Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1042: Anti-thief, report

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Xie Yifan, who fell on the ground, panted slightly, and the corners of his mouth began to bleed, and it was obvious that the internal organs were torn.

The blood spread down his body, Lin Chun avoided the blood flow disgustingly, and ordered: "Kill all those people from Xie Yifan, and say that they gather a crowd to rebel."

The subordinates led the way, Xie Yifan on the ground stared, his chest gradually no longer undulating, and the corners of his mouth sneered...

Lin Chun walked around from the side, saw the sneer, and said: "Don't worry, your wife and children will be arrested immediately, at least exiled, but it depends on your Majesty’s mood. If the mood is bad, your wife will I will spend the rest of my life in the Jiaofang Division, and I, as your subordinate, will definitely go to the Jiaofang Division to take care of one or two, you can keep your eyes on it."

Xie Yifan's sneer slowly turned into a bitter smile, and finally solidified, and there was no more glamour in his eyes.

Smuggling women, smuggling food, any of them is a crime of ransacking the family.

A spider on the roof is slowly forming a web.

After spring is summer, life will rise in summer...

Tang Saier had never been in such a panic. She looked at Lin San, who was walking on the same hand and on the same foot, and she was confused.

Lin San looked at Qingzhou City not far away, and tried to stabilize his mind: "Sai'er, if your uncle is killed, wouldn't we enter the city and throw ourselves into the net?"

Although Tang Saier was flustered, she frowned and said, "Brother, uncle took the sergeants away for us. We have to keep our promise and go to the city to notify his family, otherwise I will be uneasy."

Lin San hesitated and walked towards the city gate behind Tang Saier.

Before being chased by five sergeants, Lin San resisted, but was almost hacked to death, and Tang Saier finally took the shot.

Thinking of the scene where his daughter-in-law killed the five people earlier, Lin San felt that he was too weak.

When approaching the city gate, Lin San found that all the people entering the city had been driven to both sides, and then a group of sergeants walked out quickly and expelled the array at the gate.


Lin San looked at Tang Saier's hands carefully. Earlier, he found a small water pool that was drying up and washed the blood stains. Now there is nothing strange, but he always feels that the small and rough hands are covered with blood. , I can't wash it anyhow.

Tang Saier didn't pay attention to her husband's eyes. She looked at the group of people and horses coming in the distance, and suddenly said in surprise: "Brother, how come I look like uncle, let's go and take a look."

The couple rushed in a few steps, and then squeezed into the crowd.

"Welcome uncle!"

As soon as the team approached, the array outside the city gate all knelt on one knee, and the shouts vibrated, making the people and the soldiers on the front of the city change their colors.

Amidst the shouts, Fang Xing started. Before and after, he said: "Enter the city and take over Haiyanmen's city defense. Who dares to stop, kill without mercy!"

"Take over Haiyanmen's city defense! Blockers will be killed without mercy!"

Wu Yue repeated Fang Xing's command loudly, got up and rushed in with someone.

Fang Xing's gaze turned around the city, and then entered the city.

Lin San only felt that his legs were weak, and he knew that his couple had escaped.

Tang Saier gave him a hand: "Brother, let's enter the city."


The Haiyan Gate controlled the government office and the county government. When King Qi was in the past, officers and soldiers were not allowed to take over the Haiyan Gate. They were all guards in the palace.

Fang Xing stood outside the moat of the palace, looked at the wall and said, "Take down the wall, and I will move into the palace."

"Uncle Xinghe, no!"

Wang He was stunned when he heard it, and hurriedly came out to persuade him.

Dare to live in the palace, what are you thinking about?

Fang Xing turned around and said with piercing eyes: "Someone attacked and killed Ben Bo, Wang Jianjun, where do you want me to live? Who do you want to give the city defense to? By then, being blocked in the camp will be a dead end!"

Wang He said with a bitter face: "Xing He Bo, you can do anything, but you must not live in the palace, otherwise our family can hit the wall and die now."

Wu Yue said angrily: "Supervisor, now the enemy in Qingzhou Mansion is unknown to me. If there is a surprise attack at night and there is no royal mansion wall, where shall we escape?"

Wang He did not speak with a bitter face, and Liao Dongchang brought someone from the left, with an anxious look on his face.

Before and after, Liao Dongchang knelt down and said, "Uncle, you have been found out by the officials when you were attacked. It was Xie Yifan who ordered him to do it. Now Xie Yifan's family has been captured."

Fang Xing tilted his head to look and saw a group of sergeants escorting three men and women. He shook his head and said, "You can wait and discuss this matter with Zhifu Chen. Ben Bo has no right to interfere."

These three people are hot potatoes, and they don't match Fang Xing's purpose.

"Where is Xie Yifan?"

Wang He asked, he wanted to see why this man was so courageous that he dared to attack and kill an uncle.

Liao Dongchang said indignantly: "This person was bold. After learning that the attack had failed, he immediately violent. Fortunately, Fifty Thousands led people to intercept them. After a bitter battle, Xie Yifan and his party members have been beheaded."

Fang Xing nodded slightly: "Then Xie Yifan is bold. It just so happens. Tomorrow Zuowei will perform the whole army, and Ben will return to Beijing after watching it."

These words seemed to be frightening, Liao Dongchang stood up and said, "Yes, please review it tomorrow, uncle."

Fang Xing had already seen Lin San and his wife in the distance, and said, "Master Liao, please come back. I hope that tomorrow, the left guards can show their abilities, otherwise the entire northern guard station will face reorganization. Master Liao, when the time comes There will be so many people who hate you, understand?"

Liao Dongchang bowed and said, "Yes, I will go back to prepare immediately when I get down."

"Separate manpower and guard Haiyan Gate!"

In front of Liao Dongchang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing directly ordered without giving face.


In the camp, Lin San trembled and told him about the killing of five officers and soldiers. Fang Xing said indifferently, "Those are not officers and soldiers. I have something here. I wonder if you would like to do it?"

Lin San was exhausted physically and mentally. He hesitated after hearing the words, but Tang Saier responded without hesitation.

"I have a letter here. Just send it to the Xingyi Inn in Jinan Fucheng, find a person named Mao Wei, and give the letter to him, and the matter will be over. I will definitely give you an explanation later."

Tang Saier answered right away, "Uncle, don't worry, it's just that the guide is a bit troublesome."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Someone on my side will make it. You can just wait a moment."

Forging the guide is not a problem for Fang Xing, who has come prepared, and even Wang He personally supervises and makes some comments from time to time.

After the guide was completed, Fang Xing took out some treasured notes and gave them to Lin San: "Go early and return early. Don't be afraid of any danger on the road. It is mine to kill someone."

Tang Saier's face flushed, and she felt a kind of sacredness when she participated in this kind of thing for the first time.

Fang Xing couldn't help but shook his head and laughed as he sent off the couple: the future anti-thief is actually doing things for himself, the fate is really amazing!

"Old Qi, send a scout, and immediately send my memorial to the capital."

Xin Laoqi responded, took an envelope, and went out to make arrangements.

Wang He couldn't help but praised: "Xing He Bo does not leak anything, even if the couple repents or is in danger, they will not be able to delay major events."

Fang Xing said lightly: "I never dare to put everyone's safety in the hands of others, tomorrow! Tomorrow will be a decisive day, and all parties will move."

Wang He was annoyed and said, "I knew how dangerous it was, and we should have brought the entire Jubaoshan Guards over at that time, so what else is our family afraid of?"

"Now we have to wait for your majesty's reply!"

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