Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1063: Overwhelming

Wei Guogong Xu Qin was poisoned!

Is this news breaking news?

If you think it’s not crazy enough, then there is another news.

-Huang Taisun and Xinghe Bo were present at that time!

Conspiracy theories floated over Jinling, Fang Xing took to the street, and a team of sergeants followed, like a dude.

First fresh welcomed the patron's visit today, and Fang Shixi greeted people downstairs with a red face.

Fang Xing glanced at Fang Eleven, who had a big belly, and smiled: "You're a stalwart, and now you have become a fat man."

Fang Shixi smiled and said, "Don't say anything, the little one goes into the kitchen every day for inspections. In the past few years, people have become fatter. The daughter-in-law at home dislikes it every day. The bed in the house is changed every day, just for fear of collapse. ."

Fang Xing smiled, and then said, "Is the guest I invited here?"

Fang Shixi said solemnly: "It's already here, but the two of them are a little arrogant, so the younger one left it to dry."

Fang Xing nodded: "It doesn't matter, it won't be a friend anyway."

On the second floor, Zhang Mao and Wen Fang have been aired for half an hour. Zhang Mao can still sit calmly and close his eyes to rest, but Wen Fang can't bear it anymore, his chest is torn apart, and he is moving around the room with anger. .

After a few laps, Wen Fang said angrily: "I'm hot wine!"

The guy standing at the door was still in a daze.

Zhang Mao frowned and said, "Brother Yancheng wants to take it loose?"

Wen Fang nodded and said irritably: "The hour has not arrived, just because my brother is upset, I want to take a serving, but I need hot wine and cold rice."

Zhang Mao shook his head. He would not mess with the hobby of Wu Shi San.

"Brother Yancheng should be patient, that person should be coming soon."

Wen Fang said with an aura: "The person invited first, but the person hasn't arrived yet. Is this scientific cultivation?"

Zhang Mao was about to echo a few sentences, but when he heard the footsteps, his face was full, and he coughed to remind Wen Fang.

Wen Fang snorted coldly, then turned and looked at the door of the room.

Fang Xing appeared like a neighbor, smiling.

Squeezing his hands, Fang Xing said very kindly: "His Royal Highness Taisun was still talking about two people, he is late, Fangmou is late, please sit down."

Wen Fang was stunned, and then involuntarily went back and sat down, forgetting all the five stones.

"It's Mr. Zhang Mao? Fang has been well-known for a long time. Seeing this, he really deserves his name."

Like a spring breeze!

Zhang Mao felt like a spring breeze.

"You two can swim the lake happily today? It's a pity that Fang has a lot of things and can't join hands in the same tour. It's a pity!"

Fang Xing sat down with a smile, and then asked, "I heard that Wei Guogong was poisoned? It's really shocking!"

Wen Fang only felt that a wave of anger was surging in his chest. He tore some of his mind and said: "Xing He Bo, Wei Guogong is a honourable person. His ancestors have made great contributions to Daming!"

Damn Nima!

What Zhang Mao regrets most now is that he knows this guy who babbles/Wishishan, aren't you insinuating Zhu Zhanji's murder of Xu Qin?

"Yes! King Sun Yat-sen made great contributions to Daming in the past, and he can be called the number one hero of Daming. Without him, let alone Daming, Taizu..."

"Uncle, the student is wrong, wrong!"

Wen Fang still stared at Fang Xing with his bloodshot eyes, and Zhang Mao quickly apologized.

Going on, Daming guessed that he would be killed by the Xu family, and then...

"is it wrong?"

Fang Xing’s complexion changed abruptly, and he glanced at Wen Fang coldly: “I heard that you were acting slutty, and you would go crazy if you licked five stones, and by the way, you were in estrus. Why, today, in front of Ben, you have to come here and fail. ?"

Guo Ben and estrus are one of the side functions of Nai/Wushi San, so they are deeply loved by those zealots in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Wen Fang wanted to scold him habitually, but he finally sat back under Fang Xing's cold gaze.

After sitting down, the two exchanged glances, not knowing why Fang Xing found him.

Fang Xing tapped his fingers on the table and said lightly: "I heard that the two have a lot of friendship with Wei Guogong, Fang Mou has something to say."

Wen Fang's face turned pale, Zhang Maogan said with a smile: "There must be someone spreading rumors, uncle misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding is best."

Fang Xing said: "Wei Guogong secretly planned a run of silver has already happened. Who will poison him? Will he kill him? Or is there something wrong with his brain?"

After looking at these two people, Fang Xing smiled: "This matter must have been planned secretly. What do you think if Ben uncle raises a big case? Oh! Someone must be worried that your majesty will be angry with your majesty, but those People have forgotten that His Royal Highness is the prince taught by His Majesty. Provoking divorce will only cause people to make a gimmick and cause trouble to the upper body. Do you think so?"

Wen Fang Qiqi Ai Ai said: "Uncle's words are so kind, and the students admire it."

Zhang Mao also squeezed out a smile and said, "Uncle's move will surely deter those conspirators who are hiding in the dark. Jinling will be in peace from now on!"

Fang Xing got up and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the two are really famous in the south of the Yangtze River, but unfortunately they didn't go to official positions. There are two talents who are missing from the DPRK, so there is a lot of leisure!"

Wen Fang and Zhang Mao also stood up, smiling and preparing to send Fang Xing out, but UU Reading www.uukanshu.com forgot that they were just a guest.

Fang Xing's eyes were slightly cold, "At present, the atmosphere in Jinling is not very good. Listening to the wind is rain, and rumors will be spread at every turn. If those field mice do not constrain, Ben Bo will naturally not be stingy to catch more people. After all, Daming is conquering Burma. No one is missing!"

Zhang Mao's cheeks trembled slightly and he nodded and said, "It is, those people deserve to die, and the students will naturally draw a clear line with them."

Wen Fang's body trembled a little, and when Fang Xing's gaze turned around, he hurriedly said: "Those field rats are shameless things, and the students must fight against them! Let them know!"

A smile appeared on Fang Xing's face, very kind.

"You are good, work hard! Ben is optimistic about you!"

Fang Xing left with a smile, leaving two celebrities sweating profusely.

"He found it! He must have found it!"

Wen Fang's body suddenly loosened, and then he leaned against the door tiredly.

Zhang Mao probed out to look around, and then said: "He is just guessing, if he knows what we are doing, then he will not meet in No.1, but at the Ministry of Justice or Jin Yiwei."

Wen Fang's confused brain cleared up a bit, and he pondered: "But even so, he suspects that he has gone to us, and today's meeting is only admonishing us, by the way, let us take the initiative to explain the matter outside."

Zhang Mao regretfully said: "Wei Guogong is already a mud that can't support the wall. What we say will not help the overall situation."

Xu Qin was lying on the big bed at home. Yingying and Yanyan had just been driven away by the bed. Only one man was talking.

"Duke Guo, there are rumors...that you are manipulating the cash run behind your back, and then you want to frame...His Royal Highness."

Xu Qin listened numbly, without the anger that the man expected.

For a long time, Xu Qin sat up with difficulty, and said lightly, "Get pen and ink."

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