Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1019: Scold Xu Jingchang

Fang Xing walked out of the yard of Xie Jin's house and said to Xin Laoqi: "Lao Qi, you go into the palace and beg to see the prince, so Dingguo came to Fang's house to see what the prince meant."

After Xin Laoqi left, he woke up slowly, eating peanuts while heading to the front hall.

The study is a private place, people who do not believe are not allowed to enter.

So Xu Jingchang kept thinking about the affairs between him and Fang Xing in the front hall.

It started from... Cochin, right?

In Jiaozhi, Fang Xing shocked Xu Jingchang with his cold and calm command, letting him know that conquest was never a simple matter.

When the construction of Jiaozhi began, Fang Xing's freely swaying methods gave Xu Jingchang an extra glance at the fields where he couldn't see the sides, as well as the prisoners who were so incomparably scared by Jingguan.

After returning to Beijing, Fang Xing's methods also surprised Xu Jingchang secretly.

An earl, how dare he offend the people below the sky! How dare he offend Xun Qi! ! !

But Fang Xing was offended, and recently he has offended the king!

This lunatic!

There is a pair of horns hanging on the wall on the left. Last time Fang Woke up as if he had said that rhino horns were hunted from Cochin.

This represents the profit of attack.

There is a picture hanging on the wall on the right with some inexplicable lines on it. This Xu Jingchang knows, it seems to be something of mathematics and physics.

This represents the abundance of knowledge.

Both civil and military!

The layout of the front hall is to show the host's heart to the guests in a subtle way.

With the sound of footsteps, Fang Xing lightly patted the peanuts in his hand into the front hall, and said faintly: "Duke Dingguo is a rare visitor, and Fang's family is brilliant."

Xu Jingchang bounced off the chair almost conditionedly, and then said bitterly: "Dehua, today I have come to admit my mistake, brother."

Fang Xing's footsteps kept on, and he sat on the main seat, then took out a handful of peanuts from his cuffs and said, "Eat."

Something to eat?

Xu Jingchang froze for a moment, and then learned Fang Xing's shelling, and threw the little peanuts into his mouth.

It tastes good. Xu Jingchang will probably take some home with him if it is usual, but even if the dragon meat is placed in front of him today, he will not move his chopsticks.

Seeing Fang Xing's eyes only have peanuts, Xu Jingchang coughed dryly: "Dehua, brother is wrong. You shouldn't have not followed your advice. Then don't let Brother Chang Yuelou."

Fang Xing left the peanut shells on the table, and said lightly: "How did those people slander me?"

"Which people?"

Xu Jingchang didn't react for a moment. After Fang Xing looked at him with a smile, he said annoyedly: "Those sour scholars said...said you...said you will end in exile for the whole family sooner or later.

"It means your Majesty's time is coming soon, right?!


Xu Jingchang slid on the ground with an inhuman face, then got up in a panic, and said with a strong smile: "No matter, no matter, who dares to say that? That's a big crime!

Fang Xing stared at him and said, "Those people pin their hopes on the prince, waiting for the prince to rise up and attack them, wanting to kill me, right?"

Xu Jingchang nodded and smiled bitterly: "Brother, my family has a lot of work, so I don't dare to take risks!"

This is the kind of honor whose will has been consumed by the wealthy days. Thinking of Xu Zengshou's responsibility, Fang Xing couldn't help sighing in his heart.

One generation is not as good as one generation, which has something to do with the way of education. Starting from Zhu Yuanzhang's massacre of heroes, even if Zhu Di showed that he was not an emperor who would kill the donkeys, many honorable servants still adopted the education method of abandoning martial arts and conserving literature.

Even Zhang Fu is studying the literature, and it can be seen that the martial artist's status is gradually lowered, not who did it, but the unified view of the entire big class.

Fang Xingwei sighed, "In fact, it is normal for Wu Xun to have such thoughts. Since the Song Dynasty, the martial artist had broken his spine, and he was suppressed by the Meng Yuan people for almost a hundred years. Even now, he saw that the civil servants were still I feel a little bit distressed, why? Isn’t it just that the warrior can’t participate in politics? The interests of the warrior are all raised and lowered by your majesty’s will, so you are afraid, you want to compromise, and you even want to kneel down and beg for mercy..."

"What kind of hero was the old Duke Dingguo, for his majesty he dared to face death without regrets. Why did your majesty ignore the dissuasion of the first queen and try to turn the title of Dingguo into hereditary?"

"Your Majesty was stroking the corpse of Old Dingguo and weeping, what kind of grief in his heart! What a remorse and regret! But if you see you look like this today...nothing, this is not something that Fang Mou is qualified to say. !"

Fang Xing's words were like a dagger stabbing Xu Jingchang's heart. His eyes were slightly red at first, obviously thinking of his father.

Just when Fang Xing thought that this person could be ashamed and brave, Xu Jingchang's expression changed and he became embarrassed.

"Dehua, my brother knows this, but my brother, I can't lead the army, nor can I join the court to discuss politics. I just want to support my family and pass on this branch of my father in the future."

Fang Xing's heart sank, and his anger burst out uncontrollably.

"Giving birth to a baby! No matter how much you give birth, you can't be a good dad, will the child be good? Ah?!"

Wu Xun was supposed to be Fang Xing's ally, but in the past few years, Fang Xing had already seen the essence of Wu Xun.

"I think about the wealthy descendants, but I never thought about the Ming who gave you riches and honors. They all sit and enjoy, but no matter if there are still foreign races outside watching. After I die, let it be flooded, right?"

Xu Jingchang couldn't help nodding his head. This is what he thinks. The Xu family is already very rich and wealthy. It is better to run his own house. As for the future of Chaotang and Daming, he doesn't want to worry about this, and he doesn't dare to worry about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xun Qi When it comes to government affairs, everyone is afraid of being liquidated in the future: Can't I live a good life in peace? Is it bad for dozens of women to take turns sleeping with them every day? You have to worry about the country and the people. Isn't this a problem with your brain?

Fang Xing got up and stood with his hands.

"But you are also honorable!"

Xu Jingchang felt that he shouldn't carry this pot.

"Yeah! I'm Xunqi too!"

Fang Xing turned around and looked at Xu Jingchang and said, "So I'm fighting, fighting with literati, fighting with civil officials, do you know why?"

Xu Jingchang shook his head blankly. In an instant, he felt the awe-inspiring air emanating from Fang Xing's body.

Fang Xing pointed to the map hanging in the front of the front hall and said: "Do you know how big the world is? Do you know how much wealth and resources are waiting for the Ming army to seize? You know that if you don't fight, Da Ming will gradually die. ."

Xu Jingchang still shook his head blankly, he was thinking of his own one-acre three-quarters of land, and he wanted to enjoy a rich life with all his heart.

Daming has nothing to do with me?

"If Daming is gone, can you still rest your head when you wait?"

Fang Xing said furiously: "Don't think about changing to another master and still live! No one is a fool!"

Emperor Chongzhen died in Meishan, and the civil and military officials, as well as the honors, are waiting for the beginning of the change of dynasty, preparing to flatter the new master.

Who knows that the former postman is not a patient, what? You want to surrender to E, and want to be an official under E's hand?

Yes, hand over all the property first.

So this group of greedy guys got retribution and tortured!

The group of officials and honoraries who had borrowed money from Chongzhen to make fashion clothes in the past surrendered the goods that made Li Zicheng stunned.

——God! It turns out that the Ming Dynasty is still rich!

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