Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 990: Hero father

Thanks to the book friend: "? Feihua" rewards, just come back!


In the Fang's backyard, Potato was standing under a small tree, looking at the branches, and said with a sad face: "Mother, there are no buds."

Zhang Shuhui was carrying the skirt and Xiaobai kicking the shuttlecock. This exercise suggested by Fang Xing was welcomed by the inner courtyard.

"Look carefully at the potatoes, there must be a little green spore coming out."

When Zhang Shuhui was distracted, the shuttlecock fell to the ground. She panted slightly, "I lost."

Xiaobai blushed, and asked Muhua to play with him.

Muhua gradually opened up and smiled cutely.

The two kicked the shuttlecock on the side. After Zhang Shuhui wiped her face, she took the potatoes to introduce the growth of the trees.

"...In spring, everything recovers, and trees will start to grow. Wait until autumn..."

Zhang Shuhui spoke very hard, but Tudou was absent-minded and looked sideways at the gate from time to time.


When Tudou saw Fang Wake, she shook away Zhang Shuhui's hand in excitement, and stumbled over.

"Father! Father..."

The shout made Fang Xing's heart melt. He squatted down, reached out his hand to catch the potato, kissed his cheek forcefully, and asked, "Is the potato good at home?"

Tudou grabbed Fang Xing's hair and shouted, "Goodbye! Father, present!"


Zhang Shuhui was very happy to see Fang Xing, but she couldn't help but snorted when she heard this.

Tudou said aggrieved: "Father, hard work."

Fang Xing smiled, hugged him up and smiled: "Daddy is not working hard, Tudou has worked hard to take care of his younger brother."


Tudou nodded solemnly and glanced at Zhang Shuhui.

The child's dissatisfaction is the most funny, Zhang Shuhui shook her head and brought the people in the inner courtyard to salute.

"My husband has worked hard."

Fang Xing supported Zhang Shuhui and said, "Compared with the Northern Expedition, this trip is not too hard."

After entering the room, Fang Xing's gaze was attracted by the peace that was still asleep. He walked over and touched his little cheek, and asked about the situation of Ping.

Xiaobai proudly said: "Master, Ping An is very healthy! I have to eat more milk every time."

"That's good."

If it were in modern times, Fang Xing would probably be like an old farmer. He would be satisfied with these two children. Every day he only knew to go out to earn money to support his family.

But here is Daming, Fang Xing asked about the situation at home after he left, and then went to the study.

Xie Jin was already there, and as soon as they met, he said: "Zhu Jixi and his son may have escaped a catastrophe, but your majesty's move is suspected of forcing Zhu Jixi. Zhao Wang is watching from the side, the atmosphere is not right!"

Fang Xing rubbed his waist, and then sat down: "Nothing is wrong, Zhu Jiyi's strength is not enough to play a key role, at most it is only a disaster to Taiyuan, and it is amazing that it can spread to half of the mountain/Xibuzheng, he is a disgusting person. That's it."

Xie Jin caressed his beard, "But as long as someone starts, the restless vassals will respond one after another, and then Daming will be messed up again!"

"Then just solve the problem once and for all!"

Fang Xing's tone was relaxed, but full of murderous intent: "Your Majesty is forced to look at those princes Xiaoyao due to worldly pressure. If someone wants to rebel, I guess your Majesty can wake up with a smile in his dream!"

"After waiting for the opportunity for many years, if Zhu Jiyi starts his head, Your Majesty will immediately start the suppression!"

Fang Xing said profoundly: "Mr. Xie, do you think that your majesty cleans up various guards only for corruption in the army?"

Xie Jin pulled a map from the table, then closed his eyes and thought about the guards where the chief officials had been replaced.

"Dehua, almost half of the guards where generals have been replaced are near the fiefdoms of the feudal kings, hiss! Your majesty has a good layout! What a courage!"

Fang Xing smiled: "A clever prince will naturally know how to constrain, but in my opinion, such a prince has not yet seen it. They are all busy giving birth!"

Xie Jin said with a headache: "Those feudal lords have no restraint in giving birth to children. If a feudal lord has dozens of sons, all of them are county kings? Then the chief secretary everywhere must be crazy."

"What is it now? When there are too many sons and fathers and sons don't know each other, that will be the big scene. Then, according to Daming's policy of encouraging population, they should be awarded the title of a heroic father."

Fang Xing remembered those vassals who had children like pigs, and said: "The sons of emperors in each generation are vassals, and the descendants of vassals are the county kings and the generals of the town... Mr. Xie, wait for the land and population resources of Ming Dynasty. After most of them were occupied by these vassals and gentry, that was when the Ming Dynasty fell!"

"Speak carefully!"

Xie Jin looked at the door behind him, then turned around and said, "Don't talk nonsense about these things. If they are spread out, those vassals will make you sleepless and sleepy!"

"Am I afraid?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I'm not afraid. Those princes say something ugly, but they are all blood-sucking worms. I am going to make a list and shoot at these guys!"

Xie Jin narrowed his eyes and said, "But from the perspective of future generations?"

Fang Xing nodded: "The salary is still there. We just need to deduct the population of the king, your majesty... that's it! Your majesty can't shake it either!"

Xie Jin smiled and said: "Yes, if your majesty moves the interests of the princes, those princes are not fuel-efficient lamps, they will inevitably create momentum. As for the opinions of the people below, they must be ignored."

Fang Xing took a piece of paper and made a form, and then said: "Just talk about the Zhou Wang Family, this is still the family suppressed by His Majesty, but there are more than ten sons and ten daughters. How many people are they? There are endless children and grandchildren! Mr. Xie, Daming can't afford it!"

Xie Jin sighed: "I feel it, old man, this is what you said...euthanasia?"

Fang Xing thought for a while: "No, I'll go into the palace and talk to Taisun."


Zhu Zhanji was stealing for half a day and was about to go back to the house to rest, but was invited to the womb by Wanwan.

"Brother, can you help me make a swing?"

There is an open space on the edge of the main hall. At this time, you can already see a little green head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wanwan is wearing a pale yellow jacket, pointing to her feet and saying: "Brother, Wanwan has already told her father Now, my father said that you can install the swing wherever you want."

You want me to do this kind of thing?

Zhu Zhanji had a lot of things in one day, and he glanced at Liang Zhong after hearing this.

Is someone slacking off?

Liang Zhong smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, the princesses made by others are not at ease."

Yes, according to Fang Xing's statement, Wanwan was sealed in a box back then, leaving behind some scary sequelae. This sequelae is usually invisible, so I can only look for it in the drip, and then slowly enlighten it.

"Okay, Brother will do it for you."

Zhu Zhanji rolled up his sleeves and asked someone to get materials.

Wanwan hurriedly turned around, and when the materials arrived, she urged Zhu Zhanji to do it quickly.

"I'm going to take the big goose on the swing."

Although Zhu Zhanji had learned a lot of science from Fang Xing and his theoretical knowledge was good, when he started to learn, he found out...

——The theory is not combined with practice, that is nothing!

Wanwan leaned over, frowning, feeling that her eldest brother seemed to be in trouble.

"Ahem! What is it? I'll take a look!"

Zhu Zhanji was overjoyed when he heard the sound, "Brother Dehua came just right, and the younger brother has something to go back first."

"Fang Xing!"

Wanwan narrowed her smiling eyes when she saw Fang Xing.

Fang Xing looked at the material, roughly estimated the length of the rope, and then cut it with a knife.

"Don't leave, I have something to look for you."

So a prince, an uncle, with an impatient princess standing beside him, set a swing together on the edge of the main hall. People passing by smiled when they saw it, and felt that this scene was very warm.

And Su De and Wu Yun also saw Zhu Di at this moment...

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