Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1021: Whose death

Thanks to the book friend: "Leaf falls with the wind and sweeps the floor" for the great reward!


Zhu Di's gaze was suspicious. As an emperor, he must carefully look at everyone who will have an impact on the future.

Xu Jingchang raised his head calmly and smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, the minister went to find Xing He Bo. He asked the minister to go to Zhixing Academy to have a look, and then the minister went. Seeing the energetic students, the minister suddenly felt himself The half-life of Shengying Gougou is unbearable to look back."

Zhu Di nodded, "I see."

This is the meaning of reservations and disposal.

Xu Jingchang got up, turned and strode out.

"He looks like something is different?"

Zhu Di's eyesight is not very good, so he asked.

The **** has been paying attention to Xu Jingchang, and he said: "Your Majesty, Ding Guo Gong's spirit seems to...feel less...that...the dude state, yes, your majesty, it just lacks the dude state. "

Dude, enjoy it, take advantage of it, and manage it.

The kind who only knows to play the prodigal are not dudes, they are the prodigal.

Zhu Di said, the big **** immediately nodded to the outside, and a little **** followed.

Not long after, the little **** came in and said, "Your Majesty, Ding Guo Gong went to the Prince's Royal Highness."


When Xu Jingchang returned home, he immediately ordered people to list Changyue Tower, and calculated how much the sugarcane of Cochin cane take, and converted all of them into banknotes.

"Send to the Ministry of Households."


The profit of sugar is so high, to tell the truth, it is currently a huge profit, that is, it is not as good as the glass business.

Xia Yuanji received the money, and then personally issued the receipt, and smiled and asked the people of Dingguo Gongfu to be sent out.

"Thank you, and be sincere!"

Therefore, the people from the household department thanked Dingguo Gongfu for the profound justice of Dingguo Gongfu with an aria at the gate.

The sale of Changyue Building was even more shocking to the honors.

Nima! What is Xu Jingchang doing? Do you want to get out of the arms of Xun Qi?

But Zhu Di's attitude towards Xu Jingchang is not clear now, and everyone is afraid to ask, so someone took down the Changyue Tower.

Not long after, the people from the Dingguo Mansion appeared in Shuntian Mansion again, with the proceeds from the sale of Changyue Building.

"Thank you Dingguo for his generosity, those poor people will certainly be grateful."

Ding Guo donated all the money to the Sanatorium!

I said!

The ancestors of the entire Beiping City were silent, and they were all guessing what happened to Xu Jingchang.

"Duke Dingguo is a new student? It's a new face!"


"Strong! Madam, when you see your head, go hard! Work hard!"

"Coming out! Coming out!"

"Congratulations, Madam, it's a kid!"


"Congratulations, Mr. Xie, you have an extra grandson."

"Congratulations, Mr. Xiaojie, you have an extra son!"

"It's rare for newborns, take it in!"


In the East Palace, Zhu Gaochi was sighed.

"Xing He Bo's move has saved a lot of trouble, and if Duke Dingguo has changed his mind from then on, it would be great for Daming and my palace."

"But Dingguo just looked at the academy, and it turned out like this, Zhanji, how do you think it's true?"

Zhu Zhanji was helping tactfully explain a series. Hearing this, he said: "Father, it should be Xing Hebo who scolded him severely, and then Dingguo Duke saw the energetic students again, and the whole person was affected. Shocking is like drinking with a bang. Although you have not become a Buddha right away, you can still wake up."

When Zhu Gaochi saw that Zhu Zhanji hadn't solved it for a long time, he stretched out his hand to come over, and spoke casually while disassembling it.

"It seems that Zhixing Academy will be a noticeable place in the future, Zhanji, please make Xinghe Bo be careful. Don't let the Academy be more beautiful in the forest."

Zhu Zhanji stared at the easily untied chain in a dumbfounded manner, and suddenly developed a heart of worship.

"Father, the academy is like this no matter what, this time Ding Guo Duke's fault, half of which was bewitched behind, those people came for the academy."

Zhu Gaochi put down the disassembled chain and said lightly: "A good student of Xinghe Bojiao, your grandfather also has a good opinion of this, and he feels not bad for his father."

All right! This is enough!

Zhu Zhanji brought the chain up and slipped away with an excuse to find Wanwan.

Zhu Gaochi smiled and his eyes were complicated.

"Xing He Bo's move will help the palace to establish its prestige, and it will also help the palace to win over the honorable. It is a great achievement."

"His Royal Highness, is this a deliberate act by Xing He Bo?"



"Uncle Xinghe is a good method. He turned his hands into clouds and rain in an instant. Those people guessed that they were throwing things."

Yang Rong stretched out, got up to clean up his table, and was already ready to go home.

Yang Shiqi is also finishing the end. He didn't raise his head when he heard that he said, "The official said a long time ago that the villain's methods are useless, but some people are clamoring in it. Who can blame this dusty face? It deserves it!"

Jin Youzi thoughtfully said: "Wang Zhao is afraid that this matter is not clean in the middle, and what will happen to Chen Dahua?"

Yang Rong packed up his things, looked at the sky outside, and adjusted his clothes: "Wang Zhao is doing a bad job with this matter, and Chen Dahua is mixed inside. Most of it will not work well."

Jin Youzi also got up and said, "Wang Zhao has often been in the palace recently, but he is in a much better mood."

These words were vague, Yang Shiqi raised his head and said: "Don't talk about it, so as not to hurt His Royal Highness."

The room was silent for a while, and Yang Rong nodded and said, "The officer is going back first."

The room was silent again. For a long time, Jin Youzi still stood still and said, "What does your Majesty mean?"

Yang Shiqi has finished dealing with his own affairs. He rubbed his eyes and said: "You son, don't you and I love the younger son in the family? Besides, Taisun's position is stable. I think Zhao Wang is inviting disaster for himself!"

Jin Youzi nodded and said: "Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taisun is stable, and the prince is stable. Then Wang Zhao didn't dare to touch Taisun, so he wanted to go around in a circle and start from Xinghe Bo. Unfortunately, despite the means Yes, but there are traces to follow. It's in vain!"

Yang Shiqi got up, and the two went out together.

"Wang Zhao is just throwing that Chen Dahua out as a substitute for the dead ghost. Can anyone go to investigate it?"


That's what Chen Dahua thought. After Xu Jingchang sold Changyue Building, seeing the indifferent look of the new owner, Chen Dahua tidied up his own softness as quickly as possible, and then hid in the city of Beiping.

At this time, he went out of the city to find his death. Thinking of Fang Xing's saying in Changyue Tower that he could kill him, Chen Dahua shuddered and got into an alley.

After walking for a while, the walls on both sides were gloomy, Chen Dahua always felt that someone was following him behind him, so he looked back from time to time.


Are you tired from walking?

Such a short distance is certainly not tiring!

But Chen Dahua was tired. He felt his heartbeat speeded up, and sweat was flowing not only on his face, but also on his back.

He turned his head suddenly again, stopped for a while, and listened attentively. Chen Dahua did not notice any signs of being followed, but he did not relax at all.

Turning to the left is a courtyard. Chen Dahua eagerly knocked on the door and whispered: "It's me, open the door!"

But there was no one inside. Chen Dahua was anxious and angry, so he stretched out his hand and pushed the door.

"Huh! It didn't close the door? Damn it!"

Chen Dahua pushed the door in, then quickly turned back and closed the door. Until the door was closed, he leaned heavily on it, gasping for breath.

"I'm alive again! Hahahaha!"

The hoarse laughter echoed in the yard and also covered the rustle of footsteps.

"You! Save...Uh!"

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