Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Emperor prince

Thanks to the book friend: "Fakball" is a great reward!


Zhu Di has not concealed the affairs of Chang Yuelou, he even knows the content of the dialogue between Fang Xing and Xu Jingchang.

Concubine Wang's body has improved miraculously, and her face has become more rosy.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing delicious in spring. This is a scallop soup made by a concubine. The doctor said it can replenish the body."

In middle age, Wang Guifei became more calm, not seeing the fear of Zhu Di, but only casual and tender.

Zhu Di put down the memorial, moved his neck, took the small bowl and smelled it, then took a few sips.

The emperor is ruthless, and the emperor is lonely, because he stands on the highest point, no one is shoulder to shoulder, no one dares to believe.

"Xu Jingchang and Fang Xing had a fight, but it made me watch a good show."

The operas in the Mongol and Yuan dynasties were developed and had a great influence on later generations.

Concubine Wang took the empty bowl and handed it to the eunuch, and then said: "Xing He Bo is young and vigorous, maybe it's a mess."

Zhu Di moved his wrist and said: "It's not a fool, Fang Xing is righteous, and he can't see male theft and female prostitution, but Xu Jingchang is stubborn and forgets righteousness."

If Fang Xing heard this evaluation, he would probably shout, ‘Your Majesty, you really are my confidant! ’

And if Xu Jingchang heard it, he would immediately enter the palace with a few thorns on his back to plead guilty, and for at least half a year he would honestly stay at home to give birth to a child.

Concubine Wang’s compassion is becoming stronger now, and she sighed: “Those women are also poor people. Your Majesty and concubines dare not intervene in the affairs of the court. They just wonder... whether they can cancel some of the low-ranks in the future is also the mercy of Your Majesty.”

Zhu Di's gaze turned: "Fang Xing took advantage of the situation. Xu Jingchang had a good relationship with him when he was in Jiazhi, but when he returned to Beijing, it gradually faded away. The two of them had completely torn their faces in such a disturbance today, you said. Why is he?"

Zhu Di didn't answer the request just now, Wang Guifei sighed in her heart, "Probably it's a different way."

"This is also a reason, but I think Fang Xing is reminding me that even if it's a man, once he sees gains and forgets his righteousness, it is no different from merchants. They are a group of people that need to be suppressed."

Seeing profit and forgetting righteousness...

Concubine Wang remembered the reaction of those people when Zhu Di once rewarded the honorees with treasures, and she couldn't help but shook her head slightly.

This is Daming's honor!

Gradually changing from a hero to a family, but I didn’t learn the aggressiveness of the previous family. I just wanted to make money, make a profit, and get a good seat...


The soldiers who accompanied the army lived outside the barracks, just like Jinling, all cement buildings.

Xiaowu and the others came here, and Xiaodao found Qian.

"Isn't there not enough manpower in the village, these are all arranged by the master, you look at the arrangements."

Qian looked at these women with a smile, counted and said: "There are places to live, but you have to follow the arrangements when you get here. Don't play Miss Jiao's temper, or we can ignore the fight!"

Of course, the wife of the warrior tends to be straightforward. Qian's eyes were venomous, and when he saw these women walking and standing, they were a little weak, so he beat them first.

"Now the village is rushing to make a veil. You wait for a day off first. From tomorrow morning, follow them to learn. Don't think about being lazy. The lazy people have no food to eat!"

The knife saw that Qian was able to restrain the gang of women, so he went back and told Fang Xing the result.

"Master, two people said they were going home to reunite after they left their country, so the younger one let them go."

Fang Xing didn't feel surprised at all: "If you leave, you will leave. Everyone has different choices, and the results are also different. Let her go."


Zhu Gaochi is very busy. Recently, he suffered from rheumatism. When a son is naturally filial, he took on more political affairs.

After handling the matter with great difficulty, and returning to his place, Zhu Gaochi asked people to quickly deliver food and prepare for a feast.

Dim sum is Zhu Gaochi's favorite, especially sweet.

Zhu Gaochi is a relatively generous prince, but it is best not to disturb him when he is enjoying the food, otherwise he will let you know what a prince is and what is life and death.

There are a few people who can not be bound by this unspoken rule, and the princess is one of them.

Seeing Zhu Gaochi eating again, the princess frowned slightly and came in and said, "Your Royal Highness, Uncle Xinghe and Dingguo have fallen out."

Zhu Gaochi swallowed the dim sum, with some stubbornness, he drank a sip of tea, and then slowly said: "Why?"

The Xu family is Zhu Gaochi's mother family, and it is natural to be his supporter, so it cannot be overstated.

The prince concubine moved over, sat down beside him, and said: "Chang Yuelou originally used the father and brother in the concubine's house, but was later found out by Xing He uncle, and the treasurer was terrified."

Needless to say the rest, Zhu Gaochi can definitely make up for it.

"But Duke Dingguo took down the Changyue Tower, and then did he feel uneasy?"

It's roughly correct, but the details are unclear.

The crown prince smiled and said: "Xing He Bo is for the women who were forced to accompany the guests to take the lead, but after Ding Guo Gong took over, he ignored them, and Xing He became angry."

Zhu Gaochi rubbed his knees with difficulty, and suddenly asked blankly: "The shopkeeper offended your family, what do you want to make to this palace?"

The prince concubine said in amazement: "Don't you dare to..."

"Dare you!"

The high-pitched voice suddenly sounded, Liang Zhong's complexion changed, and he pointed at the door with his fingers, and the eunuchs and palace ladies hurriedly filed out.

"The concubine was wrong."

The princess knelt to admit her mistake, but her hands were tightly held, and her nails almost pierced the palms of her hands.

Zhu Gaochi sat on it and said coldly: "You should have told this palace when it happened, but what about you? Wait until the matter gets serious and then talk. Is this trying to make this palace and the Xu family fall out? Don’t you think there is too much help behind this palace?"

"The concubines dare not."

The voice of the princess became peaceful, as if it were a bodhisattva in the temple.

Liang Zhong was standing on the side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He knew that Zhu Gaochi had been under a lot of pressure recently.

One of these pressures came from the civilian officials, who were dissatisfied with the inability to change the close relationship between Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing. And Zhu Gaochi's consistent benevolent performance made them dare to express their dissatisfaction and anger in various ways.

The second is from Zhu Di. Recently Zhu Di’s rheumatism was offended. Inexplicably, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui was often recruited into the palace. The affection of the father and son made people feel like grandparents.

Zhu Di's body is gradually aging, and no one can hide this.

And the more at this time, regarding the throne, the distribution of power in the future, the more eye-catching, the secret tide began silently.

Zhu Gaochi's complexion was a little slow, and he whispered: "No matter, this palace is very angry today. Get up."

"His Royal Highness."

"Mother! Where are you?"

The princess had got up slowly, but her figure suddenly became vigorous after hearing this sound, and she completed the whole set of movements of getting up, turning around, and showing a smile on her face.

And Zhu Gaochi's movements were not slow, using his plump and ill-fed body to complete the procedure of leaning forward, hiding the snacks and plates, and then resuming the Maitreya Buddha-like smile.

Wanwan trot closer, her face flushed, her eyes rumbling, and her nose twitched, she yelled: "Father, you are stealing food again! You will get sick if you don't listen to the imperial doctor!"

Zhu Gaochi smiled and said, "It wasn't for the father to eat, it was..."

The prince princess smiled gently and said: "It was my mother who ate it. Would you like to eat a little bit?"

Wanwan hesitated for a while, then touched her stomach, and said with difficulty: "Wanwan won't eat it, or she will grow into a little fat girl."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

There was joyous laughter in the palace, and the voices of men and women were mixed together, which seemed to be so harmonious.

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