Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1079: Are waiting for the old lion king to die

Zhu Gaochi had a lot of political affairs, but when he heard Liang Zhong's report that Fang Xing had come with potatoes, he still put down the matter in his hands.

"Let them in."

After seeing the potatoes, Zhu Gaochi immediately became a ‘kindly’ grandfather, and one after another made people send snacks.

Listening to the names of those dim sums, Fang Xing, who is a little spy, knew that the prince was looking for an excuse to eat again.

Liang Zhong obviously knew this too, so he went to ask for a snack in person.

As etiquette, Zhu Gaochi smiled and said, "Do you want to go find Wanwan to play with potatoes?"

Tudou nodded, and the court lady came and led him out.


Tudou looked at Fang Xing, and he followed after Fang Xing nodded.

"It's a well-behaved child."

There was something in Zhu Gaochi's words, and Fang Xing folded his hands: "His Royal Highness, the minister was reckless the day before yesterday."

It was Zhu Gaochi the day before yesterday, and he woke up and went to jail for another person.

So Fang Xing felt a little guilty of bullying good old people, and he didn't come to apologize specially with potatoes.

Zhu Gaochi snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for your innocent heart, a board meal the day before yesterday would be inevitable!"

"Your courage is too big. You dare to go to the Sage’s Mansion to break the ground, and you are plausible. How disrespectful you are to Confucianism! Too young! Father is also indulging you, Dehua, tell me what's good about yourself. Yes, why are both the father and the palace holding you back?"

Fang Xing's old face blushed, and he could only boast: "His Royal Highness, the minister is just enthusiastic. No matter what he does, he must be the first. Even if he takes a small advantage, he will not lose the bottom line."

Zhu Gaochi nodded, glanced at the door, and said: "If it weren't for your lack of selfishness, you would have already thrown you away, and you would have been out of sight! Um! Bottom line, you are good at talking! Be a courtier You must have a bottom line in your mind, and you must have a clear understanding of what you should not do, otherwise things will happen sooner or later."

The dim sum came, Zhu Gaochi's throat moved up and down, his eyes flickered and said: "But you have to pay attention to it in the future, no...you didn't say anything to the father, did you?"

When Dim Sum got started, seeing Fang Xing's awkward appearance, Zhu Gaochi sighed, then put Dim Sum down and said, "Let's go ahead, what amazing words did you say."

Fang Xing said embarrassingly, "I didn't say anything, just got right to Lu Zhen once, and said something...that...that Confucianism should be pragmatic."

Seeing Zhu Gaochi's expression on his face, Fang Xing made up: "Your Majesty almost caused the minister to cross out."

Zhu Gaochi stared at him and said, "The officer wants to make people fork you out again, how about?"

No more dim sum, it can be seen that Zhu Gaochi's heart must be filled with anger.

Fang Xing got up and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, the minister is just not angry with those people...Uh! The minister is wrong."

Lao Zhu should be very embarrassed now! If you don't punish you, you'll wake up, you're tacitly acknowledging that Confucianism should make changes.

Zhu Gaochi didn't think so. He always felt that his emperor father's chest was an unruly heart eager for power. For anything that was blocked in front of him, he would either take the initiative to get out or wait to be flattened. !

Fang Xing didn't care about it. When Lao Zhu was there, Daming couldn't mess up.

When Lao Zhu is gone...

I said!

Fang Xing wasn't calm anymore, he didn't know when Lao Zhu went there, he just remembered that he died during the last northern expedition.

Lao Zhu can't die! If he died, the prince in front of Nima would wear a pair of pants with the civil servants.

Zhu Gaochi snorted coldly: "You stay in Peiping honestly, don't entangle those literati, otherwise this palace will tell your father and let you go to the north to guard the border wall!"

Fang Xing made a bitter face at Liang Zhong, and then salivated his face and said: "His Royal Highness, if the minister's family is allowed to follow, the minister can also settle down on the side wall!"


Zhu Gaochi waved his hand unhappily: "There are still many things to deal with in this palace, let's go!"

Fang Xing went out nonchalantly, and Liang Zhong also followed.

"His Royal Highness is worrying about you. The literati outside is turbulent. If it weren't for your Majesty and His Royal Highness, someone would have blocked you on the road."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. When I turn around, I'll be more careful and try not to provoke me."

Do you want to show favor? Then I will continue.

Liang Zhong accompanied Fang Xing to the side hall, and said as he walked: "Wang Zhao has been a little irritable recently. He has been disrespectful to meet his Highness in the palace."

Is this going to be a thug?

Fang Xing looked sideways, only to see the agitation on Liang Zhong's face, which was relieved.

Liang Zhong's future is all in Zhu Gaochi's body. If the master humiliates his officials to death, he will naturally hate Zhu Gaosui.

"The farther back, King Zhao will be more impatient. He is anxious, let's not worry!"

Fang Xing realized that something was wrong, but couldn't tell.

When they arrived at the Piandian, the two watched Wanwan playing hide-and-seek with potatoes.

The two of them ran around the big tree. Wanwan had to take care of the potatoes. She didn't dare to run fast. It was like teasing a puppy. The scene looked funny.

"Uncle Xinghe, if your Highness makes a mistake, the princess can..."


Half an hour later, Fang Xing took the potatoes out of the palace and looked at the palace ladies and eunuchs along the way. Fang Xing always felt that something was wrong.

After leaving the palace, Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao led the horse behind, Fang Xing hugged the potatoes, and pointed to the things on the side of the road to explain to him all the way.

The potatoes were a little tired, and gradually fell asleep with his arms around Fang Xing's neck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sun gradually rose, and Fang Xing stopped worrying about getting the potatoes in the sun. After Xin Laoqi led the horse, he mounted the horse cautiously.

The big white horse was very psychic, and his body trembled slightly, allowing Fang Xing to mount his horse steadily.

"Master, there are people on the left."

Following Xin Laoqi's sight, Fang Xing saw two men in Confucian shirts standing under the eaves of a cloth house on the left, looking at him with that kind of treacherous eyes.

Fang Xing squinted at the two, then at the potatoes in his arms, and finally just glanced over there, then rode away.

When he gets home, he wakes up the potato to prevent him from skipping lunch, and then he wakes up to find her.

"Your Majesty is getting old."

Fang Xing sighed: "I felt it in the palace. Whether it is the prince or those people, everyone seems to think that your majesty is old and time is running out, so the atmosphere is a bit weird, like... Waiting for the old lion king to die."

Xie Jin sighed and said, "Your Majesty is over fifty and almost sixty, um, sixty, ancient and modern emperors can live to this age almost, and very few longevity is also an abnormal number."

Zhu Di fought his life and suffered multiple damages to his body, which would naturally affect his lifespan.

"Your Majesty has not dared to move around the Daming who has been pressing for these years, he has stabilized Daming anyway."

Zhu Yuanzhang fights the country, but Zhu Di is the one who stabilizes the country.

"Your Majesty's southern warfare has made the foreign races around Daming tremble and uneasy. If the successor king is effective, Daming will be able to guarantee a century of peace and prosperity."

This is Zhu Di's success, so he was later respected as an ancestor, and Fang Xing felt well-deserved!

How do these emperors evaluate?

Some say he is cruel, some say he is rude, but Fang Xing feels...

"Da Ming is still indispensable for your Majesty. Without your Majesty, Daming's footsteps will stop! But... can't stop!"

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