Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 992: Assassination, lying gun

To say something funny, a reader posted in the morning: My old bookworm, is this book stallion? Stallions don’t watch! Jazz looked at his past subscription records, old pirated ones. So he replied: Stallions, more than a hundred women, sing songs every night, have been corrupted!


"Big brother, why do I seem to see that Fang wakes up? Is it because my eyes are dazzled?"

Chen Xiaonu, whose eyes turned into black holes, smiled happily. He licked his lips and burped, feeling that paper was the best food he had eaten in his life.

"It's you, I can recognize you with one eye, Fang Xing!"


"You are an idiot, relying on your beauty to dare to sway in Peiping and tell you the dark clouds, if you provoke the Emperor Ming, today next year, I can look for your foul bones in the lavatory in the palace! "

Su De looked at Wu Yun disdainfully and said: "Don't think that you are beautiful because you have the ability. If you have the ability, you can confuse that Fang Xing. I will inform the whole clan when Su De goes back and will be your servant of Dark Cloud from now on!"

Wuyun's white and tender face blushed, and said angrily: "Is it my fault to have beauty? If it weren't for the little prince to ask me to come, I now...that Fang Xing is behind, you are not afraid of being heard by him. Our contradiction! Fool!"

Su De turned around and took a look, and saw Fang Xingzheng looking around, as stupid as a soil bun came into the city, and said disdainfully: "What about him? Last time he died for a woman? I heard that he was still in Jinling. There is a monument that our people have quietly visited. If you look at me, my heart is disturbed. Murderous! But I am not afraid! If you have the ability, you can catch each other on the battlefield and see who will die first..."

"call out!"

The sound of breaking through the air was so subtle that neither Su De nor Wu Yun expected to be attacked in Peking, so they were still relatively glaring at each other.

"Enemy attack!"

Xin Laoqi's attention was all around, and when he saw a head protruding from the right window, his heart was tight. Immediately after the crossbow arrow was fired, his hairs stood upside down, and he stretched out his hand to pull Fang Xing off his horse.

If it is said that the most trusted person in this world, except for his family, it is Xin Laoqi. So when Xin Laoqi's panic shout came, he was pulled off the horse obediently, and then he heard the screams.

who is it?

In an instant, cold sweat spread on Fang Xing's body, he let go of Xin Laoqi's hand and stood up, his eyes swept across.

"Master, the little one is fine!"

After the knife had finished speaking, he flew off immediately. The body fell to the ground lightly, and the person ran from the window where the crossbow arrow had been fired.

He yelled as he ran, "Seven brother, protect the master, I'm going!"

Xin Laoqi dismounted and stood in front of Fang Xing, without even looking at Su De who had fallen from the horse.

The knife was as fast as a galloping horse. After watching the stunned people on the street, he quickly rushed to the downstairs, and his body suddenly rose into the air.

"Good skill!"

Seeing that the threat was not great, the people watched from the sidelines. When they saw the knife biting the knife in the mouth, the body could not hold back, and the body swiftly went upstairs, they couldn't help shouting hello.

After Chen Xiaonu shot that arrow, his body became weak, but when he blinked his only right eye and saw Fang Xing unharmed, he couldn't help crying: "Beast! You beast! Why not die!"

The figure of the knife rushing over did not scare him, Chen Xiaonu gritted his teeth and set up an arrow again. He vowed that Fang Xing would be killed today.


As soon as Xiaodao's body climbed to the middle of the first floor, the door behind Chen Xiaonu was knocked open. The debris blocking the door did not work at all. It can be seen how hard the people outside are exerting.

"go to hell!"

Chen Xiaonu stood up straight with a grim face and pointed the crossbow at Fang Xing. He knew that he might not be able to shoot, but as long as he shot one person, he felt that he had made a profit.

A few sergeants of the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars rushed in from the door of the knocked open room, and outside the door was a proud restaurant shopkeeper.

"It's him. I heard something inside this morning when I was young. It must be a gangster!"

Without his reminding, the sergeants had already seen the crossbow in Chen Xiaonu's hand.

"kill him!"

In the capital, if someone used a crossbow, the five-city soldier Ma Si was the first to blame.

But the time was not in a hurry, he saw that the opponent's crossbow was about to be fired, so a few knives were thrown at Chen Xiaonu.

At this moment, Chen Xiaonu loosened his hand and shot a crossbow arrow. He relaxed and looked at the direction of the crossbow arrow, then his back hurt, and there was a young man in front of him.


When the knife heard the bowstring sound, his heart was very anxious, and his body rushed forward, flying the knife in the air.

Seal the throat with one knife!

Before Chen Xiaonu fell, his eyes were still staring at Fang Xing, but Fang Xing was looking here coldly, without any damage!

——I hate it...

Xiaodao's body turned over in midair, then landed and rolled, rushing back to Fang Xing's side.

"Master, he is blind!"

"Su De!"

Wuyun had been hiding behind him just now, and when he saw the threat disappeared, he ran over.

Su De was silent, he was lying on the ground quietly, his eyes were completely blank.

A wooden crossbow arrow is being inserted into Su De's chest, it should have been inserted through the gap in the breastbone, a fatal blow!

Fang Xing stood there, looking around, his chest rising and falling: "Go and see who that person is!"

This time it was Xin Laoqi who went personally. The knife had already been drawn out, and he shouted at the sergeant of the Five Cities Soldier Masi who was running: "Stop! Report your name!"

The leader shouted: "The little one has seen the uncle! Don't get me wrong!"

The knife's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, Fang Xing smiled and said: "No matter, so many sergeants, if someone dares to do it, I will also kill today!"

Fang Xing's right hand was on his waist, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were as cold as ice!

Damn next door! If I let Lao Tzu know who instigated it, just wait for indiscriminate revenge!

After seeing Su De who fell on the ground, the soldiers of the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si were also dumbfounded.

"This is... the Wala messenger?"

The knife nodded and glanced over these sergeants.

I said! Why are we running so fast!

As the saying goes, diplomacy is no small matter. The foreign messenger was killed by a crossbow in the capital. This effect is really bad!

Fang Xing said angrily: "The assassin is above the restaurant, and my people have already gone up, so check it out."

Fang Xing didn't want to go back. He turned around and said, "Xiaodao, you stay here to deal with the matter with Lao Qi, and I will enter the palace immediately."

Where did the knife listen? At this time, I didn't know if the assassin had an accomplice, so he got on the horse and chased after him.



Zhu Di frowned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "What are you anxious about? Why don't you wait for the person's identity to be checked before you come to report?"

Young people, things are not stable and reliable!

Fang Xing's face blushed: "Your Majesty, the minister just wanted to report the matter as soon as possible, so he was in a hurry."


Jin Youzi turned his face away, not wanting to look at Fang Xing's face.

It didn't take long for the news to arrive.

"Your Majesty, that person is exactly Chen Xiaonu who escaped from the prison of the Criminal Ministry yesterday."

Damn it!

Fang Xing was not calm, Zhu Di was angry.

"Wu Zhong told this morning that the man suddenly escaped last night and was too late to pursue him! Good! There are all crossbow arrows, good!"

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