Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 991: Bone reduction

  Because Fang Xing killed two people in the last mission, and the rest was not pleased, so she was worried that if he came again, he would face the attack of Daming and Alutai, so he sent Wuyun to come.

  ——This woman is a lubricant!

   Yang Rong thought of Fang Xing's evaluation of the dark clouds, and nodded secretly.

   In the current formal negotiations, there has never been an example of a woman being in control!

   "Your Majesty Emperor Daming, the little prince is unquestionable for his loyalty to Daming, and he is willing to guard the frontiers of Daming for generations to contain the Tatars."

   Su De said something very solemnly, the content was roughly showing loyalty, and then he first looked at whether Zhu Di was on the road.

   I said a good thing, you have to give something to you, right?

   Zhu Di nodded nonchalantly: "Go and settle down first, and we will discuss the matter later."

   Wuyun said goodbye before she had a chance to show up. She looked at Zhu Di curiously, and then followed the **** out.

   "A barbarian is a barbarian, no means of courtesy!"

   It's really embarrassing for a woman to stare at Zhu Di like this!

   Yang Rong shook his head and squirted instead of Zhu Di.


   Fang Xing made a move, and the swing was quickly set up. The whole wooden frame was smashed into the soil, and the wooden board was under the rope wrapped in floral cloth.

   "Get some climbing vines and plant them underneath. In the future, let them climb up the shelf. It will be very beautiful."

   Fang Xing sat up and tried it, very satisfied with his craft.

   "Wanwan, let's try it."

   Wanwan cheered, and sat down, and the two court ladies came over and gently pushed the swing, and the crisp laughter reached the main hall.

   Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji went back together, out of the womb, Fang Xing said: "Have you ever counted the clan's patriarch?"

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and Fang Xing said: "The king of Jin has 10,000 shi per year, and the king of Zhou has 15,000 shi per year. Needless to say, I just want you to check how many prefects are under the two houses. How many generals of the town, generals of the country, how many county owners and county owners, and how much money does Ming spend on them each year."

"Previously folded colored money, but now the money is worth more, slowly, the money will be linked to silver. Zhanji, you go back and calculate, let's deduct it based on the current number of births, and look at it in 50 years. One hundred years later, how many people will be paid by clan relatives, and how much money will they need to spend each year."

  Zhu Zhanji didn’t need to go back. He just made a confession in his heart, and said slightly: “Brother Dehua, in a hundred years, the clan’s relatives will be around 50,000!”

   This is a conservative estimate. Fang Xing smiled without arguing about the number of people: "These 50,000 people do not produce, so you can calculate how much money you have to eat each year."

   Is this still necessary?

  Zhu Yuanzhang treats his descendants very well, the prince’s annual juelu less ten thousand stones, the county king two thousand stones, the town general one thousand stones...the county king and the Yibin two hundred stones...

"The king of Zhou has more than ten sons. In other words, in one year, these county kings will cost more than 20,000 stones in total, and the fields they have invaded, and their descendants are getting more and more. What is this? ?"

   This is another monster, a monster that **** blood crazily on Daming's body!

   Among these princes, the most powerful one in the future actually has more than one hundred sons, that is, more than one hundred county kings. Even if the county king can't be sealed, the Zhen Guo general can't run away.

   And these are just basic expenses. There are also the construction of various palaces and residences, the construction of tombs after death, the salary of his officials, weddings and funerals, and so on.

   "Take the whole world down to support a person, this is going to cause trouble!"

   Fang Xing left first after finishing talking, leaving Zhu Zhanji behind as a dumbfounded calculation.

   "A hundred years later, the salary and food of the clan relatives will inevitably increase dozens of times, and the land must be allocated. This..."

   Zhu Zhanji was depressed. He felt that the empire he was going to take over in the future was not a small trouble. If he did not see it, his children and grandchildren would suffer in the future.

  Fang Xing once said that the former Song Dynasty started from the prodigal Huizong of the Song Dynasty and was later swept across Bianliang by a foreign race. Those princes, grandchildren, and emperors have all become other people's playthings. It is terrible to think about it!


   Fang Xing left the imperial city all the way, and saw Su De and dark clouds arguing outside the gate.

   "Interesting! This woman does not seem to have a simple identity!"

   A woman dared to quarrel with Su De, it's not an expensive girl to hell!

   When the two quarreling people saw Fang wake up, they shut up, then hummed coldly, got on their horses and left.

   Fang Xing smiled, followed by Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao.

   "Master, didn't they go to Hongshe Temple?"

   Xin Laoqi saw that the direction was wrong, so he asked.

   Fang Xing shook his head: "Tuohuan has recently annexed many tribes, and it's not bad for money."

   Everyone knows the truth about poor homes and rich roads. Fang Xing guessed that they were looking for a place to eat.

   The two groups of people walked slowly in the street one after another. Fang Xing looked at the signs of newly opened shops around him from time to time, and planned to take his family out to buy something next time.


   Chen Xiaonu will shrink, this is a secret he didn't even tell the sea.

   After failing to attack Fangjiazhuang at night, he was arrested in the prison of the Ministry of Justice. The torture was inevitable, and the scars all over his body were evidence.

   After getting the confession, the half-dead horse thieves were thrown into prison, ready to wait for Zhu Di to check and go to the execution ground.

   thought that the horse thief must have lost his fighting power after being tortured, and the torture prison inevitably slackened a bit, so Chen Xiaonu found a chance and escaped from the prison.

   The price was that his left eye was blinded by a nail~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He wiped the crystals from his left eye with his hand, and Chen Xiaonu fiddled with the "bow arrow" in his hand with no expression.

   Thanks to the carpenter career before becoming a horse thief, and thanks to the experience of building bows and arrows after being a horse thief, Chen Xiaonu easily made a set of bows and crossbows. Although it is very rough, there is no problem in firing wooden crossbows.

   The bows and arrows used by Fang Dahai's men were all made by Chen Xiaonu.

   This is the second floor of a restaurant. This room is full of debris. Chen Xiaonu stayed here all night last night.

   Touching her shriveled belly, Chen Xiaonu put the crystals on her fingers into her mouth, and looked out the window coldly.

   "Brother, I'm hungry!"

   A young man who was originally a little innocent, after the death of his elder brother who sheltered him, went through a series of methods by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and became a terrifying murderer at an astonishing speed.

   Because he was afraid of being discovered, Chen Xiaonu hadn't eaten anything since he escaped, but when he saw a group of people coming, he immediately leaned forward and carefully identified it.

   Most of the people who can ride horses in groups in Peiping City are nobles.

  Chen Xiaonu picked up a crooked piece of paper he wrote. The content on it was very simple: It was Xinghe Bofang who woke up and forced me to kill!

   and typos accounted for one third of this confession.

"do not care……"

   The punishment department has always dealt with serious offenders without feeding, as long as they don't starve to death. Chen Xiaonu felt that his eyes were a little dizzy, so he lowered his head and picked up a piece of paper and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing vigorously.

   The people and horses are getting closer and closer, Chen Xiaonu, who has eaten two pieces of paper, blinks, puts the sharpened crossbow arrow into the slot, and then starts to aim...


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