Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1016: 1 shot and 2 rounds, reversal only in an instant


Xu Jingchang was worrying about how he could make Changyuelou's business better, and he felt a toothache when he heard those honorable men rushing to the big market that was still invisible.

"Duke Guo, look at this matter..."

Xu Jingchang is only fortunate that he got the Changyue Tower without spending any money. He ordered: "You go and buy it at our house."

The butler had been waiting for these words long ago, and as soon as he heard the words, he took the money and hurried to the household in a carriage.

Xu Jingchang was a bit entangled. The big market was Fang Xing's proposal. He only had a quarrel with Fang Xing a few days ago. It was a shame to buy at this time.

But as long as he can make money, Xu Jingchang will be satisfied. As for the skin...

"I'm the Duke of the Country. How can he dare to compete with the Duke of the Country?"


Xu Jingchang decided to shamelessly for profit, and Fang Xing was fishing with Zhu Zhanji.

The spring in the north is always less charming. On the grass just emerging by the river, the two set up fishing rods. Fang Xing took out two small jars of rice wine and a bag of oil residue from his bag.

"This wine is very light, and the oil residue is boiled with lean meat."

The rice wine is fragrant and light, and the oil residue is chewy but not firewood. This is the favorite combination of anglers.

Zhu Zhanji watched the floats silently, drank a sip of rice wine from time to time, and then grabbed a few oily residues to chew.

"Brother Dehua, the younger brother understands the artistic conception of Caiju under the eastern fence and sees Nanshan leisurely. However, she is born with aura, after all, hermits are a minority, and it will be enough to have half a day."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "It's best for you to have this self-consciousness. As for the hermit, you must either have a great enlightenment and disdain for the world. Or you can use it to make a name and want to find a shortcut to the south!"

Zhu Zhanji clapped his hands and said: "There were many families in the former Tang Dynasty, and most of the people in the imperial examination were their children. This is the monopoly you said, Brother Dehua. Fortunately, Wu Zetian made a bold blow, but unfortunately he lost again."

"The powerful must counterattack, the noble family must counterattack, the royal family must counterattack, Wu Zetian completed the transformation of Datang in the form of a woman, and his credit far exceeds the Xuanzong behind."

Fang Xing said confidently: "Just like now, after the physics book was released, those people seemed to have stopped, but that's just the appearance."

The river was calm, Zhu Zhanji said quietly, "Ding Guo Duke!"

Fang Xing nodded and said, "It's him. He has a profound skill in steering the rudder by seeing the wind. Someone has probably persuaded him that if he walked too close to me, he would definitely be liquidated in the future, so he would use it to seize Changyue Building. Means to break with me."

When Zhu Zhanji saw the float move slightly, he raised it, then shook his head and put it down again, regardless of whether the bait was eaten up.

"You mean...Chang Yuelou is just doing a show?"

Zhu Zhanji was a little confused, "But that involves the East Palace after all, is Dingguo less courageous?"


Fang Xing mentioned that the front part of the fishing rod was bent, and then a fish longer than his hand was pulled up.

Unhook the hook, put the fish in the fish basket, and then put the bait on and lower the rod.

Fang Xing washed his hands and said: "His Royal Highness is generous, and the empress is a woman, so she can't care about foreign affairs. As for you, he is your elder. It's a big deal to give some precious gifts and say a few good things. He doesn't care about it?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "This is more in line with Dingguo's character. The two ends of the mouse are really decadent."

The decadence of the honors was something Zhu Di was rather depressed, but most of these honors were erected by himself. If he defeated him personally, it would not be in his interests and the turbulence would be too great.

The key is shame!

"Xunqi is going to rectify and solve it after all, Jiaozhi..."


The Xunqis led those wealthy people to grab all the shops that had not yet been opened in the big market. Public opinion was boiling. Some people said that Xunqi was really rich, and some people said that Xunqi used his power to monopolize the big market, which is an opportunity to make a fortune...

At the court meeting, Yu Shi brought up this issue on the spot, impeaching those honorable persons who have forgotten their righteousness, and competed with the people for profit.

This kind of stunned green is really too few!

Fang Xing stayed in his old position, looking at the flushed faces of those few honoraries, he was happy.

This stunned Qing Yushi went down, and the other one appeared again, still stunned.

"Your Majesty, the minister heard that when Duke Guozhi was in Jiaozhi, he took advantage of Hexing and Uncle's friendship to search for fertile land, and then went to catch the captives to grow sugar cane."

The thoughtless passage made people headache, and with one shot and two bullets, Xu Jingchang and Fang Xing were attacked together.

Jin Zhong whispered: "This is Chen Zaiyu. After Zhongju, he insisted on entering the Metropolitan Court. The toughest one. I don't know if it is by nature or he wants to invite a name."

There are quite a few officials who have changed from Yushi to actual positions, but many of them quickly changed their appearances, as if the previous toughness and fear of power were just an illusion.

Fang Xing hummed, and saw Zhu Yong leaving the class, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the fields of Jiaozhi are barren, and no one is planting them. The prisoners only know how to eat and drink every day, and raise them for no reason. Wouldn't it be too much preferential treatment?"

This is an excuse for Xu Jingchang from another angle.

The Wuxun who are really capable are guarded everywhere. Those who stay in the capital, the Five-Army Capital Governor’s Mansion is a good place to go when there is war.

"Your Majesty, those Cochin people are lazy and sexual. Didn't Xing Hebo say that Cochin men are not as capable as women, so this is why he promotes gender equality in Cochin. Daming does not raise lazy people, and farming is considered cheap for them. NS."

"Nowadays, there are always people who are falsely merciful, and the Jiaozhi rebels disturb one side, and if you don't kill them all, it will be your Majesty's mercy."

These words allude to Yushi Chen Zaiyu, a Yushi, under the pressure of Xunqi, he will go to Qiongzhou Mansion for a lifetime!

The group of officials looked at Chen Zaiyu, secretly pitying: Poor baby, you have to find the target if you want to shoot! I offended Xunqi at once and committed sin!

A trace of indifference flashed in Zhu Di's eyes, squinting at the officials.

Chen Zaiyu was not afraid of all kinds of cryptic eyes, and his young voice echoed in the hall.

"Your Majesty, Jiaozhi's rebellion is naturally not enough, but!"

Chen Zaiyu looked at the Wuxuns sideways, his eyes widened, and he suddenly shouted: "But that is Daming's land. That is Daming's captive. Duke Dingguo, Daming's land and captives belong to your family?"


There was no sound in the hall, as if a needle dropped could be heard.

Those pitying eyes turned to shock~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and surprise.

It was not a day or two for Xunqi to take advantage. He was still questioned in front of Zhu Di before anyone had been impeached.

Zhu Yong's left cheek trembled, and he stopped talking, but finally did not speak.

Liu Guan was originally worried and angry. He was worried that Chen Zaiyu would be retaliated indiscriminately by the honoraries in the future; what was angry was such a big event, such as the impeachment of Xu Jingchang, Chen Zaiyu unexpectedly did not ventilate with himself in advance.

If Yushi wants to impeach someone, he must file for the record and report to the Shangguan, and then he can do it after getting permission.

For example, if Yu Shi found out that Zhu Zhanji had a problem, Liu Guan would definitely suppress it, and then went to the palace to report to Zhu Di, and Zhu Di decided to investigate the role of the court in this matter.

In other words, although Yu Shi can be heard about things, but there are still curses on his head, and several layers of mother-in-law.

But Chen Zaiyu took a unique approach, and hit the painful feet of the honors in one fell swoop-taking advantage of it, taking advantage of Daming!

The reversal is only momentary...

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