little by Tang Fang." Zeratul said, "In my impression, as the best female ghost of the empire, you should be more indifferent, even cold-blooded."

"Perhaps." Nova was unwilling to explain more on this point to maintain her inherent high coldness: "I don't know how Tang Fang is doing now, I hope everything is fine..."

Zeratul said: "Good or bad, just look at it and you'll know."

Nova did not speak, her eyes became sad, and she shook her head slightly: "I'm going to do the final cleanup." After saying this, she said goodbye to Zeratul, turned and walked to the remnant area of ​​the Anubis Army soldiers. .

Tassadar looked at her back and said, "She is in a bad mood."

Zeratul said: "This is obvious, because no one's heart is made of iron."

There was the sound of metal objects hitting the floor, and then Phoenix protested: "Who can tell me what this female Elant should do?" Contrast became a warm man taking care of a female alien with hairy face , He prefers the life of charging forward.

Tassadar joked: "Phoenix, you are too ungentleman to say that."

Phoenix replied seriously: "I am a soldier, not a gentleman."

Zeratul said: "He is not a good joke."

Tassadar nodded, agreeing with the Dark Master's judgment.

The battle within the Bliss Pure Land is nearing completion. The soldiers of the Anubis Legion have gathered in non-critical areas after the division and drive of the three tribal units to prevent their dying counterattack from causing excessive damage to the warship.

Outside of the Bliss Pure Land, perhaps because May 6 and May 12 left, and Black 5 and Black 6 also flee, the Anubis Legion soldiers who were still fighting stubbornly fled on a small scale, and a plane flew out of a local hangar. Another small aircraft evolved into a breakout and anti-breakout operation. Of course, compared to the space battle before the Landing Battle of the Bliss Pure Land, the Anubis Legion's aircraft was completely powerless to fight back, and almost no one could escape from here.

The reason why Mei 6 and Mei 12 were able to leave was because the Diaoshou aircraft was equipped with a small cloud image system. Black 5 and Black 6 were able to escape because Nova got Tang's approval.

At the moment when Captain Tang made the ambush plan, he decided to completely bury the Supreme Council and the Bliss Pure Land. Without a special reason, how could he easily let the substitute's lackey leave.


When Mei 6 and Mei 12 seized the opportunity to escape, the protoss transport ship that Tang Fang was riding in was resisting the impact of energy from the nuclear space and was almost unable to move forward.

The more so, the stronger the anxiety in his heart and the more irritable his emotions.

Since Aros drove the Stalker into the inner space of the nascent sac, Emma has lost the data connection with Ma Runjia's sensor system. I wonder if the veteran will be with Lev Milonovich Bukharin in the next time. What was said, and what was done, until terrifying energy gushed from the core space like a tide, flowing along the tunnel, constantly scouring the plasma shield of the Protoss transport plane, bringing very obvious vibrations.

He has some guesses about the current scene, and he is most afraid that this guess will come true.

There are not many people who know that the Stalker can deliver a devastating blow, and precisely the veteran is one of them. From the analysis of what he did before waking up from a coma and before losing contact, that guess is the most logical.

Tang Fangqiang endured the discomfort in his heart and fully controlled the transport plane to face the difficulties, approaching the entrance to the core space bit by bit.

When the intensity of the energy wave changed from large to small, the light storm at the end of the observation window that obscured the line of sight gradually subsided, and the vibration from underneath changed from strong to weak. The Protoss transport ship began to accelerate and rushed out of the tunnel entrance 5 minutes later. Enter the core space.

The fog that originally permeated the entire Earth's core space had disappeared without a trace. It should have been dissipated by energy. Although there is still radiation that is enough to kill humans in the air, the scene ahead can be clearly observed in the Protoss transport plane.

The Roshan, which was more than hundreds of kilometers long, disappeared, and there was only the faint brilliance of pyroxene in the sky, silently talking about what had just happened in the core space.

His face is very ugly, and he feels that in many cases, the more people are afraid of something, the more bad things will be.

A total of seven detectors were dropped outside by him to scan the vast core space and search for the traces of Aros. He also got off the protoss transport plane, standing on the back of an Euglena and wandering around.

The energy shock wave formed by the explosion of pyroxene shreds the body of the incubator, turning it into large and small biological debris and pushing it to the edge of the earth’s core space, like scattered asteroids in the universe, some drifting at low speeds, some keeping still.

As time went by, his mood became heavier and heavier, his eyes darkened, and the flesh on his face seemed to be frozen.

There is no news of Aros, no...Although he had planned for the worst before entering the core space, he really saw the scene before him and still couldn't accept it.

He couldn't understand what the veteran was doing, and while he was sad, there was also a bit of resentment. How many times has he said to those around him that no matter what time or stage he has developed, the most important thing for him is not his foundation, fleet, and wealth, but those friends and family members who have shared difficulties with him.

He can accept the destruction of Morningstar, and can accept it from scratch, but he cannot accept the people around him sinking into the invisible abyss. But why... why the veteran just didn't understand what he wanted, and died with Lev Milonovich Bukharin in such a tragic way.

Perhaps in the eyes of the veteran, this is a guardian for him and a responsibility for his family and friends. But what does this beautiful expression bring? At least for him, it is a kind of injury.

He fell on the back of Euglena, didn't know what to say, didn't know how to deal with Yu Fei's question, his heart was sour, but he desperately suppressed the emotion that was enough to shake the tear glands and made himself strong.

The veteran is also a teacher and friend to him, and he has a feeling of support and care similar to his father's to his younger generation. He really never thought about how to face life without Aros.

The veteran’s recent state is very bad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He knows this better than anyone, and he also knows why the veteran is like this. However, from the perspective of a man, apart from drinking and practicing with him, he couldn't find a suitable way to relieve the irritability and depression of the veteran.

He thought that time would heal those emotional pains, but never thought that the time left by fate for Aros was not enough to heal those pains.

It was in this state that the veteran chose to die with the so-called comrade-in-arms who had deceived his life. To some extent, it was the end of a reincarnation. There was a kind of tragedy and sorrow of its own, which was very suitable as the result of a lonely prodigal.

However, from the standpoint of his family and friends, it is difficult to accept his choice.

Tang Fang raised his head, silently looking at the crystal lattice of zero-element isotopes that looked like stars in the night sky.

I don't know if it is the goddess of fate that is sympathetic to his mood, or that Yuffi is a considerate and sensible girl, and the communicator has always been quiet, allowing him enough time to settle the emotions that are saltier than the sea.

The energy impact created by the pyroxene explosion was too strong, so powerful that the Stalker did not leave any wreckage.

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