Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1015: Large-scale flicker, Zhu Di wants to learn deception

Lord Snow Eagle

Legend of the Dragon King

Super Soldier

, Comprehension of Comprehension

Martial arts supreme

King Yongye

, My neighbor is a banshee

Legend of Fairywood

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Zhu Di's acting style is vigorous and resolute. After asking people to reward Xia Yuanji's brocade robe, which was almost hit by him, a few people went out from the palace and went to various places.

Immediately afterwards, several honourable men in Beiping City opened their doors, and the head of the family was dressed in all-round quality, and the luxurious carriage representing honor was also pulled out.

"Go to the Ministry of Households!"

"Go to the Ministry of Households!"

"Go to the Ministry of Households!"



Compared with other departments, the Ministry of Household Affairs has a lot more affairs. The entire Daming's money bag is controlled here, and Xia Yuanji is the hand that Zhu Di holds the money bag.

Xia Yuanji was looking at the latest analysis form, which was done in accordance with the method taught by the academy. It was clear at a glance, a comparison chart naturally appeared in his mind.

Daming's current financial situation is surprisingly good. As for the past, it can be said that from the time Xia Yuanji served as the head of the household, he was demolishing the eastern wall to supplement the western wall.

"Finally comfortable!"

Xia Yuanji was ready to squint comfortably. He went to bed late last night reading that math book.

Master Shang Shu dozed off, naturally, nothing happened, but there was a rashness outside.

"Where is Xia Yuanji?"

With such a bold and direct name, Xia Yuanji didn't need to guess, opened his eyes and said: "This official is here."

Others Xia Yuanji can still be slow, but Zhu Gaoxu didn't dare, this servant is more popular than Zhu Di, and what's wrong is a horse whip.

Outside the door, Zhu Gaoxu hit the palm of his hand with a rolled horsewhip, and when he saw Xia Yuanji coming out, he said, "The big market outside the city does not mean to wake up?"

Xia Yuanji didn't understand his intentions, so he nodded and said: "Exactly, this matter is advocated by Xinghe."

As soon as Zhu Gaoxu's hand moved, the whip disappeared from the cuff, and then he said with a grin, "This king wants a few shops and warehouses, do it right away!"

Xia Yuanji was startled, and forced a smile: "His Royal Highness, this is not right."

Zhu Gaoxu saw that the two servants on the side showed fear, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Isn't this king not giving money! How much?"

So you want to give money!

Xia Yuanji immediately had a good impression of Zhu Gaoxu, and at the same time he was convinced of the rumors that Han Wang and Fang Xing had a good relationship.

This person actually dared to buy in advance based on the suggestion of Fang Xing from the big market. This friendship is really rare.

And with the beginning of Han Wang, this matter is much easier!

"Yes, please come in, your majesty, the next official will tell you about the location and price of the store in the future."

Xia Yuanji was always very kind when someone sent money to the door, so he invited Zhu Gaoxu in to see the sand table, which was still under confidentiality.

The sand table was suggested by Fang Xing, in order to allow customers to see a three-dimensional image of the big market in the pre-sale.

Zhu Zhanji said impatiently: "This king doesn't have that skill. Forgive you for not daring to lie to me. Just get three good shops and warehouses, so please settle accounts quickly."

Chang Jianxun took a few steps forward, and the cloth bag in his hand lit up, and it seemed that it was all treasures.

Xia Yuanji winked, and Zuo Shilang coughed: "His Royal Highness, of course there are the best locations. As for the price...you can only rent, not sell...Uh, this is also Xing Hebo's suggestion."

Seeing Zhu Gaoxu's anger, Zuo Shilang quickly explained. Then I was afraid, thinking that we wouldn't dare to talk more about Hanwang next time.

"My lord, a few Hou masters came outside and said they wanted to rent shops and warehouses."

At this time, a small official came in and told him, looking at his expression, it was obvious that he was frightened.

When has this household department been so lively!

Xia Yuanji blinked his eyes with a weird expression.

"Who dares to compete with this king?!"

Xia Yuanji's emotions were interrupted, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "His Royal Highness is not anxious, you are the first to arrive, you must be chosen first."

"It's pretty much the same."

Zhu Gaoxu said grimly: "This king is about to move his muscles and bones, it's a pity."


The hustle and bustle of the Ministry of Households was quickly spread out by interested people. Slowly, the powerful and wealthy merchants in Beiping City learned about it.

When the Ministry of Households was surrounded by groups of people, as the instigator, Fang Xing was dragged into the palace by someone sent by Zhu Di.

"Let's talk about it, what if your method is used to deceive people?"

Zhu Di's eyes towards Fang Xing were a little weird, with helplessness in his appreciation.

Fang Xing said embarrassingly: "Your Majesty, this method is used for regularity, used on crooked roads, for example, if someone can deceive the officials and people in a place, then the method must be not bad."

Zhu Di nodded and said non-committal: "For example..."

The emperor learned deception, is this the sun coming out from the west?

But Fang Xing did not dare to fool around, so he had to cite an example: "Your Majesty, if the minister is a liar, and he goes to a certain place in Daming, he will first spend a lot of money to buy luxury houses and beautiful maidservants, and then invite local businessmen and officials. It must be extremely luxurious when you get a party at home."

Zhu Di had already heard the taste, and he said: "I have come to such a luxurious hospitality a few times, presumably the officials and people here think that they are rich in wealth, then what?"

Fang Xing said: "Then there are many options. For example, if you want to build a large restaurant here that integrates dining and entertainment, the cost will start at least 200,000 taels, and the ceiling will be up to 1,000,000 taels. ...Began to brag, and let people quietly go out to guide public opinion, just say that after the restaurant is built, it will make less than one hundred thousand taels every year, and finally..."

Fang Xing stopped talking, Zhu Di coldly snorted: "In the end, it must be the local government officials. Let's start cheating money!"

"Yes, your majesty, the officials at that time are already convinced, and if you give more benefits, you will not find North immediately. If you say something at this time, they dare to vouch for, so the people and the rich dare Put money!"

"Just find an excuse. For example, if you want to mobilize money from the south, the journey is a little far away, but construction is not waiting for anyone! I want to borrow some temporarily, set a higher interest rate, and then find a few people, just like the ones today. Wei Xunqi came to play to make sure that the common people would be eager, and those who couldn’t invest the money would beat their chests...Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be built, at least before the money is tricked, we should hire craftsmen and build sheds, what should be done Don't stop."

Fang Xing glanced at Zhu Di secretly, and when he saw the boss's expressionless face, he dared not say any more.

He just talked about it in general, and didn't say the details at all. This kind of gang fraud will be more common in the future, and the acting skills will be a few blocks away from the so-called actor.

"Don't say anything about this. Those few honoraries will beat me. If there are liars with such methods outside, I will just trouble you!"

Fang Xing said innocently: "Your Majesty, the minister is all about his father!"

Zhu Di's eyes were actually a little proud: "I don't need to worry about this, you go."

After Fang Xing left, Zhu Di smiled rarely, and then said, "How about Gao Xu?"

The **** knew what Zhu Di was asking, so he said: "His Royal Highness Han didn't know about this, but he felt that Xinghe Bo had Tao Zhugong's art. Since it was his first initiative, he would definitely make money, so he went to the Huhu. "


Recently, Zhu Di often summoned Zhu Gaosui into the palace. At this time, I remembered that Zhu Gaoxu had been obedient for so many years, and even went out to handle money making things in person. It can be seen that he wanted to live a solid life, and said: "Tell him, don’t be lazy at home, and you can’t stop. practice."

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