Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: Bright and dark, innovation and conservative

The members of the Daming Rectification Committee: Chairman Xia Yuanji, Honorary Chairman Zhu Gaosui, and members include Fang Xing, Jian Yi, and Yang Rong.

Although the number is small, but the lineup is strong, almost representing several forces in the DPRK.

The first meeting was held at the Ministry of Households, Fang Xing was late, and he chatted with the guard at the door about the weather, and then Xia Yuanji came out and led him in.

In Xia Yuanji's duty room, Jian Yi and Yang Rong were sitting, while Zhu Gaosui sat on the side of the window. The light was not shining, and his fair skin looked a little gloomy.

"Xing He Bo has a big shelf, the last one will arrive!"

The words of Zhu Gaosui's negative test, Fang Xing, would not have heard it-the emperor was the last one to arrive in the court meeting, Zhu Gaosui's heart was damned!

Xia Yuanji coughed dryly: "Your Majesty has made a great determination this time to completely reverse the treasure of Daming, thinking that the future generations will be peaceful."

Once the treasure notes are stabilized, the future Daming currency will become a credit currency. This is so significant that it is difficult to compare it with other currencies.

Jian Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was taking a nap, but Fang Xing knew that this person was trusted by Zhu Di. In this small group, he provided information about the corresponding officials and supervised their conduct and ability.

Yang Rong appeared to be very leisurely. His role was to take charge of the chief and coordinate various departments.

As for Zhu Gaosui, who concealed his face in the darkness, his role is to supervise Zhu Di and supervise the whole thing without deviation. If there is a problem, it can be stopped, and then everyone will go to the imperial court to go to court.

Xia Yuanji looked at the people and said, "Everyone knows the treasures, and everyone knows the bad results of the past abuse. In recent years, the distribution has been tightened and linked to the salt policy. This is better."

This is Xia Yuanji's pride. Without his decisiveness, Baochao would have become waste paper.

"My sirs, let's talk about it too, brainstorm and get things done."

Xia Yuanji had some confession in his mind, just wanting to let everyone talk about their views and add some details.

Jian Yi shook his head slightly, and said faintly: "The official has been an official for many years, and he is powerless with money."

This person is not going to be involved in matters other than the functions of the official department.

As the ‘first assistant’, Yang Rong must of course express his own views. He said: “The treasures are of great importance and are closely related to the people’s livelihood. Master Xia, let’s talk about the general strategy.”

Xia Yuanji nodded and said: "Opening treasure bills to exchange for silver, thinking of credit. Forgery is forbidden, the whole family is taken into exile, and the principal is beheaded!"

It sounds simple, but the eyes of the people in the room light up instantly.

Zhu Gaosui was the first to ask: "Master Xia, can the treasure be exchanged for silver?"

This news has never been released. Everyone thought that Daming would not learn from Yingzhou and other places. After all, there was too much population and too much stock of treasures. If you let go of the exchange, Xia Yuanji would have to hang himself the next day.

Yang Rong knew it, so he was silent.

Jian Yi was still silent, even if he could exchange it, he would not go with his caution.

Zhu Gaosui's complexion has changed, and Zhu Di can reward him with a lot of treasures. The amount is so large that if it can be exchanged in the household first, wouldn't it be beautiful!

Fang Xing looked at the reactions of the people and said: "This matter has nothing to do with the people. As for the exchange, Fang thought it was time for the honoraries and officials to set an example!"

Jian Yi's eyes flashed, he hesitated, but still did not speak.

"Uncle Xinghe, if they can't exchange it, what's the meaning of this treasure?"

Zhu Gaosui said in surprise, and then looked at Yang Rong.

Lao Yang, at the critical moment, it's your turn!

At this time, you can see their respective positions.

Yang Rong hesitated for a moment, and said, "Where is the wealthy businessman?"

This is the most obscure and thorough temptation.

What is a luxury trader?

Big business, a lot of money!

Is the Koho Chamber of Commerce just a hospitable businessman?

Of course not. Behind every wealthy businessman is the power and the wealthy, even the wealthy and wealthy's own industry.

Therefore, one sentence represents the wealthy businessmen and the powerful, and in fact it is in opposition to the proposal.

Xia Yuanji glanced at Fang Xing, implying that he would not fight back for the time being, and wait until the matter unfolded before proceeding slowly.

Fang Xing looked at this look, he smiled, and said, "Master Yang, Fang is still saying that, rich businessmen have no country, this generation should be suppressed! They are allowed to make money, but the taxes that should be collected must not be less, and they are not allowed to be reconciled. The officials communicated and found out that they should deal with them together, even the officials, let alone their family members or related persons as officials!"

The counterattack came quickly and vaguely, Yang Rong's expression changed and he glanced at Jian Yi, but Jian Yi squinted as if he hadn't heard it.

Zhu Gaosui was smart and smart when he was young. Of course he knew Ming's strategy to suppress business. He frowned and said, "Uncle Xinghe, but your family seems to be a wealthy businessman too?"

it is good!

This counterattack was even more fierce, and it was still using the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son.

Everyone looked at Fang Xing and wanted to see how this person responded to Zhu Gaosui's rebuttal.

Fang Xing smiled: "Fang has paid taxes, and... Fang's family is not short of money. There are only two in the first few. As for the Four Seas Bazaar, you can ask your Majesty if you want to know. Fang is not here. I'm repeating it."

Pay taxes!

And there are only two top freshmen in my family. How can this be considered a luxury businessman?

There are members of the palace in the Four Seas Bazaar, and even No. 1 has members of Zhu Zhanji, so when Fang Xing's words come out, Zhu Gaosui is speechless.

"Fang's family business is less than one percent of His Highness's, right?"

As Zhu Di's beloved son, Zhu Gaosui has been rewarded almost uninterruptedly, and there is still a lot of fields. If he talks about his wealth, Fang Xingming's wealth is really far from it.

Land is the hard currency these days. If a family doesn't have tens of thousands of acres of good land, don't talk about your luxury.

On the other hand, Fang Xing lives in a farm outside the city, and there are no mansions in the city. Those with little land can barely support the farmers, which is considered a ‘scum’ among the honors!

Even the banker can't support it. What is this not a scum?

Zhu Gaosui looked at Fang Xing coldly and said, "Those honors are all of Ming's hero.

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said: "His Royal Highness does not have to throw the pot, this must be done, otherwise everyone can go home individually now and don't do anything!"

Yang Rong said: "Xing He Bo, let's come step by step, let's put aside Xunqi's side first!"

This is a compromise method, starting with the people.

Fang Xing sighed, got up and pushed open the window, the room suddenly brightened, and Zhu Gaosui by the window was uncomfortable covering his eyes with his hand.

Fang Xing stood by the window and pointed outside and said: "How much money can the people have? And most of them are copper coins, with a minimum of 100 yuan. How many companies are willing to change to silver? How much silver can be changed? After the change, the silver Can’t use it, can the people be willing? Are they willing to drink Northwest Wind?"

Fang Xing was extremely thankful that the people of Ming Dynasty were not rich at this time. If their families were well-off, the policy of exchanging money would be a dead end.

"The people have long been accustomed to treasure money. Yingzhou has entered Daming with a large amount of silver, and there is a steady stream of copper in Jiaozhi. North Korea's copper mines are being excavated. Daming, there is no shortage of hard currency!"

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