Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1009: Turn against each other

Thanks to the book friend: "aeonsea" for the great reward!

After Fang Xing's nap did not finish his sleep, Xu Jingchang sent someone to invite him to Changyue Building.

"Is this a showdown?"

Fang Xing only took Xin Laoqi and the knife to go.


After Fang Xingma stepped in Changyue Tower, there were no guests today.

Fang Xing was led to the second floor, and to the outside of a room, Chen Dahua was walking outside the door, Lao Gao with a swollen welt on his face.

"Xing He Bo, please come in."

As expected to be a long-sleeved businessman who is good at dancing, Chen Dahua was able to wake up calmly at this time.

The door opened, Xin Laoqi glanced first, then nodded, Fang Xing went in.

As soon as I entered, I saw Xu Jingchang with a gloomy expression. Zhu Yong sat beside him, not knowing whether it was to help or to persuade him to make peace.

Xu Jingchang did not say hello, but Zhu Yong smiled and said, "Xing Hebo is here."

Fang Xing arched his hands to him, sat opposite Xu Jingchang and asked, "There is no wine and no food, is Dingguo going to have a Hongmen banquet?"

Xu Jingchang squinted his eyes and said, "Uncle Xinghe, what do you mean by breaking into Changyue Building today? What is the purpose of what you said?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Since Dingguo doesn't cover up, then Fang wants to ask, why can't Chen Dahua do it?"

Xu Jingchang was taken aback for a moment, and then forcefully argued: "Who can explain things in this business field clearly. The father of the country only knows that Changyue Building is going to be sold, and then he buys it. Is there a problem?"

Shameless guy!

Since this person was shameless, Fang Xing felt that there was no need to give him a face, "Changyuelou violated the law of Ming Dynasty, and Fang saw it and talked to the prince and concubine. What does Dingguo think?"

Do you want to play stupid? Ha ha! I tell you, I stabbed the princess to this matter!

This matter involves the princess, Xu Jingchang should be taboo, but this person is still pretending to be crazy and stupid: "This country's father doesn't know it. Since moving to Peking, Dingguo's government has been unable to make ends meet, presumably the empress. I'll also be considerate of those who do business in my country as a last resort."

Fang Xing looked at the lobby below, and suddenly asked: "If it weren't for those women, Fang would not want to play with Chen Dahua. By all accounts, they could be regarded as the benefactors of Ding Guo Duke. Ding Guo Duke, you treat it like this. Is your own benefactor?"


What is the benefactor?

The women in the brothel called the prostitutes the benefactor.

Do you treat me Xu Jingchang as a prostitute?


The teacup fell to pieces, and Xu Jingchangji pointed at Fang Xing, furious: "Uncle Xinghe is going to fight my Xu family?"

The Xu family, first the queen’s family, and the two state princes!

This is the kind of honor who rests with the country, the Ming is immortal, and the Xu family will not fall!

Zhu Yong said embarrassedly: "Both of them are calmer, but it's just a few women, Dingguo, this matter is indeed a violation of Changyue Building, let it go."

Zhu Yong already regretted coming to be a peacemaker. Chang Yuelou illegally offered a woman to Fang Xing and stood on the side of reason.

In fact, the law is never used to judge right and wrong between the honor and the ancestors. It is a thing aimed at ordinary people and cannot be controlled by them.

But according to Zhu Yong's understanding, Fang Xing's servant couldn't speculate according to common sense at all. If he smoked and caused the matter to go to the front of the imperial court, Xu Jingchang would definitely not be pleased.

"The Xu family is a royal family?"

Fang Xing just responded indifferently, Xu Jingchang thought for a while, furious.

This is ridiculing the Xu family's only reliance on nepotism to get the two country masters!

At that time, Empress Xu strongly opposed the closure of Xu's second state duke, just because she felt that the tree was a big fan. If the children of the Xu family don't live up to their expectations, they will be a thorn in the eyes of the emperor and a thorn in his flesh!

"Fang Xing, you and I are incompatible!"

Xu Jingchang took out a dagger from his waist, cut off a section of the sleeve with a slash, and then walked away.

Zhu Yong got up, gave Fang Xing an awkward look, and then chased him out.

Xu Jingchang walked hurriedly to the lobby, and Fang Xing upstairs stuck his head out and shouted, "Duke Dingguo, where are those women?"

Xu Jingchang trembled with anger. He turned around and raised his head, stretched out his fingers to wake up, and then said to Chen Dahua who was following behind him: "Here it! Let him take it home to enjoy!"

Chen Dahua was unwilling, and went to the back unwillingly. When he came back, Xiao Wu and the others were already waiting in the lobby, and Fang Xing was on the side.

More than a dozen bodies are light and fluttering, but they represent the freedom of these women.

Fang Xing took over the contract and squinted at Chen Dahua and said, "You can't live by committing sins, and Ben is looking forward to seeing you live a hundred years old, disease-free and disaster-free!"

This came from a threat and curse from an earl. Chen Dahua touched the whip marks on his face, hissed lightly, turned and left.

I am from the Xu family now, and even the prince concubine is afraid of not taking any action. You just wake up and count as a fart!

"Thank you, uncle, the slave and maidservant are grateful."

Xiao Wu bowed down first, and other women also bowed.

Fang Xing glanced at them, "You are Xiaowu, take the body bond and let them take it by themselves, and I will send Jiading to go to the Yamen to go abroad."

Xiao Wu got up and took over the contract. Some of the women cheered and some were sad. One of them said: "Uncle great kindness, slaves and maidservants are grateful, but...the slaves and maidservants have always only learned singing and dancing. Going out without relatives ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but don't know how to live."

This is a kind of sorrow. A person will only have a life-saving skill for a lifetime, but it is not recognized by the mainstream society.

Fang Xing thought for a while, and said, "The village of Jubaoshanwei is currently weaving. If you want, you can try it. I can only guarantee that if you are willing to work hard, you can support yourself!"

Xiao Wufu said: "Uncle saves me and waits before, and if mercy stays behind, if there are still people who are not satisfied, it is a crime."

Fang Xing nodded, leaving the knife, and then went back with Xin Laoqi.

On the way back, Old Xin Xin asked wonderingly: "Master, would they not want to go to the military village?"

The white horse is already familiar with this road. Fang Xing believes in Ma Youyan, and said: “Although singing and dancing are hard, the most painful thing is being sent to guests as goods. Most women should not want to. But people’s hearts are unpredictable, some people I just like this kind of life, and I even hope that one day I can meet a benefactor who loves her, and from then on, she can live the life of a master."

In fact, the ancients and moderns are similar. Most of the so-called celebrities want to make money, but at the same time they also look forward to being seen by a certain high-profile guest and living a life of a young grandmother from then on.

Even if it’s a one-night celebration, at least it can be used as a talk: I’m so-and-so and so-and-so, am I considered a high-end product? ! Ha ha ha ha!

"The days in the military village are quiet, and every day is weaving. Some people will find it practical, but others will find it boring, like a cage, otherwise I can let them go to the military village first. It's enough to go."

Old Xin Xin understood: "Master, you are letting them choose their own way, don't regret it."

Fang Xing smiled at the gate of the city in front of people like weaving, "The calluses under my feet came out by myself. Will it turn into corns? Who knows!"

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