Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1023: Prelude to Baochao Reform

"Yoyou, yoyo!"

Xie Jin hugged his grandson with joy like an old naughty boy. x update fastest

This is next door to Hu, and the room is warm with an iron stove burning.

Xie Zhenliang rubbed his hands on the side, he also wanted to hold his son, but the father was proud, he didn't dare to look for a fight.

Xie Jin teased for a while, but the newborn didn't give face and was sleeping all the time. He handed the child to Xie Zhenliang and said, "The child's name is Yoyo, you should understand the meaning inside."

Xie Zhenliang took the child and said: "Father, but you are slow, happy."


Xie Jin never doubted that his species was not clever. He said: "I have been proud of my father for half a lifetime, and I have also seen through the struggles in the court. I hope Youyou will enjoy the landscape in this life. As for the future, my family is naturally not a fool. "

This was the path after handing in a metabolite, and Xie Zhenliang hurriedly hugged the baby and agreed.

"Father, those young children are also used to seeing human feelings warm and warm, and just want to teach in the academy."

This is what Xie Zhenliang said. After seeing the situation in the capital, he was tired of power and intrigue.

Xie Jintou said: "In fact, after the prince ascends the throne, you can naturally show your strengths, but the court is changeable, my family is still quiet for the time being. Just leisurely, wait for him to be older, and teach him for his father."

Being a grandfather always hopes that his grandson can avoid the mistakes he has made. This is human nature and will not change because of how high the status of this grandfather was.

"Is Mr. Xie here?"

Xie Jin broke his thoughts and said, "Yes."

Outside the door was Mother Qin. She said, "Master, our two families are on a life-and-death relationship, so we don’t pay attention to any distractions. The master asks Mr. Xie to prepare for the full moon. Don’t be embarrassed. They are all one family. Lord, he has experience, so let Mr. Jie take the time to visit."


The big market is still a big construction site. After the first phase of the shops and warehouses were pre-ordered, Xia Yuanji's enthusiasm burst out.

"Be fast, and fix it well. Don't be criticized!"

People from the Ministry of Engineering are supervising the construction, and the appearance of Xia Yuanji is strange. Everyone thinks that this Daming's money bag is not because he wants to transfer to the Ministry of Engineering.

"Master Xia, our Master Shangshu has explained this matter. Don't neglect. You also know that the pre-orders are all rich and powerful. How dare we go crazy!"

The official of the Ministry of Industry assured with a wry smile.

Xia Yuanjitou: "That's fine. Come to the first issue first, and wait for those people to make money before coming to the second issue. This is very safe."

There was someone in front of the flat ground. Several people pulled up the stone under the wooden frame and put it down again. The ground slammed loudly.

Someone on the right brought stones, this one was used to cover the ditch.

A child took the corner of a woman with thick hands and feet, and followed the ox cart with every step. Although the weather is getting warmer, there are still two nasal mucus under the child's nose, sucking from time to time.

Looking at it very closely, the people's eyes are all in the line of sight, dusty.

This kind of scene is most likely to make people excited. Xia Yuanji asked the folks about the food and treatment, and finally told them not to oppress them, and then went to the palace.

There are more wrinkles on Zhu Di's face, and he looks still majestic.

After the salute, Xia Yuanji introduced the general fiscal expenditure this year, of which the expedition of Burma was an unexpected expenditure.

"...Your Majesty, you can't pay back just by the pre-sale market, but there will be a fixed rental income every year thereafter, which can be regarded as a windfall for North Korea."

Zhu Di was not so resistant to Fang Xing's ‘scam’ either.

"The production of glass and mirrors has been successful, and the minister is going to call a group of merchants to discuss the sale. By that time, the expenditure on the Burmese side is not worth mentioning."

Xia Yuanji looked complacent, he had never been so rich.

Zhu Di frowned and said, "Isn't it sold by the Ministry of Households?"

Xia Yuanji smiled and said: "Your Majesty, although the Ministry of Households sells more profit, but the Ministry of Households cannot set up a special office for this purpose. That is not a long way. Moreover, the merchants have the convenience of circulation. Conducive to the sale of glass and mirrors."

Zhu Di doesn't understand this, but Xia Yuanji's financial management is worthy of his trust. But thinking of Fang Xing, Zhu Di asked, "Can you complain about the glass thing?"

Your Majesty, you used the issue of physics book as the price tag to get the glass and mirror manufacturing method. Isn't this too cheap?

It is estimated that there will be resentment when changing for others, but if Fang wakes up, Xia Yuanji doesn't think it will.

"Xing He Bo is accomplished in money and wealth, but he is not obsessed with it, he can be called a gentleman."

Fang Xing has First Fresh and Sihai Bazaar, and Sihai Bazaar has shares of Donggong, so Zhu Di knows how much profit is.

And the first fresh two in the north and south, the money earned in a year is enough for the Fang family to survive.

"Then proceed as soon as possible. By the way, what does the Ministry of Finance think about the exchange of treasures for silver?"

Xia Yuanji's body tightened, and he muttered: "Your Majesty, this is a good strategy, enough to make the circulation of Daming's banknotes worry-free, but the minister is still a little worried, worried about the reaction of the world!"

Zhu Di heard Xia Yuanji's unfinished words: powerful, powerful businessman!

These two kinds of people have gold and silver in their homes, and even the transactions between them are real gold and silver. If gold and silver transactions are strictly prohibited, and the exchange of treasures for silver is allowed, how will they react?

Zhu Di was also thinking about this, Xia Yuanji said: "Your Majesty, at that time, Xing He Bo proposed to try out the three places in Yingzhou, North Korea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now it seems wise. He has accumulated a lot of experience and can be used for the present. ."

What experience?

The experience of killing!

Fortunately for North Korea, once it is conquered, as long as a bowl of rice is given, the people below will naturally disappear.

Jiaozhi came next, but hundreds of people were also exiled!

The most fierce resistance was Yingzhou!

In Yingzhou, not only were the former and new dignitaries unwilling to turn the gold and silver in their hands into banknotes, many of the people below were also unwilling.

So killings and exiles inevitably happened!

Zhu Di's gaze was cold: "I heard that most of the labor in various places have stopped? This is very good. It is time for the people of Daming to cultivate their health."

Xia Yuanji shrank his neck, feeling a trace of coldness.

"Get ready, first figure out how to implement it, and then report it to me."

Xia Yuanji bowed, and Zhu Di added: "Call Xing He Bo, he has a lot of spooky ideas!"

Xia Yuanji almost laughed. This was a sequelae of the pre-sale in the big market, which made Zhu Di think Fang Xing's brain was flexible and deceptive.


"Let me go? Isn't this a nonsense?"

Fang Xing felt that this matter should be led by the Ministry of Households and assisted by all ministries.

"I'm just an idle fellow..."

Xia Yuanji personally came to invite Fang Xing, and upon hearing the words, he said: "Wang Zhao is involved in this matter, Dehua, state affairs are important!"

"Wang Zhao? What does your Majesty mean by letting him come in and blend in?"

Fang Xing felt that Old Zhu Jubi had been crippled by Zhu Gaosui, and let a idle prince intervene in this matter.

Xia Yuanji said indifferently: "The rectification of the treasures is related to Daming's lifeline. If it is not possible, it will be a desperate situation with smoke everywhere, so Wang Zhao just came in to monitor it."

So Fang Xing was innocently labeled as a liar, and then participated in the meeting to rectify the Daming treasures.


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