Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 989: Ask for a reward

Thanks to the book friend: "Chi Yan's Nightmare Crazy" is a great reward!


"The etiquette is for friends, but Oara is Daming's friend?"

Fang Xing sneered, Huang Zhong shook his fan on a hot day and said with a serious face: "Uncle come here by order, please hurry up and say what you have to do, otherwise Taiyuan will be the end!"

Su De said with a stern face: "I am waiting to come to Daming with the gift of the little prince, hoping to meet the emperor of the Ming, and repeat the words of the little prince."

This was vague, but Fang Xing nodded and said: "If you know, then set off right away!"

Su De said angrily: "Uncle Xinghe, I'll wait for thousands of miles to arrive in Taiyuan, so I always want to rest for a few days!"

The dark cloud also showed exhaustion, and the men in the mission were muttering angrily, but they did not dare to curse in front of Fang Xing.

This one killed the entire Wala mission back then, just for a woman!

Fang Xing got up and said, "Old Seven!"


Xin Laoqi closed the knife and stepped forward, staring at Su De.

Fang Xing ordered: "Pack up, let's set off after lunch."

Xin Laoqi suddenly promised, and then led the people to clean up the jealous jars, and carried them out to load the truck one by one.

"Taiyuan's vinegar is good, you can try it too."

Of course Fang Xing would not stop the Wala mission from coming in to take a bath, but he just didn't know if they wanted to take a bath.

Su De simply washed his face, then walked to Fang Xing's side and said, "Uncle Xinghe, our food has been cut off."

Fang Xing was closing his eyes to rejuvenate, and said lightly: "Is it possible that you are already poor enough to get off the hook? You don't even have enough food for the mission!"

Su De's eyes were firm: "There is nothing there! This is a difficult road, how can I take a large amount of food and grass on the road? If Daming can't provide it, then we have nothing to say, the big deal is all the way to Beiping hungry, at least you don't have to go to Jinling!"

Fang Xing smiled, he heard the jealousy from these words.

Zhu Di's move to the capital aroused fierce reactions both inside and outside the Ming Dynasty.

Within Daming, officials are naturally unwilling. Jinling is so comfortable, why are we going to Peiping to get cold!

The mist and rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and Wu Nong's soft words tempted people to give birth to the idea of ​​being willing to be dismissed from office and returning to his hometown, and only being a Jiangnanese in this life.

However, Zhu Di used his powerful means and will to implement the move of the capital, during which there were many secret blends. At that time Fang Xing was still on the bed with a dead body, only Xiao Bai was by his side to take care of it.

The outside of Daming was highly vigilant about Daming’s relocation, because Peking was too close to the grassland, Zhu Di could send troops out at any time.

This **** emperor! Why don't you die early!

The vinegar jar loaded the car, and Xin Laoqi came in and informed that he could set off.

"Let’s have lunch!"

Lunch is noodles. Since arriving in Taiyuan, Fang Xing has fallen in love with the noodles here.

Of course, only the noodles and vinegar are from Taiyuan, and the other seasonings are all brought by Fang Xing himself.

Ma San'er had already asked Fang Xing's meaning in the two poems in the bookstore, and rushed back pale.

"...Under the Black Tuo Mountain, the storm is moving, and under the Black Tuo Mountain, that is the old king Jin’s tomb. This is a sign that something will happen in Taiyuan! As for Jincheng is everywhere in the world, this old man can’t guess it, but the words in the world are not very good. Isn't Taiyuan now a human world? So be vigilant. If there is a turmoil, just run away."

When he saw Fang Xing's person cooking noodles in the kitchen, Ma San'er finally knew that his last moment had come.

The noodles are delicious, add some old vinegar to make it even more delicious.

Fang Xing sucked and ate the noodles, feeling that the so-called aged vinegar in later generations was really far from being a good thing.

Su De was about to eat his tongue. He looked up at Fang Xing with sweating profusely, and he was immediately relieved.

Everyone is the same! Not ashamed!

The dark clouds are also reserved before leaving, and forgetting to eat.

Fang Xing finished eating the noodles a few times, and looked at the food of the Wala envoy, and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

I am a big foodie, the empire is mighty and domineering!

After eating the noodles, Wu Yun came over and asked, "Uncle Xinghe, why didn't the officials in Taiyuan welcome him?"

After the Wala mission entered the side wall, officials greeted them all the way, so it was inevitable that they had a high self-esteem.

Fang Xing shook his head and walked out first.

Huang Zhong felt that this was not good, so he coughed and said, "Uncle came to welcome him personally, so the magistrate doesn't have to come forward."

Fang Xing met Ma San'er outside, Ma San'er kneeling on the ground.

Ma San'er said pitifully: "Uncle, I beg you to be pitiful and pitiful. When should the young one leave Taiyuan City."

Fang Xing frowned and looked at the two men across the street, and said, "You hang up that picture, Zhu Jiyi doesn't want to die, so naturally he won't move you."

Just one word, Zhu Jixi and Zhu Gaosui's personalities are similar, and they are more vicious.

But the more such a person, the more he is afraid of death.

"Ben is magnanimous, Zhu Jiyi knows best, as long as he hasn't become the emperor, you can't die!"

Ma San'er was almost frightened by these words and peeed. He got up and turned his head, seeing the panic faces of the two men on the opposite side, and finally felt relieved.

Fang Xing's voice just now was not small, enough for the two men to hear clearly. He raised his right hand and swiped it towards the Jin Palace.

"Set off!"


In Beiping, Zhu Di received a memorial from Fang Xing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xinghebo said that the Wala people were probably here to ask for a reward. "

Yang Rong said, "Your Majesty, the title of King Shunning is easy to say. It's just the money and food. At this time, the attitude between Wala and Alutai is ambiguous. If Daming gave it, it would be a bit wrong."

Jin Youzi said: "Your Majesty, the minister also thinks that the title can be given. You can give a little bit of money and food at most, and that's it. If you give too much, you can feed the wolves."

Yang Shiqi had the same view. Zhu Di said: "You can bend and stretch when you are out of love, and Xing Hebo really made no mistake. This is a real hero, a hidden danger to my Ming! When looking for an opportunity to destroy it!"

Yang Shiqi learned from Guangji and said: "Your Majesty, this breakup can endure humiliation in Alutai's hands, reminding the minister of the King of Yue."

Goujian, the king of Yue, was a representative figure who had the courage to take the courage and defeated the state of Wu in the last dynasty.

Zhu Di disdainfully said: "Children are arrogant, there is me, and there will never be a day to get out of joy!"

Yang Rong slandered in his heart: Your Majesty, if you have been there, of course you will not dare to jump off the beam, but if... the mountain falls, Daming is afraid that he will turn offensive to defensive!

The results of Zhu Di's previous northern expeditions were good, and then the calming down of Jiaozhi allowed Daming to free up a hand.

After breaking through North Korea and Yingzhou and obtaining a large amount of gold and silver, Daming's treasury was finally full.

Moreover, a large number of prisoners are replacing the labor of the people of Ming Dynasty in those major projects. The current Ming Dynasty is really thriving and exciting!

When Yang Rong moved his heart, he said, "Your Majesty, the minister thought it was important to find out if there is collusion between Wala and Tartar."

Zhu Di nodded: "Xing He Bo has been investigating, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to verify. But these are trivial matters. What if the two are united? I should go on the horse again to defeat this thief in one fell swoop and clear the hidden dangers in the north of Ming Dynasty! "

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