Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1399: 150 million

So what if a veteran has the ability to regenerate at a high speed, what if he has a hero position... That person is like an obliterated star in the sky, just disappearing into his life, becoming an unforgettable memory.

This reminded him of the "martyr's heart", revealing a bitter and sad smile. Martyr's heart... Martyr's heart, is it appropriate to use this term for veterans?

"Martyr's Heart" was destined to become a fallen star after this war, disappearing in the geography of the Hilumbel region. This result is so similar to the fate of the veteran.

Some people don't believe in fate, some sneer, and some people can say "My fate is my fate" without hesitation. He still doesn't know if there is such a thing as destiny in the world, but after experiencing many things along the way, he learned how to hold a heart of awe.

This complex and entangled depression was interrupted by a message from Emma. According to her, the target detector detected suspicious radiation in an area.

He recovered from his wounds, pointed the direction to the Euglena, and rushed to the area where the detector was located.

It was an irregular mass of meat, which was the size of a building from the perspective of its size, radiating weak life energy outward. According to the analysis report of the Planetary Command Center, this life energy does not come from the flesh mass, but from something inside.

The sentimental emotion on his face faded like a tide, and his eyes became solemn and cold.

Aros must not survive the energy burst of pyroxene, knowing that it is more dangerous than the corruption of the void. So where does this life energy come from? Who is most likely to survive this big bang?

The answer is ready to come out...I'm afraid that only the second director's BUG-level existence may survive.

As the blush dissipated, the void corruption appeared in front of the Euglena, radiating disturbing waves of destruction.

At this moment, the piece of meat drifting at a very slow speed wriggled a few times, and suddenly a blood-stained hand broke through the purulent skin and entered his field of vision, then his arms, scalp... and a blood-stained face. .

When the facial features were imprinted on the pupils, the heart that originally mentioned the throat suddenly fell back, because the person who crawled out of the meatball was not Lev Milonovich Bukharin, but Apollo. Deputy head Chen of the Pirates.

"Why did he come here?" A big question mark appeared in Tang Fang's mind, wondering why Chen Futuan was not staying at the crystal tower, so why did he come here to join in the fun.

The Ma Runjia equipped by Aros was damaged in the late battle, and he did not notice Chen Jian's presence. He teleported from the battlefield of the Bliss Pure Land to the Fearless Commander-class fortress, and then came to the core space. He never went to the Amethyst Tower. Naturally, he didn't know the courageous move of Deputy Chief Chen to save Soya.

Chen Jian raised his blood-stained and viscous liquid head, took a look at his surroundings, fixed his eyes on the old friend standing on the back of the Euglena in front of him, and said in a dazed tone: "What happened...what happened? "

Tang Fang said, "Why did you come here?"

Chen Jian did not answer his question, and reconsidered the external environment. The blankness on his face turned into anxiety: "Where is Soya? Where is Aros? They...what happened?"

After the Stalker was shot down by Lev Milonovich Bukharin, he lost consciousness. He didn’t know that Aros transferred him from the aircraft to a relatively safe area, let alone the veteran’s choice at the last moment. The development of the enemy's death.

Tang Fang sighed, thinking that Deputy Chief Chen was really dead, and he actually survived such a big explosion.

"This matter... go back and talk about it." He is not in the mood to explain to Chen Jian what happened in the core space, ordering the pilot of the Protoss transport plane to lead the target to the cabin and fly to the tunnel entrance.

Freya sent a communication link over there, but he did not accept it. Nova sent a communication link, but he also did not accept it.

Returning to the inner harbor of the ruins, after putting down Chen Jian, he returned to his room. He didn't care about the Bliss Pure Land or explained anything to You Fei and others. He plunged into his bed and fell asleep.

When Cathy was sent back to the medical laboratory by Phoenix, he did not wake up, when Nova directed the Terran soldiers to clean up the internal environment of the Bliss Pure Land, and when Iger Stetman went to inspect the situation of the Pnos He still did not wake up.

It took two days for this to pass.

After waking up, he didn't go to the bridge for the first time and didn't listen to Emma's report. Instead, he went to the rest area outside to ask for a few bottles of wine, and went back to the room to drink and continue to sleep with his head covered.

No one provokes him at this moment, including Freya who was also persuaded by Yuffi and didn't bother him in the past. Aros's encounter spread throughout the ship through Chen Jian's mouth, causing the ups and downs to fall into a gloomy atmosphere. No one didn't know that the veterans were Captain Tang's most trusted and closest comrades-in-arms. Together, they walked out of Planet 5, overcoming all obstacles, overcoming all kinds of difficulties, and achieving today's Morning Star casting.

Although Captain Tang's energy is getting stronger and more friends around him, no one can replace Aros's position in his mind. Now, the veteran is gone... In order to protect Captain Tang, to protect everyone on the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, and to avenge the former comrades of the Dragoon Squad, he died with Lev Milonovich Bukharin. This man who is accustomed to taciturn has used his actions to explain what responsibility is and what is responsibility.

Whether it is people who have interacted with Aros or those who have not interacted, they all pay respect and gratitude to this name.

Two more days passed, Tang Fang still did not clean up his grief, and walked out of the room to the bridge to preside over the overall situation. This made Yu Fei, Nova and others a little worried, but they were hesitant, not knowing whether they should go and disturb them.


Although the original captain's room was not so bright, it was clean, tidy, and orderly. Now it’s different. The outside coffee table is full of bottles and jars with heavy alcohol, clothes and towels scattered on the floor, magazines and books are piled up in a mess at the corner of the bed, and crumpled paper scraps are not far away. .

Not only was the room not cleaned for many days, Captain Tang’s personal hygiene was also poor. Although he would wash his face and brush his teeth every day after waking up, he was not in the mood to take care of his long beard, which made him look. A bit decadent, or vicissitudes of life.

Stubble and wine are always a perfect match, just like he is now... looking at the empty wine bottle, and the somewhat gaffey face in the mirror opposite the coffee table, hesitating whether to go back to bed to sleep or open the door. Go to the lounge and get some bottles of wine.

The moonlight butterfly in the fish tank not far away lost its former liveliness and became a little lazy, quietly sticking to the place near the inner wall, and vomiting blisters one after another.

If people have been bored in their own world for a long time, they will be more or less resistant to the outside environment, especially for the current Captain Tang. I really hope that I can be more decadent for a few more days, and I don’t have to deal with those troublesome things. thing.

I remember that before I crossed into this world, I never broke up with my girlfriend in college. The veteran was the first person he trusted after he came into this world, and it had a very special meaning to him.

Just when he thought about Jaeger’s affairs full of sadness, he didn’t know how to tell the young man and the old soldier the death, and what kind of mentality the other party would treat the matter, a dark smoke burst out of the dark room. , Zeratul's figure slowly emerged and appeared on the floor in front of the coffee table.

This is the first visitor to the captain's room after the veteran's death.

"When are you going to be depressed?" Zeratu said in a relatively harsh tone looking at the bottles and cans piled on the coffee table, looking very dissatisfied with Tang Fang's current state.

Tang Fang wiped his face with his hand, feeling a bit greasy. He looked up at the Dark Master and said, "Who can I protect? Sheridan? Little Pierre? Aros? The system has made me hard to reach. But the facts have proved that this force cannot perfectly protect my friends and family. So...what is the point of my hard work?"

He has worked very hard to force himself to become strong and smart... It can be said that all his actions are to protect the people around him from danger, but what kind of return has he got?

Zeratul said: "Have you ever thought about what kind of disasters and sufferings will happen if you don’t work hard? No one can live in this world arbitrarily, there will always be visible or invisible The shadow of the world forces forward. Only those low-level creatures without wisdom and those who have the courage to give up their lives can get rid of the shackles of fate."

"Aros and the second director died together. It is indeed a sad thing, but only you...can't sink into this. His share of responsibility and commitment are now on your shoulders. If you were An ordinary person can continue to be naive, continue to be naive, and long for the understanding and company of others with hypocritical eyes... Unfortunately, you are not an ordinary person, and all you can do is move forward."

Tang Fang is no longer a young man who has just come out of the ivory tower. He knows all the truths that Zeratul said, but it is one thing to be clear, and whether it can be done without grievance is another.

"I know this very well, but I'm a little unwilling... unwilling..."

Zeratul walked up to the coffee table and stood still, looked into his eyes and said: "If Tang Lin and Kleiya are in danger one day, will you work hard for them?"

Tang Fang nodded without hesitation, and said, "I will."

"I think Aros had the same idea when he decided to do this." Zeratul said: "So there is no need to blame yourself, and no need to be unwilling. Cheer up, my friend." When he said this, he said A sparkling spar is placed on the coffee table, and the soft light diffuses through the wine bottle to scatter different colors of brilliance.

That is naturally the T energy stone snatched from Mei 6.

Zeratul retreated, his figure becoming more and more blurred, and with the sudden wave of light, he finally disappeared into the shadow.

Tang Fang took a deep breath and looked at the T-energy stone in the pile of wine bottles and stretched out his palm, holding it to his eyes.

With the flow of high-energy electrons overflowing at the five fingertips, the T Energy Stone emits a neon light, sweeping across the captain's room, illuminating every dark corner, and even the moonlight butterfly in the fish tank is frightened, and the fish's tail swings. , With a swish, got into the back of those water plants and didn't dare to appear. There was no such laziness and decadence just now.

On the other side, Tang Fang's consciousness has entered the system space. Amidst the neon sights, Sister Logic's emotional voice sounded: "The recharge is over, the system core level is 3.4, please select the upgrade item."

"Please select an upgrade item: A, the upper limit of hero units +2, B, the upper limit of poetry units +1."

Since the last system core upgrade was over, he summoned Gabriel Tosh, and the hero unit capacity became 20/23. Considering that there are still multiple hero units that are not installed, he still chose the option of increasing the upper limit of hero units.

In this way, the hero unit changes from 20/23 to 20/25, and the poetry unit remains the same.

Speaking of hero units, it is easy to use, because there are still many objects that have not been summoned, such as Zerg hero Alexei Stukov, Dehaka, Zulwin~www.wuxiaspot.com~Human hero Mira? Han, Lohana, the highest saver of Protoss Heroes.

In addition, Yulaner can perform the resurrection operation in the hero menu... After occupying the hero quota during the first summoning process, the resurrection operation does not need to waste the hero quota.

Considering that the cooperation mode between Alexei Stukov and Dehaka was unlocked first, but the summoning was not carried out, then if the summoning hero operation is carried out, the two of them are naturally the first choice.

He devoted his attention to the system space, chose the Zerg base, found the Dehaka project in the corresponding column, and hesitated to summon it now.

After about ten seconds, he gave up the idea of ​​summoning, thinking about returning to Akron to make plans, and then preparing to leave the system space, take care of personal hygiene, go to the biological laboratory, and give this T-energy stone to Varen Ding, in order to continue to promote the stimulation therapy for Ying Luo.

His consciousness did not leave the system space as soon as possible because he discovered a shocking phenomenon.

He has been in a muddle through the past few days and has not observed whether the system space resources have changed. Now he has transferred his consciousness to the system space. When he was about to leave, he glanced at the resource value, and then his gaze never moved away from the crystal value.

One hundred and fifty million! Crystal resources increased fivefold from 25 million at the beginning of the battle to 150 million.

The key is that the gas resource has not changed much, and it is not much different from the previous value, which is still around 8 million.

It was just a landing battle, and the Crystal Resources actually made a total of 125 million. This... how could this be possible. You know that the life energy collected by the system from a dead human being converted into crystal resources is only 5, and there are more than 20 million soldiers on the Bliss Pure Land? Of course impossible.

Then there is only one answer, the incubator!

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