Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1041: He knows how to demon!

A hill should have dense vegetation, but when Fang Xing rushed into the woods out of breath, he found that even the young grass had been pinched away.

Looking up, the young leaves on the tree could not be seen either, Fang Xing slapped the trunk hard, and then rushed into the depths of the woods.

Two small banners, more than 20 people, after five people were separated to hunt down the Lin San couple who they thought were weak chickens, the rest came.

The long sword that was supposed to protect the people was pulled out. The small banner officer stared at the front with cold eyes and shouted: "Once this incident is leaked, none of us will survive. That person will be respected, rushed in and killed him. One hundred taels of silver, this is the promise of the adults!"

There is no retreat behind, there are benefits in front of you.

Throughout the ages, the army relied on money and food. Without money and food, one can only become bandits.

Bandits are like a comb, soldiers are like a grate!

In the woods, the sergeants bravely lined up in a long row to search, gradually advancing.

Two small banner officers walked side by side, and one of them said humanely: "That man is said to be sparse in martial arts, but has a rich family. After holding him, do you want to get some benefits?"

"Does he carry the money with him? We can't go to Peiping to ask for it, right? It's looking for death, so...Kill him!"

"Killing him is easy, like killing a chicken!"

"He is in front!"

At this time, a sergeant on the left shouted in surprise, letting the two small flag officers breathe a sigh of relief.

"If he escapes, the entire Qingzhou will become a battlefield!"

"Well, take a look."

There is an open space in front of the left, and the stumps on the ground look new, probably not long after being cut.

Surrounded by Fang Xing with an automatic rifle in his hand, he sat on a tree stump and muttered: "How many times have you said that you have to take care of the environment and don't cut and fell. Why doesn't anyone listen?!"

Looking up, Fang Xing looked at the two small flag officers and smiled: "Aren't you afraid that the capital will be angered, and the army will go in for suppression?"

"Don't be afraid, as mentioned above, uncle, you are going to Qufu to find the trouble of the old master, and you were spontaneously beaten to death by those literati, and then you don't know where you left it."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Sure enough, it's a good strategy. It's just that this uncle came here for the case of Xie Yifan smuggling a North Korean woman in Yingzhou. Why are you so uncomfortable?"

"That's our sir, Xinghe Bo, do you think this is the grassland? At this moment you are alone, this is your own death!"

Fang Xing nodded, stood up and asked, "Then may I ask, whose subordinates are you? Let me be a ghost?"

A small banner official grinned and said: "Our grown-up Lin Chun, Xie Yifan is a fart, and our grown-ups played it between applause!"

"Brother Chun! I see."

Fang Xing raised his gun with one hand, and said lightly: "After the Northern Guards is reorganized, the soldiers will at least not be hungry. The mountain/east is about to suffer a severe drought, what are you hiding? Is it corruption? Yes, it's mostly greed. Rot, most of the granaries in the mountain/east should be empty. If you report it up, your majesty will definitely ask the locals to put grain. Where will the grain be?"

The two small banner officials who said something admired: "Xing He Bo is really keen in his mind, and he said it. But it's useless. After we get to the ground, we adults will give you a few sticks of incense. , Let you die in bliss."

"Go around and kill him!"

After a stern shout, the sergeants all came from all around, confidently trying to seize the lead.

One hundred taels!

This money can turn the poor into a well-off society!

Fang Xing turned around, then raised his gun.

"No one burns incense after you die, do you know why?"

Fang Xing's finger slowly pressed the trigger: "Because you and your whole family will go to the barren land, as a sinner, to open up new territory for Daming..."

"This man is crazy."

Someone couldn't help but smile, and then rushed over with a knife and chopped off.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Run! He is a demon!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"



The gunfire stopped, and Fang Xing was changing the magazine, and walked out slowly.

The three survivors included a small banner officer.

All three ran the fastest speed in their lives. The wind passed by, thinking of the killer in Fang Xing's hand, no one dared to slow down.

Oh no, the three of them all hope that others can slow down, and then buy time for themselves to escape.

What is the scope of that killer?

Thinking of the sergeant who fell after the gunshots, all three of them had chills in their backs.

Seeing that he was out of the woods immediately, the small banner officer panted and shouted: "Run separately, or you will die!"

The killing weapon in Fang Xing's hand could kill several people at once, so the little banner officer's order took effect immediately, and the three of them started to go their separate ways before they ran out.


Fang Xing put the automatic rifle on his back in a holster and walked out Shi Shiran.

The small banner officer rushed out from the middle, buried his head and rushed forward, until he heard an exclamation.

"Small down!"

The small banner officer's footsteps slowed down, and when he looked up, he saw a man with a knife.

"Kneel down!"

Xin Laoqi strode with a long knife in his hand, and the murderous intent was rising in his eyes.

The small banner officer pulled out his sword in despair, looked at the sergeant coming from the left and right, and roared: "Your Xinghe Uncle is a monster! He has evil weapons and magic tricks!"

Xin Laoqi easily blocked his knife, then kicked him over, grinning and said, "Master of Lao Tzu, even if he is a demon Lao Tzu, follow him!"

"Old Seven, stay alive!"

As soon as Fang Xing came out, he saw Xin Laoqi raising his sword, and hurriedly stopped.

The other two captured sergeants were being carried over. Old Xin's gaze turned on Fang Xing's body, and when he saw that there was no injury, he said, "Master, Lin San's wife is a master, and all five of them are dead. "

Fang Xing nodded: "Why did you come so fast?"

Xin Laoqi pressed one knee on the small banner officer's back, tied him up, and said, "Someone with Jinyiwei reported that someone had come out with the master, and the younger one led someone to chase him out."

"Jin Yiwei? How about the city?"

Fang Xing squinted at Qingzhou City in the distance, with countless thoughts in his heart.



Still in that room, when the news came, Xie Yifan stood up abruptly and looked at Lin Chun with a pale face.

The two have been here waiting for news, Lin Chun's smile disappeared, and he went up and asked in a low voice, "Is there a fallacy?"

The visitor was a close friend of Lin Chun. He glanced at Xie Yifan and said in a low voice: "Na Xin Laoqi personally led the scouts of Hundred Households to attack, and the two small banners were wiped out."

There was a weakness in Lin Chun's body for an instant, and then he stabilized and turned around and said, "My lord, there is a confidential matter."

Saying that Lin Chun approached, Xie Yifan looked at the roof with a dull gaze, and muttered: "I shouldn't, shouldn't! Now that Fang Xing escaped, what can I do? I should... uh! "

There was a sharp pain in the waist and ribs. Xie Yifan lowered his head sluggishly. First, he looked at the long knife inserted into his waist, and then at Lin Chun, who was still smiling sincerely. It's all...you use ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ right?"

Lin Chun nodded and sighed: "Your lord saw that the evidence was about to be exposed, so he was asked to intercept Xinghe Bo. Unfortunately, the success failed, so he rioted in the camp..."

Xie Yifan only felt that something was passing by in his body. He said with difficulty: "But that... isn't that you...your person?"

Lin Chun's eyes were full of compassion: "My lord, no, when I went out, I asked someone to give you money and gave them the matter."

"So... you are innocent, right?"

Xie Yifan's breath began to weaken, Lin Chun nodded and sighed slightly, "My lord, the lower officials will burn incense for you..."

"Kill you!"

Xie Yifan suddenly violent, and he fits into Lin Chun.

A mortal blow, brutal and decisive.

But Lin Chun smiled. He drew his sword, retreated quickly, and instantly avoided Xie Yifan's mortal counterattack.

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