Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1062: Celebrity

From the initial run on the exchange of precious banknotes to silver, the whole thing has been a twists and turns.

At first, someone instigated a run, and the Jinling Household Department was precarious.

Then Houyingzhou's silver boat docked, breaking the layout of those conspirators in one fell swoop.


"In the end, of course, I have to settle accounts after Autumn!"

In a manor in Jinling, a small river flows through Zhuangzi, and a lake extends on the side.

The cool breeze blew the lake, and the lotus leaves moved slightly.

Two men were boating on the lake, one with wide-sleeved shirts, with the demeanor of a celebrity in the Wei and Jin dynasties; while the other had a pink flower in the head, which set off the white jade-like face exceptionally well.

"Brother Yancheng." The middle-aged man with a white face smiled slightly and said: "Then Fang Xing underestimated my people from Jiangnan and thought he was proud, so he should be punished!"

Brother Yancheng, who was sitting across from him, had a flushed face, and his clothes were very large. He looked empty, but he pulled his chest from time to time, which seemed very stuffy.

"Virtuous brother." Brother Yancheng shook the folding fan in his hand and looked at the handsome, he stroked his beard: "That man is just a martial artist. You see, his so-called science is related to craftsmen. These people steal the temple. Do you really think I am no one?"

The white-faced man smiled and said, "Thinking that Zhang Mao, who was out of the examination room, I vowed not to take one step further in this life. Now it has been seven years, and I have lived in Jiangnan for a long time, but I have some meaning to look at the world with a cold eye. Moving the capital."

The man with wide sleeves is called Wen Fang, and his words are honest. He opened his chest, the cool breeze blew, and sighed yin comfortably, and then said: "If the South had bowed its head to your Majesty back then, there was still a chance to save the capital. Now it's too late to say anything, you can only see the prince. I mean it after enthroning, but I'm pretty sure about it."

Zhang Mao smiled slightly, Fengshen Junxiu: "Brother Yancheng has the way to progress?"

Wen Fang smiled and said, "Exactly, someone said a few words next to the prince. Brother Yu may be lucky enough in the future."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Mao laughed long, with a clear voice, which made the punting boat girl drunk, and the boat shook a few times when he moved his hand.

"Stop it!"

Zhang Mao stretched out his hand to hold on to the side, changing his color and shouted.

After the ship stabilized, Zhang Mao seemed indifferent and said, "Brother Yancheng has a grudge against the younger brother?"

Wen Fang was surprised: "Why did you say this?"

Zhang Mao stretched out his hand to wipe the tea that was spilled on the small table just now, and said casually: "Brother Yancheng, you love the advancement of the Jin Dynasty and yearn for a famous person in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. He is proud of Jiangnan. Is it because you feel that the younger brother is unbearable?"

Wen Fang sighed: "The prince is sinister, I want to find the way first for my brother. If it can be done, then he will naturally recruit good brothers."

Zhang Mao smiled, and said, "The little brother is waiting for the good news from Brother Yancheng."

Wen Fang shook his head and said, "But that's not easy, it depends on the timing."

Probably not wanting to be entangled in this topic, Wen Fang replied: "Did you give Wei Guogong an idea?"

Zhang Mao's eyes faded, and he said, "How could I give him an idea, but I mentioned a few previous examples when chatting with his staff. There are many examples in the former Tang and Song Dynasty! The criminal minister must have one. In posture, there must be a step between the monarch and the minister. It is not only kind, but also a distance. Too close is a minister, and too far away is resentment. The scale here is not easy to control!"

Wen Fang smiled freely and easily: "You are alert, and Fang Xing claims to be magnanimous. If he notices your role in it, brothers must persuade you to quickly become a monk in order to avoid misfortune."

As the boat drew ashore slowly, Zhang Mao narrowed his eyes and said: "My younger brother is naturally cautious. Although scholars of my generation have to be brave and diligent and not afraid of power, they still have to stay useful and wait for the opportunity to contribute to the country! "


"Wei Guogong was killed by someone!"

In a wine shop, more than a dozen men were drinking bad wine, and there was no food to go with.

A blushing man was holding a wine bowl, stepping on the bench, and said triumphantly: "I saw it just now, then Wei Guogong went out and fell suddenly, oh hey! He fell straight! It’s the kind of wrestling that happens when people get fainted, and they just throw their face into a pig...Uh! It's a big pie! And it seems that the hand has also broken."

"Ah! That's Wei Guogong! Who did it?"

The man squinted at him, then took a sip of the wine, wiped his mouth, and said, "Who knows, but Xing He Bo is inside."

"Uncle Xing and Uncle? That's a cruel person. Zheng Heng was so angry that he was alive. The Zheng family was completely ruined. It's just that Wei Guogong is the first honorable member of the Ming Dynasty. He... he dare not?"

The man put down the wine bowl and raised his eyebrows: "This time I exchanged silver, I guess Wei Guogong should have taken the shot, so I said he was going to plead guilty, but..."

"Don't talk about national affairs, everyone, don't talk about national affairs!"

At this time, the shopkeeper came out and heard it, and hurriedly came over to persuade: "In the past few days, we will arrest people every day. Let's talk about things in the streets and alleys. Don't attract people at that time and give us a pot."

The man laughed and said: "It's okay if you don't say it, the shopkeeper, give some beans to drink."

The shopkeeper hurriedly replied: "Okay! It's all old customers, why would I be reluctant to bear things? Sit down and wait."

This kind of shop, the shopkeeper is the buddy.

After the shopkeeper left, the man said with a mysterious face: "I guess His Highness is also inside."

Someone looked at the door, and then whispered: "That's for sure. Your Highness is not inside. Who will Wei Guogong go to ask for?"

A timid one got up and muttered: "You said yours, but I didn't hear anything. I'm leaving."


Xu Qin was carried inside, and the doctor arrived immediately, and was shocked when he saw Xu Qin's face.

"His Majesty, the bridge of the nose is broken, and the left hand is not broken. I guess it was stretched. The rest are minor injuries, which will heal soon after taking the medicine."

After the examination, the doctor found it strange that Wei Guogong Xu Qin was supposed to be a family of military generals, but he would actually fall like this, like a drunk numb, and no reaction at all.

With a sneer on Zhu Zhanji's face, he said: "Then take the medicine, be careful, otherwise who is the poison?"

The doctor was frightened to his knees, "His Royal Highness, the youngest dare not!"

Fang Xing saw that Xu Qin was still in a coma, and said: "His Royal Highness is just being cautious. You take medicine. Also, can you see why Wei Guogong is in a coma?"

The doctor's expression changed, and Dui smiled and said, "Uncle, the young ones are only good at trauma.

It is best not to mix up matters between the nobles and ordinary people.

Fang Xing shook his head: "Go yourself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jia Quan led the doctor out. Fang Xing looked at Xu Qin lying on the door panel, and smiled: "Wei Guogong really can stretch, bend, and endure. , I changed my words, I must not dare to fall like this, it hurts too much. "

Zhu Zhanji stood up and said, "Send him back, and I will write memorials right away. Xunqi has to ask Grandpa Emperor to take care of him."


Fang Xing gave Zhu Zhanji a thumbs up.

Xunqi is the backbone of the country and the target of many people.

At best, other people's wooing is unpredictable, but if Zhu Zhanji goes to woo him, the nature will be different.

-Can't wait! Its heart is punishable!

So a door carried Xu Qin out. I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, no one thought of sending it back in a carriage.

So just swaggering all the way, everyone in Jinling City knew.

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