Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: Shit sage child

Thanks to the book friend: the leader of "Weapon Line 01" is a reward. Because the time is too tight today, we can't add more. We will add it tomorrow. Hope for your understanding!


"It's better to be Beiping!"

Seeing the city of Beiping, Wang He touched his face and exclaimed: "Our family's face has shed skin, Xinghe Bo, you have to talk to your Majesty about our family's hard work."

Although Fang Xing's face hadn't shed its skin, it was also tanned. He suppressed the eagerness to go home, nodded and said: "Okay, be sure to let Your Majesty pat your shoulder again."

Wang He looked tangled, thinking about whether Fang Xing's suggestion was reliable, Fang Xing had already laughed and rushed towards Beiping City.


"Uncle Xing, your majesty said, let you go home."

Fang Xing was waiting for the communication, but he didn't expect this to be the result. He said in disbelief: "This is impossible! Fang has many things to tell his Majesty."

The **** who came to pass the message said with a stern face: "This is the original word of your majesty, Xing He Bo respects himself!"

Respect your sister!

The **** didn't recognize him, he looked around, and said angrily: "I'll go home when I go home, I'm so eager!"

The **** smiled triumphantly when he saw Fang Xing go away angrily. But when Fang Xing suddenly turned a corner and went to the left, the smile on his face condensed, then he cocked his mouth yinly and turned back.


"Your Majesty, Xing He Bo went to the Prince's side."

Zhu Di was looking at the map while wearing reading glasses, checking with the memorial in his hand from time to time. Hearing this, he said faintly: "The vertical man must be angrily, right?"

The **** who went to spread the word wanted to say that Fang Xing had grievances, but the **** who was killed in the front was warning him to be careful in front of the emperor, otherwise he would be the next one.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhu Di took off the reading glasses, rubbed his eyes and said: "No matter, he must be a little confused, but the prince can help me beat them."


After the **** went out, he looked around and disappeared.


"Are you Uncle Xinghe?"

Liang Zhong blinked, stopped Wanwan, then looked at the dark guy in front of him and asked.

Wanwan was stopped behind, and she blinked her eyes to look at it, and then shouted: "He is just Fang Xing, get out of here!"

Fang Xing grinned, and under the dark skin, the teeth looked extraordinarily white: "Sure enough, the princess has good eyesight, Lao Liang, if you have a new one, forget the old one! Not kind!"

Liang Zhong smiled and said: "Our family has recognized it a long time ago, but you are so dark, you will scare people if you rush in!"

Fang Xing looked at Wanwan with her big blinking eyes, reaching out to touch the top of her head, but hesitated. Immediately, disappointment flashed in Wanwan's eyes, and Fang Xing couldn't help but smile, then rubbed the top of her head and said, "Wanwan is okay?"

Wanwan said with joy: "Wanwan is good! I go to accompany Grandpa Emperor every day for dinner."

Fang Xing and Liang Zhong smiled, and then asked, "Did you go to the garden to make a fire?"

Wanwan became angry and pursed her mouth: "Wanwan is not a child, she doesn't make a fire!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Okay, Wanwan is not a kid anymore, and when I go to see your Royal Highness, I will invite you to play at home again."


Wanwan was deeply loved by Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Di. She could almost walk sideways in the palace, but she was very well-behaved, which made many people find no place to attack her.

So some people started to talk gossip, to say that people are big and small, and they have learned to flattery at a young age...

There are no real friends in the palace!


Zhu Gaochi seemed to be a bit fatter again. When he saw Fang Xing, he was happy and smiled: "Are you exposed to the sun?"

Fang Xing said melancholy: "His Royal Highness, it's not easy for this road minister to leave the soldiers and ride the carriage, so he came all the way."

Fang Xing talked about the situation in Jinling and Qingzhou. Zhu Gaochi's expression was calm and he was obviously very clear about the situation. Of course Zhu Di knows too, so...

Zhu Gaochi smiled and said: "You have handled the Qingzhou incident well. Although there are some flaws, the flaws do not cover up."

Fang Xing was a little guilty, he was worried about whether Tang Saier's affairs would be known by Zhu Di and his sons.

Seeing Fang Xing feel a little restless, Zhu Gaochi's eyes flashed playful, and then he said in a deep voice: "The wall on the Qufu side has fallen."

Fang Xing rolled his eyes, but Old Zhu hinted that I did it!

"His Royal Highness, Master Yang is here."

Uh! Yang Rong? What is he doing?

Zhu Gaochi's face stiffened. This was his father's worry, worried that he was fooled by Fang Xing, so he sent Yang Rong to assist.

Yang Rong and Fang Xing sat facing each other, and Zhu Gaochi coughed dryly: "Um... There are three people with broken legs in Qufu. Even if they are cured, they are lame. This is too much."

Fang Xing said innocently: "His Royal Highness, the ministers have already heard about the matter, and they all said it was a scourge."


This person is too tired and lazy, and Zhu Gaochi thinks Yang Ronglai is really good!

Yang Rong said: "Xing He Bo, one of them is the heir. Qufu has already been rioted, and some people have speculated that you did it."

Fang Xingtan said helplessly: "I really don't know about this. The family in Qufu is just below your majesty. How dare I mess with his family."

Yang Rong knew his mission, but he didn't expect that Fang Xing would not only deny it, but also shame the family.

You can move anyone in this world, even if you change the dynasty, but the family can't move!

Yang Rong said with a face: "Xing He Bo, don't be silly."

Fang Xing’s expression became cold, and he said indifferently, “Isn’t it? Mr. Yang, the figure of that family is looming in the exchange of silver in Peiping, and the Shan/Dong corruption case is also involved. I dare to ask Mr. Yang, that’s it. Such a family, such as peace is the sky! How can such a family serve ten thousand..."

"Xing He Bo!"

Yang Rong abruptly interrupted Fang Xing's words, and said with a gloomy expression: "Uncle Xinghe, it doesn't matter if we don't mention this!"

"Why can't you mention it?"

Fang Xing's body leaned back slightly and said with a sneer: "Just because his home is the holy place in your heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you have to maintain it in every possible way and turn a blind eye to those nasty things?"

Yang Rong is indifferent, this is the bottom line of the Confucian children. Whoever dares to touch this bottom line, even if you are the emperor, even if you are the hero, will be torn to pieces!

Fang Xing got up, looked at the exquisite decorations in the hall, and said faintly: "His Royal Highness, what the ministers saw in Qingzhou were hungry and die, and what they saw were those gentry and officials carnival, cheers shook the sky!"

"Why are they cheering? Because they have harvested the flesh and blood of a group of people! Unscrupulous!"

Fang Xing's breathing was a bit short, and his eyes were full of anger: "What **** saints! What are the saints doing when the people are waiting to starve to death in bed?"

Yang Rong gritted his teeth and looked at Fang Xing with cold eyes.

Zhu Gaochi held Yu Ruyi, what could bring him cold things in the past, but at this time there was only anger!

Fang Xing ignored him, "Master Yang, do you know what a child who is hungry for a long time is like? Big head."

Fang Xing drew the appearance of a big ball with his hands, his chest undulating sharply.

"And a big belly, just like a pregnant woman!"

"Those kids don't dare to move all day, why? Because they consume more food when they move, and what is their food?"

Fang Xing waved his hands and said angrily: "Their food is bark and grass roots! But these things are not enough to eat! Not enough to eat!"

Zhu Gaochi looked at Fang Xing stupidly, he no longer counted on Yang Rong, because he saw Yang Rong...

Yang Rong closed his eyes in pain, and a tear slipped from the corner of his eyes.

"Where is the food that should be used for disaster relief?"

Fang Xing blinked quickly, his lips squirmed, and choked up: "It's all gone to the hands of the saint children. They would rather take the food to feed the mice than to save the people!"

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