Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1043: Intrigue

"He sent someone back to Beijing to report a letter?"

"Yes, sir, two groups of people, are you going to intercept and kill?"

"Kill ass! That person knows how to use soldiers, who knows if he has a dark hand! If he wants to use this matter to lead us, wouldn't he just throw himself into the trap? No matter, this matter has Xie Yifan as a scapegoat, let us It’s just that, those big guys will naturally worry about it. x is updated fastest"


It was lunch time, Wang He thought about it, and personally took someone to inspect the grain sent by Qingzhou.

"You can see clearly, don't want to be poisoned, everyone in the camp has turned over the drug!"

Wu Yue was also more concerned about this, and he took bags of grain to open it, and then inspected it.

"Get some chickens and ducks to try."

I bought the chicken and duck. Seeing that the flour entered the belly of the chicken and duck, there was no response. Wu Yue was so hungry that he shouted, "Go cook, eat noodles at noon, and remember to have more garlic!"

Wang He entangled and said: "Old Wu, wait a while, wait a bit longer? Our family remembers that when we were in the palace, the poison that the seniors had can only come out for several days!"

Wu Yue squinted at him and said, "I supervise the army, isn't that kind of poison cheap?"

Wang He tilted his head back and exaggeratedly surprised: "Of course it is not cheap. Our family estimates that it should be more expensive than gold."

Wu Yue vomited blood and shouted: "Go cook, go quickly!"

After people came in to carry the grain, seeing Wang He's face looked unsightly, Wu Yue pulled him out and whispered: "My supervising army! That poison is so expensive. How much?"

Wu Yue thought about it, too, feeling that he was conspiring everything and it was boring, so he muttered: "Our family was..."

"Back then, you were the one who was slapped on the shoulder by your majesty. I see, let's go and see Haiyan Gate."


Behind the Haiyan Gate, one side is the government office and the county government, and the other is the granary, so Fang Xing's determination to control this place is clear.

Standing on the head of the city, you can see the scenery inside the palace and other places as well.

"Xing, people suffer, die, people suffer, I guess half of those granaries would be good."

Fang Xing looked at with holding hands, suddenly felt a little tired.

This Da Ming's corrupt official is always killing him. I don't know what Zhu Di thinks, but he is probably very helpless.

If you do not consider practical issues, Zhu Di probably wants to kill half of the existing civil officials, and the remaining half will immediately become the most incorruptible officials in the world.

"Master, someone is coming."

Without being reminded by Xin Laoqi, Fang Xing also saw Chen Yuan who was climbing up the stairs.

The sun was so warm, but after Chen Yuan climbed up, the sweat on his face wetted his beard, showing the difference in his body.

"I have seen Xing He Bo."

Chen Yuan wiped his sweat with his sleeves, turned around and looked at the city like Fang Xing, and said with emotion: "Back when the official came to Qingzhou Mansion, King Qi was still there. Later King Qi tossed and the next official escaped. He didn't take over as the prefect until the year before last. It's difficult!"

Fang Xing leaned against the wall and said casually: "Then Mr. Chen is an old Qingzhou!"


"Then Master Chen thinks of Qingzhou's future?"


Chen Yuan sighed: "It seems that this year is likely to be a drought. If the sea ban is enforced like the Taizhou government, and the canned food can be produced, then the people of Qingzhou can live a good life too!"

"The idea is good, but it will take time. This year there must be a drought, but Ben Bo did not see the government organizing the people to dig wells to transport water, why?"

"Uh..." Chen Yuan said embarrassedly: "There is no money! In the past few years, the job here was so ruthless, the people didn't dare to go when they heard that the government came forward."

"Credibility! Interesting!"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Beijing is exchanging treasures, and Ben can’t stay for long, so Mr. Chen had better move faster. Before leaving, Ben hopes to see that the people have been organized and rescued! Otherwise, Ben will be bound to return to Beijing. Will impeach you!"

Chen Yuan sighed and wanted to explain, but Fang Xing categorically said, "There is no bathing water here, and Ben doesn't want to stay. Whether Qingzhou Mansion is good or bad has nothing to do with Ben, but when your Majesty asked him, Ben would not. shelter."

Chen Yuan bowed and said, "Thank you, uncle for mentioning it, and I will prepare for it when you are in office."

When Wang He and Wu Yue came up, they rubbed shoulders with Chen Yuan.

On the top of the city, Wang He shook his head and said: "This Chen Yuan looks like a deep city, but how long are we going to stay here?"

The next few sergeants came up with the food box, and when they opened it, the noodles were hot.

A few people sat on the city’s head and started eating. Wang He also learned how to eat. He first peeled seven or eight cloves of garlic, and then took a bite of noodles and garlic, plus the chili in the noodles. The spicy mouth couldn't close.

Seeing Wu Yue putting garlic in the noodles, Fang Xing shook his head: "Eating garlic is to have the spicy flavor. You might as well not eat it."

Wu Yue smiled. He doesn't eat spicy food very much, so he's an outlier.

Fang Xing put the big bowl on the ground, holding a garlic clove in his left hand, and said, "When will I go back, I will see you tomorrow."


The night in Qingzhou is very beautiful, the night sky is full of stars, and a few dark shadows quietly touched into the palace.

Fang Xing was drinking, in the house.

"Master, those people must have seen you."

The knife was lying in the room, searching the surrounding spies with the telescope~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing took a sip of wine, grabbed a bag of marinated chicken legs and took a bite, feeling greasy.

"The rest is yours."

Fang Xing gave the remaining chicken legs to the knife, and then, holding the wine glass, looked at the direction of the palace.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Xing felt that his buttocks were numb, but the knife didn't move, but there were a few more chicken bones around him.

"Master, the prison army is here."

Wang He's walking posture is unique, and he can be known only by looking at his movements.

"Xing He Bo, news is coming from Beijing."

"Come on."

It's not that Fang Xing puts on airs, but he has to stay in the house, at least he can't leave until Fang Wu and others come back.

Wang He climbed up the ladder and handed the letter to Fang Xing. Then, sniffing the smell, he reached out and lifted the jar.

"Good wine!"

Some sour rice wine was quite appetizing to Wang He, but unfortunately there was no wine.

Fang Xing grabbed a handful of peanuts and gave him a handful of peanuts, then turned the candle back to read the letter.

The letter was sent by Zhu Zhanji and it went smoothly.

After copying dozens of people who exchanged large amounts of silver, the treasure exchange gradually subsided, with more than one thousand taels of silver a day. Xia Yuanji was very excited and was ready to start in Jinling.

"too early!"

This time Beiping seemed to have been settled, but that was because Zhu Di was in charge.

But Jinling is different. The wealthy south has a huge amount of treasures held by the people. Once there is a chance to exchange it, it is estimated that it will be fried.

Looking at the back, Fang Xing's eyes shrank suddenly, and then he burned the letter on the candle.

Fang Xing blew out the candles and stood up and said, "Hurry up and deal with this side, I will play your Majesty right away. When we are done here, let's go to Jinling."

"Go to Jinling?"

Wang He said depressed: "It must be by boat, our family has lost weight again."


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