Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1424: Lord appears

Of course, limited to the capacity of Paradise Star’s epic biological modulation facility, the reproduction speed of the Minotaur is not as fast as that of the Devourer. The reason why this battle is superior in terms of numbers is only because it has accumulated a large number for a long time, and the Queen of Blades has been in this world for less than a year, and has been engaged in several fierce battles in a row. It is normal that there are not too many flying units with higher status in the race.

After the minotaur and monkey monsters participated in the battle, the sword-kissed shark and the octopus also joined the battle group, and the situation of the sky battlefield was rewritten. The insect swarm of the Queen of Blades began to stabilize their positions, pulled back the situation, and gradually took the initiative and advantage.

Not only has the situation on the sky battlefield changed, but the situation on the ground battlefield has also been rewritten to a certain extent, but it is not as obvious as the sky battlefield.

After avoiding the attack of the original alien dragon, the conjoined evil eye body turned into a wave of light and shadow and disappeared. The next breath appeared in the central swamp of Slivan mainland. Two parallel laser beams swept across the muddy ground, and several lurked in the low. The host of the swarm of insects under the plant was hit by the rays and turned into the corpses of smoking zerg.

The Euglena was also stubbornly pressed by the original Zerg unit at a high altitude, unable to get close to the ground battlefield. Naturally, it was unable to locate the host of the swarm hidden in the central swamp of Slivan continent. An important reason for the inability to move forward.

Facts have proved that the conjoined evil eye with a pair of scarred eyes is not only used to excite laser light, they also have the unique skills of reconnaissance units such as infrared sensing, motion capture, and microwave radiation, which are enough to detect hiding in the swamp. The host of the swarm launched a fatal blow to them.

Slifan quickly noticed this ugly monster that had broken into his territory with a reckless attitude. Under its command, the surrounding elite swarm hosts changed their attack targets and released a large number of flying locusts to chase and kill Siamese Evil Eye.

When I thought that the flying locust swarms rushed into the air, the Siamese Evil Eye immediately launched a teleport, leaving the southern edge of the swamp, and appeared in the northern area of ​​the swamp the next moment, continuing to attack the swarm host hidden under the fungus blanket.

Slifan had to order the nearby native Hydralisk and Explosive Mosquitoes to abandon the landing troops to clear the Zerg and enter the swamp area to compress the movement space of the conjoined evil eye. It also broke away from its latent posture and sprayed strong acid rays at the Siamese Evil Eye.

Unlike living in Zerus, Slifan not only gains the ability to change the shape of the larvae in the gestation sac at will (Slifan can inject flying locusts, digging insects, and burst digging by injecting eggs with different genetic structures. Ground worms, silk digging ground worms), the ability to control acid saliva has also been greatly improved.

In the past, when fighting with the Queen of Blades, only the acid was sprayed out in a group. Now it can not only diffuse the acid around the body and form a toxic fog area, but also can liquefy the acid into multiple rays to strike the fan-shaped area in front. .

It takes a certain amount of time for the conjoined evil eye to teleport. When it avoids the attack of the blasting mosquito and appears in the eastern swamp, the venom beam from Slivan accurately hits the evil eye's body on the right, creating a large area of ​​corruption.

Siamese Evil Eye paid the price for its reckless behavior, but also took the opportunity to kill another group of Swarm Overlords, which made Slifan very annoyed.

At about the same time, the sky was heavily darkened, and strong winds disrupted nearby plants, wrinkling some green puddles.

Accompanied by the low howling sound and the muffled sound of heavy objects landing, those evolutionary pangolin monsters entered the most intense battle between the Digger and the Zerg unit under the Queen of Blades.

When these large men walked out of the pit with a blanket of loose fragments, the core crystals of the scales on the body surface suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and the tiny laser beams swept left and right, and many diggers lost their breath in an instant and turned into dead bodies. There are also several evolutionary pangolin monsters targeting blasting mosquitoes and flying locusts, which severely frustrated Slivan's combat power in a short time.

Units like explosive mosquitoes, ground diggers, and flying locusts have the advantage of having good attack power, but the disadvantage is that the carapace is weak and it is difficult to effectively resist the attacks of hostile targets. The single laser beam excited by the evolutionary pangolin monster is difficult to effectively kill creatures such as Hydralisk and Zerglings, but it is more than enough to deal with them.

The combat power of Slivan on the edge of the marshland suddenly shrank, but the crystal material in the center of the scales of the evolved pangolin also lost its light and became the same color as the scales. It seems that there is no way to continuously excite such multiple laser beams. They must save enough energy before they can be used again.

This does not mean that the evolutionary pangolin has lost its combat effectiveness. Without the ability to excite laser beams, they can also spread out their scales like ordinary pangolin monsters, and shoot out explosive projectiles.

After entering the battlefield, evolutionary pangolin monsters not only play a role in turning the tide, they are also the mainstay of the landing troops, making their own combat units change their decay and stabilize their positions. You must know that the pangolin monster closed its scales and coiled its body into a circle. Even the shelling of the siege tank could not break through the hard skin. Of course, it was impossible for the combat units under Slivan's command such as flying locusts, diggers, and native Hydralisk. They quickly broke through their defensive armor and dealt a fatal blow to the vital parts.

They became well-deserved land tanks in the Zerg army under the command of the Queen of Blades.

The conjoined evil eye caught Slivan, and the evolutionary pangolin monster stabilized the front line, giving the Zerg units under the Queen of Blades time to regroup.

In this process, the giant eagle falcon creature that had just transported the evolutionary pangolin was swept across the swamp with a biting wind, and the hard claws dig in the wetland, just like some birds living on the earth will hide in the predatory insects. The host of the swarm underground seized it, flapping its wings and flying into the sky.

Flying locusts tried to interfere with these eagle and falcons' epic creatures. They only faced the strong wind caused by the flapping of eagles and falcons' wings. They turned into floating grasses that couldn't stabilize their bodies. They were blown to pieces, unable to fight back.

Except for the hooks that can forcibly tear the body of the swarm host and disturb the wing winds of the flying locusts, the densely distributed feathers on their bodies can also be used for combat.

This projectile weapon with an obvious metallic color is more powerful than the Hydralisk spines, and it can fire multiple pieces at a time. Like the native springermen, the native Hydralisk and most Akron's native creatures, there is no way to resist them. The piercing has become a light armor unit killer far more dangerous than Siamese Evil Eye.

The defensive line built by Slifan was torn bit by bit, and the attack against the epic creatures had already shown a decline, and there was no extra force to support the sky battlefield.

In fact, the situation in the battlefield of the Slivan mainland swamp should change faster, because the tortoise monster carrying a huge flower bud on its back seriously deviated from its flight path.

They were also going to land on the edge of the battlefield on the edge of the Slivan Continental Marsh, but because they were disturbed by Akron's native creatures midway, their rotors were involved in many plankton wrecks, so they couldn't stay stable and stumbled to the central island.

Fortunately, these tortoise monsters did not land in the desolate area of ​​the northern part of the central island. They landed in the southern part of the central island near the river valley. After some effort, they finally reached the horror, raven dragon, and other primitive zergs and the queen of blades. The battlefield where the Zerg unit is located.

Unlike direct attack combat units, these turtle monsters are auxiliary units that spread a pollen-like substance to the ground while flying in the sky to affect enemy targets within range.

These particulate matter like dust can trigger adverse reactions by stimulating biological olfactory organs, respiratory organs, visual organs, etc., and appear similar to allergic symptoms. Even spines such as plant-oriented combat units are affected by their paralysis.

It should be understood that Zergs are recognized as beings with pure bodies by Sarnaga. They have super adaptability and hardly get sick, but they have very complicated symptoms when faced with the biochemical dust released by the turtle monster. It can be seen how helpful this creature is to the Zerg units under the command of the Queen of Blades.

As a person who knows the body structure of the Zerg very well, the Queen of Blades is able to cultivate epic creatures that affect the fighting power of the Zerg after obtaining the Paradise Star, based on the information left by the Ypsilon and combined with the research data of the Supreme Council on the phagosome. It is also a reasonable development.

In fact, the tortoise monster can not only spread biological dust that affects enemy combat units, it also has a staggering defense. The gangback beast immediately shot a dense rain of arrows at the big hunk in the sky, but unfortunately those spikes could not pierce the hard shell of the turtle monster. Some of them hit the huge flowers on the turtle's back, and went through the shell to enter the internal biological tissues. However, the good times did not last long. The structure of the flowers secreted a kind of glue, which successively took the spikes from the beast away from the body.

The behavior of the turtle monster deviating to the southern part of the central island can be said to be unintentional, and for the inferior Queen Blade's Zerg Army, it is an irreplaceable force. With their help, the Zerg troops from Paradise Star regained the initiative, and the assembled formation steadily advanced, eroding the coalition composed of Rampant Dragons, Dreadworms and Gangbacks bit by bit, getting closer and closer as time passed. Destination location for this trip.

Through the flying units deployed in the sky battlefield, Jagerclaw learned of the severe situation in the southern part of the Slevan mainland and the central island. Although he was willing to help, he did not have the energy to rush to the two tight battlefields to support. The Queen of Blades divided the Zergs into several combat units in order to destroy them in one go.

This sort of division of troops seems reckless and arrogant, but looking at the problem from another angle, this arrangement eliminates the possibility of the leader of the Akron Star Zerg race uniting and helping each other, and it makes them lose the opportunity to fight together.

When the frustrated Jager Claw came to the front and burned a transboundary Hydralisk to ashes, there was a vision in the sky.

After the epic creature entered the atmosphere of Akron Star, the outline of Paradise Star became clearer and clearer, perfectly delineating a white jade plate. Of course, this is not the key, the key is a growing black spot in the core of the white jade plate.

Yager's claws raised his head and watched for a while, and the flames at the corners of his mouth suddenly raged, his eyes became especially bright, and he looked very excited, wanting to have a new understanding of the dark spot that is getting closer and closer to the ground.

The sun shines through the clouds and painted the black spots sideways.

It was a large king worm, no, to be more accurate, it should be a giant Uktra Hill. Its body is more bloated than the Swarm Guardian, and at least it can fit a few Thunder Beasts in terms of size.

There is also a small black spot on the head of this giant Uktra Hill, and the reflection in the pupil of Jager's Claw becomes blurred and clear over time.

If Tang Fang was here, he might have the same expression as Yage Claw, because that person was not someone else, but the Queen of Blades who occupied the body of his beloved woman.

She put one foot on the tiny bump on the forehead of the Uktra Hill behemoth, and one foot on the back platform area, her body leaning back slightly, and her high-raised bone wings were not warm in the sun. Of yellow.

Of course the sunlight has temperature, and it is her gaze and murderousness that make the sunlight temperatureless.

At the moment when the Akron Star’s sky battlefield and the ground station are turning around~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Queen of Blades finally leaves the Paradise Star where she lives and enters this other world. No matter what attitude she holds towards the confrontation between the four truffle blanket continents, in short, it is impossible for Paradise Star to land on Akron's water world. She will eventually come down from above and come here in person.

Yagerclaw still remembered what Tang Fang said when he arranged for them to provide Zulwin with the source quality to reshape the environment of the ancient incubation pool. He didn't expect the Queen of Blades to arrive so soon. However, the situation was not what Tang Fang said. This woman chose to take the initiative to attack Akron Star.

As an arrogant, vengeful, mean, and somewhat reckless guy, Jager Claw will not think deeply about what will happen next. The first time the image of the Queen of Blades catches his eyes, only his mind is left. The next thought-killing the Queen of Blades, let her deeply experience the feeling of being torn to pieces. Only in this way can the hatred in the heart of Lord Jager Claw be eliminated and the blood debt she owed on Zerus will be repaid.

It is okay to say that Jager's claw is arrogant, and that it has no brain is not accurate, because even if the anger wanders on its chest and the flames raging on its lips, it has not forgotten one thing. The current Queen of Blades is not the original Queen of Blades that was reborn after the baptism of the ancient hatching pond. In comparison, the former is not as powerful as the latter.

Furthermore, it is not what it was before. Slifan's combat ability has improved, and its combat ability has naturally increased, reaching another realm.

These two important factors allow it to be confident when facing the Queen of Blades... just like now.

"Queen of Blades, today you will be the scum in my teeth." It raised its head and looked at the sky and roared vigorously.

The sound is like a light wave that shoots through the sky, spreading rapidly through the clouds of the nine clouds, and the echo covers the entire continent.

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