Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: Break your slender neck

Brothers and sisters, it's the end of the month, and there must be people who are dissatisfied with Jazz. x update fastest

what is it now?

Smash! Decisively use the monthly pass!


Nervous weakness is a sign of a comeback. The Jazz tried his best, but the manpower is sometimes poor. If there is a problem, please be forgiving! Smiled!


After Wuyun arrived at Daming, he felt that although his days in Wala were good, he became a beggar in comparison with Daming.

Especially on the first day of staying in the post house, an official thought she didn't understand Daming dialect, so he muttered that even the woman stinks, and Wuyun took a bath every day.

Early in the morning, after washing with the utensils provided by the post, Wuyun went out for breakfast, which was also a habit developed in Daming.

Be capricious if you have money. The public security in Peking is very good. The black cloud led the horse out alone without his entourage. When the staff of the post house saw it, he immediately reported it, but the Shangguan lazily said: "This woman's road is wild, even Zhao Wang's mansion is in Now, let's not worry about it. As for the rest, people from Jinyiwei and Dongchang are naturally watching."

The clerk remembered the scent he smelled when he brushed against the dark cloud, and said: "My lord, this woman has learned everything when she arrives at Daming, and she has used all kinds of rouge and gouache, but she is a beauty."


Wu Yun had confidence in her appearance, but on the way to Daming, Su De had been telling her not to act with the help of beauty, and the result was angered by her. Su De was dead, and she didn't blink her brows.

The wealthy people in Peking never eat breakfast out, and those stalls are for the people.

The combination of noodles and biscuits was the most popular. Wu Yun found a family to sit down and ordered a bowl of noodles and meatloaf.

"Does the girl want to add chili? It's warm with chili in this weather, and it feels cold when riding."

The man in the stall and other diners looked sideways at the black cloud holding the Malay, but they still habitually asked their preferences.

"Add it, add more."

Wu Yun felt that the biggest harvest he had come to Peiping was pepper. If this thing is on the grassland, he wouldn't dare to go out in winter.

Hot noodles, red peppers, a bite of noodles, a bite of meatloaf, it makes people want to eat forever, don't stop.

The man at the stall was a little bit distressed by the oversupply of peppers, so he muttered: "Fortunately, Xinghe Bo planted the peppers. The extra peppers will not only keep you warm, but also make the food delicious!"

"Did Fang Xing get the pepper too?"

Wuyun stopped his chopsticks and raised his head. The red lips made the man at the stall bewildered for a moment, and then frowned, "You girl is so unruly, can you name Xinghebo by name? After eating, go!"

Wu Yun immersed himself in hard work, and finally gave the money boldly, and got up and said, "Why can't I be called? I'll go find him now!"


The men in the stall and the diners looked at the dark clouds that went on their horses, and someone said: "This girl is not an admirer of Xinghebo? She looks good, but she is going to hear that there is a Hedong lion in Xinghebo's house. I'm afraid there will be disaster!"

"Hu, you scholar has read the book for nothing, haven't you seen this girl's horse? Which woman from Daming will ride out alone? She must not be from Peking!"


Wuyun traveled all the way out of the city, relying on the stimulation of the peppers, it didn't even feel cold.

When he arrived at Fangjiazhuang, it was Fang Qi who was watching the door today. He was taken aback when he saw the dark clouds and quickly asked the origin.

"I am Wuyun, the lord's messenger. If you report it, Xing He Bo naturally knows who I am."

Fang Qi went in and came out soon, sternly and said: "My master is still eating, please come in."


Fang Xing was indeed eating breakfast and supervising potatoes by the way. As for the two wives, they went to the back garden to plant the land early in the morning, in order to transform the garden.

The potato was wrapped in a scarf, eating noodles listlessly, the poached egg was pierced by him.

"It's delicious, dad will take you to meet the guests after eating."

Ping An was also taken over, and Tudou, who lost his younger brother, couldn't lift his energy.

"Father! Lie."

What Tudou likes most is seeing customers. Fang Xing said helplessly: "When did Dad fool you! Eat it quickly."


When Fang Xing showed up in the front hall holding the potatoes, the dark clouds had already seen through the wall.

"Girl Wuyun, what can I do with Fang?"

Fang Xing took Tudou to the main position, and Xin Laoqi personally escorted Tudou by his side. For a while, he was full of momentum, making people think Tudou is the real master.

Wu Yun smiled at Tudou, exchanged a serious face, and then said: "Xing He Bo, what does Daming think of the prince?"

"It's interesting for you to ask this kind of question directly."

Fang Xing said in deep thought, "Alutai took the name of Ting Tuohuan?"

"Yes! So the prince and Alu are not at the same level!"

Wuyun's reaction was quick, and the quality of some diplomatic personnel.

Fang Xing looked at Tudou casually, and suddenly said, "What promise did King Zhao give you to cooperate in Changyue Building?"


Wuyun's complexion remained unchanged, and then he said, "Hey Xinghe said this. It was the first time Wang Zhao and I met that day."


Fang Xing still looked at the potatoes indifferently: "Listen to Tuohuan and try to control her, and she is constantly annexing the surrounding tribes. Princess Samuel’s name is very useful, like a beacon in the night, which can always attract many moths in. Huan’s subordinates should be very strong, right."

Tudou listened without blinking, with his head still one by one, as if he was agreeing with Fang Xing's words.

Fang Xing smiled encouragingly, then turned his head and saw the pale appearance of the dark cloud, and smiled: "Why, has the recent situation of defriending been hit by Ben Bo?"

Wu Yunqiang said with a smile: "The prince is having a very difficult life now. There are three parts of Wala, and the other two are staring at the prince. Although Alutai is frightened by the princess, he sends people to grab some things from time to time, otherwise I will not. Will come to Daming for help."

"Da Ming is also very difficult."

At this time, a knife appeared at the door, and he awakened his head at Fang, and then left.

Fang Xing took so long to eat breakfast. In fact, he asked the knife to rush to the palace to tell Zhu Di that the dark cloud had come to Fang's house.

It seems that Zhu Di is okay. Let Fang Xing test the dark clouds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Straighten up, Daming is very poor. If he wants to get the benefits, what price did he prepare for getting out of love? ! "

Fang Xing's momentum changed abruptly, his eyes were sharply locked on the dark clouds, and he asked aggressively.

Wuyun only felt that his chest was stuffy, and his heart tightened. Only then did he remember what Su De had told him along the way.

"That Fang wakes up to fight in the South and the North, killing countless people, think about Jiaozhi, think about North Korea and the country of Japan, think about Doyan Sanwei."

"In the eyes of this kind of person, the only difference between the enemy can be killed and the enemy can not be killed, don't think that he will covet your beauty, I guess he wants to break your slender neck!"

Wu Yun couldn't help looking at Fang Xing, and found that his gaze was on his neck. He couldn't help feeling confused, and said: "Xing He Bo, I don't know, in order to check and balance Alutai, Daming should give it..."

"What should I give? Just give you benefits for nothing, right?"

Fang Xing’s momentum changed again. He ridiculed: “Don’t think about beautiful things. People on the grassland emphasize reality. Today’s friends will turn against each other for a fertile pasture tomorrow. Brothers can also fight in the same room. So interest! Only interest is in your eyes!"

Wuyun was speechless, but Fang Xing continued: "I have benefit, so what benefit can Daming give Daming in exchange?"


The dark cloud blurted out, as if the name Alutai could ward off evil spirits.



Fang Xing disdainfully said: "Last time Ben Bo was in Xinghe raid Alutai, fight more with less, and wipe out all! You should know that, right?"

Wu Yun couldn't help but said, "I know."

Fang Xing squinted at her and said, "Do you dare to use Alutai as a bargaining chip?"

"Go back, think about it, or wait until the new messenger arrives."


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