Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1425: Come prepared

An infected insect approached quietly from a distance, but before it got out of the ground, I used the tail sting to give the earthworm a color that didn’t know the height of the earth, and the blade burned by the flame wiped it from the ground to separate the blanket material. At the same time, the infected person was cut in half. The blood is squeezed out under the action of internal pressure and rushes to the surface like a fountain.

With his fiery red arm, Jager's claws flaunted the approaching Uktra Hill beast: "I promise you will be more pleasing to the eye than the insect's death method just now, then come...become The dead soul under my knife."

Yage Claw still likes to behave so much, and the five leaders of the Zong Clan in the entire Fungus Carpet Continent belong to it and talk a lot.

The body fluids of the infected person were still gushing out, and the mouth of Yage's claws spit out a stream of inflammation that went straight to the sky, bringing a pressing heat wave to the surrounding environment, and the brilliance of the stars also dimmed.

Its provocation did not reap the rewards it deserved. The Queen of Blades standing on the head of the Yuktra Hill behemoth did not even have the interest to look at it. She passed directly over the area where Jager's Claw was located, and went to Zulwin. Flew to the southern part of the central island.

Master Yageclaw was ignored.

For an arrogant person, the greatest humiliation is not defeat, but ignorance.

It was dissatisfied with the scene before it, and it was angry at the Queen of Blades: "Respond to me, you hateful woman."

The thunderous sound echoed in the forest and sky, and it was possible to clearly distinguish the unwillingness and hatred in the voice.

"Don't go, **** coward... this is your graveyard." Amidst the endless screams and roars of Jager's claws, the figure of the giant Uktrahir was further and further away, gradually turning into a little black. point.

Feeling insulted by Jager's claws, he threw a grievance on the prancing worms who tried to jump to its back and bite. The body suddenly shrank down, the six-parted mouth opened to the limit, and a large fireball gushed out from it. At the moment of contact with the external environment, it is affected by the shock wave, turning into a rapidly spreading ring of fire, burning all its surrounding Zerg units or hostile Zerg units.

This skill does not exist in the Battle of the Heart of the Swarm, and it is almost impossible for small agile units such as Zerglings to besiege it in melee combat. Just as Slifan can turn the venom into a beam of rays, covering the sector in front of him, attacking multiple enemy targets or locations.

Yage's claws are not only beneficial in attacking methods, but the temperature of those flames has also increased significantly compared to before. Units such as Zerglings and Hydralisks will be burned to ashes if they can't hold on even a breathing time.

Similarly, the knife arm can become hot is also a new skill.

The brutality of Yage's claws frightened the outer Zergs, only roaring, temporarily not daring to approach the area where it was.

Using those little things to vent its anger, it began to regain its sanity and had time to think about a question-since the Queen of Blades ignored its existence and went straight to the southern part of the central island where Zulwin was located, indicating that the ancient hatching pool was only It was her purpose of attacking Akron, so what status did the battles of Dehaka, Yagerclaw, Slivan, and Dags have in her mind?

From this, it realized a cruel fact—the Queen of Blades opened up the battlefield on the Four Truffle Carpet Continents just to catch the hands and feet of the leaders of these alien worm races, so that they would not run to the wetland where Zulwen was to be an ancient hatching pool. Guards.

"This cunning smelly BIAO son." Jager Claw cursed in his heart, preparing to abandon his position and head to the central island from the deep plate below the fungus blanket continent.

Since Queen Blade's purpose of opening up the four continental battlefields is to drag them down and reduce the guarding force of the ancient hatching pool, it has become meaningless to stay here and hold on to the position. Going to the wetlands in the southern part of the central island as soon as possible is the current priority.

Yageclaw was about to give up his nest and dive into the ground. At this moment, the light flashed in the sky, and the silver line like a meteor approached its location extremely quickly.

Two light plastic spears were shot at the same time, and they pierced a soft area underneath its throat with a sharp sound-the place called "Qicun" in Captain Tang's mouth.

It had to give up its previous plan, raising the blade in front of its arm to block the light plastic spear that pierced from the sky.

After all, it is a weapon composed of energy, unable to withstand the hacking of a high-temperature blade, and it turns into two groups of broken light spots.

Even so, Yage's claw was shaken by the force, and it became straight for a short time. At this time, the silver meteor that fell quickly from above has dropped to a position not far from the top of the head, completely letting it leave the Yage's claw and head to the wetland of the central island. Fell through.

The silver meteor is essentially a person, a person wrapped in crystal armor... Tang Lin.

Jager Claw didn’t know the real identity of the guy exuding amazing energy fluctuations was Captain Tang’s own brother. It shouted at the figure blocking the light of "Akubaduo": "My goal is the Queen of Blades...anything that stops me All people or things will be swallowed by the flames of destruction."

As the Queen of Blades did to it, Tang Lin did not respond.

He waited very politely for Yage's claw to finish speaking the rest of the words before raising his right arm. The nearby area was dark. The light from the star was absorbed into the crystal skin, turned into an energy beam and shot out from the palm, hitting Yage's claw. Dough.

Coincidentally, Tang Lin's attack was exactly where he was torn by the Hunyuan monster before. Although healed for so many days in the past, it has a special meaning for Yage Claw.

The old saying goes, "Slaps people don't slap them in the face, cursing people don't expose shortcomings." At least in its view, Tang Lin's behavior was a blatant insult and provocation.

"Little people...you forced me." Yager's claws turned his head to avoid the energy beam, and sprayed a torrent of flames toward Tanglin's floating position. The caliber contrast energy beam was like that of a large thatched cottage.

If you stand closer and observe it, you will have the feeling that the volcanic eruption is overwhelming. Not to mention the flame itself, the heat radiated out is enough to instantly burn a person's skin. This shows what the fate of facing the torrent of flames will be.

The crystal skin was reddened by the tumbling inflammation, as if turning into a burning man.

Tang Lin only had time to open his arms, and his next breath was swallowed by the powerful river of flames, disappearing from the sight of foreign objects.

The flames spitting out from Jager's claws did not disappear quickly. They traveled all the way, and all the remains of zerg and plant residues on their tracks turned into fly ash in the air under the action of the heat current, and they fell into the sky.

It is like a flame lord, proclaiming his majesty to the world.

About a dozen breaths in the past, that long river of flames went from prosperity to decline, and the stream of light turned into sparks and dissipated slowly.

The sky is full of heat, the light is slightly distorted, and the smell of burning foreign objects permeates.

The flames of Jager's claws burned everything along the way, except for the one who was shrouded in crystal skin.

In front of Tang Lin's raised arm, an energy shield completely condensed by photons appeared at some point. The flames were not only blocked, but a small part was absorbed by the crystal skin and became the source of the shield.

"My goal is the Queen of Blades! My goal is the Queen of Blades! My goal is the Queen of Blades..." Tang Fang said that important things have to be said three times.

The angry roar of Jager Claw spread throughout the continent. It is really helpless, why is it so difficult for the heart to want revenge.

Tang Lin removed the energy shield in front of him, and his position got higher and higher, absorbing the brilliance of the stars to the maximum and replenishing the energy consumed in the process of using the shield to resist the flame breath.

Corresponding to the dark heart of the black knight, the light heart can absorb and utilize high-speed photons. However, it obviously consumes a part of the energy to build a shield when facing the flame breath of the Jager Claw. When the energy absorbed is less than the consumed energy When energy, it will naturally bring some pressure to the equipment.

During the fierce battle between Yageclaw and Tanglin in the central highlands of the Fungus Carpet Continent, the Uktrashir beast carrying the Queen of Blades passed through the mountain peaks transformed by the mutant tree demon on the Dags continent.

The hunter-killer of Dags changed the target for the first time, trying to shoot down the key target of the sky leap. This gave the originally suppressed Zerg landing troops a respite and quickly regrouped and moved forward.

Part of the spine needles launched into the sky hit the target, nailing the fat legs and feet that are unique to the king worm, which looks amazing.

"Ululu..." A deep and powerful roar fermented over the battlefield, and even a creature of the Uktrashir beast level could not ignore the poisonous spines fired by the hunter killer, and it was inevitable that there would be uncomfortable reactions.

Perhaps feeling the pain of the giant beast at her feet, the Queen of Blades looked down, her eyes passed through the large hole in the chest of the corpse of the mutant tree demon, and settled in the place where Dags lived.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous aura rippling around her suddenly rose. You must know that she is not the Purple Blade Queen during the Battle of the Heart of the Swarm, but the orange Blade Queen during the Brood War, and her emotions towards Cerebrates are much stronger than the original Queen of Blades with a certain human nature.

Without any warning, the flying speed of the Yuktra Hill behemoth slowed down, and the abdominal sac, which was wider than the ordinary king beast, squirmed, and the entrance resembled the sphincter-like tissue eversion, slowly squeezing out a zerg In terms of color and texture, things in the living body are like a solid iron stone.

After this thing left the belly sac of the Yuktra Hill behemoth, it fell from the sky with a sharp howling, and inserted into the fungus blanket attached to the surface of the corpse of the mutant tree monster with a thud, bringing chaos in the hunter-killer habitat.

After the Uktra Hill behemoth airdropped and continued to fly forward, the Queen of Blade also raised her head, returning to the southern part of the central island, no longer caring about the situation below.

That solid boulder is not too big compared to the size of the Uktra Hill behemoth, but when it falls on the ground, it is much larger than the size of the hunter-killer. It is a lap larger than the ordinary thunder beast, and only a little bigger than the lower one. When Guan Wanfumo destroyed the beast slightly smaller.

After it landed on the ground, there was no sound, like a black monument with a squat upper part and a slender lower part standing near the chest hole of the corpse of the mutant tree demon.

The nearby hunter-killers tried it for the first time, and the spine needle enough to pierce the steel hit the boulder with crackling noises, but there were no potholes and holes that could be discerned by the naked eye, only some faint scratches.

I don't know if the hunter-killer's temptation activated the Boulder's special power, or its setting is to delay the start.

In the past about half a minute, the surface of the boulder has surfaced with textures, overflowing with soft brilliance, giving a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere. The style is completely different from zerg and epic creatures. I think it is the queen of blades from the paradise star Epsilon Something brought out of the ruins.

As the lines of light wandered on the surface of the boulder, as if the soul of battle awakened from its sleep, the surface of the boulder began to crack, and the rocks on both sides protruded outward, turning into something similar to arms.

At the same time, the boulder gained a buoyancy enough to overcome gravity and began to slowly rise.

There are other parts that change at the same time, from being closely integrated with the core to being separated, and connected to the core rock mass by a special force. Through the brilliance that escapes from the cross section of the crack, you can vaguely see a chip-like substance inside the core rock body, surrounded by a circle of golden energy, a bit like the psychic flame burning in the abdomen of the statue guard that Tang Fang encountered before .

This shows from the side that the boulder is not the creation of the Queen of Blades, but the security force deployed by the Ypsilons on Paradise Star.

The small stones separated from the core rock mass suddenly gained an acceleration, and some of them rose to the sky above the boulder, and the generally circular rune core shot out a silver light beam, piercing the nearby hunter killers.

The floating stones on both sides of the core rock are connected into a row~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that two arms longer than the body are swept left and right, and the hunters and killers standing on the body wreckage of the mutant tree monster are pushed by the brain. Going down to the high ground, people fell so hard that it was difficult to continue attacking the hostile Zergs below.

Realizing the threat from above, Mang Beast strung two cockroaches into a char siu and threw it into the zombie swarm, took the opportunity to turn around, swayed its slender legs, and climbed up the mountain formed by the corpse of the mutant tree demon as if on stilts, and guarded the boulder. Go to the location.

When the two big men fought into a ball near Dags' lair, the Uktra Hill beast had already moved away from the Dags mainland and flew to the circular walkway outside the southern part of the central island that connected with the battlefield in the northern part.

The expression on Queen Blade's face did not change much, but the murderous aura surrounding her body slightly weakened, and her fiery eyes fell on the location of the ancient hatching pond.

Just as Jagerclaw thought, the landing battle of the four fungus carpet continents was just a small method she used to hold Jagerclaw, Slivan and others from coming to the southern part of the central island to interfere with her. Her goal of fighting against Akron is the ancient hatching pool that Captain Tang used to change Cathy's body functions.

As for the motive of using the ancient hatching pond as a target, it is obvious-absorb the essence of the original Zerg inside, transform into the original Queen of Blades, and gain more powerful power.

The memory of Queen Blade stayed in the Brood War. She knew that Zerus was the birthplace of the Zerg, but she didn't know about the ancient hatching pond and Zulwin, Yageclaw and other Zerg clan leaders. Now she chooses to lure Tang Fang into the Phoenix Empire by adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, and she leads the swarm to launch a raid on Akron Star, plotting the ancient hatching pool-obviously, Izsha and Zagara hatched the ancient The fact that Chi was able to provide the essence of the original Zerg was told to her, and that ambition to become stronger was born.

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