Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 993: Zhu Ji? Charlie Wo Star?/a>

Thanks to the book friend: "The wind is clear and the stars are scattered, the moon is bright" is a great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "Too unwelcome, what do you do?"


Wu Zhong felt that he was more wronged than Dou E. Last night, several jailers in the prison department drank alcohol in the middle of the night, so they gave Chen Xiaonu a chance to abscond.

"Your Majesty, those ministers have already dealt with severely, but the prison door where Chen Xiaonu was detained has not been opened, and the minister doesn't know why he could escape."

Zhu Di whizzed around in a circle, and finally stopped: "Could he still have spells?"

Wu Zhong was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

Fang Xing said: "Your Majesty, the minister has heard that some people have soft muscles and can get in and out of narrow places that are difficult for ordinary people. I don't know if Chen Xiaonu has this ability."

Wu Zhongzhong was grateful, and also found it strange that he consciously didn't have friendship with Fang Xing, but disliked Fang Xing.

Why does he want to help me?

This is the mode of thinking of civil servants, who always like to analyze things from the perspective of conspiracy theory first.

Zhu Di's expression slowed down a little, "Su De is dead, dead at this point, and Chen Xiaonu is just a horse thief. Why did he kill after he escaped?"

Wu Zhong said bitterly: "Your Majesty, the minister is guilty. Presumably that Chen Xiaonu and..."

Fang Xing helped him a while ago, so Wu Zhong was not embarrassed to push the pot on Fang Xing's body, and he hesitated for a while.

Zhu Di gave a cold snort and glanced at Fang Xing.

Does Lao Zhu think that I am also bureaucratic?

Fang Xing didn't dare to misunderstand Lao Zhu, and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, when Chen Xiaonu was arrested, he cried bitterly and shouted eldest brother. Most of it was a hateful shot. This has nothing to do with others."

Fang Xing regretted that he wanted to plant this matter on Zhu Jiyi's body, but Wu Zhong talked about his loyalty once, but he couldn't make a move.

Zhu Di turned around and said solemnly: "Impersonation!"

Yang Rong was the first to leave the class, and Zhu Di said: "The king of Jin Zhu Jixi has misbehaviour, and went to Juelu of 2000 Shi!"

This divine turning point was stunned at once, only Fang Xing immediately thought of Zhu Di's meaning.

The origin of the horse thief is likely to be related to Zhu Jiyi, king of the Jin Dynasty, so the ending of the matter is, in the final analysis, Zhu Jiyi's body.

Yang Rong thought for a while, quickly drafted the will, and then showed it to Zhu Di for a glance.

Zhu Di glanced at it and said in disgust: "Use the seal!"

The inexplicable imperial decree makes people feel unsure, but this is the matter of the old Zhu family, and no one wants to interfere.

The civil servants were even eager to reduce the jubilation of the descendants of the old Zhu family, but generally no one would enter the admonition.

Yang Shiqi said: "Your Majesty, Su De is dead. Daming must send someone to Wala to explain the matter. How should the rest of the Wala mission be settled?"

Zhu Di frowned and said: "Ask if they can still be the masters, and if they don't, ask someone to go there. As for the resettlement, the Honghe Temple will look after it."

Yang Rong's spirits lifted up and he hastened to make arrangements.

Fang Xing retired and saw Wanwan hiding behind the big tree before she went out, looking around, not knowing what she was looking for.

Fang Xing walked over with a smile, and Wanwan just turned around and was taken aback.

"What is the little girl doing?"

The sneaky Wanwan looked at the gimmick, Fang Xing looked around, and then went to the side with her, and the ‘guards’ who were hiding not far away hurriedly followed.

Wanwan watched Fang Xing secretly as she walked, her small appearance made Fang Xing smile and said, "But what's the matter?"

"Fang Xing, they said someone wants to kill you."

The news from the palace spread very quickly, Fang Xing knew it well, but it was actually spread to Wanwan. This is not good.

Fang Xing turned his head, and a mother came forward and said, "Uncle, the princess heard it."

The curiosity of the little girl is endless!

Fang Xing touched the top of her head and said, "It's okay, it's an alien who died."

Wanwan said like an adult, and then her eyes rolled and said: "Fang Xing, do you have to travel far?"

"Why am I going out? Not going out!"

The little girl's thoughts are hard for ordinary people to figure out, Fang Xing smiled and asked people to protect her back.


"Fang Xing was assassinated? Is he dead?"

Zhu Gaosui asked lazily, and at the same time opened his mouth, and the beauty next to him gave a piece of pastry in.

"His Royal Highness, Fang Xing has nothing to do. The assassin killed Su De the Envoy of Vala by mistake."

Zhu Gaosui did not move at all: "If he is dead for a thousand years, there will be movement in the palace at this moment."

The visitor said with a weird face: "His Royal Highness, there is indeed movement in the palace, but I heard that it was your Majesty who rebuked King Jin's decree and cut the king's dignity by two thousand stones."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Facing the unfortunate experience of his allies, Zhu Gaosui laughed without worry and joy.


Zhu Gaosui opened his mouth, and a beauty knelt down and offered a spittoon.

Zhu Gaosui's throat hasn't fully recovered since he was stricken by the stench last time.

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaosui sneered and said: "Zhu Jiyi is dishonest, and his father's move just helped me."

Beat Zhu Jixi to let him know that he has no retreat, and then he can follow the Zhaowang Mansion wholeheartedly.


"Xing He Bo was assassinated?"

Zhu Zhanji was anxious when he got the news, and Jia Quan quickly explained the matter.

"...The assassin is a horse thief. He escaped from the prison of the Ministry of Justice and assassinated Xinghe Bo. Afterwards, his majesty ordered that the king of Jin was cut off by two thousand stones."

"Zhu Jiyi has done a good job!"

Zhu Zhanji stood up and said: "Go to the Ministry of Justice to see~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The remaining horse thieves make them take a close look. If there is another escape from prison, Wu Zhong will wait to go to office!"

An excellent official is not incapable of making mistakes. The difference between him and mediocre officials is that mediocre officials will keep making such mistakes. However, outstanding officials will draw inferences and draw lessons.


"Bone reduction skill!"

When Fang Xing got home, he asked the family members to try to get through the gaps in the temporary railings.

Old Xin didn't have to try seven times, he was too burly.

In the end, everyone unanimously chose the knife to try.

"Then I'm here! If you can get through, you can give me an extra meal for dinner!"

The knife walked towards the fence with a smile. The previous killing of an assassin did not affect his mood in the slightest.

The fences were very narrow, and Fang Xing guessed that he could not even get in with his shoulders.

Fang Xing could not help but nod slightly, seeing that the knife was relaxing.

The arms and shoulders passed smoothly. When he reached his chest, the knife felt pressure. He exhaled forcefully, holding his body a little, and then slowly grinding.


The knife finally squeezed past, and waved at the family triumphantly: "I remember! I want to give me a meal tonight!"

Fang Xing compared the figures of Xiaodao and Chen Xiaonu in his mind, and felt that Xiaodao was even thinner.

"Sure enough, it's a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger!"

If the horse thieves were more closely organized and planned more comprehensive that night, it would be too difficult for Fang Xing to get them all.

Xin Laoqi said: "Master, these methods can cause great damage to the bones and muscles, and people who don't have that talent can't practice it!"

Fang Xing nodded, discarding the thought in his mind.

The knife has done a lot of credit for the Fang family.

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