Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1072: There are no officials who don’t want to be greedy, there are only systems that

Thanks to the book friend: "Elegant Pig Hair" rewards!


Although the summer in Beiping is better than in the south, it is not much better.

The temperature hasn't reached the highest point, and this is just a trivial matter to Zheng He, who has been on the sea all year round.

Followed by Xu Qin, who looked bored, Zheng He entered the hall.

"Your Majesty, the minister is back."

Zheng He has the confidence to claim to be a minister in front of Zhu Di. After saluting, he got up and said with his head up and said: "Your Majesty, the minister will **** the envoys of various countries back to the country. Down to the head of Guizhou, everyone respects like gods. As soon as your majesty's will came out, the people cheered and shook the world! Minister, congratulate your majesty, and minister, congratulate Daming!"

Although it was an eunuch, Zheng He's voice was sonorous and powerful, echoing in the hall with the sound of gold and stone.

——Wherever Xuan Huo goes, the foreign nations go up to the king, down to the head of Gui, and they are all respected as gods!

This is the power of Daming's national power!

This is the magnificent martial arts of the Han people!

Zhu Di's breathing was a little bit short, his face flushed a bit. He turned his eyes and saw that many of the courtiers reacted in the same way, some even clenched their fists and couldn't be excited by themselves.

The country is so powerful, how can we not be excited!

Zhu Di's eyes dimmed, because he saw that some of the officials were smiling forcibly, obviously disapproving of such achievements.

These are officials who are dissatisfied with the expansion of Ming's power. They only hope to close the country's door, just like in the Hongwu period. Everyone stays in the Central Plains and plays whatever they want.

As for the treasure ship, it's best to burn it all in one fire.

It's best to make a rule: whoever dares to raise the sea from now on will be a vassal, and everyone will be punishable!

There were some thoughts in Zhu Di's heart, and he was less intent on killing Shan/Dong.

These officials represent the opinions of a considerable number of literati and should not be ignored!

"Your Majesty, the messengers have been settled, and the tributes, spices, gold and silver and other officials have been handed over to the household department. Please leave!"

Zhu Di nodded. As for Zheng He's reward, naturally it will be done later.

It was a cheerful atmosphere, but it became a bit stagnant as Zheng He left.

Zhu Di said solemnly: "I don't care about the Huhu, how about Shan/Dong?"

You like to stay behind closed doors, then I will expose your scars!

Sure enough, the civilian officials said they didn't want to mention this matter, and they all fell silent.

Yang Shiqi went to the mountain/east town, Yang Rong went out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, the grain has been transported into the mountain/east. Mr. Yang is organizing the people to build water conservancy projects, so as to protect the mountain/dong from going out of harvest this year."

Want to change the subject?

Zhu Di said with a cold face: "I am asking those officials!"

Yang Rong said bitterly: "Your Majesty, all have pleaded guilty. It's just that Xing Hebo's methods have been used a bit, and two of them were scared crazy."

Zhu Di shook his head: "That was the result of Jin Yiwei's interrogation. This generation can't assist the emperor, and can't appease Li Shu, but he is as timid as a mouse, a gentle scum!"

The ministers are silent, Shan/Dong has collapsed corruption this time, is it that North Korea is not responsible?

Think about the censor who went to inspect, think about the official department, think about the household department.

Xia Yuanji went out and said: "Your Majesty, the minister of the Shan/East affairs is guilty, and the minister feels that thereafter he should send more princes... more people will be sent to patrol to prevent the slightest failure. Xing Hebo once said with the minister, the minister feels very Interesting, share with you today."

That Fang wakes up...

Zhu Di was satisfied to see all the officials frowning.

It is luck to have such a copper pea-like courtier. If there is no Fang Xing, the situation in this court is like a pool of stagnant water. Only when the emperor personally promotes it, can there be such a little vitality.

Xia Yuan Jilang said: "It will only become a joke to count on the officials to cultivate a righteous spirit to fulfill their duties. There are countless examples in front of Daming. Unconstrained officials can do amazing things. Those officials are corrupt. The methods will become more and more secretive, so the monitoring system must keep pace with the times."

"There are no officials who don't want to be greedy, there are only systems that can't be greedy!"

When Xia Yuanji finished speaking, he bowed and saluted, and then went back to class silently.

"There are no officials who don't want to be greedy, there are only systems that can't be greedy...interesting!"

Zhu Di nodded, his eyes turned cold, and squinted his eyes: "All officials involved in the mountain/east area will be punished severely and killed! I need at least a hundred heads! I think the latecomers are admonishing!"

The aching officials who had just been slapped in the face by Xia Yuanji's words were all stunned.

"His Majesty……"

Jin Youzi was out of work, just about to intercede, but saw Zhu Di's murderous eyes, and immediately couldn't say anything below.


The place where state affairs were discussed instantly lost peace, and the officials were silent.

Zhu Di got up, looked up at the top, closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes, and said faintly: "If you want to get rich, then go for business, if you want to be an official, then take control of your hand and don't stretch it out. , My swords and guns have not yet been returned to the treasury, they are still sharp!"

The group of officials dispersed, Xia Yuanji was squeezed out from behind, and his side was empty, as if he was a bug, and his whole body exuded a disgusting smell.

The crowds in the lower dynasty were surging, but they seemed to have touched the reef in front and detoured one after another.

In the crowd, a white hair looked so dazzling in the sun. After seeing Xia Yuanji, the open smile made the wrinkles on his face look like the dry and cracked bark, long and old.

Xia Yuanji's eyes were hot, and he arched his hands forward: "Master Jin."

Jin Zhong smiled, slapped Xia Yuanji's shoulder, and said loudly: "What are you afraid of! Officials have righteousness in their hearts. This is a good thing. Only those guys who fly all day long will use their gloomy hearts to think about you, you At the end of the trip, naturally you are not afraid, even if others exclude you, but the old man is still there, as long as the old man is not dead, you will not be alone!"

After Jin Zhong looked around for a week, Yang Rong who was preparing to come over was a little embarrassed~www.wuxiaspot.com~Hahahaha! "

Jin Zhong couldn't help laughing, his voice was so loud that the officials who heard what he said before shook their heads and walked away, not wanting to compete with this old guy.

Zhu Di received the secret report. He shook his head and said: "Jin Zhong serves the emperor with sincerity, and his heart is open. With this model of hundreds of officials, I sometimes want to see him go crazy. It must be very interesting."

Sun Xiang bowed his head silently, this is not something he can evaluate.

Zhu Di waved his hand, and after Sun Xiang left, he asked someone to bring Xu Qin over.

Xu Qin's appearance was ‘disheartened’, he knelt on the ground without saying a word or apologizing.

Zhu Di just looked at him coldly, and asked for a long time: "Did you say anything?"

Xu Qin raised his head slightly, shook his head and said: "The minister's crime is unforgivable, please go down to the majesty."

This was brushing a bachelor, Zhu Di couldn't help but smile, got up and walked around Xu Qin, and suddenly kicked him on the shoulder.

Xu Qin was caught off guard, and rolled on the ground a few times before getting up and kneeling again, his body trembling slightly.


Zhu Di trembled all over, pointing at Xu Qin and cursed: "You beast! What a big deal is the exchange of treasures for silver, you can actually...you dare to stretch out your hand? Daming keeps you waiting for honors, high officials are generous. , Field Mansion, how did you return it?"

Xu Qin drooped his head and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the sins of the ministers are unforgivable."

Zhu Di shook his head and took a deep breath, "You are unforgivable. The first time I heard that you were making trouble in it, I wish I could break your corpse!"

Xu Qin still said: "Your Majesty, the crimes of the ministers are unforgivable."

Zhu Di said coldly: "Come here!"

Wang Fusheng, who flew to the capital, arrived yesterday, and came in.

Zhu Di turned around and said with his hand: "Wei Guogong rebelled against me and ordered to go back to the mansion to ban the foot...Stop the money and food of Wei Guogong's mansion!"

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