Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1018: Midwifery artifact is available

Lord Snow Eagle

Legend of the Dragon King

Super Soldier

, Comprehension of Comprehension

Martial arts supreme

King Yongye

, My neighbor is a banshee

Legend of Fairywood

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Thanks to the book friend: "aeonsea" for the great reward!


When Fang Xing returned home, the first thing he did was to come and learn about Jin.

Xie Jin's daughter-in-law gave birth right in front of her, and she was a little excited all day long, wishing to have multiple grandchildren tomorrow.

In the study, the two of them peeled the fried peanuts and ate the sweetness. Xie Jin didn't worry or ask, just thinking about whether he could plant some peanuts in his yard.

Fang Xing patted the residue on his hands, slowly telling Guozhong what happened today.

"...Xu Jingchang panicked. At this moment, he must be looking for the crown prince to take his place."

Zhu Gaochi is famous for his generosity, who would he not look for?

Xie Jin said slowly: "But the prince is not a good old man, otherwise your majesty would have abolished him, and those who don't know this will pay the price sooner or later!"

Fang Xing nodded: "A good old man can't be a prince! But...I don't know much about Jiao Chi using captives to grow sugarcane. Xu Jingchang went to the palace to give a batch of icing sugar a year ago, and his Majesty also received it at that time. What is it? Who gave Chen Zaiyu the news? Who wants to get Xu Jingchang?"

Xie Jin smiled, and then said: "This tea is not beautiful after all!"

Fang Xing heard the song and knew the elegance, looked for a bottle of Sanwu wine in the cabinet behind with a look of dismay, then found two small wine glasses, and said: "In fact, you don't need a table full of delicacies to drink. A friend, one A pile of peanuts is enough. The more complicated and luxurious, the more hypocritical the atmosphere. The simplest is the best."

When the wine was poured, Xie Jin picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then peeled two peanuts into his mouth and chewed, and said contentedly: "The simplest is the best, Dehua, you can always say something. If people need to slowly comprehend, if it is not for the old man to know you, he might think that you were born with Su Hui."

Fang Xing smiled, just picked up the wine glass and dipped his lips. He didn't like drinking during the day.

Xie Jin continued: "If it is your majesty's handwriting, then it is not impeachment by Yushi, do you know why?"

Fang Xing likes to eat this kind of fried peanuts with shells. He peeled the shells and said: "Unless you want to get Xu Jingchang down completely, your Majesty will not use this method."


Xie Jin's ruined face was teachable, then he drank a sip and said slowly: "Korean Wushu will not attack Xu Jingchang, because the retaliation afterwards will be very tragic, so who did you think of?"

Fang Xing handed the peeled peanuts to Xie Jin, smiled and watched him put it in his mouth like a child, before he said, "Prince!"

Xie Jin slowly chewed the peanuts, thinking that this is the best food in the world.

"Xu Jingchang offended the prince's concubine in the Changyue Tower, and his wife insulted her husband. The prince was good at forbearing, but it was just a small act that caused Xu Jingchang to suffer a big loss."

"There will be no evidence for this matter, just know it well. Your Majesty will not care about it, let the prince toss Xu Jingchang. It is estimated that he is sitting on the sidelines, wanting to see the prince's wrist."

Xie Jin consciously analyzed without deviation, and couldn't help drinking a full glass again to celebrate for his own mind.

"Master! Master!"

At this time someone shouted outside, and Fang Xing heard that it was Mother Qin's voice, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Generally, no outsiders will come here, and women will not come here. Even the cleaning is done with a knife and Fang Wu in turn, and no one is allowed to intervene.

"Master, Mr. Xiaojie's daughter-in-law is about to give birth!"

In an instant, Jie Jin's hand stopped in the air, the wine glass was tilted, and all the wine was poured on the front without noticing it.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Xie Jin suddenly coughed violently, and a peanut was sprayed out of his throat. Then, as soon as he put the wine glass, he rushed out like a teenage boy.

Fang Xing got up, peeled a handful of peanuts, and walked out slowly.


In Xie Jin's yard, Xie Zhenliang hurriedly circled, and his mother Xu had just entered.

A few days ago, Zhang Shuhui found the stable women who gave birth to her and Xiaobai, and they were also inside at this time.

"Madam, please relax. It is not a matter of a half-and-a-half to give birth to a child. You have been so nervous until you lose your strength."

"Yes, relax, get out of bed, let's take a walk, this will make it easier to give birth."


Xie Zhenliang heard the footsteps behind him, looked back at Xie Jin, and hurried over to hold him.

Xie Jin looked at the delivery room where Zhang Shuhui personally brought people to set up, and his lips trembled and said, "Don't worry, Hu's body is good, and he will definitely be able to give birth."

The danger of giving birth at this time is not small, especially for those young women who have not fully extended their bodies, and the chances of having a baby are not small.

Xie Zhenliang's legs are all weak. It is said that he is supporting Xie Jin, rather than Xie Jin is supporting him.

The father and son were encouraging each other, and Fang awoke the couple.

Normally Fang Xing shouldn't be here, but the two families are friends of life and death, so naturally there is no need for such harshness.

Zhang Shuhui held an openable thing on both sides, looking like a clip, and comforted: "Mrs. Jie is in good health and she walks a lot on weekdays, so she should be fine."

Zhang Shuhui went in with the thing, and her voice soon came from inside: "Oh! Isn't this the forceps that Xinghe taught last time? Madam, can you use it?"

"Yes, but you have only practiced it a few times. If it is not difficult, don't use it."

"This is a good thing, madam, for so many years, if there were such things, many young women and children would have escaped! Is it possible to spread it out? This is a great merit!"

"Of course I can. My husband has already decided, but the government has to concentrate on teaching the local stable wives, otherwise saving people will become harmful."

"Oh! That's really good! Madam, uncle, you will be born as a Buddha in the future!"


The words of the woman inside made Xie Zhenliang and his son look at Fang Xing curiously.

"Dehua, what is that?"

Xie Jin is concerned about his grandson who is about to be born~www.wuxiaspot.com~Xie Zhenliang only wants mother and child to be safe.

Fang Xing said embarrassingly: "That is... a tool to help deliver. With it, it can help those women who have difficulty giving birth."

Xie Zhenliang looked ignorant, but Xie Jin said excitedly: "Can it be used effectively?"

Fang Xing nodded: "Of course, it works well."

Xie Jin arched his hands and said, "Dehua, thank you for your kindness..."

"Master, Dingguo please see me."

Fang Xing was about to leave. Hearing this, Fang Xing said, "I'll go over immediately."

Xie Jin frowned and said, "This is here to beg your help. Be careful. After all, the prince's face is not easy to lose."

Fang Xing nodded: "I'll go here. If there is something to do here, ask someone to find me."

Xie Zhenliang felt puzzled by this, but Xie Jin quickly agreed.

After Fang Xing left, Xie Zhenliang asked: "Father, Brother Fang still knows how to give birth to women?"

Xie Jin took it for granted: "Dehua's medical skills are not bad, but he has never been exposed to others. He promised is a promise, and you only need to remember his kindness."

"Last year, Tudou had a fever, and Dehua didn't even call the royal doctor. After one night, Tudou got out of bed alive and well. It's obvious!"

Xie Zhen nodded brightly, thinking that he was just a few years younger than Fang Xing, but Fang Xing's unpredictable ability would never catch up. Tips: You can search for "zero point college 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is:. For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter next time you open the bookshelf!

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